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The theme of the new movie"Plunder--The Crime of Our Time" by Danny Schechter focuses on the criminal activity based on the ground that collapse of housing market led to economical catastrophe. Here in Greater Vancouver area, the situation is the opposite is the truth--the housing market is never so robust and booming.(see my last blog). Then I don't understand why my bank accounts and raised fund are annihilated. Can anybody reveal any relationship? What kind of economical predator is it that caused my fund-raising to be fallen prey of?

Eccentric as it may be, I observed and figured out some correlation: the more political-economical-religious manipulation, the more anthropological intrigue and the more divine intervention.
Cooperation with me can be a win-win denouement in this supernatural British Columbia.

By the way, a New York state professor(Philip Haseley) advocates UFO study should be present in university curriculum.