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Showing posts from 2024

2025-3-3(P.S.2) Backlog to be Savored- Sequel

2024-1-5 Posting Seems restored. The full content of what was intended as below: 2024-1-3: Feedback Msg. to Google :  Currently I can't post out completely what I typed inside Blogger msg. board- only incomplete things can display out- i.e. causing my words/sentences to be bitten off.  What happened?   有人听到我说的法学院绝非市面上普通法学院,那是有关天地人神密切相bj交的法度,真理,真道。 受益于台湾宋七力教授发明的所谓“分身”假说之冒牌者需要被提醒- 没有掂量台湾周董事长承仁先生的人间法度- 连女婿也不认识(前述拿女婿做球给你看)-非佛教主义者,吃了这个便宜饭,后果更严重。 如果是拥有真光真道的真先知真教授,比方说以赛亚在以赛亚书38章中有真神的能力(时空法度),就不会为耶稣做反见证;无情无义的现实告诉大家,伪类已经导致了他人走不好路,也制造了耶稣所说的offense-Woe to the world because of the causes of sin. For the stumbling blocks must come, but woe to the man by whom the offense comes! (Matt.18:7);deliberately letting truth be failed(e.g.指鹿为马),要接受divine remedies/corrections (Isaiah 59:13-15 & 18),Holy Bible rule of truth can't be forfeited. Yesterday texting to Harbinger's Daily msg. board: I'm a donor of Harbinger's daily and a recipient of email Sunday Edition,but last Sunday it wa...