Thanks for Their Origin of Dynamics and Incentives for me to Say Lose-Lose-Win, Long Live Zhou, En-lai

It's already known from Chinese people vivid saying that The medical/education is a bureau/scheme, whose pedigree in downtown Vancouver exerts very powerful energy to force me speak out(also cf. my internal backlog). The unresponsiveness from HSBC(4/18/2019) , e.g. in the following:
Hello Mr. Bhatia again,
What I requested is to forward my e-mail to EVP through you- I wonder if you did it, and needs resolution regarding my complaints against service quality done by some receptionists and the lack of knowledge of Mr. Tory Lee who even recommended but misguided me to visit 980 Howe St. downtown Vancouver where simply no any Manulife financial service exists - only the bldg. under their property mgmt. plus more things(cf. enclosed 2019-4-16 E-mail) which give me bad impression. What do you mean"as quickly as possible" for me to get their response- how long exactly? Please be notified that some time-sensitive purchase is very urgent with HSBC.
Cong Tong
Tel: 604-583-7223Recently, new slogan appears in China's Xinjiang as" Proletarian Homogenization is Paradise" , the commi there still tries to use Mao's deception strategy to rule- empty high-end white collar abiding by strict ethics like my grandpa's fortune- forming a pseudo-Eden with grabbed most bloody, dirty ugly money out of lie & tyranny whose influence extends worldwide- i.e. solidified the foundation of 7 heads and 10 horns worldwide in terms of Bible.
A 程乐乐 Twitter on China-Taiwan forced union-- the denouement: cf. the inserted image.
According to Hong Kong 852 Post, by targeting federal election and resorting to pro-commi-regime's candidate, at the cost of the underdog/the weak population- sacrificing their survival energy- in order for the Huawei case defender to enjoy the China's colony- China's China(citing Wendover/Brilliant Vlog)- their paradise. Please read: .
I appreciate their mentality for disliking populism in regard to their once fierce campaign against former Taiwanese President Chen, Shui-bian, but somehow the Confucius Institute worldwide through their most powerful money-mediated inculcation has become a populism movement.
I also appreciate Prime Minister adjunct with Foreign Minister Zhou, En-lai's UN declaration and People's Daily editorial that Senkaku Island is un-Chinese and forever belonging to Okinawa County