Based on their set-me-up, defamation, malfeasance, identity theft, graft, destroyer of my raised fund, rape and murder, some pseudo-pastors and some self-proclaimed so called Fa Lun-gong practitioners must have obtained Ph.D in phishing and pharming. Behaving like Ci-xi's old central empire described by Dr.Sun, Yat-sen, which is omnipresent, they can be awarded a title--human rights thug.
This aboriginal sinologist tries to cite some vivid saying by Chinese monarch to describe them: "The entire universe belongs to emperor's territory, every corner of the world is full of his vassals".
To my knowledge what Fa Lun-gong emphasises is "Truthfulness"(honesty and integrity), "Kindness"(bona fide), "Forbearance"(don't be too eager for graft). The Bible also demands honesty and integrity. Besides the Bible Code tells us "It's all about justice"(by Joseph Noah).
Things are self-plotted and self-made by themselves.
By the way, there is a novel called ((Yellow Disaster)) by Wang, Li-xiong, of which is replete with greed, stupidity and sordidness.
This aboriginal sinologist tries to cite some vivid saying by Chinese monarch to describe them: "The entire universe belongs to emperor's territory, every corner of the world is full of his vassals".
To my knowledge what Fa Lun-gong emphasises is "Truthfulness"(honesty and integrity), "Kindness"(bona fide), "Forbearance"(don't be too eager for graft). The Bible also demands honesty and integrity. Besides the Bible Code tells us "It's all about justice"(by Joseph Noah).
Things are self-plotted and self-made by themselves.
By the way, there is a novel called ((Yellow Disaster)) by Wang, Li-xiong, of which is replete with greed, stupidity and sordidness.