Latest E-publication(2014) of dissertation by China's scholars( 杨俊&程恩富 《共产国际与中国革命》pp. 167)shows research in memory of Commi Int'l under the charge of Lenin and Stalin(plus CCCP intelligence agency spying on China last century) and the emphasis of Mao's contribution to the victory of Commi rebellion plus a very fresh presentation of screenshot(cf. links below) from CCP(CPC) research unit to show Stalin's influence upon China.
As a matter of fact, there is no difference between the toad master Gong-fu specialist shyster behavior now manifesting hear/there by their Fourth Power and Fifth Power and what Stalin's CCCP Red Army engaged economical plundering in Northeast China at the end of WWII and more evidence shows it's never the Soviet force that defeated Japan but the nuclear fall-out and the wipe-out of naval fleet by US force caused surrender of Japan(cf. links below) :
纵观斯大林时代,苏联内政外交战略基本继承和发展了列宁晚年的战 略思想,即以 “世界革命”为根本目标,以 “外交”促 “革命”。一方面,在国内大 力进行社会主义建设,国家经济发展以重工业和军事工业为重点,以期赢得对资本 主义的全面优势。另一方面,在外交战略上利用各种手段。⑦
这其中也包括运用情报系统、特务机关的活动等手段。相关情况可参见维克托·乌索夫: 《 20世纪20年代苏联情报机关在中国》,赖铭传译,北京:解放军出版社,2007年; 《20 世纪30年代苏联情报机关在中国》,赖铭传译,北京:解放军出版社,2013年。____________________
Here I just paste one of many casual poems( The commi hand plays sophisticated game with you) and some titles by a 林泉 who is composing 《地火诗集, Poem Anthology Ignited by Hell's Fire》.( "Those who grabbed most bloody dirty ugly money out of lie and tyranny proactively try to act as world police" and "Stalinist agent( yellow-skin far-east KGB bureau residual exposed by 吕加平,a former Chinese Red Army soldier) is controlling/manipulating economical/political life in China" )_________________________________
Here a link for Hong Kong 852Post on 3/29/2019@ 20:45 blog as cogent proof that election influenced by commi-regime/foreign sphere has already been verified by an article from Lucia Corbella, a Postmedia colonist @ Calgary Herald who are expert at election affairs: https://calgaryherald.com/news/national/new-report-alleges-outside-influence-in-canadas-2015-federal-election, and also a piece of People's Daily OP-ED directed under foreign Minister plus Prime Minister on March 26, 1958 as cogent proof(cf. inserted image, click to magnify).