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Another Intrigue Story and Fogland

The Province reported another anthropological intrigue story on Dec.19, 2009--a Vancouver man was convicted of killing his stepdaughter, in my opinion, being devoid of essential and imperative philosophical thinking is the cause. But what is more regretting, when conspiracy of using someone-else's hand to murder and trying to set me up revealed, someone also tries to cover up entire sky using his hand, that's why I'm in a fogland. My new year's wish at this Christmas eve is I can live in somewhere where natural law and international law are respected in priority.

Portagadgets Canada's initial invoice price tag from a test address in Montreal is not consistent with my VanCity's account and company name was not the same as it appeared in my invoice, it seems BBB Vancouver's automatic e-mail response about Swoopo Canada and VanCity's automatic e-mail verification also got deleted, the fog leading to astray descended and shrouded upon us again two days ago.