Extra Notes on 4-14-2019
It's evident that the tendency to take over the physical world by father of lie and trespasser climbing into sheep's pen(John 8:44 & 10:1) is becoming more and more rationally plus rampantly exuberant with the aid of AI(such as deep fake) and Generative Adversarial Networks, e.g. https://www.boxun.com/news/gb/intl/2019/04/201904040139.shtml -- most recent swindling case to profit from counterfeit iPhone in US; I'm certain that the evil twin impostor Lucifer trying to be the Morning Star as is in the Book of Isaiah 14:12-14 is using whatever means to take over the jurisdiction of Jesus Christ with concerted action originated from the Satanic triad as is described in the Book of Revelation 16:13-16 and also gets lots of help from rebelling angels in the heterogeneous sphere to form a lawless/godless world(2 Thessalonians 2:3 &2:9-10).
Heavenly Father, speed Your Judgement over those who turned the justice into poison and the fruit of righteousness into bitterness because You are the judge over the living and the dead(Acts 10:42, Amos 6:12), in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
4-14-2019: Since last month ( actually statement in Mar. to show Feb. records) , the FX rate for CAD to USD in my credit card has risen 1000 points more(1.324-1.325 goes 1.3604), after my feedback the same situation remains this month(1.333 goes 1.364), i.e. profiting from precious 2000+ points to 3000+ points; what's worse, the development has escalated as to blockade of my donation-related magazine delivery, cf. my e-mails inserts, click to amplify. The pattern looks like the more lie, the less desolation, and in such a way, the prosperity can be sustained.
Also there exists the vice versa situation, in a word, Devil's disciple always writes Satan's verse in the pseudo-Eden created by house of Lucifer- knowingly violation of basic humanity principle based on Natural Law and Natural Rights plus Moses Law. Nevertheless, responding with instruction by Jesus Christ that to forgive them is because they are not aware of what they are doing( demonstrating power gloatingly ),
I still believe as in the days of Noah, so it will be(Matt.24:37)! Let God speed it! Maranatha!


4-14-2019: Since last month ( actually statement in Mar. to show Feb. records) , the FX rate for CAD to USD in my credit card has risen 1000 points more(1.324-1.325 goes 1.3604), after my feedback the same situation remains this month(1.333 goes 1.364), i.e. profiting from precious 2000+ points to 3000+ points; what's worse, the development has escalated as to blockade of my donation-related magazine delivery, cf. my e-mails inserts, click to amplify. The pattern looks like the more lie, the less desolation, and in such a way, the prosperity can be sustained.
Also there exists the vice versa situation, in a word, Devil's disciple always writes Satan's verse in the pseudo-Eden created by house of Lucifer- knowingly violation of basic humanity principle based on Natural Law and Natural Rights plus Moses Law. Nevertheless, responding with instruction by Jesus Christ that to forgive them is because they are not aware of what they are doing( demonstrating power gloatingly ),
I still believe as in the days of Noah, so it will be(Matt.24:37)! Let God speed it! Maranatha!