共党与你周旋 巧语骗盟友,后腰顶杆枪。 求得还命草,报以毁容汤。 时势易轮转,贼心难化僵。 慈悲有界限,勿做救蛇帮。 (2019/04/01发表) 盗贼欲篡世警位以为好玩多外快 斯大林汉奸在统治今日中国 ________________________________________________ Latest E-publication(2014) of dissertation by China's scholars( 杨俊&程恩富 《共产国际与中国革命》pp. 167)shows research in memory of Commi Int'l under the charge of Lenin and Stalin(plus CCCP intelligence agency spying on China last century) and the emphasis of Mao's contribution to the victory of Commi rebellion plus a very fresh presentation of screenshot(cf. links below) from CCP(CPC) research unit to show Stalin's influence upon China. As a matter of fact, there is no difference between the toad master Gong-fu specialist shyster behavior now manifesting hear/there by their Fourth Power and Fifth Power and what Stalin's CCCP Red Army engaged economical plundering in Northeast China at the end of WWII and...