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Criticism and Sarcasm

A senior Chinese leader once remarked on the prognosis of the Proletarian Cultural Revolution:the follow-up influence would be 50 years. I now fully understand and encounter the trans-time-space effects.

As a matter of fact I'm dying from the "culture" described in my blog"Time for Introspection Due". Mr.Lu Xun pointed out in his Rhapsody Diary: The society is engulfing people.
There is kindred spirit in Bo Yang's writing. Some reality-criticism writer in the 19th century such as the French Balzac and Hugo and the Russian Pushkin also did so.
I wonder how these writers would think about the fact that the donated life-saving money was embezzled and encroached or stolen for their economical interests.

If the car accident were not fictitious, it would be an ordinary event. But under the "culture" described before, things behaved like yeast--it's fomented, even led to tragedy. What a pity!
Isn't it time for Jesus and Buddha to weep?

Another case is here: my locker was occupied by someone whose locker was taken by someone else, the strata manager told me so. What Confucius said applies to them: what is not desired is not supposed to impose upon someone else.