On the ground of Mr.Mao,Yu-shi(see my blog the "plight of Economist")'s criticism on Mao, Ze-dong who is more ferocious, atrocious and diabolic than any other monarch in the history of China, I found his influence sphere remains in Hangzhou because he'd visited there 40+ times, where it was a heavy disaster area of proletarian cultural revolution especially in Hangzhou's health care system. My recall of a past incident should be presented here: a distinguished medical professor and an excellent physician who was a M.D. graduate from US university in the 1940's(Mr.Yu, Zhi-fei) was forced to practice exodus during 1980's when he was under the siege of insidious and sordid guys who rode with the tide of anti-bourgeois liberalization and launched saturated attack(back-stabbing, eavesdropping, tighten shoes and many other harassment) against him and to accept a position as dean of a medical college in Guangzhou. Chinese idiom says:"If a tiger is placed in a plain area, it will be squeezed by dogs",
"A monkey can claim to be king only if there is no tiger in the mountain".
My father as his colleague developed Stockholm Syndrome--thanking for not purging him.
In recent years one of my previous classmates who had become a NIH researcher encountered rejection by Hangzhou's medical college simply because of his right wing ideology, as a matter of fact he was over-qualified. It can be concluded that elite intelligentsia are not welcome in Hangzhou's health care system. Besides political dissidents now are treated with the technique imported from the defunct KMT's Taiwan's Policing Headquarter under the martial law. In this way red terror and white terror coexist neck and neck.
Last summer I climbed Hangzhou's highest peak(North Peak) via cable car and I was astonished to find that a statue of Mao, Ze-dong and a marble monument were still enacted at the summit. From the standpoint of Feng-Shui, Mao's Sha-qi(evil spirit current) will prevent business from going smooth considering he occupies the highest vantage point of Hangzhou. Foreign investors especially from Singapore, HongKong, Taiwan etc. focus on this issue which should impose curse upon Hangzhou's prosperity and fortune.
Let's witness if the energy level of Fa Lun-gong can trump that of Mao's ghost.
"A monkey can claim to be king only if there is no tiger in the mountain".
My father as his colleague developed Stockholm Syndrome--thanking for not purging him.
In recent years one of my previous classmates who had become a NIH researcher encountered rejection by Hangzhou's medical college simply because of his right wing ideology, as a matter of fact he was over-qualified. It can be concluded that elite intelligentsia are not welcome in Hangzhou's health care system. Besides political dissidents now are treated with the technique imported from the defunct KMT's Taiwan's Policing Headquarter under the martial law. In this way red terror and white terror coexist neck and neck.
Last summer I climbed Hangzhou's highest peak(North Peak) via cable car and I was astonished to find that a statue of Mao, Ze-dong and a marble monument were still enacted at the summit. From the standpoint of Feng-Shui, Mao's Sha-qi(evil spirit current) will prevent business from going smooth considering he occupies the highest vantage point of Hangzhou. Foreign investors especially from Singapore, HongKong, Taiwan etc. focus on this issue which should impose curse upon Hangzhou's prosperity and fortune.
Let's witness if the energy level of Fa Lun-gong can trump that of Mao's ghost.