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2025-3-3(P.S.2) Backlog to be Savored- Sequel

2024-1-5 Posting Seems restored. The full content of what was intended as below:

2024-1-3: Feedback Msg. to Google :  Currently I can't post out completely what I typed inside Blogger msg. board- only incomplete things can display out- i.e. causing my words/sentences to be bitten off.  What happened?  

有人听到我说的法学院绝非市面上普通法学院,那是有关天地人神密切相bj交的法度,真理,真道。 受益于台湾宋七力教授发明的所谓“分身”假说之冒牌者需要被提醒- 没有掂量台湾周董事长承仁先生的人间法度- 连女婿也不认识(前述拿女婿做球给你看)-非佛教主义者,吃了这个便宜饭,后果更严重。

如果是拥有真光真道的真先知真教授,比方说以赛亚在以赛亚书38章中有真神的能力(时空法度),就不会为耶稣做反见证;无情无义的现实告诉大家,伪类已经导致了他人走不好路,也制造了耶稣所说的offense-Woe to the world because of the causes of sin. For the stumbling blocks must come, but woe to the man by whom the offense comes! (Matt.18:7);deliberately letting truth be failed(e.g.指鹿为马),要接受divine remedies/corrections (Isaiah 59:13-15 & 18),Holy Bible rule of truth can't be forfeited.

Yesterday texting to Harbinger's Daily msg. board: I'm a donor of Harbinger's daily and a recipient of email Sunday Edition,but last Sunday it was missing or encountered malicious hacker- those insidious kleptocrats out of ulterior motivation are afraid of my reading top story "Divine judgment-One of The Bible's Most ‘Offensive’Teachings?", really fall into "Being a thief, feeling untenable".

What happened to me is totally offenses(regarding deer as horse, installing stumbling blocks etc.,which Jesus predicted), divine justice/judgment is not only appropriate but also much-needed.  没有法度,人世间没有人世间,你懂的, God must speed Isa.51:6. 有关耶稣基督在大白宝座scenario之一,2023-NOV-9-10 log-blog 提到时空压缩成麻花,数理逻辑上temporal-spacial dimension 变成一坨Non-Euclidean topology even iso-topoiogy. 


2024-1-8 Revised this morning Rev. Lewis Johnson did hermeneutics on propitiation(from SLJ institute)-God's plan for the ages-the finished work of Christ, I try to summarize in my understanding: which is the perfect solution through Jesus, Son of God/Son of Man's sacrifice on the cross to provide atonement as a paragon and free gift to transform the humanity sins into a state of being forgiven and to re-create humanity, which satisfies the Holy Father. As for his mentioning "when God looks down from heaven upon men, he does not see human distinctions such as we see", I think God is immanent and omniscient ,cf. Luke 12:7 God knows how many hairs you have on your head. 新约教徒万世一系于order of Melchizedek:Genesis 14:18-20 and Hebrews Ch.7,且是旧约的延续(Melchizedek 是祭司及君王), 耶稣集先知,祭司,君王于一身。摩西法规君王与祭司不能相容-防止绝对权力绝对腐败(历代志下26章,撒母儿记上10:8&13:8-11,Pastor Dean Dwyer在HB Daily强调),看来,只有地球上无父无母的Melchizedek作为son of God,非从属人类私欲,才有资格. 吴祚来 @wuzuolai 民主政治,争权是为了分利。 主要是个人利益,国家利益分配问题,但左派喜欢赋予国家宏大的使命,譬如拯救世界,要影响气候变化。 左边的政治实用原则是用福利拉票 又用空大的政治使知识人大学生们追捧 与中共一样,高的比你高,低的破底线。 境界很高 手段卑劣 玩宣传玩权术炉火纯青。 某种意义上是 理想主义进步主义革命主义 与 实利主义保守主义价值主义 博弈交锋 11:58 AM · Jan 7, 2024 改变思想的还有利益。 共产党人打天下时的思想与坐天下时的思想是不同的,为什么,因为权力带来利益,他们很快从革命变成反革命。 这就是,共产党苏联与中共,等,从国际主义很快就退回到国族主义,最后变成党派,变成黑社会一样的小团伙。 是权与利益改变了他们思想。… Lucia🍊🍊fight for Trump顶流川粉 @ChooLucia 美国著名物理学家李.斯莫林说:“当思想改变你的思想,那就是哲学,当上帝改变你的思想,那就是信仰,当事实改变你的思想,那就是科学,当一个人既没有思想又不信宗教还罔顾事实的时候,远离他!不要浪费你的宝贵时间!8:59 PM · Jan 6, 2024

前阵子海外非中共中文网路上在播一个很古早的台湾新闻- 高级物理学家叶企孙在1950年代蒋中正治下的台湾被沦落至街头,不知是从台湾淘宝还是周恩来的新闻官早就定向攫取在对内外文宣中-有关万恶的资本主义阴暗面,关键点是其生存权决不是失去于指鹿为马与无法度,而是财产事务没有被妥善打理,有人别有用心推出,那是illuminati godfather 马戏团左手右手为了cope with the debunking of their conspiracy- 当今民贼盗国贼自编自导自演自我伟光正地通过指鹿为马奸诈贪婪豪夺民脂民膏,演戏给你看,装猪装逼来吃人。 最近几天居然有新版的叶企孙(江苏江阴人员)在纽约被报道沦落街头,今天看到follow-up报道,原来此人是自作孽的赌棍输光身家,绝非美国社会与政府亏待他.

2024-1-15 Posted, 2024-1-14 updated 路德先生与郭文贵先生所提的“九层妖塔”应该就是那九层蛤蟆叠罗汉成一坨怪兽于台海风水要津之地,形成巨大能量场,在“这黑水沟,你懂的”地方不时卷起阵阵阴风阴火,可翻江倒海,企图一手遮天,予取予求。 在台湾的中国人教授李敖与宋七力已经教会了对岸Chinese Communist Party toad-master authority how to be “Shysteracy as Humanity/Manliness”(李宗吾语)& "Ugly Chinaman and Crisis"(柏杨Google book-English)- 通过“横着走路(李敖语)”的“分身(宋七力发明)”来“吃人够够(陈致中语)”。 鄙人在log-blog中一再强调我的身份证- 成为一仆一主的大英帝国女王陛下子民, 此汉非彼汉,汉学家的汉,不要让汉学家“汉贼不两立”。 最近网路上又出现对文革负面记忆的回忆,引发我对文革重灾区(Mao's stronghold)有关人与事的进一步述评,被拥有1948年第一届南京国府中央研究院强大阵容的前几名大学DQ的人(前述陈敏章,杭州赶走郁知非教授的两黄),1949年后,是毛方针野蛮登堂入室的既得利益者,毛政策的使徒行传,行毛国柞之礼数-公牛闯进瓷器店 = 我的见证-亲眼目睹毛分子打砸光我祖母珍藏的景德镇有皇家纹路的瓷器。 In the case of OBSI, accompanying the end-time phenomenon,mainly godless/lawless(圣经贴撒罗尼亚后书 2 Thess. Ch.2); what Jesus regarded (Pharisee) is reinforced; 台湾李敖影响力无国界,不仅只教会毛国祚的贪官国贼民贼“横着走路”(李敖变成毛国祚一部分,难怪对号入座Ezekiel Ch.24 scum)。such situation means the kingdom, power and glory belongs to CCP-Chairman Mao's scoundrel movement which was greatly promoted in China- no different from the organized crime. Please convey my msg to them.: Long live your great leader Chairman Mao not enough or Your great leader Chairman Mao long live not enough.


有些事务不能搭错界。我不知当年那位有些基督教信仰的Wong大夫是否知悉圣经中对于vision/dream是提示式,与预言的生成有关,请参阅Joel 2:28/Acts 2:17, 于是在我的大命小命问题上就不会出现令人遗憾的被中共轻易利用的摧毁人生的孽缘(精神分析上医患搭错界),

另一个例子是吴弘达先生的第一任太太陈XX女士(曾为中华民国在UN口译员,像以前的华航小姐背着国旗)与一度所雇佣的助手搭错界- 毛泽东亲家的养子/继子 Li, Qian-wei居然可以在美国莫逢杰先生处政治庇护(说是萌生反毛意念,是林立果的分身?),但是在我面前又表现出毛周的mentality- 对于大洛杉矶侨界有人张显中华民国国旗极度反感(连对中华民国国旗国歌国徽没有好感的绿色侨界人员也在举-外交礼仪使然,e.g. 李故总统登辉先生过境L.A.逗留Ritz-Carlton期间),好像是CCP外交官在国际官方场合看到一样. 还有可以令人探究的是,他一个劲儿在我面前说莫逢杰先生与伍凡先生是死对头- 我与伍凡先生从未谋面过。 中国的“乡讪”是有名的,去问鲁迅先生。

2024-1-19 有关这条大命小命,继续Been thinking about随笔。1990‘s 前半叶,我祖父母拥有的中华民国光洋时期债券已寄到台北,时任Lee Teng-hui Administration财政部长的是新党王建瑄先生;令人遗憾的是连“庚子赔款换学费”都没有,无法继续我的MBA生涯规划(cf.foregoing & 同时期朱云来),让这条大命小命无辜地被marooned;对于南京中央国府遗留(沦陷)大陆人员享受美蒋特务叶常棣待遇熟视无睹,还侈谈什么新党信念- 中华民国简称中国(宪法一章一节),主权涵盖整个秋海棠地图。 Illuminati-KGB-godfather-circus gamer always gaming- e.g. 毛国柞马戏团左手右手经常玩游戏给你看,反右急先锋邓小平当年杀气腾腾,等到文革后,扮猪吃老虎(华国锋下台),霸王硬上弓(胡耀邦赵紫阳事件),子系中山狼,得志便猖狂,得了便宜再卖乖,见不到他人好,两面三刀典型,让“烈火见真金”彰显在三个没有被平反的右派-authentic/genuine右派(其余都redress,remedies,reparations)。毛国柞的商君书愚民/驭民术叹为观止,让达摩克里斯之剑永远悬在有思想的知识分子头上,迫害-利用-再迫害。 1989-64镇压后像李敖进入大陆的要靠镇压64的最大既得利益者江世俊之子的肩膀发洋财(cf.foregoing),赚得杯钵满盆,我必须向他们学习致敬,多拍马屁才有生存可能,所以要坚决拥护双手赞成江世俊父子在南京唱“支那之夜”,网上在重温海参威前世今生,1995年到期,江总裁让给了普京,有人大加鞭挞,在我看来,哪里哪里,那是沙俄帝国罗曼诺夫王朝固有领土,应该礼让整个东三省。

接19日Log-blog, 无独有偶,像那位江总裁一样是苏俄帝国的爱国者,中共开国政治局常委元老高岗先生曾提議將東三省併入蘇聯 :, 显然是伟大的CCP光辉历程一部分; 鄙人只是发言致敬他们的嗜好。
2024-1-23 一则网闻引人注目: 手举五星旗 小粉红对英国钢琴家耍混 竟以为是在中国 Let's do further analysis in neutral stand: Scenario one, 不排除是有些小粉红们意犹未尽前二年的白纸运动,继续在海外街头行为艺术- political pastiche/parody/burlesque/behavior arts to satirize Beijing regime in the name of PRC law. Scenario two,与左翼小资产阶级费边社马戏团(装蒜+编码)如出一辙,施展truculence伎俩,testing the bottom-line of western civilization. Scenario three, 大清帝国官轿出行,衙役打头阵高举“肃静回避”牌,让一切小民百姓退避三舍,在CBD弹钢琴的就像街头拉二胡卖艺的,岂容损害官威;on the other hand.只是露出尾巴-欲盖弥彰CCP大清帝国达官贵人显要进入商城的不方便(要被非我类照镜子)。果如此,则可以探究这个现代大清帝国的CCP力量是如何被壮大的:The last glimpse of the sunset in the horizon was captured in 1989 before the TAM-SQ massacre that the BBC London was broadcasting documentary “From Plato to NATO” to demonstrate the value of western civilization(the Greco-Roman culture, the rule of law based upon Christianity), unfortunately,since H.W. paid tribute to Deng Xiao-ping TAM-SQ massacre(Brent Scowcroft and Lawrence Eagleburger as his envoy),the entire value of the west has been increasingly prone to be overwritten by such "Dragon at the Door" phenomenon(cf. Ottawa MLI project trying to fend off it),the landscape of civilization and political spectrum tend to be homogenized by Beijing's influence/arrangement.The red dragon has thrusted the West into abysmal dimension. Please refer to Mr. Matthew Pottinger's testimony: American know-how and capital are seeds and fertilizer from which China’s formidable military might has sprouted.-Pottinger ,and you can understand why.
2024-1-26 【百年真相】鐵證:中共最早倡導「台獨」 , which means CCP is the origin of the dynamics and incentives in regards to pro-independence movement in Taiwan, 这当然是一贯伟大光荣正确的中国共产党这个百年老店的光辉历程之一,全宇宙理当坚决拥护双手赞成一贯标榜掌握宇宙真理的CCP这个光辉点数。
2024-1-27 Posted
洛杉矶小台北不简单,前述1993年从小台北寄航空信到大台北发生麻烦. 前几年连英国《卫报》都报道了某位在民运圈有头有脸的人物被FBI逮个正着-dubbed No.1 co-conspirator(其轨迹上海-香港-夏威夷-基隆-洛杉矶,周日也常去教会), 为了几万元钱,出卖自我,出卖他人(要改朝换代毛国柞的仁人志士), 敬请参阅传教士写的 《The Enemy Within: An Eyewitness Account Of The Communist Conquest Of China》
Raymond J. de Jaegher & Irene Corbally Kuhn
还有一件事不得不提, 大约近一个decade前,上海新民晚报前后不到半年揭弊了两家公司“中晋公司” 与“钧遥公司”,他们事后怎么不还钱? 前述(1/15/2023)的九层妖塔=九阴妖塔=九只蛤蟆红魔发出邪魔功力九阴白骨爪,黑吃黑,这个厚黑程度不知超过李宗吾与柏杨描述多少倍,只是不要搭错界圆山俱乐部南京中央国府相关交互点,你懂得。
多年前陶XX本来要还债的20万美元据说也在民运圈生发了混世魔王- 要知道一个人的大命损失痛苦指数及物价上涨指数加权起来,债务累计是几何级数/指数函数计量的;至于在台北被刑事起诉开庭的“团练”20万美元碰巧是镜像? Better off not to be seen through by foreign sinologist that the possibility that yellow peril. dragon peril and Xenu peril are easily generated is taken for granted.
2024-1-28 P.S. 在教会中对上述FBI描述对象是知人知面不知心,毛国祚白莲教三合会CCP如影随形似鬼(偏偏尼克松基辛格就是着迷中共盗国官员有天文数字财产),搞sabotage得心应手,wherever you go. 无独有偶,the DVD "Enemies Within the Church""composed by Cary Gordon 可以帮助解答问题- 完全配套延申上述已故传教士写的《The Enemy Within:An Eyewitness Account Of The Communist Conquest Of China 》, the kingdom , power and glory of western civilization could be handed over to quasi-白莲教white lotus evil cult if current trend deepened; the only way to cope with evil tidings is God speed divine intervention.
2024-2-1 Web portal E-msg. sent to MLI Mr. Charles Burton on Dec. 18, 2023 @1:05pm Pacific time:

The black treacherous water spread across The Pacific and caused things in Canada under black-box operation. Firstly, please look over OBSI's processing complaint toward BMo Investorline, 2023-11-23, OBSI survey feedback: MAIN BODY: I can't believe I received such email(final response on 9/29/2023). This Ms. Lesley K in August told me that BMO can do such things(cf. emails quoted below) without giving any reason out of consideration of firm risk in her email , in which she is on behalf of BMO IL Lindsay Luc & Tony Chan who refused to give any explanation to cover up the black-box operation(even no download of confirmation eDoc plus monthly stmt. in the non-registered account) plus esp. BMO IL- issued TAX slip manifests as tergiversation, and there has been also procrastination of response plus disregarding facts in my emails on July 16, July 19, Aug.3, Aug.8 and Aug.31, is it the privilege of BMO IL manager to evade the truth/fact and to avoid the risk of tergiversation toward fait accompli ? WHAT's MORE, The black box operation prevents me from processing the EVF140 mutual fund because of being in a locked-down status, i.e. being hijacked in a state of no access to my account and even being not allowed to transfer the fund out, so that causing my money to be in a black hole suffering from damage for which the BMO IL managers Lindsay Luc and Tony Chan should be accountable. One more corroboration regarding the black-box operation: recently there appears a mystic USD account at my BMO portfolio- 2067 4791-416, for which I visited BMO branch on 11/16/2023- turned out to be no idea from there. At the end, regret: About the OBSI’s Consumer Portal, suppose it's a platform for customer to view or share information about complaint status ad hoc , which has not been introduced to me, or I could have the chance to improve the quality/efficiency during the process.
As for GIC issue, Something which is called evading the issue has happened, there is no further response from the manager Mr. Tim Ell(Broadway&Commercial, Vancouver) and no coherency between my first meeting with him who promised to communicate with Ms. Salima Baboo and later abrupt change of mentality. The secret mafia-KGB-communist hand has taken over the network that my email communication with a BMO resolution team officer Colleen Lapeer got blocked(just follow-up email, bounced back), CCP-Russia hackers drive a wedge toward my email communication with BMO officers? Otherwise, Situation becomes no white collar but disguising themselves as white collar, our civilization is already in peril. I need help.
Here is the content of my emails to Tim Ell(12/12-12/13/2023): According to the OBSI resolution, do you mean Ms. Salima Baboo won't approve what OBSI recommended on the GIC issue? Why do you said the opposite toward my "abide by OBSI recommendation"? But my suspicion is that Ms. Salima Baboo totally didn't scrutinize the OBSI letter and cause the communication with you a problem, or can I suppose you've read the communication between OBSI and me including later survey on Nov.20, 2023 so that you know my rebuttal? Can you point out where is your findings regarding the GIC issue and what is it? Also, I can remind you that I have my findings regarding the GIC in a series of emails communicated with you in May this year in which I expressed my benevolent will.
Sequel to my yesterday evening text: Will you please ask Ms. Salima Baboo if she can be conformed to OBSI's opinion which maintains the BMO Resolution Team's solution for GIC issue on June 14, 2023? I'm wondering which one has the superior authority and who obeys whom. Can the GIC case be returned to the lowest level to be re-examined /reviewed in honor of OBSI's opinion on GIC issue? From the previous email, I'm also wondering if Ms. Salima Baboo can overwrite OBSI's opinion as long as she demurred, it's beyond my scope to argue with her(also redundant job) but it should be necessary for us to reach the MOU(memorandum of understanding) in reference to ordinance.
A famous Chinese dissident Ms. 王超华who lives in LA and whose article toward the treacherous black water across Taiwan Strait can be regarded as an extension of conclusion of Dr. Samuel Huntington toward the same issue in his last scenario that Taiwan fleet will join Communist China fleet to fight against USA, 这黑水沟,你懂得(which was told by a church member of Taiwan Presbyterian Church, the pastor once commented on what Ms. Wang described object(谢XX-- how this smart guy can believe 宋七力's hypothesis to facilitate swindling/impostor, but this smart guy , first things first, went to Beijing in 1989 after TianAnMen square massacre to stand with PLA tank, to such phenomenon the late Taiwan president regarded it as "捧对方LP"=in desire of “红龙的钱囊”-参阅南卡大学谢田教授专文 ), unfortunately Ms. Wang's ramification in the Hong Kong magazine《开放》/《争鸣》has been extinguished by the CCP-Hong Kong authority.
Here is what is in alignment of the incident above: : China's 'black box' causing HUGE economic problems - 'the lack of transparency is a serious threat' Huge black hole in China's economic plan threatens global financial crash China’s recent economic woes suggest there is something seriously amiss
George Magnus China’s recent economic woes suggest there is something seriously amiss
China’s data ‘black box’ puzzles economists

2024-2-1: Justice and righteousness are under coercion/containment, e.g. 通过“指鹿为马”,我的“分身”在“横着走路”(cf. foregoing)

2024-2-4 尼克松的预言《1999 不战而胜》,indeed,after 1999 是“指鹿为马” 的胜利,我的 “分身”的胜利,“横着走路”的胜利,我真是三生有幸;这个世界假先知才吃香。 前述CCP被小部分常驻台湾的中国教授教得更厚黑。

苍蝇本来不叮无缝蛋,你懂得。口是心非,两面三刀的总以为在黑水中桨过无痕。这世道在圣经中- Isaiah56:11 发展到Jeremiah 6:13-15 & 9:1-5, 凡走过可以不留下痕迹?

Let's slide the lens of time back to 80+ years ago when the Belgian prelate(the book author above) began his observation in China,赛珍珠/赛金花(foregoing)existed in the same time frame regarding the context of that book, their avant-garde activities not only in private life, but also in political advocation to promote Mao Ze-dong and demote Chiang Kai-shek. After the analysis of the abysmal dimension of the west(foregoing, London pianist incident) , the cause of the decline of the west can be said due to the promotion of Mao to take over the Republic Of China and in turn the establishment of super-hyper-god status of Mao- Daniel 11:36 came true(cf. foregoing).

2024-2-7 自古以来,要成事者不能短缺一分/一份钱,否则就是泡汤事务。我是三代血汗钱的大债主,包括H.H. Kung签发的中国财政部债券,要装成要饭的,那是over-euphemism, 去上海问,那是什么个中滋味; 按照国际公法,清朝盛宣怀签发的政府债券,由H.H.Kung出面承担偿债,依此类推;只要后任财政部长(e.g. 王部长建煊先生)坚决表态反对ROC宪法- 反对中华民国简称中国,反对主权疆域涵盖整个秋海棠地图,那就没有什么偿债的责任。 前述庚子赔款换学费的变通没有达成共识,有人明知故犯地在我fund-raising中与民贼国贼联手,连个其中的5万美元都要抢,做成人权拆白犯。 掠夺了可以救我人生的前后一些小钱的无耻之尤就是属于最大的人权恶棍类,这鲜廉寡耻的发展变成了人们的耳语- 要不是这丧尽天良的人权恶棍给桑副委员长国卫先生挖坑,怎么会过早过世- 加上主动不处理人权拆白犯/民贼国贼=积累天上人间的点数,殊为遗憾。这个黑水沟中有些人就是要摧毁我的人生(比方说 2 decades+ 前,他们没有一天不在prying what I surfed, 明知已有U.London, business sch. 提供online MBA,差不多时辰的20万美元(cf. 1/27/2024 blog)就是被人权拆白犯做“分身”,本来我可以完成在洛杉矶辍学的MBA 未竞事业 ),这些金光党拆白党来的目的,就是让死亡得胜利,有人还有一些特别身份,却喜欢stumbling他人,摧毁他人人生,搞砸为耶稣作正面的见证=blasphemy toward Jesus Christ.


前述台海黑水沟中“九层哈妖塔/九阴妖塔”发出“九阴白骨爪”功夫=白莲教把九阴真经练成走火入魔状态,let me explain it in English, after the add-up of nine layers toad master Gong-fu in the treacherous black water across Taiwan Strait , the achievement of toad master Gong-fu practice has reached a state called "transcendence into a form of singularity-style ability " in which their Gong-fu power/energy is under the coordination of evil angelic demons- definitely coupled with plus energized by the evil tidings which are totally derived from the 1/3 demonic angelic beings with the red dragon hurled down by St. Michael - causing "woe to the earth"(Rev.12:9-12)=the White Lotus Evil Cult energy sphere.


当今普京在俄乌问题上的说辞是这一切都是共产党造的孽(特别是那位伟大的列宁同志的罪恶); 且看CCP的作为: 中共掩蓋歷史 海參崴上萬華人遇害 这个共产党就想美化苏俄占领(原因就是吕加平先生指控的江氏政权为苏俄远东KGB成分),无疑被古早的国民党革命实践院王昇等描述“黄俄汉奸政权,外国反华势力”,inviting Russia occupation,刚好让世界各国外交官坚决拥护双手赞成CCP光辉历程中永远的光彩点数(cf. 1/19 & 1/22/2024 Log-Blog).


在《中国时报》及《世界日报》《联合报》等发表过无数有深度高度反共论文的前《中国时报》总编辑余英时教授在他的人生要收官时发出哀鸿的声音-在伪国民党将《中国时报》卖给了红色势力后,等于将他的一生一世基业毁盘,哀叹那些人的前世今生/今生前世何不在1949年的南京签字投降共产党;如今台海两岸被星云教育大的占多数-拥有佛学儒学头脑,不妨请考虑n个叶常棣先生白白地去中国大陆送死-牺牲大命/小命- 岂不是给他们的如来佛造孽?

2024-2-23  Updated 2024-2-24
Isaiah 56:11 development into Jeremiah 6:13-15 & 9:1-5 plus Isaiah 5:20 and Amos 6:12, i.e.  "Woe to the earth" situation is arisen from the 1/3 demonic angelic beings coupled with the red dragon having been hurled down by St. Michael, as time goes by, more and more perigee-approaching, the enshrouding of such evil cosmic power upon evil throne/kingdom is generating worse and worse evil tidings.
Around Daniel 11:36 development, which was dated back 88 years ago(cf. foregoing), later the Nixon-Kissinger adopted policy called "importing CCP Maoist regime the more the better" because of their inability to compete with the peer domestically - so that 《1999 Victory without War》- ironically too extremely in today's warring - as a matter of fact , letting CCP Maoist become the Assyrian/Babylonian to deal with US(cf. numerous testimonies before US Congress Select Committee on CCP) - CCP as God's vehicle? 
Please review the comments around the world upon Kissinger(mostly people of China): 
Henry Kissinger remembered as influential statesman, 'war criminal'- Henry Kissinger, who helped negotiate an end to the Vietnam War, was also criticized for U.S. policies that supported brutal regimes.  Kissinger: A war criminal with a Nobel Peace Prize
惊人黑幕!中共的老朋友基辛格在中国6次器官移植? 佐证中共活摘法轮功学员器官
季辛吉出賣台灣 對中共讓步過多!被洗腦的大粉紅號稱反共其實恐共!到訪中共國100次 為何不願拜訪民主台灣?維護表面和平 實為下一場戰爭預備戰場!|明居正|宋國誠|新聞大破解 【2023年12月1日】
The Taiwan professors forgot to mention the bankruptcy of personality of Kissinger: before 1967, Mr.Kissinger's standing was US would be on the verge of most dangerous situation if Nixon was to be elected as president, after 1967, Mr.Kissinger became the most important associate of Nixon. And the synopsis of book 《The Trial of Henry Kissinger》 from cyberspace:With the detention of Augusto Pinochet, and intense international pressure for the arrest of Slobodan Milosovic, the possibility of international law acting against tyrants around the world is emerging as a reality. In this incendiary book, Hitchens takes the floor as prosecuting counsel and mounts a devastating indictment of a man whose ambitions and ruthlessness have directly resulted in both individual murders and widespread, indiscriminate slaughter. He investigates and reveals Kissingers' involvement in: the deliberate mass killings of civilian populations in Indochina; the deliberate collusion in mass murder and assassination in Bangladesh; the personal suborning and planning of a murder, of a senior constitutional officer in a democratic nation that the USA was not war with - Chile; the incitement and enabling of a mass genocide in East Timor; and the personal involvement in the kidnap and murder of a journalist living in Washinton DC.
宋国诚:Part1&2 盖棺论定季辛吉的8大罪状
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Kissinger has created the biggest devil in human history. This devil has brought huge disasters to the world and will cause endless troubles in the future. He is a sinner of history and is not worth remembering.
8:26 PM · Nov 29, 2023   64.1K Views
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Kissinger not only lost justice and morality, he was simply worse than a beast!
Before World War II, his Jewish family fled to the United States from Nazi Germany. After the beginning of World War II, the Republic of China government granted a large number of asylum quotas to the Jewish community in China. As a person of Jewish descent, Kissinger should have been grateful to the Republic of China government. This beast actually used his political status in the United States to maliciously He expelled the Republic of China from the United Nations, flattered and colluded with the murderous communist bandits, and helped the communist bandits smoothly enter the United Nations.
11:28 AM · Nov 30, 2023·1,957 Views
3:16 AM · Nov 30, 2023 ·127.1K  Views
個人新作《交易終止》<Transaction Termination>歡迎轉發(#681) 

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Personal new work "Transaction Termination" < Transaction Termination > Welcome to forward (#681)
8:11 AM · Nov 30, 2023 43.3K Views
周锋锁 Fengsuo Zhou
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The old thief Kissinger finally died, but his ghost still lingers. The Chinese praise Dapu Ben, but if you look at the praises in the English media, you can see that he has many disciples and grandchildren. In an interview with ABC on the day of the 1964 massacre, Kissinger opposed all sanctions against the CCP, but did not disclose that at that time he had established a company "China Entrepreneurship" in partnership with the state-owned CITIC Corporation. According to current standards, should Kissinger What about registering as a CCP agent?
Isaac Stone Fish
So many amazing Kissinger stories . Here's one of my favorites. 
On June 4
th, 1989, ABC News interviewed Kissinger about the Tiananmen Square massacre, then currently unfolding. "What should America do, Dr. Kissinger?" Peter Jennings asked him. 
"I wouldn't do any sanctions," he…
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6:02 AM · Nov 30, 2023  from Newark, NJ·11.7K Views
“中国人最后的老朋友”、“魔鬼代言人” 基辛格逝世中国人对他褒贬两极
Henry Kissinger’s legacy  
The Secret to Henry Kissinger’s Success
花花公子基辛格 追逐女星说出他的名言 深得中共官场青睐与共鸣
Peter Schweizer: How Henry Kissinger Became an ‘Old Friend’ of China Who ‘Rendered Great Help’ to the CCP 

2024-2-26 2/29 updated
Sequel to 2/24/2024 blog 惟妙惟肖的漫画:基辛格高枕无忧地躺在中国大陆人民的血汗钱上进入所谓的天堂了,meanwhile 西方文明已经笼罩在abysmal dimension之中(1/23/2024 blog)。
几年前年在台湾长老教会高俊明牧师逝世时发了唁电,那是对于高牧师(高贵人格者)坚决抵制CCP从中国大陆人民身上掠劫的民脂民膏血汗钱的每一分进入台湾去买通开通而致以最崇高的敬意, 同时也是让那些要此类钱的伪类(e.g.基辛格是伪西方,还有伪台独,伪国民党etc.)相形见绌。 让我大开眼界的是Mr.Samuel Cooper寄给我的newsletter-见到杨恒均在伪民运伪人权活动家伪西方伪基督教徒中混饭吃。
鄙人乃一介布衣,一仆一主于大英帝国,绝非台独事业受益者,也绝非利益冲突者。前述桑大委员长固然是我几年血汗钱的收益者- 在杭州WHO世界卫生组织人类生殖研究中-棉酚党就是进行断子绝孙绝精,可是海外的伪民运/伪台独/伪法轮功/伪基督徒联手起来抢钱(cf.2/7/2024, 11/30/2023, 12/11/2023 blog)的后果是远猛于虎的苛政/刻毒-大行金光拆白欺上瞒下之礼后成为变本加厉的断子绝孙绝精事业=最高black magic arts邪术典型,让年久失修的王老五变成他们的禁庾佳肴。 前述黎鸣教授100篇系列檄文也见教过丧尽天良的无良知、良能、良心之徒/害人、害己、害子孙之族。
P.S. 另一个高贵人格表达的例子是:当年蒋家大家长蒋宋美龄女士回应中共廖承志橄榄枝(1982-8-17 disclaimer)- 吾儿经国主政,不接触,不妥协,不谈判,此乃国民党(中华民族传统堂堂正正)浩然正气之所在。
P.P.S. 这个浩然之气代表有青天白日(蒋经国先生蒋宋美龄女士把舵时),后来黎智英先生说“没有青天白日,只有满地红(为不熟悉中国事务者诠释:中华民国国旗何在?)”- 完全与余英时教授哀鸿一致(cf. 2/16/2024 Blog), 只是法国国际广播电台(2/29/2024)进一步证明只有满地红(还有这个星期美国《时代》周刊文-中共就是不退红色包,台湾前国民党大长老星云先生及其门派怎么没有把他们归正?):香港壹传媒创办人黎智英涉嫌勾结外国势力危害国家安全等罪的案件本周一继续开庭。奇葩的是:香港检察官向法庭提交的“罪证”中,竟有已被迫关闭的《苹果日报》于2020年8月发布的消息,消息中提及美国前总统特朗普称赞当时已被拘捕的黎智英是“勇敢的人”。
有关余英时教授哀鸿及我的comment on 2/16/2024,还是不离这个pattern,Eli 的后代彻底摧毁了Eli的一生一世基业,亚伦的两个后代让亚伦难堪=1 Samuel 2:12-36 + Leviticus 10:1-2, 周联华牧师在天之灵会不胜唏嘘他们居然忘了凯歌堂主日学/证道。
一则网文: 俄罗斯纪念珍宝岛武装冲突五十五周年 这真是需要普天同庆,大快人心地向掌握宇宙真理的江氏中央政权当年与苏俄谈判时对中国国土之cession致以最崇高的敬意, thanks to the nature of Yangzhou master=最英明,在CCP光辉历程中留下最光彩的点数。
Sequel to 3/11/2024,  对于皇上最英明的事务, 我记得在上小学1-2年级时,在电影院看正片前有一小段纪录片-播放对苏联的自卫反击战的最新战况(当年电视不普及时,还像二战时知会人民),印象深刻的是有个战斗英雄孙玉国在保卫珍宝岛中执行毛皇帝的旨意- “生命不息,战斗不止”地打倒苏俄社会帝国主义这个最危险的敌人。

In order to prevent financial organized crime such as listed in the BBB Scam Tracker Risk Report HIGHLIGHTS 2024  and Top FTC List of Scams and Frauds    PLUS such as Banking Trojan Harvests Facial Biometrics for AI Deepfakes , moreover,  Moving First-Party Fraud Out of the Bank's Blind Spot  ,  hence,  for accounts in my debit bank card, I'd like to reiterate that I never do online banking- i.e. never transfer funds to any other identity's financial accounts over the internet-  even never do transferring funds to my own accounts at different banks over the internet, never do online shopping with my debit card .  
As for statements issued on Oct.2, 2014 and May 13/2015+June 16/2015(cf. my previous blogging), I 'd like to reiterate hereby that they are still valid, just a reminder.

最新的中共国有关官员对于人民在包青天包公祠哭诉居然心虚到让这个司法公正怀念处被闭门谢客,网上infographcs说明了一切(cf. inserted),在我看来,又一次cogent proof证明黎智英先生“没有青天白日,只有满地红”的论点成立,甚至对小学生都是不言而喻的。

Background: 洪都新府(雄安),紫气东来,日月生辉,故天朝坚如磐石,江山永固。
有人让我看到许多打倒23条的反对浪潮,哪里哪里,怎么可以反对,可能23条火候不够,法制还没有完善,疏忽了一个军事戒严旋转门机制- 要加上自动将行政长管变成四星一级上将警备总司令能力,就像台湾1947年的行政长管陈仪亲自兼,穿上一级上将将官服,江山就固若金汤,长治久安,没有反对声了。
Why “justice turned into poison,righteousness into bitterness”in reference to "没有青天白日,只有满地红" , 这都是孔家店法利赛,法老,法海统治结果- full of hypocrisy-mania,jealousy-mania, control-freak-mania。 上世纪中国大陆本来已没有孔家店,但到了1995年台湾警备总司令club眼见自家候选人输掉总统大选,于是输红了眼/embarrassed enough,一不做,二不休干脆投怀送抱到江氏CCP(esp,扎根上海滩),by the way,Taiwan Matia-law National Security Police chiefs club约等于中共政法委,于是他们合二为一,成为江氏政法委最高谋士/策士=自动撤销Mr.& Mrs.Chiang Kai-shek club 党籍国籍in compliance with their legal disclaimer on 8/17/1982;其中一位是住台湾的山东曲阜人,一定是得了孔子真传,vehemently advocating Confucius-thought reign, 还要掀起反日巨浪(江泽民被gorded垂头丧气地烧了几部日本车,邓小平甚至华国锋李鹏统治直到1995年,没有掀起过反日浪头),why?,那是为了bypass 2nd embarrassment(当时邓小平这个国共内战直接当事人/大长老还健在,台湾警总及其文人都曽超八度反共),通过巨量反日就可以成功障眼法,掩盖掉尴尬并在CCP体制内获取能量,站稳了脚跟(前述可以荣华富贵,养尊处优by relying upon the shoulder of what 吕加平described日本汉奸)孔家店教会了CCP如何成功统治的groove-法利赛法老法海style统治演变成末日疯狂的起源,"1999 不战而胜"也是法利赛法老法海的胜利除了“指鹿为马”“分身”“横着走路”的胜利,What is more,被蒋中正文胆陈布雷先生奏了一本的山西孔家贪官污吏奸商典型代表孔祥熙-孔令侃之令字辈的山东孔家店就在黎鸣教授的100篇透析孔家店“光辉历程”的文章中被记下了非常光彩的点数,1938年这几个法利赛成了日本汉奸(有图为征,人赃俱获),巴不得请最反日的那个户口在台湾的山东曲阜人去反日本汉奸(most notably 吕加平举报对象),坚决拥护双手赞成那个新党党魁去打倒山东曲阜第76代孔家令字辈卖国求荣日本汉奸行为。

一路走来,“some reality”记录了凡走过必留下痕迹,历史的先声被熟视无睹,历史的后声往往检视出满目疮痍的厚黑。圣经中指明的假先知法利赛敌基督在末日疯狂中加剧嫉妒虚伪控制,using whatever means to destroy my life career,明知故犯block a student in adjurnment(due to being in want in regards to MBA school expenditure) from Los Angeles to accomplish his career, destroying "My Life"=ruin the way of life=砸锅为耶稣基督做正面见证=其所作所为是让死亡得胜利(与耶稣完全相反-让死亡得死亡)=处心积虑阴险刻毒地要让耶稣被负见证;他们很清楚1998年的50万美元缘由,先下手为强。前述杨恒均在伪类中混饭吃,Samuel Cooper先生寄的newsletter中有个丁果,说句笑话,鄙人在前二年已对其拍过马屁(foregoing blog)-其在Shaw Multi-cultural Channel中proclaimed 中华民国在世界舞台上绝对非法无效,我说要坚决拥护双手赞成毛-周国祚意识流打倒中华民国简称中国(宪法一章一节), 接下来就是外来政权在台湾? Samuel Cooper先生在文章中对这些伪类作了in-depth insight=debunk他们所作所为是行毛国祚礼数之使徒行传,请看 
P.S. 2024-4-5
I wonder if only the divine retribution can resolve the injustice mentioned in my blog. 那个山东曲阜人在台湾一向要高屋建瓴,在制高点上居高临下=exactly what Lenin always hoped "standing at commanding height"= condescending height, people suppose he must be like a super-hyper Summa Cum Laude at the dept. of medicine/Taiwan Univ. Previously I supposed he and 王前部长建煊先生could figure out a solution regarding the injustice. By the way, 我要提醒他们吕加平先生的指控对象江世俊父子为南京“支那之夜”领航员(cf. what is mentioned above).
这里节选一些微信私人通讯: 2014年在香港HSBC汇丰银行出现了一个10万亿美元private banking案子-空前绝后但又是非精神分裂症病人-有三四个男女青年出现在报纸上,案子上了HK High Court,case Nr. DCCC746/2014;这个吞钱应该encompassed 前述新民晚报案中资金(参考下面信+前述黑吃黑),据闻那几个人与前上海铁路总局长盛光祖极其麾下上海铁路总医院(甘泉医院)内分泌科某个大长老有相关性(该长老为1980-2000期间瑞金医院最大长老处硕博士答辩常任主席)。还有, 当年在祖母手中的由孔祥熙签发的一些债券在1995年前已寄到台湾,财政部长是在Lee Teng-hui Administration中任职的新党大长老王建煊先生,如果当年能变通成“庚子赔款换学费”模式,则一切不会变成今天在我博客中描述到的悲哀现实,或者只要王前部长建煊先生公开宣示中华民国宪法一章一节(ROC 简称中国)不成立以及疆域不涵盖整个秋海棠地图,我则坚决不会对有法人责任的ROC前内阁部长声索一分一厘一丝一毫;要知道美国人手中的清朝CFO法人代表盛宣怀发出的USD铁路债券,按照国际公法,中华民国CFO法人代表接包埋单,依此类推孔祥熙发出的债券。By the way, 中植系现在被要求退赃退佣, 知所进退者为俊杰。
那是近10年前新民晚报在不到半年之内揭弊了两家白相人公司“中晋公司” 与“钧遥公司”,swindler 吞了钱还要在上海装蒜,居然开起了冒牌吞钱的风水公司(使用了我祖父母台湾儿女变体名字),被报纸暴牙后,还是不还钱得永生,应与前上海铁路局长盛光祖这个刑事犯有关,当年在我fund-raising中长袖善舞,也是拆白党一部分。这世道是出来混不用还钱-刘德华、梁朝伟著名电影台词作废? 那些盗马贼也要进一步被见教到世界媒体,他们懂得。
刚好网上在报道李克强表弟是个在杭州做高官的“朱十亿”-graft case starting billion dollar.
Just a reminder, US Sen. J.D. Vance Demands China Pay Their Debts to Americans:  - 要求中共还他们一路走来的业债、孽债(还有一本2021年出版的书也是如此-《Make Red China Pay》by Roger Canfield)。不过我怕Sen. Vance及Mr.Roger Canfield没有料到两岸合而为一的CCP警备总司令党是不管三七二十一的(诗篇37章21节)-The wicked borrow and never repay, the godly give graciously-  No matter how Bible dissuades or persuades, disregarding whatever iniquities they've done, proceeding in the pathway described in the Bible: "call good evil and evil good, put darkness for light and light for darkness, put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! "(Isaiah5:20) plus justify the wicked and condemn the righteous(Proverb17:15), what is more, They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them. They defraud people of their homes, they rob them of their inheritance(Micah2:2). But your eyes and your heart are set only on dishonest gain, on shedding innocent blood and on oppression and extortion.'(Jeremiah22:17), For I know how many are your offenses and how great your sins. There are those who oppress the innocent and take bribes and deprive the poor of justice in the courts(Amos5:12) May God speed St. Michael to cast away such evil tidings.
上述新党党魁如果坚持一贯不反吕加平先生报案对象江世俊父子以及山东曲阜76代令字辈孔家的日本汉奸行为(mentioned above),敝人一介布衣草民则需要继续拍他们马屁唱“同一首歌”《支那之夜》。
孔家店法利赛对于耶稣在John 8:44中痛斥devil's disciple, father of lie, the murderer in the beginning, no-truth-man, abomination-to -God behavior 感到很反感,说是耶稣没有优雅礼节法利赛,这是装猪装逼,转移视线,实质上是寻衅滋事,奸诈耶稣。其实孔家店对于“礼”没有好的定义,what Confucius once did- inquiry of Lao Tzu about 礼(在五千年历史中没有完整定义), to which my further English rendition has developed i.e. the protocol to establish relationship with heaven, earth, human and God through infusion of spirituality(8/26/2021博客)
By the way, 有些CCP感到很不可思议,这次台海地震的epicenter其实应该在海峡西岸福州地区( heavy toll ),远超过花莲, 值得深思(cf.【时事金扫描】  
请他们记住: 圣经箴言与诗篇: lying lips are an abomination to the Lord(箴言12:22), their wickedness is an abomination to godly man's lips(箴言8:7). to hate the evil is to fear the Lord(箴言8:13), the fear of the Lord is the beginning of the wisdom(诗篇111:10) .
据报道,台湾淡江大学大陆研究所赵春山先生发话::「中華」是通關密語,什麼都可商量  , 这听起来令人鼓舞,只是与那些不顾三七二十一(cf. Psalm 37:21, 2024-4-5 log-blog above)的人 如何商量?
前中国工农红军老干部吕加平先生举报对象为苏联CCCP远东局克格勃线人太有名,所建立的政经势力版图可以用一个新名词描述“黄俄势力情报三合会”,江元神亲自领导,全球布局,所向披靡;在我看来,连吕加平这种红色身份都不能容忍原汁原味的布尔什维克国家安全委员会线人,大家都可以去探讨我在2024-1-27与 1-28Log-blog中指出的一本书(The Enemy Within:An Eyewitness Account Of The Communist Conquest Of China ),一张DVD("Enemies Within the Church")中关切之事,特别是错综复杂的相关性值得进一步研究(上述Mr. Samuel Cooper 寄的newsletter也是可见一斑)。
By the way, 最近网路对一件人类学事件沸沸扬扬:范曾发文宣布再婚 引发网路风评,相关信息 , Part 2 特别景仰自己的人,有人可能没有见过世面,我指的是中国教授协会的吉尼斯记录中,有年龄差70年的,50年只是小巫见大巫而已-- 1989年,在上海瑞金医院最大长老研究处,到了6-4运动期间,我的课题在被他们coercion及颠三倒四后(参阅2022-2023年间Log-blog debunk),无法对天地人神交账之际,该挂名第一的所谓指导教授(绝大部分人从入学到毕业没有见过二面)在悠然自得地享受双十豆蔻年华-时差70年的新婚燕尔蜜月;更可恶的是,在我出国以后,那些一直在监控的“黄俄势力情报三合会”故意颠倒黑白地造谣我的学位论文问题- 这个颠三倒四,颠倒黑白叫做在他们声称笃信的如来佛面前颠了两颠(杭州话,颠了两下子)-the denouement of their acts(不管三七二十一,天蓬元帅philosophical alias行为/位格-连人间龙格都少见少有,cf. foregoing) is the origin of dynamics and incentives for the tension across Taiwan Strait and across Pacific Ocean to arise. 
网上有一封由在大陆地区中国民主党人写的公开信,收信人为马英九先生,还望拔亢 待见,是以为感, 原信link: ;碰巧有一本最新出版的可以说也是配套(paired book)延续1967年的“The Enemy Within:An Eyewitness Account Of The Communist Conquest Of China” : 《The Devil and Communist China》 by Steven W. Moshert, Kengor Paul- the nature of communism in China manifests as anti-God's absolute truth , anti-Divine Ordinance and anti-Natural Law, anti-divine wisdom,  anti-(耶稣对法利赛等等要求)justice-mercy-faithfulness(cf. Matt.23:23),  先总统蒋公在的时候,马英九先生肯定要读1967年出版的前者并高调反共,到了今天,他当反共作废=昨非今是, 这样就可以荣膺一品天官非常特别台湾省委书记(借用北京宪政学者陈永苗portrayed).
大约一个半decades ago,星岛日报周末期刊有专题报道历史学教授马森先生(前台湾师范大学教授,加拿大维多利亚大学教授,天津南开大学特聘教授)当年在山东青岛一带逃避KMT士官长抓壮丁的故事, 以此类推,就知道当年为什么要摆脱邓江李的政法委大盖帽士官长阶级(前述约等于Taiwan martial law security officer)对我抓壮丁-这个叫继续抽他人血汗钱-我当年比马森教授的情况更不堪,已经被李鹏政府盘剥了所谓的教育费(根本是误人子弟,foregoing)还有上交桑国卫大委员长处的三年血汗钱以交换护照审批签发,这个壮丁是省油的灯=free utilization=consumption without expenditures=继续盘剥;前述从洛杉矶小台北寄信至大台北也是祸起萧墙之一。
我想起江元神做过电子工业部长,洞察了先机,加上是远东克格勃线人,肯定要copycat 俄国29155部队,后来吸收了越来越多的西方高精尖技术,应早已超越俄国人,2013年左右台湾鸿海时报揭弊psychotronic weapon attack, 还有HK Human Rights Commission 通报(foregoing)-说明在台湾香港都有了quasi-29155 deployment,在西半球也差不多,引发Havana Syndrome and its derivatives.
真是无巧不成书,《中国毒品-China Doping》出版之际,在网上碰巧又找到一本高度匹配的companion: The Politicisation of Sport in Modern China  Communists and Champions     By Fan Hong, Lu Zhouxiang  , 有关前者,前天网上连Amazon都无介绍,只有点滴:杨伟东:《中国毒品》跋——厘清真相
昨天US Congressman Mr. Chris Smith 等等为CCP治下中国人权低下在CECC 作证,反对在与国际不接轨的制度下盘剥人民血汗钱,由此想到在2018年左右,高智晟先生family members relocation/resettlement to California, 居然发生了被所谓的“民运人士”唐XX侵吞他家的fund-raising money,其insidious conspiracy/sabotage过程被高先生儿女揭露,伪类/败类偏偏要败坏美国的人权形象。 连大名鼎鼎的维权律师家的经济人权都要践踏,更不要说我这个一介布衣草民在加拿大,likewise, my fund-raising fruit(foregoing) and relevant human rights image. 
在以文会友的地方,以野蛮的方式故意与他人三代血汗钱搭错界,就是前述的黄俄势力三合会硬要登顶他人头上,用南京话说,就是野蛮地将他们自家的金銮殿开进他人家。 说起“野蛮人”,几年前在深圳有个出名的事件,带头大哥后面的二哥级别依然逍遥法外。
据网易报道,俄学者调查结果-1938苏共斯大林在海参崴屠杀了20万中国人, 江元神亲自reinforce cession之国土,在他们看来,已是罗曼诺夫王朝属土而非大请帝国领土,所以是非中国人被杀的事务,江元神CCP的光辉历程-割让国土,永远伟大光荣正确。
前一阵子落幕的山寨爱尔兰欧洲大学事件-由苏东水、苏宗伟父子制造假博士(600多个假博士,对中国的经济和学术负面作用有多大?,为什么复旦大学不公开回应苏东水、苏宗伟开的博士班? 鬼事连连,复旦大学苏教授火了!扯出600多个假博士,在中国目前行情已upgrade,博士不够花,要使力到豪华的欧洲院士:歐洲自然科學院疑為山寨機構 花錢可買院士頭銜        中國「假院士」暴增 90後上榜 媒體揭花40萬元買頭銜    近一个世纪前钱钟书戳穿洋相的事物(爱尔兰克莱顿大学),到了21世纪20年代,精英成堆的高等教育研究机构的民智还会被倒卖进来的copycat 2.0版。3.0版欺?历史与文明怎么走路? 毛国祚礼数行了以后的使徒行传变成倒卖近百年戳穿洋相的事物,help me, God.
余英时教授对某些国民党要员所作所为说出的心里话-何不在1949年签投降书?  这样毛分子就失去目标,无法不断进行自我伟光正的“肃反”运动来不断增添政治能量/执政能力-主要是反所谓“国民党美蒋特务中情局任务员”, 一系列极端伤天害理,极端毁盘天地人神关系的运动- 1990年代中期李鹏、江泽民政权的风水合成chimera在杭州主政省委,继续这套把戏。难道这些债务可以被一些个台湾前警备总司令、军事总参总座一笔勾销?(前述他们与江元神CCP政法委合二为一)。这几个台湾警总总座、总参总座过去竭力宣讲的共党政权是黄俄汉奸政权=外国反华势力作废?!,他们的基业变成昨非今是、今是昨非?!   前述新党党魁如果不去反江元神南京“支那之夜”领航员的作为,尽管敝人有南京人后代身份,一介布衣草民还得继续拍江元神马屁,唱“同一首歌” 《支那之夜》。
P.S.   大约a dozen years 以前,有关丁果先生与周洪才先生在大温哥华Shaw Cable Multiculturalism Channel时政论坛中丁果先生proclaimed中华民国在国际上绝对非法无效, 恰逢KMT党主席马英九先生主政中华民国总统府,马前主席对此事有何见教/感想?
Footnote: 有关所谓“美蒋特务”,那是当年的CCP宣传喉舌在1954年中华民国叶公超外长签署了美台共同防御条约后将此条约贬称“美蒋共同防御条约”后应运而生的CCP字典中的名词。
2024-5-20 P.P.S.  马英九先生今天说赖清德总统就职演说“违宪”,却回避我的上面提问; 有关这个中华民国宪法,按照丁果先生proclaimed,是非法无效的,还有什么宪法可谓/可违? 在这个中华民国宪法架构下,30年前寄到台湾的我祖父母遗留的孔祥熙CFO法人代表的债券在新党大佬王建煊先生任中华民国CFO法人代表时怎么不给埋单? 我的一条大命在30年前就是被in want的学杂费/生活费marooned(连变通的庚子赔款换留学经费都办不到),人生无价/青春无价的代数几何,马英九先生在evading,尤其害怕达拉斯法院的判决(foregoing),继续回避我的提问,马英九先生会被丁果先生的proclaimation降格再降格 。
By the way, 我还要继续坚决拥护双手赞成最近CCP中联部长刘建超在俄参加会议时“共同抵制新殖民主义”之立场,indeed, long live CCP -launched "down with movement" over 100 years esp. toward “Socialism-imperialism’s colonialism”(社会帝国主义的殖民主义),伟大领袖毛泽东的思想在PRC宪法的王座地位永远屹立在喜马拉雅之巅。

2024-5-23 Five months after OBSI's game playing , finally,

From: Samuel Maclaren <>
Sent: May 23, 2024 10:57 AM
To: <>
Subject: RE: OBSI Investigation of BMO Complaint

Good afternoon Cong,

We have finished our investigation of your complaint about BMO. We have not found a basis to recommend the bank act. Attached is a letter that explains our conclusion.

Our case is now closed. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Samuel Maclaren Senior Investigator

A liar from the beginning , totally disregarding truth, truth fails in the street, he who departs from evil makes himself a prey. (Isaiah 59:15). please scrutinize the following emails in details with my rebuttals:(starting last December):

In the case of OBSI, the end-time phenomenon is godless/lawless(圣经贴撒罗尼亚后书 2 Thess. Ch.2)- a model of what Jesus called "father of lie" is popping up, 看来台湾李敖影响力无国界,不仅只教会毛国祚的贪官污吏奸商“横着走路”(李敖变成毛国祚一部分,难怪对号入座Ezekiel Ch.24 scum)。such situation means the kingdom, power and glory belongs to CCP-Chairman Mao's scoundrel movement which was greatly promoted in China- no different from the organized crime. (More in my emails below).

Everyday, please convey the message to those red-capital manipulators- "Your great leader Chairman Mao long live not enough"(cf. my emails below ).  Prayer is much needed for the end-time phenomenon.

2023-12-22 Sequel to yesterday-Sam

From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 22, 2023 9:12 AM

To: Samuel Cooper <>

Subject: Sequel- OBSI's Lesley K. being preposterous plus the Cause-Black treacherous water/Organized crime

Dear Mr. Sam Cooper,

Someone in OBSI continues disregarding truth/fact by firstly detaching my original email in their reply(cf. emails below) and secondly by exerting toad master Gong-fu(功夫)/eunuch Gong-fu through charade then encoding the matter.  Plus, more details of treacherous black water following today's email with OBSI.

From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 22, 2023 8:38 AM

To: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <>

Subject: Re: BMO

Good morning,

As is pointed out in my 2nd email sent to your office on December 20, 2023 8:57 AM Pacific time(I wonder why it's missing in the reply), all the following requirements are fulfilled and your staff Lesley K. doesn't demur to the BMO CCAO resolution in her letter this Sept., and what's more the manager <>  sent me email on December 12, 2023 10:29 AM(reply to my email minutes ago) to have confirmed what I complained on July, 6, 2023 that his staff Codey Rivest has no knowledge about how to explain and deal with the BMO RateOptimizer Max GIC by himself, plus the BMO CCAO's Salima Bapoo also has no knowledge about this GIC  shown in her letter.


Cong Tong

302-9672 134 St.

Surrey, BC V3T 5L5

Tel: 604-583-7223

Cell: 604-595-1398


From: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <>

Sent: December 21, 2023 11:55 AM

To: C Tong <>

Subject: BMO

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your recent correspondence to our office regarding your complaint with BMO and GIC that you are unable to redeem.  In order to begin our review of these concerns, we require copies of:

The original complaint letter you sent to BMO in which you addressed this GIC

The final decision letter from the BMO Complaint-handling office

A brief explanation of why you disagree with their decision

Please send this information, along with any other supporting documents, in the next 15 days to or by fax to 1-888-422-2865.

Once we have reviewed this information we will contact you to let you know what will happen next. Please note we are currently experiencing higher than normal volumes and we will be in touch as soon as possible.


Case Assessment Team



T: 1.888.451.4519

F: 1.888.422.2865


Here are a series of in-depth news reports regarding the communist red-capital penetrating Taiwan: 

紅色資本入侵》揭祕!一家資本額7億元物流公司 為何牽動台灣高科技業命脈  紅色資本入侵1》獨家揭祕!誰掐住台灣半導體物流命脈?科學城物流從國營變中資 高科技業機密資料全都露  +

紅色資本入侵 part2_台灣官員怎麼自圓其說... +

紅色資本入侵 part3_隱藏在背後的中資.  +


In Hangzhou, a stronghold of Maoist(Mao visited 40+ times), the Yangzhou master/toad master cabal and cohort through financial dexterity , made inroad into Taiwan.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Cong Tong

Tel; 604-583-7223



2023-12-21 Sequel to yesterday Sam

From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 21, 2023 8:19 AM

To: Samuel Cooper <>

Subject: OBSI's Lesley K. being preposterous plus the Cause-Black treacherous water/Organized crime

Dear Mr. Samuel Cooper,

The black treacherous water across Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China is as such: a Hong-Konger(Mr.梁文韬, humanity-social science scholar) encountered strict press censorship in Taiwan. 李长春从河南拉走5火车皮财(  )- a part of which transformed into SF Express, made inroad into Taiwan, exerting strict press censorship in Taiwan for any shipping according to CCP guideline : 中国禁网新闻on Tumblr › cnbnews  这个利益集团的李长春,贺国强 ... 台湾顺丰公司公关回应询问时曾表示,台湾顺丰是港资,不是中国顺丰台湾分公司。Actually, Headquartered in Shenzhen(深圳) .  Such bloody money out of lie, corruption and tyranny has played important role but only a tip of iceberg got debunked- in reality such money talks -at every corner of the world.  Some in Taiwan desire money, the late Taiwan president Lee, Teng-hui used to regard what Ms. 王超华 described "in exchange for money" as "捧对方LP".  Here DW archive: :  《卫生部前高官追责李克强:不认错,就下台》18.07.2013 卫生专家举报中共高层失职致艾滋病爆发   

Just look over the situation related in this BMO issue, the black treacherous water spread across The Pacific and caused things in Canada under black-box operation. Firstly, please look over OBSI's processing complaint toward BMO Investorline; on 11/23/2023,  my feedback to OBSI survey : MAIN BODY:  I can't believe I received such email(final response on 9/29/2023). This Ms. Lesley K in August told me that BMO can do such things(cf. emails quoted below) without giving any reason out of consideration of firm risk in her email , in which she is on behalf of BMO IL Lindsay Luc & Tony Chan who refused to give any explanation to cover up the black-box operation(even no download of confirmation eDoc plus monthly stmt. in the non-registered account) plus esp. BMO IL- issued TAX slip manifests as tergiversation, and there has been also procrastination of response plus disregarding facts in my emails on July 16, July 19, Aug.3, Aug.8 and Aug.31, is it the privilege of BMO IL manager to evade the truth/fact and to avoid the risk of tergiversation toward fait accompli ?   WHAT's MORE, The black box operation prevents me from processing the EVF140 mutual fund because of being in a locked-down status, i.e. being hijacked in a state of no access to my account and even being not allowed to transfer the fund out, so that causing my money to be in a black hole suffering from damage for which the BMO IL managers Lindsay Luc and Tony Chan should be accountable.  One more corroboration regarding the black-box operation: recently there appears a mystic USD account at my BMO portfolio- 2067 4791-416, for which I visited BMO branch on 11/16/2023- turned out to be no idea from there. At the end, regret: About the OBSI’s Consumer Portal, suppose it's a platform for customer to view or share information about complaint status ad hoc , which has not been introduced to me, or I could have the chance to improve the quality/efficiency  during the  process.

So far the OBSI and Mr. Tim Ell is unable to respond to my rebuttal,  we may be in a CCP-triad controlled Gog/Magog establishment in regards to Biblical end-time and red dragon(things totally preposterous) or psychotronic weapon under AI black-tech exerts machine organized gang stalking(MOGS),  mankind has been hijacked by "Dragon at the Door"(cf. Ottawa MLI special project to fend off it).  What is worse, such situation means the kingdom, power and glory belongs to CCP-Chairman Mao's scoundrel movement which was greatly promoted in China- no different from the organized crime. . 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Cong Tong

Tel; 604-583-7223


2023-12-20 morning Second email to OBSI

From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 20, 2023 8:57 AM

To: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <>

Cc: Samuel Cooper <>

Subject: OBM #148476: with Original Evidence that BMO GIC case has been presented

Dear Sir/Madam,

I wonder why your staff Lesley K. deny the truth/fact? Please review the following emails records below.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. 

Cong Tong 

302-9672 134 St.

Surrey, BC V3T 5L5

Tel: 604-583-7223

Cell: 604-595-1398


From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 20, 2023 8:37 AM

To: Lesley K <>

Cc: TalentMap <>

Subject: Re: OBM #148476: with Original Evidence that BMO GIC case has been presented

Hello Lesley,

Why do you ignore what you cited in your 9/29/2023 resolution that you don't demur BMO CCAO resolution on GIC issue?

And here is the original email(July 6, 2023) I sent to OBSI to complain about BMO CCAO's Salima Bapoo:                                             

From: C Tong <>

Sent: July 6, 2023 10:50 PM

To: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <>

Subject: Complaint Regarding BMO Case Ref Nr. 1-86644625113ZALI2Q

To Whom it May Concern,

Firstly, this BMO Ombudsman representative Salima Bapoo regards  RateOptimizer Max GIC as a 5-year concept which is a misguidance, secondly I tried to negotiate with them to give example that non-redeemable GIC can be terminated in the case of Coast Capital Savings Bank last year(cf. my emails below) considering various collateral damage, esp. currently another BMO InvetorLine case is in the OBSI.  I wonder If you can mediate on behalf of mutual benefits to ask Ms. Salima Bapoo( to withdraw her decision so that I can re-arrange my portfolio with special expert at BMO.

By the way, under Hong Kong sphere, I'd like to tell you something:  the Hong Kong human rights record shows being ranked as #4- unfortunately counting from the end: 香港人权节节败退 排名倒数第四(图)

Hong Kong’s downfall is a warning to the world   

 Thank you for your attention to this matter. 

Cong Tong 

302-9672 134 St.

Surrey, BC V3T 5L5

Tel: 604-583-7223

Cell: 604-595-1398


From: Customer Complaint Appeal Office <>

Sent: June 14, 2023 10:47 AM

To: C Tong <>

Cc: Customer Complaint Appeal Office <>

Subject: BMO Concern

Good morning Cong Tong,

Further to our conversation this morning, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with me.

This concern remains out of scope for our office as we would not be able to change the rate on your investment which was purchased in April 2022 for a 5 year term and locked in.

This information is outlined in the terms and conditions when you opened this investment. At this time, we recommend you review the terms and conditions of your RateOptimizer Max Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC), visit a local branch or contact our Investment Centre(1-800-665-7700 if you have any additional questions regarding your product.

Should you remain unsatisfied with BMO’s decision, you may wish to escalate your concerns to OBSI. They are an independent body who will conduct a thorough investigation of the matter and address your concerns. Their information is as follows:

Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI)

20 Queen Street West, Suite 2400

P.O. Box 8, Toronto, ON M5H 3R3

Call:       1-888-451 4519 / 416-287-2877

Fax:       1-888-422-2865




Salima Bapoo

Advisor Support, Customer Complaint Appeal Office |BMO Financial Group|

Visit us at

We’re here to help.


From: C Tong <>

Sent: May 29, 2023 7:31 AM

To: <>

Subject: Supplement- Complaint Regarding BMO Ref Nr. 1-86644625113ZALI2Q

Dear Sir/Madam,

It occurred to me that the termination of a non-redeemable GIC ahead of time is plausible/pragmatic in regards to banking industry because there is some precedence  I experienced with Coast Capital Savings Bank last year. Considering mutual benevolence, I wonder if you can facilitate branch manager Tim Ell to help reach consent as is communicated below. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Cong Tong 

302-9672 134 St.

Surrey, BC V3T 5L5

Tel: 604-583-7223


From: C Tong

Sent: May 24, 2023 2:07 PM

To: <>

Subject: Complaint Regarding BMO Ref Nr. 1-86644625113ZALI2Q

Dear Sir/Madam,

Ms. Colleen Lapeer, Specialist, BMO Virtual Connect, Executive Resolution Office suggests that I should present this case to your office.

According to the callback on May 19, 2023 BMO Vancouver BroadwayXCommercial branch manager Tim Ell mentioned the case can be re-opened. What's more, I once had RateRiser GIC experience at BMO, each year proceeding, full-house rate would be honored. Your current 5-year rateRiser Plus even better as 3.95% amortized. Besides, your staff Codey Rivest of same branch even had no knowledge about BMO letter to remind me rate renewing frequently last year and for this matter I was asked to visit your branch to hand over the letter for him to make a photocopy, and he had to communicate with your HQ back office then he told me to disregard such letter.

We are ordinary people, can't grasp everything.  At the signing of multi-page documents without time to go through it, being informed full info orally by your staff is essential for a similar product(i.e. a situation with the similitude in the consumer world that extra fee should be informed), for which BMO BroadwayXCommercial branch manager Tim Ell admits there is a need to address such concern and the case can be proceeded further.  I believe we can negotiate a mutual-benefiting GIC as was communicated with Mr. Tim Ell over the phone , if so, i can visit Tim's branch to invest more money with your GIC in the foreseeable future. Please cf. the resolution from your senior officer below.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Cong Tong 

302-9672 134 St. 

Surrey, BC V3T 5L5

Tel: 604-583-7223


From: Lapeer, Colleen <>

Sent: May 24, 2023 8:25 AM

To: C Tong <>

Subject: RE: Supplement-Regarding the phone communication and Please forget the 1st email

Dear Mr. Tong,

I apologize my findings is not the outcome you were hoping to have. Our Complaint Handling Process outlines the steps available in our complaint handling process. As my review has been completed, your next step would be to contact the BMO Customer Complaint Appeal Office should you wish for your case to be re-opened.  

Thank you again for the opportunity to review and respond to your concerns.


Colleen Lapeer 


BMO Virtual Connect, Executive Resolution Office

BMO Financial Group

PO Box 3400 RPO Streetsville

Mississauga, ON L5M 0S9

T 289-305-4728

 877-213-1122 ext 2893054728


From: Lesley K <>

Sent: December 20, 2023 7:49 AM

To: C Tong <>

Cc: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <>; Lesley K <>

Subject: RE: OBM #148476: Investigation is closed

Hello Mr. Tong:

Our investigation that concluded in September 2023, related to the complaint you had about the closure of your BMO InvestorLine (BMO IL) account.

In our closing letter, we addressed your concerns about the GIC redemption because you told us BMO IL had not addressed your concerns. We reiterated BMO’s CCAO comment that you needed to visit a BMO bank branch to discuss your concerns. It is our understanding that this GIC was purchased through BMO Bank of Montreal (the bank) and not BMO IL (the discount brokerage).

If you want OBSI to review the GIC issue in particular, you’ll need to follow the same complaint process you did with your BMO IL complaint; you will need to formally complain to BMO Bank of Montreal and then, if you are unsatisfied with its response, you can submit your complaint to OBSI.

Thank you.

Lesley K.

Senior Investigator


T: 1.888.451.4519 x.2812

F: 416.225.4722 / 1.888.422.2865


From: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <>

Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2023 9:55 AM

To: Lesley K <>

Subject: FW: OBM#148476 plus Fw: Regarding MOU


From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 20, 2023 9:51 AM

To: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <>

Subject: OBM#148476 plus Fw: Regarding MOU

Dear Sir/Madam,

Things become so preposterous that the branch manager(Commercial & Broadway, Vancouver, Mr. Tim Ell) refuses to follow OBSI's opinion in citing of BMO CCAO's resolution to deal with the GIC issue and becomes something called "role upside-down" that he wants to go through OBSI- being like a customer to complain or he tries to be in a position to receive your direct instruction(please read the emails records below in order ), I wonder what's wrong.  Will you please inform BMO what's to be done in regards to Mr. Tim Ell's request and give me a response?

Thanks a lot,

Cong Tong

Tel: 604-583-7223


From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 18, 2023 6:32 PM

To: Ell, Tim <>

Subject: Re: Regarding MOU

Hello Tim,

The CCAO is the new name of BMO ombudsman office, I wonder if OBSI's opinion(9/29/2023) in citing of CCAO to deal with the GIC issue(cf. my email below) can be ignored, why do you want me to do the redundant job???  OBSI only asks for customer feedback in survey, which has been done.


Cong Tong


From: Ell, Tim <>

Sent: December 18, 2023 5:30 PM

To: C Tong <>

Subject: RE: Regarding MOU

Hi Mr. Tong,

The CCAO is step 3 of the complaint process and this is a BMO department.

The ombudsman (OBSI), or step 4 of the process, is not affiliated with BMO and is an external agency.

I assume you have contacted them again? If not I would encourage you to do so as soon as possible to have them revisit your concerns.


Tim Ell, BA (He/Him, They/Their)

Branch Manager

BMO Pride Regional Director

BMO Broadway & Commercial Branch

2501 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC      V5N 4C1

T 604-665-7323

F 604-665-7098

This email and its attachments are confidential. Any unauthorized use or disclaimer is prohibited. If you receive this email in error, please notify me by reply email and permanently delete the original without making any copies or disclosing its contents.

Out of office alert: December 20, 2023 - January 2, 2024


From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 18, 2023 5:28 PM

To: Ell, Tim <>

Subject: Regarding MOU

Hello again,

I wonder if the fact that the CCAO(cited below) is the new name of the ombudsman office is being been aware of. 

Cong Tong


From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 13, 2023 9:07 AM

To: Ell, Tim <>

Subject: Regarding MOU

Good morning Tim,

Sequel to my yesterday evening text: Will you please ask Ms. Salima Baboo if she can be conformed to OBSI's opinion which maintains the BMO Resolution Team's solution for GIC issue on June 14, 2023?  I'm wondering which one has the superior authority and who obeys whom. Can the GIC case be returned to the lowest level to be re-examined /reviewed in honor of OBSI's opinion on GIC issue?  From the previous email, I'm also wondering if Ms. Salima Baboo can overwrite OBSI's opinion as long as she demurred, it's beyond my scope to argue with her(also redundant job) but it should be necessary for us to reach the MOU(memorandum of understanding) in reference to ordinance.  

Cong Tong


From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 12, 2023 6:45 PM

To: Ell, Tim <>

Subject: Re: Regarding OBSI


According to the OBSI resolution, do you mean Ms. Salima Baboo won't approve what OBSI recommended on the GIC issue? Why do you said the opposite toward my "abide by OBSI recommendation"?  But my suspicion is that Ms. Salima Baboo totally didn't scrutinize the OBSI letter and cause the communication with you a problem, or can I suppose you've read the communication between OBSI and me including later survey on Nov.20, 2023 so that you know my rebuttal?   Can you point out where is your findings regarding the GIC issue and what is it? Also,   can remind you that I have my findings regarding the GIC in a series of emails communicated with you in May this year in which I expressed my benevolent will.

Cong Tong


From: Ell, Tim <>

Sent: December 12, 2023 2:29 PM

To: C Tong <>

Subject: RE: Regarding OBSI


I can’t speak to what other financial institutions would do or not do to resolve customer concerns, every bank is different.

My suspicion is that you will need to go back to the Ombudsman again since you’ve already raised the complaint about the GIC. You should make sure Ombudsman office is clear that you don’t feel that they addressed this portion of your complaint and that you also didn’t agree with our findings. This is the only remedy available at this point that I would be aware of.



From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 12, 2023 1:20 PM

To: Ell, Tim <>

Subject: Re: Regarding OBSI

I wonder if there is any remedy/solution which can be offered in your branch for the problem caused by Mr. Codey Rivest.

According to OBSI recommendation, plus in my previous experience that a branch manager of CoastCapital Savings Bank made the decision to terminate a non-redeemable GIC; for this BMO GIC , the OBSI just maintain the solution from BMO resolution team, no other option provided, I can abide by this OBSI recommendation on the GIC issue.


From: Ell, Tim <>

Sent: December 12, 2023 12:33 PM

To: C Tong <>

Subject: RE: Regarding OBSI

Does the letter from OBSI state what your options are if you are not satisfied with their findings?



From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 12, 2023 12:03 PM

To: Ell, Tim <>

Subject: Re: Regarding OBSI

Hi Tim,

It seems unreasonable to go through a redundant process , for which I can't afford the wasting of my time and energy, I suppose the OBSI also sent a copy of the letter to BMO Ombudsman office;  where else do customers can proceed the complaint above the OBSI?, the only remedy should reside in the recommendation of both OBSI and BMO resolution team, at most a discussion can be made between the branch and BMO resolution team, I've  already expressed my sincere will to reach a mutually-benefited solution.

Cong Tong

From: Ell, Tim <>

Sent: December 12, 2023 11:25 AM

To: C Tong <>

Subject: RE: Regarding OBSI

Okay, I’ll take another look at this. Let me see.

Again – my goal would be to try to resolve your concerns without needing to duplicate work.

It seems like the “misconnection” might be when the complaint went to step 4, so it might still be appropriate to go back to the Ombudsman again.



From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 12, 2023 10:56 AM

To: Ell, Tim <>

Subject: Regarding OBSI

Hello Tim again,

Actually, the letter on Sept. 29, 2023 from OBSI redirected my complaint to the local branch, here is what OBSI in letter quoted: "BMO’s Customer Complaint Appeal Office advised you in an email dated June 14, 2023, that that the GIC redemption issue is outside the scope for its office, and you will need to visit a local BMO branch or contact the Investment Centre to discuss your GIC.". I suppose at some point there is kind of mis-connection.  So, will you please help resolve this issue?

Thank you so much for your caring.

Cong Tong

Tel; 604-583-7223



From: Ell, Tim <>

Sent: December 12, 2023 10:29 AM

To: C Tong <>

Subject: RE: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.


You are correct, but that was obviously a general statement, as I did not have the full details of your complaint in front of me at the time of that conversation. Generally, yes, we can help you resume your complaint. But now that I have spoken to Salima, she has told me that you have already gone past that appeal stage as you were not satisfied with the resolution at step 3. That would mean BMO has exhausted its options to resolve the complaint. I understand your desire to reach a mutually beneficial resolution, but there is no guarantee of that outcome.

I attached the brochure in my previous reply so that you are clear on what the steps of the process are. Let me know if there is any confusion.

I know that OBSI will mail a letter detailing the outcome of their investigation of a complaint – this letter should give you instructions on how to dispute their findings if you aren’t satisfied with their decision. If you need another copy of this letter, you simply need to reach out to them.


Tim Ell, BA (He/Him, They/Their)

Branch Manager

BMO Pride Regional Director

BMO Broadway & Commercial Branch

2501 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC      V5N 4C1

T 604-665-7323

F 604-665-7098


From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 12, 2023 10:24 AM

To: Ell, Tim <>

Subject: Re: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.

Good morning Tim,

I was told during the meeting about 2.5 weeks ago that you could help appeal with the BMO resolutiion team to reach a mutually-benefited result after you examined the BMO hard copy letter I brought with which Mr. Codey Rivest didn't quite understand and later he faxed to BMO back office to get clarification. I also made promise.

Thank you so much for your caring.

Cong Tong

Tel; 604-583-7223



From: Ell, Tim <>

Sent: December 11, 2023 10:37 AM

To: C Tong <>

Subject: RE: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.


Thanks for confirming, I will take care of that today.

As for the GIC: when you raised your previous complaint about InvestorLine to the Ombudsman, do you recall speaking about the GIC or referencing the GIC? I reviewed the service request and I can see that the GIC was discussed at step 3 (our appeal office), but I can’t see past that.

At this point in the process, the correct next step would be to go back to the Ombudsman to have them review that portion of your complaint again. I can see from Salima’s letter to you, that BMO has determined we’ve taken reasonable steps to allow you to cash this GIC out at the next earliest opportunity. If this hasn’t alleviated your concerns sufficiently it would be most appropriate to go back to the Ombudsman to review, rather than starting the entire complaint process over again.

Hope this is helpful guidance.

Tim Ell, BA (He/Him, They/Their)

Branch Manager

BMO Pride Regional Director

BMO Broadway & Commercial Branch

2501 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC      V5N 4C1

T 604-665-7323

F 604-665-7098


From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 11, 2023 9:55 AM

To: Ell, Tim <>

Subject: Re: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.

Good morning Tim,

Yes, please proceed.  Anyway, a dangling issue can be cleared. By the way, has Salima responded to the GIC issue?

Many thanks.

Cong Tong

Tel; 604-583-7223



From: Ell, Tim <>

Sent: December 11, 2023 9:35 AM

To: C Tong <>

Subject: RE: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.

Hi Mr. Tong,

Can you just confirm that you are okay with me transferring the interest over to your other account as per below, so I can close my ticket?


Tim Ell, BA (He/Him, They/Their)

Branch Manager

BMO Pride Regional Director

BMO Broadway & Commercial Branch

2501 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC      V5N 4C1

T 604-665-7323

F 604-665-7098


From: Ell, Tim

Sent: December 6, 2023 2:13 PM

To: C Tong <>

Subject: RE: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.

Hi, I took a look – the USD account appears to have been closed based on your previous request, but we can only fully close accounts when the balance is exactly zero. There was 2 cents of residual interest in the account at the time of closure, so the account was stuck in a “pending closed” status and this is why it still appears in your holdings.

I will convert the 2 cents to CAD and move it to your chequing account so that the account can finally close – does that sound good?



From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 6, 2023 11:21 AM

To: Ell, Tim <>

Subject: Re: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.

Good Morning,

Actually, I visited your branch in November to pay the $0.01 charge of CAD account monthly fees incurred on Nov.1(I deposited $0.05, hence $0.04 left), and also, I was told there appears another extra USD savings account with $0.02;  so, I visited another branch on Nov.16 and the probing of extra USD account turned out to be no idea. I'm also puzzled. 

Thanks a lot.

Cong Tong

Tel; 604-583-7223



From: Ell, Tim <>

Sent: December 6, 2023 10:28 AM

To: C Tong <>

Subject: RE: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.


Yes, the senior discount applies to your bank plan in the first full month after you’ve turn 60 – I see that your birthday was November 27 (happy belated birthday!)

This means that you would have still been charged the fee in November 2023, but moving forward you’d no longer be charged. Even though the system will apply the code within the first two months after you turn 60, as a precaution, I’m manually applying the senior discount code to the account to be double sure that you receive that discount. I also see that our colleagues at the call centre have reversed the $4.00 fee in November as a goodwill gesture even though December is your first eligible month.

The discount does not apply to excess fees and service charges so keep in mind, if you exceed the included 12 transactions a month, or perform any transactions that are not included in the Practical Plan, you may incur a fee.

Refer to page 2 for the full plan details for Practical bank plan, as well as the fine print on page 3 of the everyday banking guide for the senior discount plan rules: Agreements, Bank Plans and Fees for Everyday Banking (

I have documented your concerns, but let me know if you have any further questions about this.

Tim Ell, BA (He/Him, They/Their)

Branch Manager

BMO Pride Regional Director

BMO Broadway & Commercial Branch

2501 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC      V5N 4C1

T 604-665-7323

F 604-665-7098


From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 5, 2023 3:38 PM

To: Ell, Tim <>

Subject: Re: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.

Good Afternoon Tim,

My CAD checking account remains 4 cents at the end of last month, the so-called overdrawn $3.96 is the result of charging $4.00 of monthly account fees which should not have been incurred on Dec.1, 2023 because of my status as a senior. 

Thanks a lot.

Cong Tong

Tel; 604-583-7223



From: Ell, Tim <>

Sent: December 5, 2023 2:57 PM

To: C Tong <>

Subject: RE: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.

Hi Mr. Tong,

The alert you received below is not related to your bank plan or plan features in any way, and your plan is unchanged and not affected.

Under new regulations that were introduced last year, financial institutions are required to notify customers when the balance in their primary bank account drops below $100. The alert is simply there to proactively notify you so that you can make a deposit, and avoid the potential of a negative account balance or NSF fees for any transactions that might be pending. You can opt out of these alerts if you choose – there is a process for this that we can assist with in branch.

We are still reviewing your request to break the term investment and find a solution; as I promised, I will definitely let you know when I have an update.


Tim Ell, BA (He/Him, They/Their)

Branch Manager

BMO Pride Regional Director

BMO Broadway & Commercial Branch

2501 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC      V5N 4C1

T 604-665-7323

F 604-665-7098


From: C Tong <>

Sent: December 4, 2023 11:23 AM

To: Ell, Tim <>

Subject: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.

External Email: Use caution with links and attachments. | Courriel externe : Faites preuve de prudence en ce qui a trait aux liens et aux pièces jointes.

Good morning Tim,

I wonder why the system became chaotic on Dec.1, 2023(cf. email below) when my status had already been as the senior to whom the CAD checking account fees should have been exempted.  By the way, considering the high inflation in Canada(e.g. the Shoppers Drug Mart discount sale of Colgate mouthwash about 3-3.5 months ago as $4.99, currently after Black Friday, into season's greeting, the discount sale as $8.49, same 1L), the GIC issue I talked with you on Nov.24, 2023, for God's sake, should be relieved.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Cong Tong

Tel; 604-583-7223


From: <>

Sent: December 1, 2023 5:16 PM

To: <>

Subject: Account balance update.

less important things omitted hereby.


This morning, respond/feedback to OBSI survey: There is no formal OMB# for this case in Samuel Maclaren's last letter, which means it's a continuity of Lesley K. case, disregarding my feedback on 11/23/2023 plus my rebuttals in previous emails, only wasting my time/energy, wonder if Beijing's standard is followed based on the fact that Western Standard magazine debunked "Puppet of Beijing"  in May, 2005, for more than two decades we've been under Beijing's shadow, what else can I expect?

前述朱镕基先生在毛国祚建立前被录取清华时享受一视同仁待遇。 经过毛国祚礼数使徒行传后,一切天干地支能量关系被搅黄,order=disorder ; 我家主元神被root-canal后,不可以成立比较级(前述到1959年为止,安眠药还没有太多剂量时,陈敏章大夫是比较对象),有人明知故犯地以root-canal作为消遣,进行过一堆刻薄/阴毒活动。 马英九先生alike是中华民国政府资助对象出国留学,在我家的situation是两边的world-upside-down问题,instead of being sponsored by PRC government my encountering was reversely contributing to PRC government fund(中华人民共和国桑国卫大委员长全家family workshop处),  on the other hand, 马英九留学时是我家中华民国政府债券的受益人,而我当年要变通的庚子赔款换学费计划没有成为现实,所以是bond holder 与 debt holder ,受害人与受益人(victim vs. beneficiary ) 之间的关系/dialogue,连KMT前秘书长蔡正元先生都说过马英九“见不得他人好”,所以我的顺口溜“得了便宜再卖乖”要送到他家;by the way,  龙应台女士 写过《请用文明说服我》。                                 1934年整整90年前,赛金花的指导者离婚,作为高级女传教士的上帝仆人手按圣经向上帝发誓后的作为(至少二次,在婚礼时,手按圣经,for better, for worse, 以及ordained 成为传教士时向上帝发誓更多保证),是成事不足败事有余(aforementioned)的,赛金花是雷同pink-girl's harvest, 是passion fruit or dragon fruit -double pun, 在华期间对毛主义分子苏维埃非法政权的promotion及同时对中华民国合法政府的demotion是cogent catalyst leading to later tragically energized Maoist reality=Daniel 11:36.                                                                                                      Oh! God, how long will it take for such damage mentioned above to go through reversal or restoration being analogous to the case of King Hezekiah-reversal of temporal-space dimension at Isaiah ch.38?

P.S.  中国网民在俄罗斯驻华使馆留言维护国土主权(图们江出海口)被藐视(insert), 这完全是CCP江元神reinforce cession之结局,一介布衣草民要继续坚决拥护双手赞成CCP江元神苏俄远东克格勃的行为,long live 江元神CCP光辉历程之非常光彩点数-出卖国土。

P.P.S. 台湾警备总司令俱乐部(foregoing)的党员对于上述黄俄汉奸分子行为有何见教,有关“黄俄汉奸”这种说法的记录,他们割让国土的记录,以及南京“支那之夜”领航员的记录,要从地球上抹去也不难,这要靠耶稣基督再来,God speed divine Isaiah 51:6 !
我是事后诸葛亮悟出1936年美国OPC正教徒对类似1934年开始的赛金花指导员的一系列行为不苟同而分道扬镳之所以然。 在我的“Some Reality”中,基本事物的in want状态(aforementioned)就是文中指出的新式法利赛/法老/法海两面三刀, 行anti-Christ,anti-Biblical, anti-humanity 之礼数,处心积虑地“disable you,  condescend you, hijack you”后,他们尽情地砸锅我要为耶稣作正面的见证- 这种负面因果关系一目了然。                                                2024-6-2
近日89-64 35周年之际 ,网上有袁红冰先生回忆:八九「六四」之后,李克强完全背叛了他原来的政治态度、政治立场 这又使人检视89-64 后的22周年,我因私事回杭州(一直保持低调在那里,一个人去了一趟南山公墓,在售花处买了一个最大的鲜花花篮,呈献在我祖父母的墓碑前),而且照理在邓小平南巡后,中共中央喉舌基本上已不再主动出击这个话题以提高自己的政治能量场,2011年邓小平的外孙女婿吴小晖在宁波-杭州如日中天,但不必然是幕后指挥人教唆杭州某个超级大名人发言-坚决拥护邓小平当年天安门镇压六四运动,赞美其英明伟大=long live 邓小平天安门广场大屠杀,这对吴小晖做生意(esp.在海外)没有益处; 按常理不会体现出像个弱不禁风的事态(89-64 时有好事的杭州国安在上海对我行Orwellian“1984” 的礼数,把我当时的remarks“哪里哪里,(CCP)伟大、光荣、正确”-沈之岳将军style语言放在杭州),时过境迁后,还那么虚弱?? 事出反常,just consult Dr. Henry Lee(中央警官大学,刑事鉴定专家),"any anomaly, track the money traces".
P.S. 在杭州期间,还发生诈欺性新闻:2011年7月6日晚间,香港亚视报导江泽民死了,山东省委马上在官网首页显着位置,以黑底白字公开刊登“敬爱的江泽民同志永垂不朽”,并配上了江泽民的照片。姜异康决定斥巨资8,800亿元人民币,在泰山为江修建一座格局超豪华陵墓,一下子从省财政厅拨款8800亿是个异数,这个神秘的extra money可以请教央行/银监会/中纪委的反洗钱反贪部门(谢天奇:山东政商黑幕牵涉三常委 或将揭盅  )。By the way,李源潮(民间称团派第十常委)好像在胡锦涛面前对周永康这种政治局常委在温哥华经济掠夺会负起责任,连胜文先生有remarks“我们不是大明王朝”、“要做丐帮”(这个不犯法,但是抢夺讨饭的盘中餐是什么行为?),李源潮先生下台时发出“吾将上下而求索”的失意声,不知有没有深思/沉思过没有负起责任会collateral damage到胡锦涛先生?
前述俄罗斯普京及国师都认为共产党是罪魁祸首(origin of trouble),列宁更是罪孽深重,中国共产党在这种说法中极不自在,不过在我看来,被北京宪政学者dubbed as台湾省委书记的马英九更加不自在/五味杂陈,先总统蒋公、故总统经国先生在世时,CCP被 nailed down 为黄俄汉奸/历史罪人,自从马英九当朝后,那是巴不得delete光这种putative历史结论-连两蒋的死对头邱垂亮教授等等都说马英九等等是两蒋的不肖子孙。看来这个世界的funny situation derived from illuminati godfather circus standing unwaveringly.
P.S. 6-10 说到曹操,曹操就到。昨天下午刚提到godfather circus,今天就有其中的gamer gaming,迫不及待的现象发生(杭州话“癞棘皮”现象)。 Nasdaq 半导体(SOX)index表现亮丽(+1.42%) ,这个AMD在AI-CoPIlot中可以查到基本面,技术面完全不坏,今天的表现突然像个崩盘,你懂得(上个交易日进场),吃相霞气好看! 经过一系列anomaly,如果白领不要白(不要脸),那么黑领就要脸了(负反馈刺激下)- 我是巴不得God-speed divine Zephaniah day(Zeph.1:1-6)- prophesied by Jesus 2000yrs after Noah's day who is the same yesterday, today and forevermore=God speed Matt.24:37(approx. 2500yrs after Noah's day, Jesus as son of man/son of God ) , 或者说也可以互相确保divine earthquake(Matt.24:7)-前述“当地方派系换成北京老板”(《Reporter》),有remarks。  By the way, the power of British Empire before sunset was established without silicon electronics- but energized by the then-Christendom abiding by Greco-Roman culture and rule of law based upon Christianity.   

 P.P.S.  CCP already helped Nixon-Kissinger, H.W. etc. destroy Christendom civilization to some degree, and can help destroy much more in the ages to come.                                                            By the way(sequel to 2024-6-2 P.S.), 属于江元神CCP的姜异康一夜之间像变戏法似地编码了8800亿,根据谢天奇:姜连夜召开省委常委扩大会议,决定斥巨资8,800亿元人民币,在泰山为江修建一座超豪华陵墓,占地88万平方米,并包括一座建筑面积为8,800平方米的纪念馆、一口当今最高质量的水晶棺和一尊高18米的纯金塑像。泰山上还将修建一座深800米的地下室,保证发生战争时可迅速将江的尸体安全转移。“江陵”工程由姜异康任名誉总指挥,整个工程定于188天内完工依我看超越秦始皇的骊山工程许多倍-令人瞠目结舌=shock and awe 。这个造墓大臣职务是谁授权的?难道胡锦涛会册封姜造如此气势宏伟的帝王陵寝?

以山东巡抚的职位越俎代庖天朝圣上钦点,自命不凡地自我任命造墓大臣,足可见胡锦涛当时的状态,没有管住江元神CCP干将+大明王朝+周永康之流等等在大温哥华经济掠夺从国内巧立名目而在这个一介布衣头上转一圈的所谓donations-他们的自肥等于给胡锦涛挖天坑=李源潮“吾将上下而求索”-=in turn, collateral damage(6/2/2024 P.S.)。

   P.P.S.2     In regards to the anomaly mentioned above(6/10/2024), scenario can be the deployment of quasi-29155 troops(foregoing)from Vancouver to Houston to New York- the illuminati triad godfather circus is playing God, playing game(扮演上帝玩游戏,前述有黄俄势力情报三合会,with AI-machine organized gang stalking), humanity faculty with positive energy seems futile in this kingdom, power, glory under the domination by the hybrid of aforementioned philosophical alias.  地狱小鬼已作恶了一阵子=Beelzebub's demonic service is taking over the world, 假先知假教授在欢呼雀跃-as Anti-Christ/Satan's carrier in alignment with the "woe to the earth" situation(Rev.12:12)- red dragon having been hurled down by St. Michael is quite at perigee,  everyday I pray St. Michael not to be short of his arm's length to reach over/cast away the evil tidings. 


5/24/2024 外一章: 同为牧师儿女的Mme. Chiang Kai-shek与赛金花的指导员大相径庭,类似1936年OPC正教徒,符合中华民族传统堂堂正正,实不苟同1934年离婚的赛女士对illegal Chinese Soviet regime(@江西瑞金+@陕北延安)之promotion,可圈可点。耶稣基督亲自再来的时候,应会检视传教士在中国的harvest/fruit,难道耶稣会指望一个tragically energized Maoist reality(Daniel 11:36)? As in a closing prayer by Dr. S. Lewis Johnson: "Enable us, Lord, to play our own musical instrument and the part in the score that we are to play, in order that the whole composition may bring the greatest glory to Thy name."   My purpose of question is just wondering if Lady Pearl was under assignment of a role to be positive element in compliance with Divine Purpose for the history.

5/24/2024 P.P.S. 外二章: 这个一介布衣一路走来,有关基本事务/事物方面: 学费-事业-符合上帝心意圣经要求之般配-人生should not have been be in want,  the jealousy-mania, hypocrisy mania and control-freak mania by modern Pharisees/Pharoah/Pharhai should have been cast away; for Jesus sake, things should be presented here. 

Sequel to 6/10/2024 : 最新2023上海一年总共6400亿财政 收入-,2011年时不会超过3200亿,山东也在同一水平,每年收支都在捉襟见肘,显然姜异康一夜8800亿是从某个黑箱黑洞里逸出。 黄俄反华势力的选择性编码/装蒜,通过“disabe you, condescend you, hijack you”毛国祚礼数的使徒行传,facilitating those not entitled to rake in money since 1998- USD 500,000, USD 1 Million and later USD 500 million, furthermore since 2007 starting "donations welcome" online, the hijacking of donations surpassed multi-billions USD, laundering money into Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Dubai etc. 在此提醒一下,在台湾这个一介布衣是bond holder vs. debt holder, victim vs. beneficiary(foregoing) , 享受党国经费官派留学后的要员,有没有意识到他人血汗钱被享受后,将一个人的人生摧毁(just mentioned above),damage 到为耶稣的正面见证,继续歹戏拖棚,造出的业债,孽债直达天穹,有哪位要员/大员已经意识到为同僚及上级挖天坑是一件享受diving invocation/divine retribution的事务/事物? 圣经中的frequent narration 有这样表达:某人的血要算到/记账到某某人的头上。God speed Maranatha!

Sequel to 2024-6-16  In reality,吕加平指控的那个CCP扬州人双料汉奸其实变成了原先蒋中正死对头邱垂亮教授等等描述的两蒋的不肖子孙之最爱-前述台湾警备总司令俱乐部的要员与CCP江元神/江元神CCP合二为一(都是选输了惹的祸)plus 大吃CCP illuminati godfather circus 的便宜饭, 这些人很清楚杭州远郊的百年前国民党主元神蔡元培是蒋中正“四一二”的最主要推动者-清剿共党黄俄汉奸反华势力, 蒋中正后来在台湾亲征国民党革命实践院院长,是清剿共党理论联系实际的发扬光大。By the way, 假先知/假教授就是illuminati的一部分,大力协助了毛分子黄俄汉奸苏维埃非法政权,导致蒋政府在南京下台无法继续honor给付清朝政府盛宣怀签发的向英美国家发的债券,otherwise,不会in turn发生在Texas出现布希先生的spiritual adviser 为了这些bond而犯法。  【百年真相】中共一再被俄總統普京打臉         杨宁:俄杜马副主席高赞《天津条约》 打脸中共    黄俄汉奸势力要继续反华,可以帮他们做加油队/啦啦队,致以最崇高敬意(对他们的光辉历程之光彩点数)。

What's more, 这一百年来illuminati godfather circus 与 CCP 一直在反华,网上有中共保卫苏联及割让蒙古的反华文宣 (insert),加上CCP江元神/江元神CCP加签背书 了反华卖国条约(foregoing),又逼人唱“同一首歌”, 言下之意的外交电文就是: 是不是要帮他们更喜欢反华?

网上更多言下之意的外交电文:中共曾支持台独?《外交家》揭穿"皇帝的新装   杂志原文    另:                      毛思想作为中华人民共和国宪法王座屹立在喜马拉雅之巅,岂能不催化台独?! 没有正本清源,毛国祚之illuminati godfather circus(行毛国祚礼数的使徒行传可以不负责任??)永远是cogent dynamics for Taiwanese independence.

2024-7-7  最近颜纯钩发文表达了一些对台湾上届政府的失望:  , 这个一介布衣有感而发,记得在评论对岸上海瑞金医院最大长老处培养研究生严重误人子弟的事物时(foregoing),有二次以上的同步不寻常事件,某个曾先生贴着很绿色标签像是台湾国防安全卫士组织的前上校军官,故意像个台大前教授彭文正先生对上届政府主元神发话,拿英国学位说事,我看在中华民国总统府incumbent主元神的尊严需要,发文制止;事后可以进一步探讨,after the posting of my affidavit ,大概瑞金医院某人在16年前左右负担了一点表浅责任- 拿“一眼眼小末事(宁波上海话)”来父债子还,坏在这个世界的黑箱黑洞(operated by illuminati godfather circus)中,白相人(上海话)连“一眼眼小末事”也要金光拆白嫉妒控制- 根本不属于他们的东西。更多scenario可能是: 曾上校为非精神分裂症人士,有关sectionalism or sectarianism 利益纠纷,陈水扁先生表达过有人拿了利益后根本不负责任,大家可以用empathy考虑;在以文会友的地方,搭错界人家人生血汗教育经费的不止一个,可以中立到台湾金管局,这个一介布衣与他们打过招呼(foregoing), 有关搭错界他人经济人权生存权是他人人生多米诺骨牌系列的悲哀(foregoing)
P.S.   吕秀莲女士曾严重关切二次(1st: 13-14 yrs ago, 2nd :9-10 yrs ago, 对某人出来竞选),看来并非女人之间心存芥蒂所致,应与上面刚提到的民运圈人士发文表达失望关切有高度相关性。
Footnotes:     有关人生多米诺骨牌系列悲哀-as is said in the beginning "marooned in the cosmic disorder " which can be ascribed to two aspects: Cosmic disorder one, as is pointed out by former White House advisor Mr. Robert C. O'Brien that there appeared problems(at some key moments) pertaining to China policy by US since 1930's when the illegal Chinese Soviet regime(黄俄汉奸外国反华势力@江西瑞金+@陕北延安) was espoused by Lady Pearl (Mme. Chiang, Kai-shek不敢恭维的1934离婚的传教士, foregoing)and when OPC felt apostasy, the illegal yellow peril Soviet agent regime finally led to a  reality that caused China "point of no return, 万劫不复“, please cf. the followings: 1999年12月9日,前中共党魁江泽民跟俄罗斯总统叶利钦在北京签订《关于中俄国界线东西两段的叙述议定书》。该议定书完全承认了晚清政府与沙俄签订的系列不平等条约,将沙俄侵占的中国东北100多万平方公里国土,无条件送给俄罗斯,将图门江出海口划给俄罗斯。江泽民还将未经签约而被沙俄及后来的苏联强占的17万平方公里的中国领土——唐努乌梁海地区,也送给俄罗斯。
俄間諜創辦中共 一大代表逾半退黨                              In 1989, for example, China wanted to save the GDR at the last minute   【老照片】列宁只用150元就收买了中共“一大”代表的良心和灵魂 波兰总统复旦演讲触北京敏感问题    讽刺的是, 当今普京及其智囊的战争说辞是一切都是共产党造的孽,Lenin 更加是罪魁祸首。
Cosmic disorder two: 1995年选输了的台湾警备总司令俱乐部要员投入中国大陆, 从以前的超八度反共抗俄立场,到口口声声选择性反日,但又抱着日本汉奸(what吕加平debunked, foregoing)大吃便宜饭(人民血汗钱,谎言暴政后民脂民膏被用来买通开通何止一种颜色); 人类文明到今天,允许cross floor(esp. 西方议会),加入反对派甚至敌对阵营,只是自我逻辑不要站不住脚;请参阅Romans 罗马书2:2 - But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things.          中华文化传统也要求堂堂正正。                    
 P.P.S.  搭错他人界(有关经济人权、生存权)的麻烦制造者(mentioned above)每天应该需要go through 天干地支hell/heaven,for Christ's sake(搭错界的麻烦制造者对他人要为耶稣作正面见证构成了不可饶恕的stumbling blockade),cosmic disorder可以休矣,以免100+年前Chinese scholar 李宗吾有endless接班人(cf. his deep insight into Unscrupulousness as Humanity/Manliness/Eternity),  may divine remedies work as remedial justice.
P.P.S.2  刚说以免李宗吾有endless接班人,偏偏又有漏气,CCP的培养局(illuminati godfather circus一部分)就是要为李宗吾添砖加瓦, 请看:中国清大博士"抄"人一等  , 这个由来已久的问题要溯及到1988 when former president Chiang,Ching-kuo passed away, the super-hyper  Tsinghua establishment @上海瑞金医院就变本加厉无所顾忌,故意让打印机纸张in want(foregoing),好为日后data手写作坚实的铺垫(from the high level,not mine, only needed a couple of hours workload,  sparsely spread in one paper with handwritten,  forcing you to do collage-alike presentation in turn, of course, being forced to do handwritten in compliance with the high level ), 究其原由,1988经国先生成了故总统,那些李鹏林毅夫mentality-alike 可以大行其道,原来失去了被蒋总裁亲自草拟的国家统一进程所统一的后顾之忧。Lawless/godless 现象一直在extension,已发展到目瞪口呆程度:饶毅曝中共科学界买卖院士头衔黑幕 原文被删  , 一介布衣草民当然要做李鹏林毅夫mentality的啦啦队 to engage in/to help their  "down with" movement toward  蒋经国国家统一纲领。     
P.P.S.3  李敖在台湾发表了一堆反蒋言论,到北京成了座上宾(在北大有天然盟友林毅夫),高歌一曲“横着走路”, 他们本来应该横下一条心对着蒋经国国家统一纲领/进程来反它个底朝天,不必掩盖企图心。
2024-8-2  由薛荫娴女士、杨伟东先生发表的新书《China Doping 中国毒药》有了网路上更进一步的自然延展/延申: 巴黎奥运:中国游泳选手被检出禁药阳性,但仍获准在奥运参赛 , 这个叫做在国际上大涨无产阶级革命志气,大灭帝国主义资本主义威风- 行毛国祚礼数之使徒行传之必然,符合毛国祚的立国之本。
P.S.  有关上述禁药阳性有了最新发展: Chinese claim that Aussie beef was source of Olympic athletes’ positive drug tests dismissed as ‘convenient fabrication’    从中所折射出的问题, 要从毛国祚的立国之本来看,进口 万恶的帝国主义资本主义产品(含奢侈品)是绝对背叛作为宪法王座的毛思想(自力更生,艰苦奋斗,斗私批修,反修防修),背叛宪法;既然CCP有关当局认为药检阳性是澳洲牛肉惹的祸,还要考虑double collateral damages aside from violating constitution: 对于运动员本身以及对国家名声。
2024-8-8  有关1988年始中共有关当局(副国级主元神直接领导处)解除了被蒋总裁三部曲国统的后顾之忧(cf.7/7/24Log P.P.S.2)后的事态=godless/lawless, 与共产党主元神(esp.正国级李鹏外加林毅夫)要打倒蒋总裁国统高度正相关,这可以佐证台湾曹兴诚先生最新发言:中共所谓“统一”是诈骗  , 反过来也印证我所说的(上述共产党有关当局对培养学生的弄虚作假)。                                                                                    P.S.    有关CCP欺骗和伪装, 專訪周曉教授(1):中共如何蒙蔽美國和西方   前BC维多利亚教授吴国光 先生也指出了在CCP控制下装蒜 的 中国现代化: “中国式现代化”的障眼法                                                                                                                                                                               有关CCP办教育外一章: due to CCP Univ. campus policy to direct domestic student to engage in foreign student through sexual servitude and debauchery  there has been AIDS epidemic in China campus, which has been fallen into contempt by Russian student in the campus: 中国大学 “舔黑”引进患有艾滋病留学生 俄罗斯留学生在留学生宿舍群组里使用针对中国人的歧视词汇    前述天蓬元帅philosophical alias位格可以横着走路,在龙年不要被说成“怎么连人间龙格都少见少有”。  人间失格不知要用多少人间法度才能在他们的孔圣人与如来佛前摆正位置;至于他们在耶稣基督面前的tenability,那就更不用说了。
P.P.S.       极端有助中共建国的一个超级大点数- 利用一个沈崇事件诈欺全世界: 沈崇被美军强奸了吗?法庭作证实录色诱美军,倒打一耙) 。毛澤東究竟開了一個什麼國?  “從1921年中共建立算起,中共禍亂中國百餘年;從1949年算起,中共統治中國幾十年,致使八千萬中國人死於非命,十年文革把中華五千年文明毀壞殆盡”    前述CCP器官拆白党人员有了让人匪夷所思的行为,其魔爪伸到了日本:  依我看,世界各国需要以对付有组织犯罪来对付中共器官拆白党三合会        连骨灰都是假的!!!每一天都在刷新对底线的认知    中共 器官拆白针对活人为主,居然 又开发了下游链进行无视任何人伦底线的 拆白(进入殡仪馆 的ferocious corsair行为)。  
Even the ethics with humane society is superior to that closely associated with medical care(e.g. magic speed of organ harvest: and funeral care in which the undertakers have raised black banner of corsair--even inferior to animal world -some coyotes/jackals would bury their counterpart when life ends.
P,P,S. 2(8/17/2024) 面对上述CCP这么多的iniquities, 需要查看历史究竟是如何发展的--简直落入完美的讽刺领域: 当经国先生变成故总统后,蒋宋美龄女士的8/17/1982legal disclaimer很快变成了一纸空文,当作不存在-- 选输了的台湾警备总司令俱乐部要员反向“投奔自由”,融入江元神CCP/CCP江元神(汪精卫宣传部长万世一系,荣膺大统领);人类就是倾向reverse-evolution/devolution的理论已变得consolidated。 上述人员大多数信佛(前述江元神念佛经有名),很明白星云先生教大的口语“前世作孽”。“后世作孽”。 有关iniquities,圣经中有更明确的启示:Eli 的后代的行为毁掉前代功名利禄(1 Samuel 2:12-36); 大卫王犯了一个严重错误: 为了将Bathsheba 据为己有, 利用借刀杀人之计除掉了其丈夫,纵欲的报应在Galatians 6:8 中体现--后代的江山在第三代就开始分崩离析 (he that soweth to his vices, shall reap the deadly fruit of his vices; );
大卫王的这一切要靠耶稣基督在十字架上与人类立的永恒的契约救回来,建立永恒的国度。    有关反向“投奔自由”,前述余英时教授认为他们应该在1949年就投降毛国祚政权,这样就不会在中国造成无数无辜的生灵涂炭- 毛毕竟不姓唐吉柯德而去大战不存在的“国民党反动派”,“(中情局)国民党美蒋特务”,这种“前世作孽”,“后世作孽”=造他们如来佛的孽也!最新例子,当年民运分子唐元隽所谓“投奔自由”在台湾,接洽他们的包括余英时教授调侃对象。人类在这个事物中没有耶稣基督,背叛自我出卖他人做犹大=两面三刀=反革命五面派,刚被美国司法部起诉。 It's known to us all that triad CCP agents are expert at disguising themselves as western civilization and engaging in economic plundering(高智晟先生女儿6-7年前在旧金山指控的就是这伙人)

2024-9-2  有关网文 路透社罕引赖清德话:如果中国想要台湾,就应该从俄罗斯夺回领土  这个从历史角度及自江元神CCP被星云先生教大的佛教理念来看,慈禧太后战败无奈签下卖国条约,毛泽东的黄俄汉奸心态一览无遗- 保卫前苏联(foregoing),至于到了1995年,海参崴库页岛的租赁条约到期,江泽民李鹏政权居然在1999主动积极卖个干净-在没有任何战败的情况下;其所以然盖因江的KGB远东局身份,加上李鹏哈苏联-- 第三共产国际养大的黄俄汉奸反华结出了万倍的“前世作孽,后世作孽”之果实;  尼克松的 “1999 不战而胜”(指美国)是彻头彻尾的假先知/假教授,somehow, otherworldly, 1999 indeed 是黄俄汉奸外国反华势力的不战而巨大胜利- there exist evil forces of nature in the otherworld (cf. Ephesians 6:12).
P.S. 9/7 1999不战而胜的尼克松需要亲自看到1999在南斯拉夫一役中露出败象(B-1B 被CCP火力打下),加上以后的阿富汗战场-无功而返, 这可是战无不胜的马列毛所向披靡的结果。美国为什么出现这种节节败退现象,这个要从1936年的88年前算起(赛珍珠女士在中国对毛主义Soviets非法政权大力promotion后形成Daniel 11:36之 fruit,St. Paul 在2Corinthians11:1-6提到false apostles,要是手按圣经至少向上帝发誓二次的传教士离婚后再婚,在天国也可做耶稣贞洁的新娘?圣保罗在文中怕夏娃被蛇引诱犯罪而无纯洁性;在中国传教不能成事不足,败事有余),经过“evolution”- apostacy after apostacy(OPC 所意识到的=what OPC was aware of),the centennial(around 188yrs ago-88yrs ago) strong tidings of exuberant Jesus in the Christendom had ebbed away- Christianity as subculture has waned since 1988(foregoing), meanwhile Nixon-Kissinger energy sphere waxed -leading to such a global system: The Globalist Framework: A System Founded Upon Spiritual Rebellion   In essence, by chicanery, selective encoding/charade has been packaged into self-righteousness, the core value regarding the rule of law based upon Christianity has experienced downward spiral to bottom(foregoing), 这种人类学事务所已经没有什么大的意义, 如果到了bottomless,则根本没有意义, 请看:Can The Majority Of Churches Be Trusted To Instill A Biblical Worldview?  and  Trusted Ministries Warn Pulpits, ‘America Is Doomed Unless The Church Wakes Up And Steps Up’                                                                                                                                        and the 4th article:  Without The Certainty Of Truth, People Have No Solid Ground To Endure Deception   In my opinion, if truth fails, it's time to choose a number- to let failings long stand firm(Isaiah 59:14-15) or feel urgently that judgment is long-overdue(Isaiah 59:18), in Rev. 11:18, even the time of judgment of the dead was due about 1900 yrs ago when the Book of Revelation was written by St. John, not to say the living-wicked.  
 P.P.S.  9/10  The globalist framework mentioned above is the system for CCP to extract/squeeze out the most bountiful profit under chicanery,  the so-called "reform" in China is all about CCP survival despite the fact mentioned before(esp. disregarding Psalm 37:21, besides, adopting evil strategy-Psalm 37:7 ) , such coveting/reckoning/exploiting of three generation fortune by lie/tyranny can be espoused by Nixon-Kissinger, please read latest article: Henry Kissinger was the chief apologist for a brutal Chinese Communist regime 敝人亲身经历的事物:毛统治的文革期间,我祖父母被共产-强制不准收房客房租,但还要去杭州房管所地政科被强制交地甲税(指的是独立屋parcel land ownership tax ,形式逻辑上个人拥有),讽刺的是,邓小平当政后,以“改革”。“开发”的名义,我家又被失去最后的一笔parcel land ownership(前述1952年被毛共产了downtown West Lake parcel)。                                  
据网文,连中央委员都不是的一系列部级干部的地下室能够被中纪委搜出可以造比江泽民风水墓穴(参阅谢天奇报道山东省委决定8800亿)更豪华版  &   怪不得姜异康的declaration是小菜一碟- 江家pedigree地下室那是更不用说了,今后各家都 可以不遑相让;由这些巨贪作完美cushion/backup,全世界都开眼了,中国人民大学的金灿荣教授所担忧的“凯子外交”:  今后会出现更夺人眼球的数目字(可以参阅刘泰英作为国民党大掌柜的很有钱执政时期,CCP宣传机器人大肆抨击台湾搞金钱外交,当然岛内反对党在立法院批评“凯子外交”)。
1988年,在解除了被故总统经国先生三部曲行宪中国大陆的后顾之忧时,朱镕基先生在上海市政府礼堂更轻松地行毛国祚之礼数,肺腑之言教育同僚“爹亲娘亲不如共产党亲”,同时又作为上海市卫生局及教育局的法人代表,对于我在7/7/2024 Log P.P.S.2中所揭弊的事项,有何大明王朝铁律之见教? 他的豪言壮语“给我100口棺材,99口给贪官,一口给我”,有几多回天之力?-请参阅: 豆腐渣工程盘点  豆腐渣陕西高速路桥启用近6年遇雨垮塌逾40人遇难 一場颱風「中國豆腐渣工程全現形」 
P.P.S.2  9/12  无独有偶,前维多利亚教授吴国光先生发文指中共官商勾结吃馅饼at the the expense of布衣百姓入陷阱  ,   与我上面所说相辅相成, i.e. 邓小平复出后打着“开发”、“改革”名义的现代化,非法剥夺我家私有地产权=illegal expropriation.
By the way, 有关不能培养社会主义掘墓人的教育方针encore,首先请拨乱反正伟大领袖毛是苏联社会主义掘墓人这个大麻烦-- 基于毛的最高指示(supreme decree/edict)- 苏联是最危险的敌人。
 Sequel to 9/2/2024 这里有上海交大江泽民的校友高全喜:俄国带给中国的灾难远大于日本   本文网址:  Psychologically speaking,江元神为了掩盖其1995年就开始的有计划有目的之装蒜/卖国-没有看到海参崴库页岛(40个台湾)租赁到期,坚决不走 标准程序的第一步,而故意在97&99香港澳门这二个弹丸之地回收上大张旗鼓地表演,然后在1999加签卖掉北国-这个心理学就叫做strain out a gnat, swallow a camel;不过敝人向来是可以为江元神帮忙做加油加醋事务所之元神。
Sequel to 8/8/2024 之P.P.S.  法庭作证实录沈崇色诱美军,倒打一耙,为中共建政立下汗马功劳(, 颠倒的历史需要vindication- 如今中共最建交的地方在伊朗等等国家=最一家门,所以按照伊斯兰法律,对于用色相卖弄风情勾起男人欲望者,被男人上弓是自作孽,要判处被鞭刑,石刑 etc--  倒打一耙更是罪加一等.
2024-9-23  这个由ccp controlled 台海两岸金光拆白集团又一次在Canada Post 中发威( Telus issues stmt. on the 10th day of every month), actually , 李鬼+李鬼构成的恶鬼集团继续行Kleptocracy 之礼数(本月12日我在付其他账单时估摸了一个数提前付了,恶鬼一直在监控,reckoning, coveting & exploiting), 假先知,假教授,假使徒只有金光拆白之道,mother of harlot, father of lie , son of perdition 共同指挥协调毒龙教, 金庸写小说反党(有关venomous dragon cult )-  innuendo regarding illuminati godfather circus gamer, in my opinion, they have been  evolving from red sun gods to  black sun gods since the Deng, Xiao-ping era.    我的MSFT Email 账户也被李鬼tampering了好几次-激发了我的alternate email for recovery好几次,也许他们想用我的Email账户来开通新的电脑或手机-从今年的3月5日到9月6日我几次致电了微软服务部。前年去年至少发生一次以上tampering. Again and again, the illuminati godfather triad circus played the game, monkey 、monkey, business monkey rampantly tried money business, no wonder monkeypox rampant- very Feng-shui alignment. 有时又发生锁住我的Live Email ,逼得我用recovery Email,这个可能就是企图鱼目混珠,内鬼通外鬼的game playing,可以浑水摸鱼--       mafia agent with characteristic of  yellow-perilization always tries to do the perversion job/to misguide the world.
2024-9-25  有关厦门大学海峡两岸城市规划研究所文章- 为接管台湾作准备=准备在台湾行省,这个不能bypass一个先决条件,也即首先将北京恢复行省为北平,在南京恢复民国行宪(可以是第三共和); 走错程序=事与愿违。
A flashback of historical scenes: in the initial days when I landed in Los Angeles I encountered most venomous dragon's disciples engaging harassment all night next door(quite in alignment with the MLI Project "Dragon at the Door") at the rented place(foregoing,一对上海牙叔牙侄在台湾来的周姓人员房子里发威)-让初到的莘莘学子无法在第一时间生存于洛杉矶小台北(台湾缩影-- 历史的镜头随着历史演进有了更深的透视与旁征博引:前中共香港地下党员出书:台湾中共地下军处处都在   ,the issue of dragon at the door, actually, has been reinforced by Nixon-Kissinger's cult toward the red dragon/red devil/red serpent, 这种遭遇真是我的“终身成就奖”。 Jesus exclaimed toward serpents, a brood of vipers!(Matt. 23:33)- how can they escape the condemnation of hell?  接下去在小台北-洛杉矶China Valley-加州Milpitas有一串难越关山/关山难越无间道(我在家父讣告中指出)的thread- 从反共起家沦丧成中共猎物而game playing的黑色利益链,1995在Baldwin Park处,Mr. Li, Qian-wei 见到中华民国国旗会极度反感-那只是背这面国旗的陈景丽女士(雇主)的悲哀-small potato,我在电话中跟台湾同学都谈到第五纵队,过了一些时辰不料来了一次LAPD helicopter事件(causing大家fuck off each other),very interesting, 被美国定罪的香港眼科大夫何志平之妻台湾知名影星当时是洛杉矶警政委员会主席的妻子;在杭州省委主政的李鹏江泽民的风水chimera李泽民更是无法无天 地视其领导的政法委法院为儿戏草菅人命;后来的吴弘达(1995在洛杉矶金龙酒家为其接风洗尘)被RFA自由亚洲电台 爆出scandal(foregoing),actually, charade as Yahoo boss gave them money(before being sold to Verizon,quite in active connection with Hangzhou, later depreciated from 40+ billion to 4+ billionUSD ),再后来,替Mr. Li, Qian-wei作业政治庇护的马xx被FBI命名为Co-conspirator No.1(前面说过知人知面不知心)。已连续到第三代有vision的美国田纳西牧师Perry Stone在《Deciphering End-Time Prophetic Codes》一书中指出美国起于十三州,actually, like Jesus as pattern prophet, 这位牧师忧心忡忡指出downward spiral to the bottom,  类比罗马帝国也是起于十三省而最终毁盘。    那么会不会终止于十三州?我看当然不一定是founding states,但是依照最新发展的axis of evil(cf. US Congress), 美国最可能在十三州被以CCP为主导的金光拆白力量毁盘-前述在major metropolitan area, 杭州宁波上海话 Gog/Magog 。May God speed Maranatha!
Canada–China Ties Moving From Elite Control to ‘State Capture,’ Former Canadian Diplomat Warns   昨日续: 这样看来,大英帝国的一部分在日落以后要比罗马帝国的日落后有更多霉运/触霉头- 成为CCP领导的皇冠直属殖民地,美国牧师Rev. Perry Stone 是有必要作更多忧心忡忡的advocate/invocation being able to reach Great White Throne/Divine Throne.  另: 德媒: 香港越来越像中国  该文网址:, 这是必然的,John Fitzgerald 在《干部国家》 中揭示 中共以干部为江山社稷,使得中国变成CCP,by the same token, that's why Hong Kong becomes CCP (Hong Kong as a part of China) .
续9/23/2024:有关gods, 自从1980华国锋下台后开启的邓小平时代,The Red Sun Square in deference to "great leader Chairman Mao"@杭州武林门 should have been changed to Black Sun Square.
2024-10-4 Continuing 2nd Sequel to 9/2/2024 Log:
有关“strain out a gnat, swallow a camel”,  林保华先生给出了fact-based deliberation/apologetics :林保华:台湾是中国的神圣领土 海参崴等都不是神圣的 都可以送人吗 , 网上还有其他更多的让江元神CCP 理屈词穷的fact:没中国人敢在海参崴、海兰泡举五星旗 他们只在安全的地方勇敢       1995 巧合的就是选输了的台湾警备总司令俱乐部要员cross floor与江元神CCP 合二为一,并传授警总统治的groove,站在condescending height,企图诠释任何人类学事务所by self-righteousness ;有关中华民国事务所,台大医学系台大医院的对等方,有所待见之处:当年美国临床医学博士们任院长的浙一医院,童钟杭大夫以不到30岁的年纪(没有用大量强力安眠药前,在血液科出类拔萃,foregoing)出任内分泌研究室主任以及临床内分泌科主任(当年叫组长)- 总住院医师第一名毕业及主治医师发言人第一名在台大只有杜聪明大夫 这样年轻有为。 Current KMT夏副主席有个秘密,当年党国经费官派留学 可以周而复始地研修国际关系法律- 在三家类似地方重复读了三个国际法硕士-党国经费可以这样惬意 地用来泡咖啡,交女友,悠哉游哉, 有没有意识到这是挥霍浪费我奶奶爷爷的bond fund(foregoing)- 血汗钱沦陷在党国经费里!!! 享用了国民党党国经费留学后而成的党国要员请帮忙挽回我大命一条的损失(连老命小命都要搭进去)-当年连变通的庚子赔款换学费于我留学燃眉之急之际 都遇到冷若冰霜的财政部铁公鸡一毛不拔(cf. foregoing).
2024-10-7  有关假先知/假教授/假使徒的业债/孽债(请参阅 5/24/2024 & 6/16/2024 series, footnote to 2024-7-7 log & P.S. 2024-9-7 log 1930's赛珍珠之流)现在看起来 很难有remedies , 这个damage是:在1940's由美国将军梅勒斯先生in charge中美合作所对重庆白公馆渣滓洞的共党分子进行correction没有任何可能,这些共党及后代反而被Nixon-Kissinger alike拥抱,the more the better 引进江竹筠后代,造成的局面是 Cadre Country:How China Becomes Chinese Communist Party( John Fitzgerald ), 以下英国电讯报新闻标题中China=CCP, How China is fortifying its economy for war with the West ver%20trade%20as         China’s third plenum is almost a declaration of economic war    这个搬起石头砸自己脚的一些美国人西方人从1930年代传教士败事有余开始(foregoing),经过88年的devolution,快将Greco-Roman culture, rule of law based on Christianity 输光, only divine remedies can make correction.
P.S 有关英国电讯报提到的经济问题,还要提醒CCP影响到的各个相关当局对于冒牌吞钱者的fraud当作juvenile deliquesce会有严重后果  :  

‘Robin Hood in Reverse’ — UK Foreign Aid Being Directed to Chinese Cities Wealthier Than Areas of Britain  UK Foreign Aid Spent on Five-Star Hotels and Chinese Restaurants    敝人只是宣誓效忠大英帝国女王陛下,just a reminder, 在2012年与英国皇冠单位谈起我在2007年CIBC USD 账户fund-raising 之去处(据说3000亿左右)-敝人在7/7/2024 P.P.S.2中提到的弊端是朱镕基先生要严重关切的问题,属于父债子还的逻辑关系,那位台湾的曾上校千万不要将“父债子还”与蔡英文的英国学位搭错界-敝人对于蔡的英国LSE学位真假毫无兴趣,尽管敝人主动挂冠PRC的硕士学位。王建煊先生当中华民国国民党政府财政部长时,刘泰英先生作为国民党金控掌柜很有钱,本来很容易作业变通的庚子赔款当学费。By the way, 多伦多的谢万军先生在2024年8月7日的Twitter中报料解密的前东德秘密警察 Stasi 档案-绝大多数流亡到西德的所谓东德民运分子/异议人士其实都是Stasi间谍或线人。 Richard Fadden on dealing with foreign interference in Canada:   有关香港,Hostile Takeover: The CCP and Hong Kong’s Religious Communities 该文网址:            Canada and  Hong Kong are extremely related esp. economically ,  after the hostile takeover of  church,  the situation becomes the same as in China - CCP as the head of church instead of Jesus Christ - as in the numerous “三自爱”examples posted out by Rev. Francis Liu @San Francisco;  what is worse ,  murder can be in the name of  serving for God(John 16:2)  ;

无独有偶,quite coincidentally in 2008 when I posted out affidavit (mentioned poisoning, murder, attempted murder),  Dr. Peter  Bregging  wrote a book  《Medication Madness_True Stories of Mayhem, Murder & Suicide Caused by Psychiatric Drugs》following his another book《Toxic Psychiatry》,what is more  there is a pioneer book by Dr. Lee Coleman regarding toxic psychiatry : 《Reign of Error_Psychiatry, Authority and Law》,这个就是台海两岸跨太平洋的冒牌吞钱的法宝-anthropological intrigue, disable you, condescend you, hijack you.
2024-10-19   同为牧师儿女的宋庆龄也与赛珍珠一样,对非法毛主义Soviets割据政权进行promotion ,却对中华民国合法政权(重要联合国创会国)demotion ,实属illuminati communism international  circus其中一只手,二只手(自觉不自觉地为毛这样的旷世邪恶gamer做垫脚石 ), 早已被蒋宋美龄女士盖棺定论=墓志铭: “二姐生性好强,一生每逢大事必糊涂,最终于国未尽忠,于民不称仁,于父母未尽孝,于夫妻未尽节,于亲朋未尽义,于大义未尽思,于天地无一敬,于暴君未尽谏,于凶民未尽抚。可不悲哉!……终至于众叛亲离,孤苦无依,上辱父母先祖,下愧多灾黎民“   按照圣保罗在哥林多后书第十一章提到的假教徒/假使徒-没有贞洁性做不起耶稣新娘; 另外,撒旦都要伪装成光明天使,他的差役们也会伪装成行公义的使徒,但他们/她们的结局,以做工的收成来决定- 前述赛金花的指导员收成都是dragon fruit(宋庆龄的收成是更多毒龙教)- worst in the history of mankind- realization of Daniel 11:36 in China- unleashing irreparable damage toward Christianity in China and beyond her border- wreaking havoc worldwide thanks to the espousing of  CCP regime by Nixon-Kissinger to reinforce the venomous dragon cult(毒龙教) ,during their reign Rev. David Wilkerson warned "Racing Toward Judgment"-  half a century later, the situation has evolved into being about to enter abysmal dimension.
2024-10-22   10/7-10/19/2024 中提到的事是我遇到的cosmic disorder (7/7/2024 footnotes)之延申, 敌基督敌圣经反人类的假先知假教授假使徒-构成Satanic Trinity要素, 其处心积虑比金庸小说中的丘处机有过之而无不及,处心积虑地disable you, condescend you, hijack you(toxic psychiatry's reign in error 与CCP triad 协同,ensnarement通过AI电脑卫星脑控并躲在台海两岸的illuminati black sun gods/goddesses gateway中大行sorcery之法术  ),处心积虑地使你从学费学业到符合圣经的般配到事业人生in want- CCP台海两岸三合会 光辉历程之辉煌胜利=处心积虑地blocking为耶稣作正面见证,处心积虑地对冲耶稣第一次来地球消灭最后敌人之目的-让死亡被判死刑。                    最近又出现二次我的微软电邮被tampering 或者被CCP triad用来activation手机电脑(foregoing),重庆白公馆渣滓洞里的ghost当年没有被美国梅勒斯将军(US General Milton Edward Miles)correction后又倒过来跑到全世界对美国及其领导的NATO-G7国家进行correction:               I wrote an email to Rev. 熊焱 several days ago about the brazen serpent originally nailed down on the cross by Jesus Christ, somehow becomes quite restive recently- with the  similitude of situation in the Rev. 20:7-8 & 1st pt. of verse 9, May God speed divine retribution! 
P.S. 1  倒果为因、反客为主的猪八戒mentality around the clock invasion/intrusive,那是几个CCP 分舵主活不下去,开足马力mafia V2K weaponization, thanks for their reverse instigation, 他们应该记得本博客有个冷先生贴图:共产党是总舵主,那些寺庙菩萨、“三自爱”教会等等组织都是分舵主,按照圣经语言,那是卖淫给red sun/black sun  gods/goddesses,  按照郭文贵先生报料,那是极端双关语-数不清的pink passion fruit/dragon fruit, 没有卖给共产党,进不了天堂。
有关敝人经历的cosmic disorder可以进一步延展申述: 旷世邪恶的共党统治让家父主元神被中枢神经药物root-canal , 敝人在formative years(前述亲子互动关系是祖父母,难道听不懂?),就不认为家父是正常人,如果不是这种认知,敝人早已无权生存。 我说每时每刻请那些以reckoning,coveting,exploiting为生,反客为主的猪八戒们go through 天干地支都不够用- 癞蛤蟆总是想吃天鹅肉,猪八戒(pig's king)always tries to be king of king by overwriting Jesus Christ. 
P.S. 2    Being regarded as fulfilling a biblical prophecy by helping return Israel to the Jews. the Battle of Beersheba  was fought on 31 October 1917, when the British Empire's Egyptian Expeditionary Force  attacked and captured the Ottoman Empire's Yildirim Army Group garrison at Beersheba(mentioned in my blog-mankind's prototype international agreement was reached 4000 yrs ago),   thus advancing the World War I @Palestine.                                           Somehow, history's conundrum is still haunting under the circumstance of Russia front in 1917 when Lenin made breakthrough in his successful application of his theory that Russia as a vulnerable knod in the empire system can be revolutionized by communist;  as is still quoted in China by CCP  "the rumbling sound of cannon shell fired at St. Petersburg Winter Palace in October 1917 brought Maxism and Leninism into China "(consequence: point of no return has been enabled by some false prophet/false professor/false apostle); paradoxically, the current Russia leadership thinks the communists are the origin of trouble and Lenin is the No.1 trouble-maker; as a matter of fact, Communism has wreaked havoc in China to the extent that it can be said much more damage has been unleashed than any other country - up to date spreading authoritarian and totalitarian control-freak worldwide -disregarding human rights through economic plundering/financial coercion as in the case of my fund-raising  - as was pointed out 3+ decades ago in Hangzhou toward an American teacher,  it's the economic war that comes true today- 自从近一个世纪前假先知假教授假使徒在中国败事有余加上尼基派半个多世纪以来特别拥抱中国的共党政权,共党党卫军像沙滩上的沙子般蜂拥而至美国及西方,美国的核心价值-基于基督教的法制被蚕食至所剩无几(one nation under one God名存实亡)-resulting in proactively and deliberatively cultivating/nurturing the establishment of Gog/Magog civilization in the west under CCP triad's "drive-a wedge" strategy to create power shift in the name of "multi-polar"; according to Rev. Perry Stone's  "circadian pattern" vision(foregoing), American implosion will most probably occur under newly-formed 13 states revolt through Gog/Magog activities(must review Rev. 20:7-8 & 1st Pt. of verse 9).    I'm puzzled why such cosmic disorder elicited by illuminati communist international(godfather circus gamer gaming although under tergiversation ) should be tolerated  so long a time(吴祚来:叛乱与内战:中共政权的合法性问题, help me, God.                                                                 As for cosmic disorder extension furthermore,  it can be said being derived from what is researched out by Bo Yang studio@Taiwan,  楊憲宏透露:台灣十年來赴中換器官逾數百人    杨宪宏:台湾数百人曾赴中国换器官 证据提交美国, 其中的一个VIP相关例子被路德社情报梳理2022年7月爆料(中国1980后勇气智慧可嘉,直言不畏贴出中共内部data,长江后浪推前浪,江山人才代代辈出)在最后的7/31/2022 item中.  该VIP也是中华民国两蒋政府时期党国经费官派留学而成要员,可以理解当年吕秀莲女士严重关切其上位但又不便说白之处-亨廷顿在最后一本书中提到的scenario台湾舰队很可能加入对岸共党舰队如果CCP与美国冲突,我认为亨廷顿可能言过其实,应该解读成是经济战(just mentioned above),还有台湾朱敬一先生与贝书颖女士论CCP经济控制全世界包括数位世界的两本书。 有关不搭错界,敝人在2024-10-7 log 中强调的是“父债子还”事务所不要被第三者吃豆腐,敝人没兴趣置评他人学位真假,那是彭文正先生在走司法程序,一切有待司法公正还人类公道。   
P.S.3  10/29     上述吃豆腐就是The CCP triad-intertwined 3rd parties(also illuminati-oriented) 明知故犯地行金光拆白之礼数,将李鹏在UN & NPC背书了二次的经济人权宪章弃之如敝屣,这表明CCP作为illuminati godfather在UN演猴戏马戏给全世界看,签了等于没签,我看还是请他们去照自家的镜子:  这个伟大的毛泽东思想虎踞龙盘于PRC宪法之顶- 毛思想在他晚年时结晶出一生一世的精气神“坚决打倒资产阶级法权”,李鹏对冲了宪法王座,那是反革命资产阶级自由化-吴邦国的“五不搞”不够用,没有防止反动的资产阶级法权-李鹏经济人权法案。另一个illuminati 猴戏马戏为:1944-2-14 新华日报社论-中国军队必须国家化;  前已述及2011年夏天事件,中共中央电视台在不到5个小时内回应我说的军队国家化- 甚至连黄埔军校联谊会的面子都不给(“五不搞”不给面子也)。在我看来,为了“五不搞”的巨大利益,何必在北京显扬黄埔军校联谊会,CCP何必当初(中共最高党建宣传喉舌1944年的legal disclaimer)
 Everyday I pray God speed divine remedies lest 李宗吾's 《Unscrupulousness as Humanity/Manliness》 always stands firmly plus lest my rhythmic saying always stands firmly that “扮猪吃老虎,霸王硬上弓,子系中山狼,得志便猖狂,得了便宜再卖乖,还见不得他人好,自我伟光正,装蒜出文明,两面三刀诈世界” 。
2024-11-11 Update   
  《官场现形记》是清朝小说家吴趼人的代表作,通过描绘官场的黑暗和腐败,揭示了当时社会的种种问题,  通过对官场腐败的描绘,反映了社会的不公和腐败现象,提出了对社会改革的呼声,  通过对人物的刻画,探讨了人性的复杂性和道德的边界,反映了人类在面对权力和利益时的选择, 通过对清朝官场的描绘,反思历史上的政治制度和社会结构,本来可以提供了对中国现代社会的启示,就像英国政治哲学家对于宪政文明的贡献,现在看来任何反思研讨,对中共这个利维坦来说似乎是刀枪不入(加上柏杨和李宗吾的入木三分都不够用),中国社会与官场的权力怪兽与宪政文明水火不容,从明亡到清亡这段时间与英美宪政文明进步拉开天壤之别距离,马克思加秦始皇的政权让人世间的丑剧惨剧被illuminati godfather circus加时加演(本来孙中山的民国宪政共和是划时代进步,被CCP毁盘),  请看对照:专栏检索/欧洲思想文化长廊/20231222-宪政制度的故乡英国-霍布斯-利维坦的分析家-国家权力-怪兽利维坦  专栏检索/欧洲思想文化长廊/20240218-宪政制度的故乡英国-关于1640年英国革命-诛杀暴君之三-宪政原则神圣不可侵犯     另蒋中正在1949-50年至少让台湾反蒋人士郭雨新等选上台湾省议员等职务。
Cosmic evil time_黑色天狼专噬天良-移植醫生「下單」涉「按需殺人_杀人放火金腰带 孙二娘再世 母夜叉上位  The following evil tidings are quite in alignment with the Chinese Fengshui mentioned above-also in parallel with biblical expression-evil force of nature in the heavenly place. By the way, the current PM of Australia is an amateur in the fine level of Chinese Fengshui, who understands 古今中外,天干地支,时空交错,关山难越。Here is the reality check:  
天文學家拍到距离地球5300光年的星雲 狀似黑狼
大小黑心作坊曝光 细思极恐 (参阅圣经启示录16:13-14有关邪帝邪父邪子邪孙射污灵).
By the way, 郭文贵先生爆料时提到CCP欺世盗名/盗脸事务,那应该是毒龙教在天上人间大摆风水迷魂阵,上海的新民晚报例子(foregoing “中晋”及“钧遥”公司)也得益于“五不搞”,混世魔王金光拆白-通过在温哥华的拐带蒙诳,全世界被诓骗(参阅圣经启示录18:23),多代无辜者的血汗血泪要算在诓骗者头上(启示录18:24)。                                                                                                          在杭州,大约10年前左右的市委第三书记王金财先生很不凑巧与我认识的台湾牧师王进财先生很mimic,不解其意。
古有金圣叹曰,今有童言无忌童言白: 无间劫波何时了,天上人间几多愁;毒龙环宇射魔力,渡尽沧桑望耶稣。
Footnotes(11/15): 记得王进财牧师有一次谈到他们坚决抵制每一分中国大陆资本(刚好与当时台湾国会议员叶宜津女士强力呼吁一致), 所以说中共令人费解。
2024-11-19   有关薄瓜瓜台湾娶亲,网路众说纷纭, 台湾师范大学东亚系范世平教授认为薄瓜瓜的婚禮讓國共都尷尬 , 纽约飞天大学教授章天亮先生高度怀疑薄瓜瓜到台灣成親是門當戶對的祖國共产親:禁闻网台湾论坛有反共义士贴图贴文: 薄瓜瓜一家几代都是杀人犯”:“台湾”喜欢这样的女婿???weblink(实质内容在网页下半部分): 中共谎言腐败暴政黑金在台湾受欢迎   最新台湾yahoo新闻薄瓜瓜媽谷開來驚死人-強灌氰化物毒殺英商又傳把懷孕小三製成標本-011604670.html?guccounter=1  这样看来薄氏在台湾要身兼北京老板并监管台湾地方派系,还有其他benefit-今后可以装蒜成台湾人,为逃避薄氏三代的孽债业债(cf. context)打开通道;请参阅台湾媒体述评及台湾国科会一级期刊研究台湾地方派系政治生态及北京影响:1.                                           2.            3.               4.        

When I visited Hangzhou in 2011 when 薄熙来 was in high tide to advance "唱红打黑"(extremely reinforced “五不搞”,actually,“五不搞” pedigree live in the westside of Vancouver city), 薄 made great contribution to the blockade of my fund-raising-being highly detrimental; Mr. 姜维平@Toronto is expert at researching 薄熙来 and has debunked this then-CCP godfather's bloody lie, corruption and tyranny- even some Japanese media reported this CCP kingpin accumulated 100 billion CNY plus 6 billion USD; it turned out that some Taiwanese choose to be in affinity with this CCP godfather(中共“红三代”薄瓜瓜传将结亲台湾地方望族孙女, VOA, RFA etc.), according to 柏杨 and 李宗吾's insight- things are out of having a penchant for the astronomical money debunked in the media; thus rendering Dr. Samuel Huntington's last book scenario to be realistic that in case of Sino-US military conflict(in the variation nowadays, mainly economic interest )there will be negative aspect, currently in this economic realm some Taiwanese can join CCP godfather pedigree.      
P.S.11/19 他们都知道多年前我曾FAX/Email到台湾总统府提到有Old Glory vision popping up in my CNS, and in similitude mood to cite Mr. Rasputin(movie) who got vision and who said"I'm Russia" but was destroyed by Romanov Dynasty which in turn was destroyed by Lenin .  My another purpose resides in trying to reach acknowledgement with then-Prof.林宗义 from Taiwan Sinica in the field of Psychiatry serving Vancouver that human vision can be derived from Joel 2:28-nothing to do with psychiatry. 其他目的是要fix problem- 回杭州拨乱反正,以正视听-李鹏江泽民风水chimera制造的麻烦,没有盘缠=mission impossible,多年前Vancouver有个夏女士带头的举牌运动-we don't have one million dollar,你懂的。
2024-11-25  有关郭文贵的案子在美国已羁押一年八个月以上,应该遴选美国公民组成大陪审团公审,这是司法公正一部分,不能像中共国司法,连程序都予取予求-毫无透明性。 由有毒的红色罂粟花开发而成的毒龙教(苏共中央革命样板戏“红罂粟花”铁证如山-通过娼妓传播马列主义到中国-金庸影射的毒龙教由此溯源),前述桑国卫大委员长在杭州建立人类生殖研究中心,从郭文贵先生爆料就可洞悉他的人文科研究远大于桑先生的理工科,庆亲王,你懂的。前已述及,但是precisely speaking不够,当年叶公超外长签署的正式法律文本为《中美共同防御条约》-中情局美蒋特务由是被CCP而生;在大脑被root-canal人员及相关人员身上大发利市的吃相,使得马格尼茨基Magnitsky人权法案中的case成小巫见大巫;从scientologist研究中可以归纳psychiatry在anti-Christ,anti-Biblical & anti-humanity system 中有二种邪恶的用途:1.psychiatric incarceration toward those who try to defend rights/who can debunk the wicked  2.cover-up of crime/criminal through psychiatric charade and selective encoding.                                  有关今年9/23, 10/22 log中提到的李鬼tampering Email而激发临时代码之事在11/16又碰到; coveting/reckoning, the real-time surveillance gang exploited the chance to advance their hacking business- APT31? APT 41?, APT 20?  or  facilitate their quasi-USSR/CCCP 29155 troops' mind control task- beyond their sorcery organized gang stalking.
2024-11-27   有关台湾柯文哲贪渎案graft case在近日检调有了可喜的进展,如下web links柯八大金庫揭密-再被挖出2300萬賄款-柯文哲不法金額破億柯八大金庫揭密5-海濤法師吸金術翻版-柯文哲密帳也分2套柯八大金庫揭密1-盤點柯文哲八大金庫-神祕收錢單位代號曝光-212857242.html,滅證指令破解-柯文哲下令這人-碎掉木可帳-003636381.html  。 此人的庐山面目可圈可点- 变色龙特种技术演员之淋漓尽致:一路走来, 从标榜自己very-Taiwanese, very-Japanese到un-Taiwanese, un-Japanese ,凡走过必留下痕迹; firstly, 二十多年前,还经常与其母自称是日本人起源,招摇过市,大发利市,不过为了达到攫取权柄的目的不惜将自己包装成反日的蒋渭水开创的台湾民众党的衣钵(mantle)之继承人(马英九为了反日需要而故意捧高蒋渭水,且此蒋反彼蒋,斥蒋中正不反日而脱离国民党加入共产党,与“伟大领袖”毛如出一辙贬蒋中正国民党没有抗日只是“从峨眉山下来摘桃子”,连在重庆跟蒋中正吃饭的马父都连累了),这样的事实,就显得毫无日本武士道精神,故un-Japanese也; secondly,十多年前此人在一个绿色的台湾乡谊会年会上将中华民国国旗用双手撕烂- 登高一呼的大无畏革命英雄主义气概一览无余,incarceration of ROC national flag that is highly related to ROC constitution ch.1, v.1=摧毁中华民国国格,坚决要求台独(这也是毛泽东-李维汉-李鹏-林毅夫万世一系的意识流-打倒两蒋政权),后来又转肽,跑进中国大陆“捧对方LP”(李登辉语录),几年前还引领风潮言之灼灼-中国PLA打进来就跪地投降,这就变成un-Taiwanese ; 共产党国民党appreciate之对象,其过去跳高跳远记录可以被hush,这就是变色龙赚钱的生意经。
P.S. 2024-12-2 
上述柯p发财的显学之一(Yahoo link above),obstruction of justice under notice of intent to destroy evidence被逮个正着, moreover,柯文哲選前到底募了多少錢?他說出了驚人數字:選前兩天割韭菜:  ;走过留下的痕迹让温家宝语录发威,这种发财的显学就是造台湾的孽- 根据台大教授彭文正先生(三十左右当上新闻研究所所长,绝不输柯p在台大地位)的忠言逆耳(将台湾变成诈欺之岛,cf. Youtube 政经关不住),柯p塞住耳朵不以为然,这个问题是需要向上帝祷告-千万不要被彭p言中,Deliver us, Lord, from the way of lying, grant us thy law graciously(Psalm 119:29-30).  
By the way, Mr. Ko made great contribution to CCP organ harvest: 10年前赴陸推葉克膜!與柯P合影醫師 遭控強摘百人器官     还有贴图:             柯P避談中國強摘器官 醫學聯盟批助紂為虐       「屠殺」作者:柯文哲教中國用葉克膜在器官活摘上屠殺-作者-柯文哲教中國用葉克膜在器官活摘上-085500357.html         柯文哲又被打臉!仲介器官風波遭葛特曼批「騙子」 告輸提自訴被駁回仲介器官風波遭葛特曼批-騙子-柯文哲檢方告輸-向法院提自訴又被打臉-045643769.html          「國有器官」播映警帶槍坐鎮 柯文哲再被控是活摘器官要角  ,   in which the police Czar 周永康's black collar spirit is overwriting white collar mentality(medical doctor should have been the white collar of  white collar) in China- exampled by the Twitter presentation:  器官移植黑幕,中共全网封杀这视频,劝捐器官不同意捐 就死亡造假!  再次显示天上人间的黑色天狼吞噬天良(cf. 2024-11-11 log).
The solution to lie, corruption and tyranny mentioned in this blog - God speed divine intervention/divine remedies/divine righteousness up to Anathema Maranatha ! 
2024-12-3 Footnotes 
For the case mentioned in the Twitter X above, the black collar may have made every effort to disguise themselves as white collar, to say another way round.   柯p 作为中共器官拆白同案犯,应该记得童文薰律师在2018年左右发文善意提醒柯医师(weblink content above):WWII纳粹医师介入非直接杀人也会被判处绞刑。
2024-12-6  Organ harvest follow-up
 I just signed the petition/advocation toward UN: "Stop forced organ harvesting"  launched by NGO "Freedom United" at their weblink this afternoon:  
Here is the follow-up of  薄瓜瓜/薄熙来(11/19/2024 log): 4/21/2012 日本《朝日新闻》头版刊登薄熙来一家在海外存款60亿美元; 是年7月该报又爆料谷开来承认自从1990 年代前期到被捕前亲自安排转账至英美银行60 亿美元-经手人徐明, further debunking of related lie, corruption and tyranny in these weblinks:          薄瓜瓜婚礼画面内幕曝光!全网爆动 怒骂爆表          中国版金正恩蓄势待发?吸中国人血长大的              薄瓜瓜三大动作发力,政变者薄熙来预谋东山再起?曾庆红笑了                               与之相比,王炳章先生与当年台湾事务密切相关,it can be said he has been in a similitude situation manipulated by the complicated intertwined "deep state"  across Taiwan Strait(这黑水沟,你懂的)  - as is the case with a pair of  Ma-brothers in Los Angeles, who betrayed self and sold out their colleagues in exchange for only $55K ;I wonder how to cope with such a  reality that rampant treacherousness is the main theme- to grab money with “阴阳脸,双簧,两面三刀”   - no big difference from the situation called" buccaneering".     前述精神科在这个末世的世道中有二种邪恶用途(11/25/2024)- 那是scientologist 基本面分析- in my case, the psychiatric incarceration aligned with their quasi-29155 troops special task "disable you, condescend you, hijack you" enhanced by sorcery;  现在有美国高端正教psychiatrists偏重技术面分析: When Psychiatry Went Crazy with Dr. Peter Breggin, MD(author of "Toxic Psychiatry")   in which the mantle of socialism-communism psychiatry as is classified can be ascribed to the lie/tyranny beginning Lenin-Stalin's USSR/CCCP ,   another prominent American psychiatrist Dr. Lee Coleman's book decades later received new significance:   Reign of Error: Misplaced reliance on psychiatrists' predictions and expertise    :                                       Our society and the criminal justice system relies too heavily on psychiatric expertise. Psychiatry is a field that is not well grounded in science, and the evidence demonstrates that psychiatric predictions are very frequently wrong. The book offers plenty of evidence or this. A problematic branch of medicine has too much power over legal and ethical decisions that they are not qualified to make. 
在这个末世社会,集权暴政无所不用其极,网文:1. CCP创造出比Orwellian society更祸害的现实     2.中国/20240401-调查指俄罗斯29155情报部队可能是哈瓦那综合症始作俑者  3. 苏妲己当道,国妖横行 :   in which the mother of harlot ascends to the king-maker causing justice is turned into poison and fruit of righteousness into bitterness; their ultimate purpose- 金光拆白你血汗钱及公义的产出;按照圣经道德伦理,我经常在祷告中提到请耶稣拯救我们脱离谎言之道,以免法国莫泊桑等的批判现实主义总是站稳脚跟, 以免柏杨描述的人类劣根性一直引发危机,以免李宗吾刻画的人类厚黑性成永恒,以免本博客根据such a harsh reality surrounding us 总结出来的顺口溜(10/29/2024)金枪不倒。
尽管王炳章先生与我一样marooned在这个台海黑水沟已很久,那些人依然无视我从7/7/2024到10/7-19/2024 及至10/22/2024对cosmic disorder所作的一系列延申, 无视真相: the foundation of CCP got cogent testimony a century ago in the revolutionary template drama "Red Poppy"  as propaganda from USSR Bolshevik Central Committee.  The puppet of Beijing is quite coherent with them, being characterized by the trait of illuminati godfather, hence we got former-days Soviet Union and latter-days Soviet Union. I 'm in a full-house mode to admire their exporting yellow cake material to CCP in turn to North Korea  from liberal government-controlled Canadian company,  please read: ,        RFI reported                                                      专栏检索/北美来鸿/20241119-加拿大与中国扩充核武库的关系    ,plus 支持俄打核战?中共主 持UN五常会议显示 and details of CCP nuclear power:  ,  by the way, the Book of Zephaniah 1:1-6(千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭) under divine prophecy is waiting for divine fulfilment.  
为了“五不搞”的利益永存(他们就住在温哥华西区离林宗义教授不远的豪华宅邸), 必须打倒帝修反,发挥伟大的陈毅同志提出的“脱裤子也要造原子弹”的豪迈精神,将“黄饼”事业做大做全,这样才能稳坐钓鱼台,同时按照CCP的一路走来核疯狂:,还能兼顾其传统事业- 【百年真相】“打倒中国”中共反中援苏黑史,上面12月15日的阿波罗网文显示共党黄俄汉奸政权一如既往,草民都必须坚决拥护双手赞成他们的豪气万丈事业,the more the better,  God speed!
Merry Christmas And Happy New Year to Everybody!
Here is a memo of mine: On 12/12/2024, MLI hosted a webinar forum in which the presentations were from Canadian scholars who experienced former Soviet Bloc iron curtain and emphasized the freedom of speech. That's the anniversary of the incident recorded in my 2008 affidavit that using psychiatric incarceration was to disable you, condescend you and hijack you on 12/12/2005, I presented real-time chat that I encountered a harsh reality due to CCP's long march/long game/long arm, 打开天窗说亮话, 那是当时陈良宇集团长臂猿越境管辖(当年怂恿江泽民打台湾:,为了永续极权,如出一辙地为了上面提的"五不搞"之特权),现在有个专门英语名词 transnational repression(TNR), 究其内心缘由,那是极度红眼病=green-eyed monster mentality , 冲着5亿美元,据说被劫持后很快被 funneling 至香港(concerning HK, points have been accumulated as such-a large chunk of US CECC report 2024 rests on it, according to HKFP :; 这前后一系列金融事务-人权事务,杭州上海的几个财经人员心知肚明。上海的工银顾国明在一种作孽他人-自作孽-更作孽他人之恶液质中,析世鉴也。
P.S. 2024-12-9 提到“被精神病”的基本面与技术面,12/23-25 继续解构“被精神病”与通过Transnational Repression 维护“五不搞”极权利益超级正相关,nowadays CCP behaves as a full-house copycat of USSR/CCCP treatment toward dissident/rights defender while sarcastically enough they forgot the Xinhua News Agency vehemently denounced Brezhnev regime on Feb. 21, 1977 that CCCP used psychiatric incarceration to crackdown people ferociously surpassing  Hitler's atrocity , cf. inserted:

尽管有“香港脚”之称的马英九最不喜欢听到香港报人黎智英“没有青天白日只有满地红”的说法,很不幸,由于中共自编自导自演- 南京航空烈士馆 擅改二战军机涂装 青天白日变红五星   他们自我完美无误地力证黎智英清白。
顺便补充一下,2024-11-19 P.S. 中要表达的是一个拐弯抹角的意思(Joel 2:28),因林宗义教授当年在台湾总统府是有影响力的大长老(我没有其Email书面沟通管道可以方便表达对于psychiatric incarceration/malfeasance 的看法)。 
I hate to post out my email to Mr. Sam Cooper but the situation forces me to do so. A bunch of my financial statements have been hijacked since Nov. esp. my credit card statement issued by Scotiabank on Nov.10, 2024 for my USD donation to a Christian ministry- special targeting,  Canada Post can't respond to my further inquiry but asked local Post to selectively deliver a non-financial stmt. from RBC(regarding regular banking affairs) issued on Nov.25  as I found today- which is just what I pointed out to Mr. Sam Cooper - shrewdly crafted charade:  

From: C Tong <>
Sent: January 3, 2025 8:17 PM
To: Samuel Cooper <>
Subject: Things Developing

Hello Sam again,

I hereby forward Canada Post response email to you(my original email wilfully unattached, I add up yesterday's communication with you below), so I questioned them again:         

From: C Tong <>

Sent: January 3, 2025 9:23 AM


Subject: Re: Please receive our apology

Dear Chelsey,

According to your account of things developing, the re-issuing of hard copy financial statements from banks will incur extra fees per statement(a lot since Nov., not to say Dec.) , I've never encountered such situation and what if the stmt. fell into the unwanted hands.                                                            From: C Tong <>                                                                                              Sent: January 2, 2025 2:23 PM

To: Samuel Cooper <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Shrewdly crafted charade-Concerning Canada Post delivery

 Dear Sam again,

So far, a lot of my financial statements since Nov.(not to say Dec.) seems to be in the mode of being repeatedly intercepted by local CCP-triad controlled forces- they always have a penchant for my financial things, for which I repeatedly emailed Canada Post to complain(cf. latest email below)- currently it can be masqueraded as the fallout of recent strike.      

From: C Tong <>

Sent: January 2, 2025 10:34 AM
To: SERVICE@CANADAPOST.CA <>                                                                Subject: Concerning the delivery

 To Whom it May Concern,

I'm sorry to tell you that the mail delivery situation is worrisome after your resuming duty on Dec. 17, 2024 in that a lot of financial statements issued by banks in Nov. Have not been received; I searched Google which says in worst scenario- Longer distances: Delays of up to 10 days are expected.             -----------------------------------------------------      

Hijacking my hard copy financials=hijacking the survival of the living being=hijacking my life, human rights perpetrators just disregard basic rights- the entitlement of freedom of communication, as I pointed out years ago that their coming is against Jesus Christ purport- Joy to the World- so that rendering the annual Christmas lyrics(I just attended Downtown Vancouver Christmas Eucharist) to be at their whim- of which "let no more wrongs and sorrows grow, nor  thorns infest the ground" .

Current situation can be aligned with the CCP controlled Justin Trudeau who is  in trouble, cf: Samuel Cooper reporting:    In the aftermath of CCP infiltratration in Canada for about ½ century:                                    On Jan. 4, 2025 after 9am morning time,  CCP-controlled TNR quasi-KGB special service特别勤务 manifested themselves around my residence with their special gadget cutting in my Bluetooth speaker- burden me to restart( my own audio source via Bluetooth can't be connected to it), which can be said an extension of last century North Korea graduate+ Yangzhou master/toad master organized crime(cf. foregoing) - after buying off and coveting into yellow cake material in Canada such ugliness becomes more rampant under most bloody lie/tyranny money from CCP- upgrade themselves as yellow-cake promoter=Chinaman of Chinaman , causing much more crisis (cf. Bo Yang柏杨 Google book English title translation).                                                                                                                                                                            Situation background : In the year 2024 things 88 years therebefore and things in 1988 were clarified in my bloggings ,做贼心虚不顾礼义廉耻 的家伙往往不顾三七二十一(pun , Psalm 37:21),有时虚以委蛇,有时蛤蟆功哈到无法回应,一定要留下历史的byword.

2025-1-8  这里有一些Univ. of British Columbia-Hong Kong government新闻:  加華人關注組反對卑詩大學助港府考國安法 加拿大港人就溫哥華設有《香港國安法》考試地點一事報警       江峰:香港“自由贸易港”美名变“军火走私码头”恶名  , in my opinion, Hong Kong government is one of branches of CCP central government according to HKFP  report on 12/23/2024(cf. log 12/25) that HK has become no difference from regular Chinese cities,  UBC is like CCP direct crown colony instead of British Crown land,  such demonstration of HK national security law at UBC renders British Crown government statement to be futile that it's a severe violation of human rights .            这样看来, 让人不好过日子 也会有boomerang效应=让人 无限敬重毛-周的永垂不朽的革命精神 - 当年毛-周高瞻远瞩英明伟大的革命外交路线(经过二人一合计,原来中国的白龙尾岛立马变成越南固有领土) 成为国际范儿/光辉榜样, 那个扬州人在杭州的皇亲国戚怎么不记得在 杭州的红太阳广场跳“敬爱的毛主席,我们心中的红太阳”之忠字舞, 于是台湾管辖的在南中国海的太平岛就follow毛-周的国际范儿,可以移交越南(更何况该岛一直被越南申索主权,比白龙尾岛更进一步层面)。                                                                            P.S.(2025-1-11)  Regarding British Crown and CCP Hong Kong government mentioned above,  because of such a reality that "proactively and deliberately handing over the kingdom, power and glory to CCP broadly deemed as extremely heathen/paganism-oriented ", which has elicited Gog/Magog formation in the west,  is it true that some of them are sure British Empire goes into oblivion or worse into abysmal dimension forever?   otherwise, there should have been the awareness- to whom they take pledge of allegiance?                 上面也提到Chairman Mao ,台湾事务,那还要从柯p非常崇拜毛说起, 其辦公室放「延安壁畫」,毛澤東信徒也,我是很顶真地帮忙柯p更喜欢毛(台湾起訴書揭柯p有毛国祚CCP「傅冬菊計畫- 拉攏政商二代!),顶真二字柯p要晓得, 毛发出过最高指示“世界上怕就怕认真二字”。                                                                              2025-1-18     Some debate from Cambridge Union can be scrutinized here at YouTube :  Benedict Rogers speaks as the second opposition for the motion in the Debating Chamber on Thursday 5th December 2024, concerning if hypocrisy exists in China affairs         Generally speaking, I suppose,it depends,  differs from each individual politician, can be understood in perspective of their manliness which is related to gender neutrality according to what is narrated by Harvard's Prof. Mansfield in his book .   举个例子,在最近的一届下台的英国 前首相表面上非常支持台湾并抨击CCP政权鸭霸,私下为了其丈夫开的军火公司生意兜售军火予CCP-PLA而游说国会议员开绿灯,被报纸媒体捅了出来而下台;可能需要精神分析,是否存在双重人格,抑或可能是运用了中国的老古董技术-兵不厌诈。 P.S.     为人之道是否讲究信用及礼义廉耻是不分男女的- manliness naturally inspecting mankind's credibility,  righteousness, awareness of shamefulness, abiding by law plus protocol developed for humanity to establish relationship with heaven, earth, man and God through infusion of spirituality is of gender neutrality,  which is self-evident.   


Medical care should be high-end white collar business, if without Hippocratic spirit , things can devolve into a status "masquerading themselves as white collar ",  so far there appears no contending for the challenge about what I posted "British Empire before sunset power standard without electronical aid "- in my used-to-be WHO research physician identity which presented as "better off betting this guy to drink last cup of  divine Kamikaze"- to honor my father's record  as last Samurai (way of being).  Current situation forces me repeat the challenge. As a senior citizen my Handy Dart pass is under an ugly game playing mode through medical office's malfeasance, so that causing me unable to use this service and disregarding my hardship situation and rendering a NATO  Irish Ctr. for Human Rights being expert at senior citizen rights in which 刘晓波 is highlighted to be disabled by being a highly effective cushion to Beijing CCP regime deliberately as a NATO-G7 country, please refer to the dissertation/publication emphasizing senior rights :           Latest development is as such, after an interesting hand made the bus route of line502 unavailable at Stop # 57142 Northbound King George Blvd @ 102 Ave plus stop at King George@100 Ave;  on Jan. 16, 2025  more funny things happened,  the bus stop at Northbound King George Blvd @ 96 Ave was  not available for Bus line R1 around 1:30pm when I was on board but available for the Line 321 both N. & S.-bound (targeting senior citizen like me living around this area), on Jan. 23, the stop at Southbound King George Blvd @ 96 Ave was totally cut off, but the Northbound for R1 line was restored;  is it a part of "disable you, condescend you and hijack you" program to cause senior citizen like me unable to go through daily survival such as banking, shopping etc. in this Surrey King George CBD? please read my letter to Dr. Charles Burton on  May 6, 2024 7:33 AM:      It's reported: Pushed To Suicide: The Callous Regard For Human Life In The Canadian Health System , is this a tendency moving toward the CCP-controlled reality that medical practice becomes genocide?(please cf. the latest documentary film 《Medical Genocide》)

The following experience of mine is of serious concern(wasting time and energy of senior citizen with wilfulness) :

Dr.Eduardo Navajas as an assistant professor of VGH/UBC where my eye was operated by him , his practice belongs to private practice? or issue incurred belongs to privacy? That violating of BC law results in perpetrating human rights can be ignored by BC Ombudsperson?- being like Taiwan Control Yuan, they can redress mistake. At least around Mar. 20, 2023, they can clarify such simple things and no need to procrastinate so long a time(since 2022, communications recorded below aside from an email to Mr. Cooper), giving rise to the impression that maltreatment of basic needs of a senior citizen is consolidated.

Proactively providing cushion to CCP means current war endless(esp. Ms. Freeland should be aware of), more apprehension in the west manifested: - is it alright to let the anathema code be lasted endlessly ? if cushion provider not relent , so be it, only let more and more divine engagement/remedy/intervention speak. 


 Letter to Mr. Sam Cooper on May 2, 2024 10:24 AM:  I'm surprised to learn that BC Ombudsperson Office clerk Ella Allary(so early at 8:22am BC government office) regards doctor's casting away patient medical archives within 7 years as their privacy instead of the breach of BC health law- medical archive law, so funny they've procrastinated this case since 2022, and on 3/20/2023 I especially pointed out the nature of problem(cf. enclosed plus my emails below with lots of rebuttals), and they adopted charade mentality and finally presented their selective encoding ability, which is an alignment with editorial/articles from the most authoritative medical journal The Lancet : Corruption in global health: the open secret(on 11/27/2019 quite in compliance with the last judgment day on Magnitsky case at European Court of Human Rights ) :                     Tackling corruption in global health : ,           【路德时评】重磅内幕曝光:中共如何渗透WHO、WTO、联合国、OHCHR第一部分:中共渗透WHO从什么时候开始?哪些中共关键人?怎么将WHO彻底变成中共完          【路德时评】中共在WHO内部人士曝光中共如何通过陈冯富珍通过改革名义彻底控制WHO(第二部分)4/29/2024            世衛中國化...影武者竟是她?! 疫情失控譚德塞忙舔共 讓世衛淪維尼快樂組...|李天怡 主持|【消失的國界完整版】20200215|三立新聞台   in which Margaret Chan , a vassal of CCP from Hong Kong, is reported to be involved in 7 million Euro graft, here in greater Vancouver area, such kind of agent can preside over numerous health issues(cf., updated, Book of Revelation 17:5-7, 17:9), and proactively provide most effective cushion to CCP regime through violating human rights in Canada.


我多次指出global leadership主动积极交权给CCP来领导使得一个半世纪多以前在这个星球就建立的压倒性基督教主流文化丧失殆尽,耶稣基督的kingdom,power,glory不知被劫持到哪里去了,于是极端clash with耶稣第一次来地球的目的-让死亡得死亡。

P.S.    我发现大卫里根博士等牧者概括出的结论-基督教文化占次主流地位到1988年为止,与两蒋总统时中华民国必须简称中国的总统府官邸内设有基督教堂的时程差不多;后来整个世界越来越不正教,讲究礼义廉耻的浩然正气越来越少(请参阅1/18/2025之P.S.);我在前已说过,新党主席不喜欢李登辉先生,我说“戒急用忍”比之两蒋总统的“三不”政策等于是偷工减料,消极反共,为党纪国法所不容;至十多年前,温家宝先生提出了要开放更多政治领域尺度及缩编国安部,我当时在woo他的阳光政策,为什么夭折? 我当时说共产党变假可表欢迎,西方文明变假不敢恭维,只是温家宝先生放出来的好水被北京宪政学者陈永苗先生描述为中共台湾省委书记的总统(并领导国民党,让国民党在蒋宋美龄1982-8-17disclaimer前变成非正教蓝)所放出来的坏水overwritten 了不知多少倍!- 比西方文明变假更damage!!

P.S. 2       Trans-national Repression has reached to such an extent that the administrative desk of Dr. Eduardo Navajas at VGH dare to deny having received the fax document sent out by Translink Handy Dart office successfully , such malfeasance can be verified through BC Ombudsman.(detail: in the beginning, my fax to VGH was confirmed by a clerk over the phone  with accent who promised to call back the next day but word eaten, which means some hand intervened,  later things developed as just simply denying fax from Translink  )                                                                                                                   P.P.S. 2025-2-3: To sum up there must be some gaming schemers behind the scene for the incidents mentioned above (事出反常必有妖) . Also here to present some supplement- the BC Ombudsperson file# 23-005066.  我祈祷在中国新年进入蛇年之际,“人间正道是沧桑”不要恶化成“人间正道是蛇格”。                                                             2025-2-4    中国网民已认知到CCP如何统治人民   物质的垄断使人贫穷,权力的垄断使人懦弱,信息的垄断使人愚蠢,三个一起垄断使人感恩。     Further cognition: how the illuminati godfather circus manipulates people- they've daredevil-played God permitting Satan used treacherous and ferocious means to impose tribulation upon Job in the Old Testament, but in nature- against the Son of God Jesus Christ whose coming was to set free people in the darkness/in the prison and to defeat Satan. Those CCP-controlled triad just execute "disable you, condescend you, hijack you" strategy(也专害你的精气神,随便掠夺你的盘中餐来壮大他们自己 ),disable you to be their mental slave.     我昨天说但愿没有人间蛇格          An evil pattern observed: because tech shares occupy majority of items at Yieldmax, every ex-dividend dayrecently every Thursday the QQQ index got manipulated downward- causing double damage because on the ex-dividend day there can be a bit of downgrade upon stocks , this green-eyed monster should belong to 毛尸毒发威于CCP毒龙教 在天上人间(Lucifer-Beelzebub gateway)龙间人格狼+鸡肚肠(杭州话)/鸡心眼 .                             Also some wilfulness was envisioned: Just days before 1/20/2025, I talked to the quasi-KGB embedded eavesdropping device that on the day of Mr. Trump inauguration the illuminati godfather circus triad hand would exert their wilfulness to downgrade the new US administration through manual manipulation of market- at least activating their hand in Canada to do game playing/game change in order to revert the anti-CCP energy sphere or Fengshui in the coming paradigm shift with Trump 2.0 era.  You see, on 2025-1-20, TSX index positive enough and US stock market was closed, but the mutual fund focusing on pure US share in Canada such as one operated by Invesco and another one by TD downgraded a lot - causing my entire portfolio depreciated( checked on 1/21 in contrast to 1/ 20) .                                   Some latest comments at Chinese media:   DeepSeek真正意图被曝 若属实是金融犯罪         報告:美股暴跌前夕 中共網軍炒作DeepSeek - 佐证金融冲击波 对特朗普施下马威   &                                                                                                As you know, the toad master/Yangzhou master and followers across the Taiwan Strait have been keen on studying Buddhism scripture about how to escape hellfire, how do they not know the abysmal dimension set up for the treacherous way of being by their Buddha ?                                    P.S. 2025-2-8   The TNR(The transnational Repression) didn't come into a special norm until recently(about 7-8 months ago) in the world media. It should be reminded that I'm the one of initial victims of CCP TNR in this world(cf. my 2008 Affidavit- poison, murder, attempted murder).  被CCP买通开通的金光拆白党(伪西方的伪蓝色,伪民运,伪先知/教授/基督使徒,伪法轮功,伪台独)之toxic core value集中在让他人断子绝孙而自己养尊处优-传宗接代-吃香喝辣,甚至就是daredevil played God.  Most notably a couple of mafia V2K weapon stations are still working around the GVRD networking with some cloud-server-satellite terminal  or clusters(reportedly at Cuba, targeting entire North America ) -often being ferociously active at night to persecute me , 连胜文先生说“我们不是大明皇朝”,不够用? 故意听不懂?,那么只有deep seek/probe their soul - metaphorically speaking, 他们躲在蛇的阴道内发出阴毒阴狠的阴招外加洋洋得意的无间道功力(偷梁换柱-指鹿为马-贪天功为己功),这是他们“永生”的源头;他们的“伟大领袖”毛却比他们强-其阴谋要比阳谋少一点,以阳谋为荣。 Unfortunately,starting Nixon-Kissinger who were unable to survive the grill by congressman and peer to peer review mastered the ancient Chinese wisdom(远交近攻)-making friends in the far distance in the Chairman Mao's kingdom/power/glory to deal with their domestic foes  -raking in political energy in the Chairman Mao-est. kingdom/power/glory fitting Daniel 11:36(hence extremely heathen/paganism-oriented), worse, followed by some former martial law security man from Taiwan after Tian-an-men Square massacre to merge with Deng-Jiang regime as joint venture serviceman- on the one hand using Li-peng etc. red core hands to terrorize me 1/4 century ago(I just did web surfing to view UCSD e-Journals and some Canadian mag./news media in Vancouver city- some news unfavorable to CCP regime - like CSIS-RCMP joint investigation report "Sidewinder", some introduction of the origin of triad by CSIS website) , on the other hand some former martial law security man utilized Kinmen-Matsu islands as a charade platform to encode themselves as so called anti-commie force, I hereby strongly suggest that the Kinmen-Matsu should go back to  Xiamen/PRC ASAP since historically they have been affiliated with Fujian Province(authentic/genuine Taiwanese also don't want them according to their book) , Kinmen-Matsu should be independent of Taiwan.  大到国家,小到个人, 厘清你、我、他的财产归属有助和平稳定。 顺便一提, 有些国际观感:近四十年前,国际上将中共翻译成CPC-Comminist Party of China , later after 89-64 massacre 那些个台湾martial law security-man club chairmen 与中共合二为一(包括陈永苗先生描述的中共台湾省委书记)后, 就翻译成CCP-Chinese Communist party-rhetorically 细微差别nuances,你懂的,semantically 言外之意 between the lines.                                                                                                                                                          P.P.S.   2025-2-9     To the fulfillment of CCP toad master’s venomous purport, everything insidious and detrimental accomplished here and there esp. imposed on this man in order to carry out the blockade of positive testimony for Son of God Jesus Christ remains un-restored.  Light has shined upon the darkness, but the darkness has no understanding(John 1:5).    After deliberately/proactively dissolving the main street culture once predominated by Christianity, in turn dissolving the Christendom once exuberant enough in about nine decades through handing over the kingdom, power, glory to CCP- dominated illuminati triad by the false apostle and double-face figure , which in turn revitalizes King Solomon's philosophical cognition/insight(Eccl. 3:19) that can be extended into ramification-  人间蛇格黄鼠狼,龙间人格猪八戒。 I always ask them "dare to go through tenability before Great White Throne to be let in hell or heaven".             Footnote 2025-2-13      为"我不原谅"中国教育写序的易中天先生论统治者吃相之“霞气好看”:当反复要求要“讲政治”时其实就是没法再讲事实了; 当一再宣传“讲立场”时, 其实就是不打算讲公正了;当开始强调“大局为重”时,意思就是知道明明不合情理,也要霸王硬上弓了。 所谓“讲政治,讲立场,大局为重”,其实就是耍流氓,就是不讲理,就是无法无天,就是弱肉强食的丛林法则。         中共统治者一直强调 问态度,不问事实,不问道理, 与一切虚伪的宗教哲学奉行者一样,使出法利赛/法老/法海的虚伪嫉妒控制手段企图永远套住你,许诺共产主义未来远超汉唐盛世以交换你的生命价值,并迫使你行斯德歌尔摩综合症之礼数,前述(2025-2-4)中国网民认知有新高度,长江后浪永远会推前浪。

2025-2-16  “国之四维”是《管子·牧民》篇中的治国纲纪, 从前杭州知府管辖的郊外有一位国学大师王国维深谙礼义廉耻的维度,可是有人连毛泽东对国之四维的看法都不如-"治国就是治吏,礼义廉耻,国之四维,四维不张,国将不国......”  ,2025-2-8中提到CPC演化成CCP,怎么不幸被毛言中?(有关国民党共产党一个价)。敝人乃一介布衣,只是善意提醒地上官府与地下三合会场子应有的维度区分- 有关露出什么台子=礼义廉耻维度之露台=the extent of protocol/righteousness to which their dimensional energy sphere manifests, 比方说14K地下场子,这个维度也有一定业内规矩/标准要遵守,至于政府场子,supposedly, should have been at least 18K level, 不至于令人跌破眼镜。 敝人也是former Hong Kong governor 林郑月娥设立的disqualification standard之加油者,always trying to enhance it 100 times, i.e. "abide by the standard set up before the sunset of British Empire(without personal electronic aid to easily engage in cheating)".  Under globalization, situation has reached to "is it true that they are sure British Empire goes to abysmal dimension forever? ";  if they wish, God will speed it, i.e. speed a stone churned out of Holy Mountain to smash the Roman Empire much faster.

2025-2-26     In this year of snake, I 'm feeling the snake  prowess-  some email I typed wrong address never bounce back and some trying to debunk scandal bounced back several minutes later.    I feel my MSFT email encountered tampering from remote Great Firewall/Golden Shield- 20 years later to a higher level.     Please read Assassin's Mace: How Canada Became China's Weapon to Conquer America by Tom Quiggin and Rick Gill  In this electrifying thriller, CCP deploys its 1999 strategy of Unrestricted Warfare, aiming to unseat the USA as the world's superpower by exploiting the West's gaping security flaws. Indeed, it's like a sequel to "Death by China" by Peter Navarro(cf. foregoing), as is in my affidavit, poison, murder, attempted murder around the turn of century by CCP's assassin's mace - in precise translation- means of intervention at critical point for breakthrough, in essence, cloak and dagger style, hence let Richard Nixon's 1999 Victory Without War become a byword to an extreme extent.(since 1999 failure in Yugoslavia ) .                                             

Why such a reality? Firstly, General Milton E. Miles and General 毛人凤 failed to discipline CCP in 1940's @重庆, which turns out to be reversely disciplined,  secondary,  in reference to Jeremiah 3:13(under every green tree, in deference to foreign gods/goddesses), Jesus expressed his critical realism that HIS name was yielded to other names( John 5:43).                                                   2025-2-27: the following facts provide cogent evidences to Jeremiah 3:13 and John 5:43:  during Mao's reign, there were gatherings of people at Hangzhou Red Sun Square from time to time to sing/dance/worship with music(lyrics as such this supreme Red Sun god needs to be inscribed in the people's heart, foregoing )- perfectly fitting the Daniel 11:36, here is more evidence that forcibly enforcing people to sing the famous illuminati song "Internationale" and Mao's praise "Red Sun Rising In The East" to inculcate people that there has been no any other savior except this supreme Red Son god as people's great savior=overwriting Jesus Christ who is the Son of God, Messiah the Savior belonging to Triune God.    Aside from Nixon's imbibing political energy from Maoist-est. kingdom, power and glory,  it's a pity for Carter to import worship song "I Love Beingjing Tian-an-men" toward Mao into US Congress in 1979.      What has been researched out so far(foregoing)- around 1936 when OPC separated with APC in USA there happened together the things A. Edgar Snow accepted as lecturer  at Beijing Christian University, B. the divorced missionary Lady Pearl actively promoted Maoism-established illegal Soviet regime at 陕西, C. 西安 Incident  in which 蒋中正 suffered 靖康之难,which turned out to be in synergy with the purport of Communist International 3.0 and around 1988 when the sub-culture in which  Christianity had been existing faded away in US, 中华民国前总统官邸的基督教堂差不多时程吹起熄灯号,一些“干部国家”的共产党官员解除了被先总统反共复国的后顾之忧(foregoing, 我一直诘问敢不敢long live the down-with movement from 李鹏,林毅夫 to fend off 蒋氏国家统一纲领),riding the tide of globalization for Mao-est. kingdom, power, glory to make inroads into the west once dominated by Christianity。 Is it true that such dénouement just mentioned using toxic red dragon fruit/red dragon flower generated out of ancient serpent is their purport for CCP-triad to take over the entire world(cf. Canada TV broadcast: )?  We wish that the brazen serpent nailed down upon the cross by Jesus Christ would not slip down considering a similitude situation that the red dragon will revive 1000 years after being locked down by Jesus' Holy Angel (my inquiry remains unanswered). 

2025-3-3   Some people are just afraid of the world at peace. Something just ensued after I posted out my latest blog, my another email got manipulated, here is my feedback to Google on 3/1/2025(should be received at Toronto etc. Canadian branches ): "This is the sequel to yesterday reporting. I just updated the Gmail app through Fido cellular device for my cctoung@gmail account, but no any messages can be retrieved, click the menu, only items left are Calendar, Contacts, Settings and Help and Feedback, no Inbox item, even no Spam and Trash items etc. Please help fix it and send your advice to my another email Many thanks. 2025-3-1 " (found sabotage on 2/28, still compromised now);  我纳闷Google总部与加拿大branches谁大谁小, 因为 新书Assassin's Mace: How Canada Became China's Weapon to Conquer America by Tom Quiggin and Rick Gill + 纪录片La mafia chinoise à la conquête du monde from Le Monde,从另一个角度看,可以用来大涨无产阶级革命志气,大灭帝国主义资本主义威风。

Malfeasance indeed, and evil sorcery organized gang stalking in turn directing AI-MOGS, I suppose, forming the united kingdom of electronic fraud across Taiwan Strait further across the  Pacific to engage in Gog/Magog activity, in which the main body thesis is 金光拆白,脑控,掘金,专吸精气神。A dozen years after posting a dissertation "The Crime Committed By State Is The Origin of Any Crime" by 蒋福财 anchored at Beijing Univ. law school,still popping up quasi-gambler who has been hit a huge loss- being truculence-maniac, deliberately trouble-making, trying to cause the world in endless warring status,   理解为金庸先生小说中的毒龙教在全球绽放毒龙花。evil red dragon cult generates out evil red dragon flower.    By the way,  法国一位98高龄演员不久前刚公开朗诵《恶之花》

我说一仆二主的,各为其主的 不要与一仆一主(指国籍,信仰等)搭错界,lest no harmony and stability - 胡锦涛时期口号不管用?    激起这个一介布衣敢问CCP有关作秀当局是否敢于收回白龙尾岛主权=收回毛国祚成命, 以免让这个宣誓成大英帝国女王陛下的子民模仿金庸小说中的慕容复及外国修道人员鸠摩智- 采纳伟大的毛-周高瞻远瞩之战略战术; 对于一系列吃相霞气好看/难看,这个一介布衣好话/丑话都说在了前面,此汉非彼汉(有关不要搭错界),千万不要让汉学家汉贼不两立。

 几天前偶有顿悟,我这一生一世被蛤蟆功分子黑箱黑洞黑作业于加拿大Vancouver,他们用了psychiatric incarceration 搞光我家三代的基业。隐藏的细节就是魔鬼所在。我被一个共产党高等主元神陈云故乡的红果果人员(Liya)及20多年前大明皇朝在温哥华有警察分局的合力scheme(TNR,我在以前的博客中提到我及家父都不是趋炎附势之徒,要不然只要拍中共主元神马屁,包括陈云媳妇都在一个研究生班,  胡乔木先生1980年代初期到杭州找家父问诊老年糖尿病,早就会比那两个副委员长飞黄腾达),每当有 compensation fund influx en route Taiwan时,他们就绑架我去VGH总医院,我当时随身带了一个通讯录,在那里被缴获,是个thread,那些人got upper hand, has taken tremendous advantage of me, 进行了金光拆白 coveting, reckoning and exploiting;  里面有叶公超先生(在台湾被作为研究生论文课题)在上海的侄子,backlog中陈良宇巨鹿路上的街坊, 等等。                                                                                                                     P.S.      Five days later, Gmail situation remains unresolved.  The above mentioned documentary has elicited a new book(same name) by French  writers   &   , with Assassin's Mace in Canada it's obvious that CCP-triad has risen up as the superior in the CCP crown colony compared with the inferior being influenced;  for TNR there is an opinion article at Washington Post by Vladimir Kara-Murza et al:  "We’re Russian. We know what happens when Big Tech coddles dictators". i.e. tech needs to confront dictators. 

P.S.2. "State Organs" and "Medical Genocide" are both documentaries that address the issue of forced organ harvesting in China,  I suppose the "medical genocide" should have more reflections of the nature of business-  "Medical Genocide" does delve into the business aspects of forced organ harvesting in China. It highlights the unethical practices within the organ transplant industry and the financial incentives that drive these atrocities. The documentary uncovers how the demand for organs has led to a lucrative, yet horrifying, market where human lives are commodified.- at the expense of innocent Chinese people's life to save high level cadres in《Cadre Country》(John Fitzgerald ) .  By the way, 中共百年之基业根植于 一切为了保卫苏维埃!打倒中国  反中援苏  -今天碰巧在中国经济报读到时政新闻-正文转载新华社电讯Op-Ed:  外加香港资深传媒人程翔的政论  简直构成了完美的配套。 Around 1934,the illuminati circus gamer riding in the Lucifer-illuminati gateway- behaving like angelical illuminating guider as is debunked in the Bible 2 Corinthians 11:14,  along with disbelief of any savior in this world by enchanting "Internationale", Edgar Snow marched forward into China later made inroads into Beijing Christian Univ. , to history's regret , and a divorced Christian missionary lady misled by un-Holy Spirit promoted the illegal Chinese Soviet regime together,  which is more regrettable, hence came the Maoist editorial in 1934(above link) by citing numerous Lenin's remarks and advocating warfare without bottom line to overthrow Republic of China,    which should be the provenance of PLA senior colonel 1999 book  "Unlimited warfare" , which further constitutes the birth and re-birth of modern tragedy .  今天,此汉非彼汉的汉学家修道人员之法道恐怕还是不够齐。