2024-1-3 new paragraphs added at the end(6/13/2023 also some posts)
2022-12-14 Some Prayer added 2022-12-11 one more passage at the end 2022-12-10 Latest supplement inserted between the paragraphs done yesterday “主动致电PRC教育部” and the remix. 2022-12-9 Latest Rendition & Update-Multiple Passages at the End 2022-11-15 More Update for 11/11 log 2022-11-14 More paragraphs with highlight added at the end. 2022-10-25 As was stated on 2022-9-13(footnote of last blog), revision of error (2022-10-24 backlog) has been done and what was omitted is added at the end.
伟大领袖毛有关台湾问题的完整逻辑思维- 如果是两蒋国民党反动派盘据在台湾,那就一定要解放台湾;如
被毛-周国柞法统万世一系的中共 copy: e.g. 国籍法(前述李故总统登辉先生提及后几个月),国家安全委
员会(蒋故总统经国先生建树),就像我在 20+年前经常会浏览 UCSD 编采的几本 e-magazine 中有关 ebusiness/e-commerce 之 invention 被中共外交部发言人赵立坚向全世界宣告据为己有发明- 将美帝国主义
最近的中共 19:6 中全会,对毛的 highlight 是从毛语录来“善于破坏一个旧世界,善于建设一个新世界”,
毛从来就是一个文明破坏者-using barbarity to overwrite civilization(cf.李劼的《百年中国》),以 Sinica
的第一届 1948 文明为例,在 PRC 摧毁到没有任何底盘,居然七十几年后的今天,中科院以及社科院(尤
https://www.bannedbook.org/bnews/topimagenews/20211111/1650971.html “江系为啥狂拍马屁”【阿
波罗网报道】,声称人类命运共同体概念是独家发明,其实了无新意- 孙中山先生一百多年前就提出世界大
同理论,隐含了命运共同体之 essential,李故总统登辉先生在台湾二三十年前就有具体化推出生命/命运共同
体概念,只是无缘在联合国等国际舞台演讲,墙内可能无人知晓,偏偏 puffed out 到海外民智开化地区=给
毛分子喜欢破坏旧世界(cf.昨天摘录), 那就帮他们去台湾搞破坏好了,砸烂故宫=砸烂旧世界。
伟大领袖毛的 government strategy:taking over your everything=使你家徒四壁成王老五,还自我标榜人
民政府为人民,让广大人民群众从此解脱了税赋的重担,in my case, who is copying?
李鹏在 UN-PRC-NPC 签了二次的法案是否要尊称为“李鹏经济人权法案”。
2022-1-28 Update
接 1/20/2022log,张德江先生亲自字正腔圆的红歌剧余音袅袅,对今天的现实很有教育意义- 布衣百姓都要
坚决拥护,双手赞成- let’s do long live Mr. Zhang, De-jiang’s enchantment of red drama which radiates
a pivotal thread of “Down with KMT and emancipation of entire China”.
北京宪政学者陈永苗描述了马英九(宋楚瑜也陈述其为叛徒)爱新觉罗国民党- should be most
significant/powerful super-hyper CCP branch,其实领导力量(从蓝金黄来)全是来自于对岸的蛤蟆功
夫家与庆亲王,从源头上讲,祖宗也叫国民党-不过跟着姓汪精卫成汪伪国民党,连绿色(e.g. 已故邱垂亮教
授,刚刚苏贞昌院长)也在挪揄-蒋中正蒋经国的不肖子孙 。
2022-1-30 Updated
首先昨天的 log 进行了 2nd update,本月 8 日的 log 也有 2nd update。
对张德江先生热爱的革命现代京剧之主题“打倒国民党,解放全中国”如何进行站台(联系本月 28 日
log),有个 new idea- 可以请还健在的李铁映先生(李维汉超级元老能量团,1989 年在进行了天安门大清
场后优雅地与李鹏先生(可惜过早过世)出镜头)帮忙,鄙人业已 advocate 各国外交官对 1989TAM 清场
还有,我希望尊重“李鹏经济人权法案”超过尊重洋人的“托德法案”, “索克斯法案”等等(西方许多法案
多以主导人命名, 李鹏亲自主导在 UN 及 PRC-NPC 签字), 以免后者被高举.
接 2/16-18/2022,这扬州人在 18 年前在杭州做市委书记就开始造蒋经国故居纪念馆, 典型的一个阴阳脸,
(前述)的台湾军事戒严人员),又可以吸引游客增加 GDP;蔡英文执笔完成行政院国统纲领的时候,就是
这扬州人党政军一把抓开始,横跨 20th-21st 世纪,坚决拒绝被中华民国统一,所以台湾要独立.
1989 六四后,前苏联东欧解体共产政权,这扬州人开始反复检讨教训,绝不被中华民国统一,孜孜以求通过
控股 CCP 自我打造一个 CCCP2.0 版,是制造 Gog/Magog 的源头,到后来 CCP 主元神进化成叹息前苏联无男子
法总纲要保卫的对象;另一方面,要保卫巩固 CCCP 很简单,正确的做法是由赫鲁晓夫及勃列日涅夫构想的
外一章:对无心/有心搭错界利益纠纷的 solution/resolution,马英九在这方面是比较利索的切割专家有李全教案例,王金平案例(特别有印象-位于北京的倍可亲 server 中有网页提到另一个扬州人指鹿为马事
报社论,搞 CCP 的权力内斗/抢班夺权,更像一个特种党部(例如国民党有黄复兴党部)的战斗精神;不仅
被贬,这是一个典型的 Chinese mafia-commie special agent 坐落在蛤蟆的三角背部,时时刻刻分泌毒
液(Rev.16:13-14),我一直在讲的 pattern:toad master+庆亲王 buy off/covet into wherever I go 就
2022-5-13 2
2022-5-12 Update
some pattern- 只要国际/国内政治经济势态对蛤蟆不利,经常性地出现玩游戏性质在深夜或凌晨
simulation /synchronization with reality,应该是多个年头的蛤蟆 mercenary/外国势力,苦秦久已,
目前的局面,要靠上主加强能力,帮忙抵御不友善 sphere(carrier described in Isaiah29:4);
话说这流沙河,这黑水沟,这个 mire,其中的嫉妒狂,虚伪狂(往往拥双重国籍-相对于我的一仆一主的国
(Amos6:12); 我的 Blog 文章中所谓的“marooned”=encompassed under coercion,malicious
reckonings and exploitings- cf.my blog- affidavit 2008- regarding poison, murder,attempted
murder plus the insidious processing of my retina detachment-毒杀精、气、神,致身障,眼障) ;
不过上帝对这 6:12 现象有神机妙算的安排-Amos8:8.
蛤蟆之流在台海两岸三地甚至东南亚/南亚买通卖通开通的 gods/goddesses gateway,其中
godless/lawless 主元神 invasion/intrusion, 像个量子纠缠能量团,挥之不去,使劲变成 illuminati
godfather gamer 来 gaming,苦你的元神为目的;这样不得不站在 higher dimension 上拍江氏主元神的马
屁- 必须唱《同一首歌》,特别是《支那之夜》-没有过南京大屠杀 plus 坚决拥护双手赞成其主导的北京
89-64 大屠杀(李鹏还有特别是陈希同回忆录举证其深度主导,举足轻重), 后来还有台湾警备总司令第一
名陈仪(给蒋总裁挖了个天大的坑,不然早就反共复国/反共抗俄成功)的几个 successors 跑到大陆,与中
共 89-64 镇压之主元神欢聚一堂(中华民国的天在刘冠军卷款同时,有更多天狗在咬破,台湾周董事长承仁
先生连亲生女儿都弃之不顾,更不用说刘冠军会顾及刘连昆这类罹难人员- 在 Chinatown 也算是宗亲,王柄
章 case 属于当阳专案-本来是给予阳光温暖之),必须同样拍他们马屁 - 坚决拥户双手赞成二二八大屠杀,
By the way, 多年前,我为了因应加拿大人口调查多元文化语言-语言中枢发育时的第一语言,率先 single
out 从宁波至南京的吴越国国语(北平时期总统府语言)- 从历史的可持续角度看,两蒋的一甲子国度权柄仅仅
是具有 600 年历史的吴越独立国度 的 1/10- 这吴越国可是历史上 second longest kingdom in Chinabeing similar to the situation when Roman Empire was warring with Greeks in the Alexander’s residual
kingdoms(Seleucid& Scythian ) there appeared a basically independent Jewish kingdomMaccabean/Hasmonean Kingdom(大约 100 年左右, 直到公元 63 BC). 两蒋的国度权柄其实从西安
事变起就是风雨飘渺,实权还不如吴越国王,1971 年杨西昆次长在联合国功亏一 蒉于蒋中正当断不断/缺少
计策,否则是联合国的普通会员国,不至于连 Principality of Andorra 的地位都不如。
2022-8-7 More Update
立的上海民族党差不多,大家反而熟悉上海瑞金医院前外科医师何岸泉先生的名字。 说起台独,共产党很
滑稽,这毛泽东思想发的台独声明都在党报社论中- May 1,1945 & Mar. 8,1947 解放日报, 好端端地屹立
在上海南京东路,更重要的是,PRC 宪法总纲在特一级地(指法律位阶)保卫毛泽东思想,谁是要求台独的始
作俑者?还有,刘少奇(对毛思想贡献良多)恢复当道后,可不可以举着宪法维权? 共产党根本一意孤行,早
就拒绝中华民国的三民主义统一中国的国家统一纲领( 蒋经国时期已有近期,中期,远期的基础规划 ,
杨智渊曾也高举之,鸡蛋碰石头而已)。Again, tergiversation is their core value。
高不可攀- 要知道这个表面是北大院系,实质是从李鹏时代由李鹏爱将-another professor from Taiwan
who defected to CCP in 1979 runs a PRC State Council de facto branch @Beijing Univ. -其高举打
倒蒋经国-包括国家统一纲领,为李鹏李维汉 sphere 高度赏识,我在此只有坚决拥护,双手赞成他们一贯的
2022-10-12 1st Update
马英九 thought of “darkest page in the judicial history 在 of Republic Of China ” which is
relevant to what is mentioned @倍可亲- a verse about how to make a fortune through two Mr.
WANGs across Taiwan Strait. , hence the fruit of righteousness had been turned into
bitterness(Amos 6:12).
我是太后知后觉,刚知道有个中共伪台共合开的分店在马来亚/马六甲(头头黄荣章,2019 开张)- 他们已敲锣打
鼓成立了三年- 公开以红色力量统一台湾为宗旨,我建议要按伟大领袖毛的 authentic/genuine 思想,凡是
最近刚有一则新闻,一个清朝花瓶在巴黎就拍卖了 800 万欧元,我家的一个 cabinet/buffet 中装满有 royal
emblem 的瓷器(包括清花瓷)早在文革中被“a bull rushed into a china store” 粉身碎骨(cf.
foregoing,当时就只有学龄前的我与祖母在家面对-也是我祖母的收藏),王晟的总政战说 CCP“黄俄汉奸,
外国反华势力”,蓬佩奥:中共是历史上最反华的组织 。
我说的要在台湾尊重周恩来带头在国际舞台上打倒中华民国简称中国=消灭宪法一章一节=要修改宪法一章一节成简称台湾, 现在网路上有了lampoonist 对CCP的相声(cf. insert),
接 2022-8-29 log, 这些五院院长级别的北大清华诸公(前一阵子还有药学院医学院院长及其他名优院校“精
英”在中国大陆品葱网 被品得令人目瞪口呆,基本都是院士),将中国的 academic civilization 级别降到
远不如 1948 年的 SINICA,学术文明的 evolution 是个笑话, devolution 这顶帽子刚合适-- 毛/共党的国柞
人文/人文国柞发威之结果=rampant energy sphere of spiritual darkness, 有比较就有鉴别-- 当年连刘士
豪教授,丁振麟教授只是 candidate for SINICA 院士 , 这些都是当年 US & UK 二个 Cambridge 的精气
神(academic mental power index standard during British Empire before sunset),像老浙大农学院丁
教授掌握五国外语能力是在 TDK cassette 发明以前,竺可桢校长,朱家骅院长领导下之文明。
By the way, 近百年前我家近邻郁达夫先生是与祖父母互通电话的对象,世界很大也很小,上帝安排,台湾
著名的林宗义教授的父亲(台大文学院院长)是郁达夫先生东京帝国大学文学部的同一时期的 fellow student, 我有幸去拜访过林宗义教授(SINICA 院士)温哥华家,增进了 mutual understanding,消弭
歧义。还有,林教授在台大医学系的成绩单要比柯 P 高。
2022-4-9 什么叫挖坑,举个例子,陈仪到台湾后不久,在处理小商贩/小生产者事件中给蒋中正挖了一个很大的坑,
蟆的汪伪国民党+爱新觉箩的国民党,只有被 python spirit 所绞。
2022-10-21 Updated
刚读到大纪元文章“新書詳述北京如何操控索羅斯等西方精英 「間諜與謊言:中國(中共)最龐大的祕密
行動是如何愚弄世界的」”,真像 anachronism-恍如隔世, 刚才的赵紫阳与索羅斯搭界后,就是美国中情
中共二十大结束,胡-赵问题铁定百年不变. 共产党的先帝先父 illuminati-法利赛-撒都赛就是二面三刀精
取-变成先进楷模被他国学习致敬)有了 copycat,肯尼亚新政府已决定不再偿还向中国借贷的 40 亿美元铁路
建设债务(毛周当年天天要求全世界无产者联合起来,打倒殖民帝国主义,现世报也), 这是推广一带一
路的伟大成就,还是对盛宣怀-爱新觉罗失信的轮回报应? 对内的中国铁路集团所欠上万亿美元有一大部分
是中饱私囊-这盛光祖之流吃进去的民脂民膏,这大撒币一带一路 1 万亿美元, 这蛤蟆庆亲王香港 10 万亿美
元案子,还有在中国大陆比乐网/23yy 网报道引述了 Edward Snowden(俄国公民,中俄友好同盟军干员)对邓
小平的报料, 有二个数字,6000 亿美元(应是 family circle),4.8 兆美元(应是 pedigree circle),三
十年前就前科累累,吞了四分之一国库(cf.foregoing-联合报/世界日报), 我家三代血汗都转化作了一带
2022-9-26 Afternoon Update
一方面,这个化公为私/非法掠夺民脂民膏 10 兆美元的 DCCC746/2014 Hong Kong High Court case 所
反映出来的真实面就是庆亲王蛤蟆功夫家要控制全中国乃至全世界的鸿图大展-南普陀计划的一部分, 另一
方面,盛光祖长期掌控的铁道部/铁路集团总公司欠债 6 万多亿差不多就是 1 兆美元,“我们要 0.8 兆”(cf.
foregoing)的 AIC 亚洲电讯是他们 same pedigree,与盛宣怀差不多(清朝铁路债券),盛光祖开出去的
信用权状是 negative,倒扣 0.8 兆美元后,居然还不够填这个 1 兆美元的天坑,爱新觉罗金溥聪懂得, 美国
2022-10-6 2nd Update
2022-10-5 Afternoon update
看起来这个南天门/南普陀 illuminati godfather 法海/法利赛/法老真厉害(台湾香港的仁波切应该比厦门
psycho-analysis:苏东水/陈春花之流这个问题是尼克松到卡特在美国混得不如 peer(能力拿不到美国中等医学院医学
生入场券)才会到中国自我伟光正地编码成国际外交家,可以蒙骗美国人民; 对于 Daniel 11:36 唯一对号入
座的毛可以拥抱不已,hence,对于 1948 年 SINICA 文明(cf. 9/11/2022 log)他们内心就是嫉妒-故意去
拍毛政权马屁(当年从 Fairbank 就开始,使叶公超在驻美大使任上被搞得无以为继- since being their
most favorite,need to be subservient to help Nixon/Carter etc. espouse this most illegal and
rebellious org.-CCP more and more, plus long live CCP-launched downwith movement since
100+ years ago), 对于苏东水/陈春花之流就是张开双臂欢迎。
而为一时,万岁毛+万岁蒋已不够用对付,再加上万岁周恩来(你懂得)好像还差一口气; 盖因天上人间黑暗
道路上(参校圣经耶利米书,但以理书等等-有关荒凉与上帝憎恶)只剩下嫉妒-控制狂综合征; 有关德不配
位,才疏学浅致无法无天,中国古简《周易》等不吝见教。 On
Oct.21, 2022 韦小宝御用具 Purolator-敌基督再次伪装 while hijacking my Vancity Visa stmt.(the
stmt. of Oct./2022 issued on the 3rd day of every month still absent hitherto).This kind
of 韦小宝 game repeatedly pops up-attaching a notice on my mailbox- recipient becomes
impostor Zhou,Tianjian residing at Suite302. problem=rust, rot, disappear as was
complained with 徐文立先生 at SFU Vancouver Harbor Center in 2013.
Psalm 14:4 Don't they know anything, all these impostors? Don't they know they can't get away with this -
Treating people like a fast-food meal over which they're too busy to pray?
以下是致电加拿大邮政总局及 cc Vancity:
From: C Tong
Sent: October 21, 2022 4:48 PM To: SERVICE@CANADAPOST.CA Cc: Vancity Savings Credit Union Subject: Problem- Intolerable
Hello again,
So far this month Vancity Visa Stmt.still absent!!!
Those CCP-dragon carriers just like to be pugdog to engage in illuminati-KGB godfather
mafia/black-sun gods circus game- especially at current CCP 20th plenary session- only
game playing, game change- try to reach paradigm shift(攫动天干地支玩游戏), plus
deliberately provocative(more than truculent) to incite WWIII on behalf of Soviet Alliance
being like during Korea War- well-done coordinator!!! =trying to establish kingdom, power
and glory under dragon's pig+pig's pug ----------------------------------------
From: C Tong Sent: October 14, 2022 7:41 AM To:
SERVICE@CANADAPOST.CA Cc: Vancity Savings Credit Union
Subject: Problem- What's More
Hello again,
It's a realistic adaptation of what Mr. Guo's reporting: Miles Whistleblowing 10/12: The Chinese Communist Party Is Stirring Up the Whole World
https://gnews.org/articles/t53494160 Global Conflicts Lead Back to Russia and China
The CCP Provoked War To Enslave the People and Eradicate Dissidents
The evil hand deliberately tried to do reverse instigation by making a stumbling blockade
on this Visa card which just issued donation to Canadian Thanksgiving-Day(Union Gospel
Mission) and MLI of Ottawa(Project Dragon at The Door) last month =denigration of Canada
image; and on the wings of abomination trying to make desolation(Daniel 9:27).
What was omitted on 2022-10-6
我能够 figure out NY 王澄大夫为什么对中医颇有微词。有个姓黄帝的高等中医学府坐落在加州,我老妈一
开始就看不上眼- 认为只是与洋人做噱头生意,不懂《黄帝内经》一分一厘的掌柜(前述我家有线装书);今天
知道北大陈春花就是爱上复旦苏东水发的洋博士。 后来在香港可能已经被人知道搞歪黄帝九分九厘的事务。
89-64 当年,邓江李只好装糊涂,国庆时以对方为国宾身份宴客之(美国西方世界中医高等教育领导人-可
在西洋文明颁发最早的中医硕士以上高等洋学位),给自己装门面。 =============================================
Sequel to Oct.11-12, 2022 backlog
又有新大陆发现, 【一個香港人騙倒一群高雄人 職籃鋼鐵人最大金主錢從哪裡來?】
https://www.cmmedia.com.tw/home/articles/36544 ,与台北忠孝东路相关。 Acadia 有个教堂里唱
blasphemous to God 歌曲的领头人。 我在 Los Angeles 还看透了有人比薄熙来在文革中踢断其父肋骨
e.g. 1995 年前的联合报/世界日报是在国民党正教中常委王惕吾领导下正派办报,有口皆碑,1989 年与邓江
席党部官员后代)指该报为国民党的报纸,都是造谣机器,说我怎能相信(反动喉舌,假新闻来源)- 看来三
十年前的洛杉矶已是 CCP crown colony,甚至还处在文革草菅人命的年代- 这就 make sense 了。 经过此一时彼一时的历史变迁,该报后代也宁要里子-被中共深度 buy-off, covet-into 后, 被大纪元等报道
为中共大外宣-可被中国惯用语描述成转投胎,偏偏那位陈议省主席党部官员后代以毛/共党国柞人文 fiery
dart 描述之(为了掩护/掩盖邓小平的 klepto-activity(200 亿美元=30 年前国库之一大 quarter ) 被曝
光),ironically enough to the extreme, 轮回报应他们自己。
+ensued 小命(in 2000, 显性投毒要夺命-affidavit 2008)-在 de-facto CCP crown colony-“Puppet of
Beijing” under the debunking of Kevin Steel- nowadays developing into a kingdom/power under
“pro-death” manoeuvres : https://newstarget.com/2022-11-01-canada-considering-medically-
assisted-suicide-of-children-without-parental-consent.html -- disregarding the truth from a series
of manifesto-fact and backlogs=turning the justice into poison and the fruit of righteousness into
bitterness; just a reminder, 十多年前达拉斯联邦法院判的一条儿童小命案(其还没有经历被活生生故意
恶意摧毁一条大命的痛苦)是 1500 亿美元,时至今日,CPI/PPI 在如火如荼地高涨-简直是魔高万丈,人
Lucifer-Beelzebub-72 gods/godesses gateway 中发威, generating/operating evil spirit/familiar
spirit constantly-与当年犹太人世界被先知以赛亚警告末日无异,如今更多 perversion spirit- “使魔行
传”can be dubbed(恰是《使徒行传》反向版,e.g. familiar spirit carrier of King Amaziah, King
Mother Ci-xi-2 Chron.25:14-16+Isaiah 29:4),并大行其道,illuminati godfather 蛤蟆之韦小宝混世
2022-11-11 BY THE WAY
2014-5-21,2014-10-2,2014-11-1,2014-11-6, 2015-6-16 Manifesto-fact blog)- they should be
responsible for whatever hence incurred; esp. for impostor’s klepto-activities/encroachment of
my entitlement- whatever feint they applied to evade the allegation, we just hope Maranatha
ASAP to expedite the enforcement of Zech.5:3=Then he said to me, “This scroll contains the
curse that is going out over the entire land. One side of the scroll says that those who
steal will be banished from the land; the other side says that those who swear falsely
will be banished from the land. In NKJV, it’s the perjurer who should be cursed, which is consistent with the Decalogue of
which the 9th precept says do not bear false witness(perjury) and the 8th precept says do not steal;
which also has repercussion in NT Galatians 3:10-12- cursed is everyone who does not continue in
all things which are written in the book of law, yet the law is not of faith, the just live by the faith;
but the man who does them(laws) shall live by them(laws)= Deut.27:26, Habakkuk 2:4, Levi. 28:5
In the reality, some practical issue seems to render a mission impossible to share fellowship with
some man or woman who enjoys perjury and espouses klepto-activity.
Here is the example of cogent cosmic discernment between light and darkness, righteousness and
lawlessness by St. Paul(cf. 2 Cor. 6:14-15) for me to make hard effort to navigate in this journey- a life-long learning process; May Heavenly Father descend divine grace/mercy to a higher reach
of spiritual and physical reinforcement with bountiful supply for me to engage in things for the
cause of Jesus Christ in the maximum optimization- let grace reign in the righteousness through
faith in Jesus Christ and everything mutually facilitated for the advancement of Christianity- to
select the righteous out of darkness/lawlessness/idolatry and unbelievers(Ezekiel 20:41, 2 Cor.6:17 ).
从台湾去中国的李敖教授(#24 人渣)所蛊惑形成的一类“横着走路”之 political-economical
pedigree/sphere,要是今后埋在同一墓地,恐怕连骨灰都要被其污灵所 rust- the same as what I
stated “ashamed of being their fellow-citizen”. ================================================ 2022-11-11 Evening Update
今天下午本来不应出门,忘了是 holiday,办不成事,主要是被纽约及多伦多的股市在正常交易所蒙蔽。 于
是顺道去温哥华市商业中心 shopping, 碰到红龙(也叫 Xenu dragon terrible=“Dragon at the Door”@
Ottawa MLI project)载体故意玩游戏- 一位 Chinese woman @NoFrills 超市 checkout#2, around 2:05pm, 见到我过去的时候,摆出
closed 告示牌,等我换了一个 checkout, 又开了,当年我的主动避开有位同班陈云儿媳,不打照面是不想拍
马屁,今天的这位 service woman 玩的不知是什么千金贵价游戏,中领馆都不会这么颟顸,据说可能有杭
了句英语,她似乎不懂(过后二天才得知 11-11 是中共国势力圈的光棍节-也是促销商品日,看到我这个有名
的反共老光棍在他们的势力圈购物,对我行 discrimination 礼)-thanks for being the origin of
incentives and dynamics for me to do presentation。
坦率地说,当年我去林宗义教授家是基于这种机缘- 我在圣歌队唱诗,他是同一教会会友,决不是去
inquiry 有关精神病研究-我本来是医院同僚,消弭岐异是和平的需要。
2022-10-31to 11-1 美国国务院专家余茂春先生等提到美国有一些主流政治人员在 1930 年代
就开始通共; 从另一个角度看到,有美国学者在亚太研究期刊写真著名的驻华大使司徒雷登阁下,说其父
很古板保守, 不善经营,不懂赚钱- 其实是上帝忠实的仆人/福音使者,本尊则头子活络(用杭州土话讲),
会赚钱,开办燕京大学,于 1936 年左右聘请唱《国际歌》“从来就没有什么救世主”的反上帝的无神论共
产党员艾德加-斯诺为燕京讲师,还提到其更愿意归化成儒教化的中国人。1936 年美国出现 orthodox 长老
基督教会(they felt apostasy)。毛泽东 1949 年发表著名的《别了,司徒雷登》后,在中美两边严谨法理概
上帝面前,人人平等,whether orthodox or not orthodox nowadays(whatever denomination, non-denomination or inter-denomination, whatever nomenclature ) needs tenability- to avoid going
through The Great White Throne judgment because of self-righteous encoding ( regarding
deferring /yielding to lie, corruption and tyranny=kowtow policy).
2022-10-28 有关忠于中国宪法总纲毛泽东思想必须坚持原汁原味原教旨(cf.2021-11-04 and 2022-10-11
to 12 log) , 那是完全对应中共政治局里的口号“忠诚不绝对就是绝对不忠诚”=配套《同一首歌》
有关台湾问题,提到的 PRC 宪法总纲法律位阶还有另外一层含义(cf. 2022-8-7 log)-纲举目张,按照伟
大领袖毛的法理学(2021-11-4 log),如今台湾现实是国民党反动派蒋家王朝占据了非常要津台北,需要坚
决打倒后转变成一分为二之目- (1)中华人民共和国北台湾特别行政区(cf. Oct.11-12/2022 log, 由中共伪台共合开的红色统一党黄荣章等 take over),(2)联合国南台湾人民共和国;最新也有国际法例子-南北
Nov.18-25, 2022
l昨天去了 Metrotown ICBC outlet后才知道一些普通 service 都需要预约了,而且拒
绝 Over-the counter 预约,坚决要求 online 预约 ,可是今天就给下马威- online 预约 down, 只好打电
话 , 什么世道这么凑巧,这条红龙发威真厉害;1989 年开始,应该就是 Rev.17:3 开始(suppose
tribulation starting point),天安门大屠杀,H.W. deferring to most bloody dirty-ugly money out of
lie/corruption/tyranny starting 20 billion USD(a similitude of Jeremiah 3:13) – corroborated by
Terry Reid book 《Compromised》 at the same time around 33 yrs ago-it’s a pun , meaning a
system “From Plato to Nato” compromised- later on, Clinton , in order to survive, used H.W
measurement starting Nixon to compete(一个做初一,一个做十五), enhanced system damage- to
the amusement of CCP and its ally, although H.W. gloatingly had euphoria over the collapse of
Berlin wall for quite some time, the nature of current problem- the Ukraine crisis plus CCP’s
great fortune at the expense of the human rights and IP of western civilization, which is
compatible with the research-out and warnings from a California pastor to Dr. David Reagan
that since 1989 the sub-culture of Christi 不 anity has diminished away - self-destruction of what
Danish researcher David Gress adores “The Greco-Roman culture, Christianity and rule of law”,
which, in turn, may incite the displeasure of God as in the significance of Biblical history- God
even promoted Assyrian and Babylonian to deal with the renegade Israelite.
It’s widely understood by students of Bible that the divine displeasure comes not only from things
@ Jer.3:13 but also from things @ Matt.23:24 (e.g. Nixon-Kisssinger then singled out some
human rights record of killing scores of dissidents by Khrushchev and Brezhnev while ignoring
the death record of at least 80 million people caused by Mao whose behavior was in the Daniel
11:36 and whom the Nixonite espoused )- leading to today’s reality which is portrayed in the Economist Intelligence Unit podcast with a diagram- Russia as a lap-bear hugged by a great
panda; unfortunately, Ukraine has sold out most gorgeous USSR military essence to CCP regime,
a husband of some famous deep-green colored Taiwanese politician gave out internal essence data
of Taiwan’s industry to trade in EMBA from PRC. etc. By the way, Cadre Country: How China
becomes Chinese Communist Party By John Fitzgerald 《干部国家》-以干部为国家/为江山社稷,使
得中国变成中共. 本拙文谨探讨人权被压迫者无以为继之源头,抛砖引玉而已。
Moreover, the system cornerstone“rule of law based on Christianity”regarding “FROM
PLATO TO NATO” has been eroded and mutated into being based on Babylonianism as was
reproached by a late pastor S.Lewis Johnson in a sermon focusing on Zech.5:5-11(just
downloaded),in my opinion, leading to a worst scenario Babylonianism caused by the fact
that the integration of Maoism/Maoist statehood humanity essence “totalitarianism under
scoundrel movement starting from Hunan”with H.H.Kung-L.K.Kung’s essencecorruption,lie ,cronyism/nepotism since 1978 has been making inroads upon the west through
CCP’s business agenda thanks to Nixonite appeasement policy, regionally speaking, it’s
done-the formation of Gog/Magog civilazation in the west.
Rev.Johnson mentioned the book “The Two Babylon” by the Scotland theologian Alexander
Hislop,which I bought, the ideological Babylon has been wide-implanted and deep-rooted in
every corner of the world through globalization, esp.through CCP’s 1B1R; the theme “Come
out of her”advocated through St.John(Rev.18:4-5)- dated back to the days of Moses,
reinforced by Ezekiel 20:41 and 2Cor.6:17, and how to realize the goal can be extremely
challenging that the scripture Exodus32:20 must be observed; the pastor also mentioned the
book “Civilization on Trial” by Arnold Toynbee , it’s a long lasting human strife –
tribalism after tribalism in the context of Isaiah56:11, an extremely arduous process to
be self-upgraded; to overcome the worse case of Babylonianism-the finished formation of
Gog/Magog civilization in some part of the west, there is rarely ready solution/resolution
which can be found with Arnold Toynbee to this social and spiritual upheaval, only divine
solution/resolution,divine retribution,divine justice can be applied.
2022-11-30 to 12-4
10 万亿美元图财害命案 DCCC746/2014 总后台蛤蟆王两腿一伸,居然胜利大逃亡,他的墓志铭应该是:扬
做过他父母下级-住院医之于实习医,陈云儿媳也归他们家医疗大佬领导)- 考虑到 10 年前万延海大夫揭弊
A 钱,王澄大夫揭弊学术严谨性纰漏,加上法轮功瑞士通缉令;如前所述,中国五千年奇缺的父凭子贵得工
By the way, XinJiang(新疆)human rights defender 伊利夏提 currently points out it’s Yangzhou
master-toad master who initiated the ethnic cleansing in XinJiang:
https://www.bannedbook.org/bnews/bannedvideo/20221201/1818208.html, which is in full-house
correlation with the critical review that Jiang is the origin of corruption, lie and tyranny: 江泽民执政成社会不
公根源 https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2022/12/01/1023006.html 《东方》力批江泽民:反民主人权法制,官场腐败民怨加剧 贫富悬殊扩大
https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2022/12/02/1023105.html Chinese Ex-President Jiang Zemin, Butcher Who Cleaned Up After Tiananmen Massacre, Dead at
96 : https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2022/11/30/chinese-ex-president-jiang-zemin-butcher-whocleaned-up-after-tiananmen-massacre-dead/ 大汉奸江冠千的儿子江泽民死有余辜(Jiang's Crimes/Sins won't get redemption by his death) 大纪元 作者 :王友群
https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/22/12/1/n13876457.htm 从六四上位到老人干政 江泽民 too simple 成另类热点
https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2022/12/01/1023069.html 江泽民整肃媒体登权力最高峰 “六四天安门事件”成了最暗黑一段
https://www.aboluowang.com/2022/1130/1836408. By the way, 那位副国级卫生专家在 89-64 天安门镇
Furthermore, 张首晟先生为江元首长子任校长的上海科技大学特聘教授,根据大纪元等报导,他们互相利
用,进入了金钱博弈游戏,尔虞我诈,有个丹华资本出了纰漏,引发自杀(在仅仅聘用了 5 个月后2018),我看还有更深处的原因,那就是学术伦理人品受到煎熬- 发表的论文三次被《Science》杂志打回
票(retraction),就像一个足球运动员被三次黄牌警告后。请看: 王赫:江澤民將中國領上了絕路(Jiang steered China into a cul-de-sac)
https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/22/12/2/n13877352.htm 分析:江澤民時期的「經濟騰飛」假相(During Jiang’s reign,the economic boom in China was just
a face value full of falsehood, market value considering green GDP and social cost just
the other way around ) https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/22/12/2/n13877564.htm @Rusong_Machunbo 指出:江之害,至少遗祸五十年!(The havoc wreaked by Jiang will last at least 50
yrs), 就拿张首晟研究的“ ” 天使粒子 作 parable : agent of red dragon hurled down by St. Michael together,
but woe to this earth(Rev.12:12 2nd part), hence toad-master as agent of red dragon or carrier of evil angelic
demon unleashed the demonic “angel particle” in the Pandora Box over China- extending to entire world.
星-电脑-微波技术之赐),加入了江蛤蟆“ ” 南普陀计划 ,天天行使魔礼(前述使魔行传),法利赛-法老-法海
决不甘休,龙猪体恶棍,“ ” 黄、鼠、狼 -疣猪在猪八戒的一条天河(流沙河上有一片猪八戒的天),连成节点网
络,决不罢休,直到 Isaiah 51:6, 2Peter 3:10,才会有安魂曲。仅说“Thanks being the origin of incentives
and dynamics for me------ ”不怎么有效。
2022-12-9 more revision 2022-12-8 Remix and More Rendition with 2022-9-30 & 2021-4-12 log
有个别人员以吃我老爹(CNS going thr. long-time extra-large dose Hydras Chlorali=being like going thr. dental root-canal under Maoism terror)豆腐为生,其可恶堪比黄(黄祸)、鼠(鼠辈娄阿鼠)、狼(战狼)、猪八戒(龙猪体)之最。现在是北京时间毛国柞国庆时刻,记得毛语录有“国之四维,四维不张---”; 四维不张体现在杭州话说“疣趣得很”,上海话“吃相霞气好看”。说起来很可笑,杨克煌先生(理论是南岛民族与汉人血脉不交通)在台湾周承仁先生面前简直是小巫见大巫,要成为伪台独分子, 哪里有周董事长(曾在台湾的职务,住上海和平饭店的派头-cf. foregoing)大无畏革命英雄气概(永远不为在人家那里消费掉的信用买单,也不顾比一等亲还要多一点关系的血脉-不付亲生双胞胎寄养抚养费善后费),有关 3.5 万美元那张所谓奖券是从一家马里兰州P.OBox 发出,寄到他 FL 家,心照不宣是他付账单,我 94 年开始(前述 93 年刚登陆 USC 春季班-被失去与92秋季新生同步能力-台海博弈结果-李鹏之流看到李前总统不可能执行国统纲领,反而取消动员戡乱,于是放行. 上海所谓学院教授粱姓车行人员租住在洛杉矶台湾人员 Vicky 周家(@Monterey Park)大造孽,摧毁我学业),本有二个补救机会,94 年与斯坦福医学院内科临床药理主任 Prof.Terrence F. Blaschke 通话后,他签发了有条件录取为临床博士后研究-只要你有经费-it’s all about money scarcity,接下来是读了一半 MBA,还有点学费积欠,只好半途而废-尽管考过 80 分,无奖助金可拿(USC 博士班 80 分拿奖助金),不过有同学哪怕没过 60 分,只要自己掏钱,延长学业也可在 USC 过关-还有说中文的台湾去的教授在作指导,我是无此福分。周董事长腿一伸,“堂堂正正”胜利大逃亡,可以在 KMT 革命实践院独领风骚- 杨克煌先生要被吓破胆。 后来我的一生机会被一系列虚伪狂嫉妒狂控制狂阴招刻毒光-这条流沙河上空猪八戒的天蓬太强大(upside-down of cause and effect, fragmentation of the wholeness of entity),趁火打劫于基督教sub-culture diminishes away 之际。
有人怀疑我的朋友张云先生是被那些钻不进大学后门(1979-81)的而钻进市局后门的人员做掉了(祸起萧墙于当年赵紫阳-索罗斯国安合作基金,他有幸在北京培训英语,89-64 发生时,亲身经历了天安门广场,跟我谈到真的枪林弹雨(我后来更加骂骂咧咧共产党, 也被监控到),他回杭州后不受重用,主动与国安厅 severance(杨恒均在北京几乎与其同步,后在悉尼科技大于冯崇义副教授麾下做博士生一阵子), 随后加入小公司做小生意,与我同步出国,我还应邀签发了他的学校所需体检证明;可恶的是连他都只被前领导告之好自为之,偏有从后门钻进市局的官员吃我没有耳根的老爹之豆腐,来抓我的壮丁(这简直就是他们的精神分裂症),我当时用 pretext 搪塞了过去,到了洛杉矶后,我就写信到台北抱怨被抓壮丁(表达共产党一直是迫害-利用-再迫害)-基于从李鹏/李铁映的教育部到桑国伟副委员长单位在我出国前狠狠地敲诈要挟了多年血汗钱交换护照-榨干我;更可恶的是,从洛杉矶到台北的私人信件被极端无间道分子检信-制造出更大的悲哀),时间可能就是在见到大笔钱财时极端眼红而图财害命,坊间在传 00 年代中的与台海两岸有关的 USD3000 万, 6000 万,5 亿之事。张先生根本就是朱云来先生改行学 MBA 的先行者(在美国单打独斗,我是体力无法与之比,foregoing),国家第一梯次重点(1977 定的一级方程式标准, 要是按照江浙两省录取当地生标准,朱云来不知在哪里);无非是朱先生在中共中央全球人力,物力,财力协助下,游学时可以呼风唤雨,轻而易举扫描到我在 L.A.所订阅,所购买(cf. Foregoing),表面当然自称比我更没有钱可以买几本参考书,让洋人送就得了(中间过程当然是你懂的),就这样父子当起中国最高管理当局(学院)- 当年 LA 不止免费的天天日报可看到(在我买了二本 The Portable MBA Series 后的大约三个月左右就在海外华人新闻网出现关键词 De Paul Univ. ,我买的参考书及朱云来父子)。
足之地,骗光一切从台湾蓝绿的 remedies(00 年代)及我家基业,并进一步成功地骗过台湾教育部(有时任部长的曾
志朗先生,吴京先生),可以将大陆学位让台湾照单全收(主动或被动)-当然,1986 年我入学时年轻有为的
陈家伦所长副教授(之于邝教授,丁教授)领衔负责;Oh!, Lord, let me remember Psalm 119:29-30. 主动=李故总统讲的去捧对方
在 Gog/Magog(杭州-上海方言谐音双关)中,人民的概念还是像被 KMT 警备司令官教的那样,台湾人
(彭敏明教授等异议人士)去海外定居/生活都是 failures/下等人,我在美洲台湾日报读到这么一
篇不知是正攻,倒攻,斜攻的文章,very funny。所以台湾又一次被拒 WHO/WHA。计划生育至断子绝孙,也是反华势力一部分,恶事累累。
桑国卫先生在杭州从处长级干部直升副国级;当年领导 WHO 节育研究所,在毛学部委员下做事,全靠上司
的疫苗打响名号,要是我老爸当年看不清楚毛院士国家自然科学基金申请材料(cf. foregoing),不予通过,哪来
今天,by the way, 毛学部委员的肝炎疫苗也转化收获了无数金钱利益。
2022-12-9 更新于前无古人地主动致电 PRC 教育部要求撤销硕士学位 10+年后
少数政客不同于人之常情(省钱/享超国民待遇)去中国大陆故意放低身段做学生身份(李故总统登辉先生比拟为去捧对方 LP 或朝贡),是为了获得各种政经关系,提升自我政经能量/利益。红蓝/红绿色盲之结果,就是两岸韦小宝造成的 damage 很难被维权,台湾人常说吃人够够, 在我这里是在两头被奸诈贪婪-可加上联,两头尖尖。在此总结一下这个“super-hyper Tsinghua establishment”中遇到的tribulation(cf. foregoing):
1. 我的 situation 与清华医学院院长本质上其实是相反的(免疫电泳可以象 high school 学生交 collage 作业),我被剥夺做实验的权利,被迫按照陈家伦教授的面授机宜交出 collage 作业(instead of college)。
2. 1988 年经国先生过世后,我就被他们 marooned- real Fabian tampering/procrastination code/Biderman Chart of Coercion encountered.
3. 前述丁霆教授跟我拐弯抹角对话- 其明修栈道,暗度陈仓被我询问。
4. 沈伟在我家抱怨学长李德泉博士论文充满水分(主要是陈家伦教授让他依样画葫芦)- 他与我是为了避免在浙大医学院与群众利益冲突而去了上海(他父母是浙医校领导及附属医院内分泌科主任级),反而成了受害者,连 U. Of Chicago 的机会都断送了,方升坤(Victor S. Fang)教授都清楚是怎么一回事- 丁霆教授,陈家伦/许曼音教授夫妇的推荐信在方教授面前 1987 后是被自动作废了(1985-86曾保送过J-1博士生,吃不消竞争而打道回府)
5. 关键实验试剂化学发光标记物(ABEI)都是我老爸从德国带回来(去交流是差强人意的,比方垮科查房卵巢肿瘤,那是全靠他年轻时固态记忆,可以倒背如流西氏克氏等内外妇儿原版教科书,当时竺可桢当道的要求,有名的满分先生,最后做了二年住院医师就总住院毕业-以全套拉丁处方对症下药 100 分见长),被法利赛/法老/法海嫉妒,控制一切。
6. 许曼音教授跟我拍胸脯,经费不受限制,连打印纸之类的学生法定经费也要省到余额宝去,让我做国子监交手写钢笔字帖。
7. 1989 六四被镇压后,趁火打劫,毕业大考搞突袭,拒绝后被勒索写检讨书- 就像现在被上电视认罪。
8.我只好自称 inability,于是他们就有 ability 了,故意延长四个月时间,装模作样掩人耳目,不到三个小时工作量的一张手写 data 就可以过关了。毕业时还企图将我打发到北京体总李源潮姨娘处帮忙弄虚作假-指导类固醇用药及超微量化学分析(她已完成《中国毒药》一书,ISBN 有待正式发行)。
9. 上海铁道医学院(现被同济大学合并)前内分泌科主任几乎做了二十年答辩委员会主任;所长与副所长的培养从硕士至博士毕业要拖大约 15 年的时间,我被一度叫去做 co-worker,到 1989 年夏天无进展,只好被他们虚以委蛇回锅做化学发光免疫分析,都是名副其实的吉尼斯记录。
10.- 1989 年的手写data 最后要签字提交学位评审,法律逻辑次序,protocol 礼义廉耻是这样的:我的实习生签字在最下面,上面有二个 slash,第一上级是副教授级高级技术骨干/高级工程师(data 提供者),更上级是副国级中科院士的老爹(所长兼教授,以后升任工程院士)。
要是北京航天的张陶知道某人的工程院士是这样父凭子贵得来的(从1987年起就因肝胆积石肾结石动了二次大手术,长期在家养病,他儿子当时在法国更本没有回来探望,沈伟大夫与我都去行了二次慰问礼; 还有工程院士之于科学院士是副学士、副博士、副教授-尤其父子在一个单位屋檐下)- 从这个角度看,张陶变得吃亏了,他的红色贵胄身份在红色江山下升官发财是天经地义的,可以更加愤愤不平,他的子凭父贵本可以一蹴而就. 平心而论,张陶的学术能力不会亚于那位父凭子贵,从中立的角度出发,89-64事件发生前,1986 年在上海,没有听说过有个年纪已是 64 岁的 吴孟超二军医大副校长器官获取移植大夫(外科大夫要到 约莫 75 岁才红遍全国,有了王林变戏法家加权因素+使他们小圈子GDP大涨,权贵的保命力度骤升就能办到科学院士,),只听说一个 55岁左右的陈中伟显微外科学部委员在上海。 陈敏章还没有成部长前及那位扬州人身体还不错,不用光顾瑞金医院时,其超级大长老之研究所都没有能力申请到国家自然科学基金,89-64大屠杀后,陈敏章任部长以及进入天字第一号的过了65岁与日俱增地需要该医院服务后,用皇家能力攫取了全华人民的血汗钱,堆高门面n个数量级别,raking in 无数国外学术能量,张陶无上述加权因素,就变成inferior.
By the way, more ramification about my internet surfing around the end of 1990's : it's dial-up Internet Service Provider called AEBC located at the basement level of Pacific Business Ctr. @ Burrard x Nelson of downtown Vancouver- regarding my reading online E-Commerce/E-Business magazine from time to time- mainly the UCSD e-jour - lots of rationale and insights- everyone knows they had been monitoring my cookies- even real time, I suppose the invention of E-Business can be easily claimed to be themselves after grabbing the intellectual property.
这条流沙河上空猪八戒的天蓬天河之energy sphere resides @ fabrication-perjury-forgery-fraud-larceny, upside-down of cause and effect, spiritual fragmentation, reversely overwriting any IP/market - released by the mother of harlot, father of liar/murderer and son of perdition- reflected by 扮猪吃老虎,霸王硬上弓;子系中山狼,得志便猖狂;得了便宜再卖乖,且见不得他人好;阴阳脸双簧二面三刀,装猪装鳖装“永生”(永生永世装下去,装文明)。
James 1:13 If we are tempted by such trials, we must not say, "This temptation comes from God." For God cannot be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one. Psalm 125:3 For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest upon the land of the righteous, So that the righteous will not put forth their hands to do wrong.
According to the situation foregoing, I beseech Heavenly Father to let justice and righteousness prevail1 on this earth and God speed Maranatha!- lest people follow the communist anthem <Internationale > of which there is never a savior in this world, lest the repeating of St. Peter's not recognizing Lord three times, lest humanity could be in depression toward a misery scenario that 2.55 million yrs should be waited after 1989- the sub-culture of Christianity diminished- a left-behind status or tribulation status(cf. Rev.17:13)- considering if 1 day=1000 yrs, then 7 yrs=2.55 million yrs, lest the expansion of Gog/Magog civilization formed in the west @ some corner can overwrite the entire foundation depending on the rule of law upon Christianity, lest deception is king and lest humanity/manliness be replaced by unscrupulousness. Furthermore, from 1 Cor.3:16-17 my body is the temple of Holy Spirit only, formed in great weakness; in our weakness, Lord, you find us, we are just holding a cup of grace from God; launching your divine retribution toward whoever insidiously sabotages(murder or attempted murder) your Holy Spirit temple, for Jesus sake, Amen! =============================
2023-1-7 Posted
Dean Koontz1981 年的小说一定在用法眼反党,指针 P-400 level Wuhan-virus,居然还 sync 一位 1981 出
有关大时代,小时代在我所经历的时空点,线,面的背景可以进一步 rendition,1988 年是个关键时空经纬
度(我在上海瑞金医院被他们搁浅):蒋经国总统因糖尿病故去,基督教在美国 subculture 也是末尾,里根
总统最后一年完成任期,朱镕基市长 4 月 25 日在上海市府礼堂唱一支爹亲娘亲不如共产党的歌(一直
wondering 他 1-19 岁是怎么过来-他见证只有党把他养大; 1947 他遇到党,只是党怎么在1947年前养他, cf. Foregoing 2018 年 7-8 月,10-11 月
backlog), 被 Dr.王澄&万延海 debunk, 但被当年众所周知的对岸 coterie 执政所掩护,无限壮大,可以不
负任何责任,WHO 大官也在他们领导下无限惬意(被称 Winnie Happy Organization),台湾要入 WHO
当然苦不堪言,蒋渭水一家子等等要跟着朱大总理唱同一首 1988-4-25 之歌就有好利是。
2010 我在台湾有用加拿大护照在远传电信开过一个电话账户,在此只是 alert 台湾 NCC 小心韦小宝。有关冒牌货吞钱,回来后也与台湾金管局备过案。
民国 85 年(李前总统时,蒋夫人美龄女士也时任 KMT 中评会总裁),我参加了 LA 的 OCAC-sponsored
侨二中心办得双十国庆晚会(罗楚莹女士领衔了类神韵的中国舞,如今报道的神韵像是 2.0/3.0 版,AI 电脑
enhanced 舞台布景,灯光,音响都 virtual reality plus 3D 化了,高科技进化了无数倍),有大陆太子党在 LA 相
关企业人员也在那里出现,难怪 1998 年在 Douglas College 看到某台湾网路新闻的最后原汁原味
(cf.2018-3-26,3-28 backlog):“安啦,安啦”(1996 年那个扬州人在台海打空包弹,表面气氛紧张)。
看到网上有孙力军的完整履历,居然是 1985-88 的大学生涯,三年制的毕业证书你我一清二楚(以上海的三
年制录取分数线,要进浙大理工学院(像录取江浙学生一样),比登天还难-癞蛤蟆吃天鹅肉),还 pretend
什么 high society demeanor,在单位混了多年后,就抵了学分,只要迎合上意,就拿到所谓的 WHO
scholarship- 讲起来真是目呲相咧 (台语发音)- raking in my sweat money(income) during the years in
service as WHO research physician(cf. my external blog)- then encoding after encoding-charade after
charade- such much money delivered to this criminal; 回来后他一个公共卫生硕士最多是上海卫生防疫站
长,匪夷所思地做到王立军同等阶级的警察高官- 真本实力王要比他高多了(王还请益过 Henry 李昌钰)-
2009 年已在公安部做办公厅副主任,在 front reception,不理会我的 Fax demanding redress,
2020-5-15 Update
我本来比连胜文(名言“我们不是大明王朝”)更具备纯正中华民国血统(宁波南京政权 DNA 双关语, 老爷在百年前彻头彻尾凭真本实力考
进巡视员,容克/雅克/DC 飞机是这么来的, Cf. 前面 NY E. Rochester 百年经典照片回顾时有感-老爷后来不在飞来飞去是一次空中惊魂-my grandma yarned with her memory dating back to the days of yore), 中共大明王朝压顶后,早就宣布逃离宪法“中华民国简称中国”,谢谢大明王朝迫害。 台湾中原大学(在两岸大明王朝领导下,朱元璋第一配偶姓马,大陆香港是主格)招教授事件表明, 校方要求
的第一次道歉/焦点-武汉不存在肺炎,为要拍中共马屁, 第二次道歉/焦点:毛共思维-中华民国业已消亡/非
法无效- 刚好大明王朝让中华民国成为外来政权。这样金木水火土阴阳五行不知怎么转。
一个多月前的四月六日 backlog 中,我本来是按照自然法则分享民国 85 年生日蛋糕,应有存照;至于北平太子党企业相关人员照样受欢迎,不一般-- 春江水冷水暖之点滴在心(长龙地产都有sponsorship)。 有人五面派,在毛革命实践院,蒋
中正革命实践院中发生了 funny 之事,cf.我在 external blog 中已经用 sunlight/moonlight 来 metaphor,如
今的蒋渭水pedigree又到中国做起官僚/地主资产阶级,sunlight 中还是跟着唱“爹亲娘亲不如共产党亲”,
moonlight 中所作所为比蒋中正时期狠了不知多少倍,一旦被车马炮将军,则去台湾蓝金黄媒体扮猪- 嚷嚷
是二二八事件受害者 (in contrast 陈布雷先生之女在文革中真像海豹一样被棒杀(我老妈在第二时间无能为
力伸援手),无法像蒋渭水一家扮,连动物保护组织时有抗议加拿大东部渔民棒杀海豹行为), 不过还有更
funny 的事,反而是人民日报要 hush, hush 二二八起源/导火线- 综治办警察城管对象- 小摊贩被打死-多个例
有关 gerrymander style 改革(人类民主化后民智开化就看穿了)最近就有一例报道,上海生科院这个婆婆
及研究流行的藻类食品,我在 Google 中早就搜索过啤酒中的 Phyto-steroids,红酒 Phenology,药物所都
可以包含),原来高管的高管就是如此创意,先后有两个总院副院长在更 upper-hand。人类可以编码加编码,
像陈敏章这种资质在协和根本做不起中国医科院院长=中国科学院副院长级别, 于是乔装打扮临床医学科研
More than a decade ago, 我在 Yahoo E-mail 中注册了我的 iPhone 账号及所有 apps 都显示在那里,有人
copycat,后来将我的 content deleted, so as to let 韦小宝 become more authentic , somehow 后来 Yahoo 只剩
2020-5-27 Update
upper-hand 来说-其明知中科院是第一生产力,却用了一个从美国 CO 大学的硕士毕业生- 其狡猾性可以 Bypass 中国 3 年
的学制,但在编码包装下,可以说成留学美国,又有了博士学位- 中国博士只需三年(又是短平快好省,再
Bypass 美国的 5 年),博士论文抄袭硕士,灌满水分(Cf. foregoing 沈大夫揭弊),请人代劳时有报道,
一位台大毕业生在德州大学(水平绝对不亚于科大)近 30 年前硕士毕业,不敢回台湾就业,还要在南加大至
少苦读 5 年博士(课程考不及格还得自己掏钱重修一遍),如今想起来这一代年轻人太可以走捷径(前天说
的从中国毕业回台湾竟然可以上位军情局),1949 年前的 Sinica 这种象牙塔顶尖之处,要做到正厅级的所长位,不知要经过多少道 DQ 程序(白多少根头发),第一道关,常青藤级别大学博士(像竺可桢,刘士豪
同时拥有两个最顶尖 Harvard & Princeton 博士不见怪)-- 在第一生产力的命门处用人居然是私相授受,视若儿戏,不出差错才怪,难怪有了 在1981年 LA 小说家 Dean Koontz能够 sync 出生1981的WIV所长及foresee全球全方位灾难(cf. 2020-4-6 log)。
2021-2-21 我在最新的英文博客中提到了上帝的国度被被严重压榨,再补充一点回忆,那是 1980’s 中, 哪怕是胡乔木这样的意识形态红天官当道, 杭州也是第一代红色革命家王芳在当道,报纸上没有见过以违章建筑名义奸诈贪婪十字架- 那是六四被血洗后的最高既得利益者从台湾引进了被 H.H.Kung/L.K.Kung 发展而闻名的孔家店的法利赛/法老/法海/高精尖统治技术, 扬州人飞黄腾达,庆亲王更是如鱼得水,大发利市,里面唱红,
外面唱黑的红/黑太阳混合双打,于 90 年代发挥至极致(那是 89 年开始乘火打劫之继续 cf.foregoing),将猴戏马戏开到我家。还记得王芳后来在北京以国务委员,公安部长身份给李洪志先生披红戴花,
众所周知,王芳也是 royal disease,隔三差五要找我老爹调控血糖水平/胰岛素用量,我家从不趋炎附势。
2023-1-8 Posted
在写给我弟Email中提到当年在在 Alhambra,CA 打电话了结私人关系事(祸起萧墙朱熔基的政策 causing full-house unemployment plus demolishing of residence in the name of city project for me to repeatedly
encounter soliciting of money in 1994 when I myself encountered conundrum- 与斯坦福临床药理教授
通话后无法募款前往,还是先后累计了相当于4 位数美元捐款在杭州), 并举例栓释事物真相—有人在马路上帮忙扶起
倒地之人,还被倒打一耙, 问题在 after saying “It’s over”所要探究的是猴戏马戏中极端无间道阴阳脸双簧两
面三刀之阴毒+阳毒;在接下去的黑与白,善与恶对立中,沉默非金,沉默就是投降-北京清华社会科学政治学副教师刘瑜的认知已经有了胡适遗风-不默而生,依我之见,故意视而不见 evil, speak no evil 也既是
Hannah Arendt 所言“平庸之恶-the evil of banality” 的一种非显性变种,助长极权主义。
2020-8-1 Updated Phishing for phool 之空包弹(1990’s 中期的有关“客里空”台海 News 是很出名);在我的经历中被副国级的老爷噱头成不辛-上海的 1989 瑞金医院头牌红教授自认是外国野鸡大学要求-只要付了学费,不必做实验就
徒手可拿硕士(foregoing 之进一步 rendition), 鄙人只是 had to coordinate/cooperate to display a
charade show,
我在博客中开始 5 年就不点名在诘问“who are afraid of the truth?”. 有了这误人子弟的源头,就是无法与
人在国际上竞争的害人不浅的恶果- 岂止发生在我头上, 随便在网路上翻阅,便可以品味, 于是就有人把
这档子事集中起来加以细细“品葱”- 发现新大陆了,居然有清华(协和)医学院的院长也被 debunk 有关免疫电泳,就像我 foregoing,不用做免疫电泳就 collage,原来有了副国级老爷的 Super-hyper 清华(协
和)establishment 之万世一系陈敏章在那里被王林开示过,难怪如此;其他类似例子有顶级的北大医学药学院院长,南开大学校长等等;还要营造万邦来朝的局面,就像前面说的免试,免学费外加生活津贴的台湾
还有如今香港的“反送中”运动太晚了-对我来说,当年被 Liya Liu 的 service 弄到 UBC(=HKU,由 HK
personnel 主导,foregoing)做 EEG coupled with fMRI,所有 data 被送中- 为了中国/香港的警察在大温
哥华监控方便。使用 psychotronic weapon disabling you, condescending you, hijacking you, 当然比
Hitler 阴毒(Cf. 唐崇荣牧师“CCP more evil than Hitler”).
2020-9-9 最近 PRC copy 了 ROC 之护照国籍法;于是想起一段事情,大约二十年前,我到温哥华 TECO 申请加盖侨居的护照, 有一侨务组伦先生(约 8-9 年前大纪元时报登过采访他的报道)知会我有关法律,只可惜他的原话传了 18 年左右才到达故总统登辉先生那里,于是重复了伦先生之栓释该法(可随祖父母继承),在台湾
报纸登出,不过对我来说太晚了-- 去台湾旅游时顺道游了行政院大楼,先去 OCAC,与他们谈了一阵后,
被要求去楼道对面的内政部,发现秘密-通过挂免战牌,马家天下金家党可以玩游戏于你。本来是可以好说好散得多;自那以后坚持只效忠女王陛下。 中华民国南京中央国府理论联系实际的人格国格之 integrity 到王晟为止,不妨review故总统经国先生名言“没有一个政党是永恒的”。
2023-1-18 Posted
2022-12-26 Afternoon
有关江泽民上位后将1987年定为国共正式交流开始年代,反思后得出台湾周董事长(1940年代美国留学生)承仁先生伉俪是湖州-宁波最大的国民党风水代表(加上上千年一品天官门脉,当年陈立夫先生不便,朱家骅先生已逝)去大陆访问。发生与超级一等亲血脉不通or segregation 后(外加从小与承仁先生熟悉在一起的黄XX小姐也是从不参访祖庴,亦segregation也,cf.foregoing)无法不一边一国; 所以前述杨克煌先生吓破胆,变伪台独,穿着波黎尼西亚人服装不正规;除了谢雪红不够红,现今的红色统一党领导人黄荣章也是红色不正点/正港,在马来西亚有陈平类人员为正教的无产阶级文化大革命伟大领袖毛的红色革命风暴力量(红总司,工总司,解放军“三支两军”,红卫兵等),可以take over 黄荣章的领导权。
December 20-26,2022
有关2022-12-10 external blog insertion 中致电PRC教育部是电邮电报的意思,也等于打电报给对岸的吴,曾二位部长,反正他们是一家门,主动与peer周济(SUNY, Buffalo; 大纪元等等报道其嗜好在教育部长任上在女优学生中跳舞找舞伴,并坚决执行江泽民的元首指示,2006刘晓波文其为校园自由杀手)接洽引进中国大陆学位,与部长厘清事物真相是落实社会公义/正义之必要;我当年的电邮是over-euphemism, 他们too busy to pray, 无意做forensic examination due diligence, 只好丑话说在后面, 逼我打出点数, 我的case与清华医学院院长(U. Alabama)免疫电泳事件是天壤之别,与现在台湾热闹的高虹安(U. Cincinnati )学位事件大相径庭。中国惯用语“转投胎”-发生后接着应该是配套转法轮-是主动还是被动转? 基督教sub-culture diminished away后,如前述,台湾某董事长行为,叫人都看透:不要脸求“永生”/永胜,要脸求“永死”/永冻。
蛤蟆的七七四十九还没有过去,其污鬼邪灵撒旦教完全与1/3 evil angelic demon一致- cf. Rev12:3-4 & 9, 到了12:12 2nd part, 无穷地造孽地球人,连锁反应成17:13(正能量很脆弱,反应成主动交权)=left-behind status/tribulation, 照理耶稣是全能全知无所不在,轻而易举一念间在highest dimension 用神经源量子动力学消弭1/3堕落天使能量,看来不是一蹴而就的(这末世的日子,要靠耶稣基督来产生犹太12支族的各12000圣人,这世界受碍的正能量就可以运转起来,请参阅9/4/2022 & 9/17/2022Log below),撒旦天使长也在相当高dimension 拥有类似能力-竟然将170年前美英德北欧已建立的full-house domination之基督教文化diminish ,所以在12/25/2022 Holy Sunday再次发威, 首先我必须去另一个城市attend Eucharist(local方便之处只有每月1st Sunday有圣餐) ,大约早上9点左右,蛤蟆污鬼邪灵撒旦教在evil AI-machine maliciously organized stalking/scanning 帮助下在Skytrain system发威—要每隔10-13分一班,such blockade 使我中途改成B计划,不到二个小时我回来上车时就是3-4 分钟一班,显而易见。等我回到公寓,连电梯也在蛤蟆污鬼邪灵撒旦教控制下被blockade – 有concerted 更污漫化的事件- 毛鬼天安门庙前所未有地故意选择在12/25开放=偷换26日生日为25日,还要凌驾于耶稣基督之上=exactly Daniel 11:36, please cf. News: 一直闭馆的毛泽东纪念堂于2022 12月25日(星期日)恢复开放 https://gnews.org/articles/625167
The Chinese Communist Party has largely outlawed discussion of Christmas and decorations in public to mark the holiday https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2022/12/23/christians-face-years-bans-celebrations-mention-christmas-online-holiday-approaches/
I have been wondering how many Jewish families hold the 4000 years genealogy book today esp. from the North Kingdom(10 tribes) since dispersion 2700 years ago(722 BC, 586BC(70 yrs later, some northern tribesmen could also return under King Cyrus, in 70AD again dispersed under King Titus )the capital Samaria had been full of inter-ethnics ) and how to discern the exact tribe member identity(pure Jewish bloodline) in regards to Jewish 12 tribes when Jesus Christ needs to choose 12000 perfect men/tribe(who never defiles themselves with women/always a virgin and never lie) around tribulation time.
对9/4/2022 log 进一步思考,我想耶稣基督要fulfillment of Rev.7:4 & Rev14:4, 可能是提前再来到地球对摩西出埃及时雅个12支族约60万人的埋骨进行选择性复活- 按Eze.37:5-10所叙述,产生的新的后代再有一部分人从小进入类似修道院状态,就可能选到144000人。
2022-12-30 Memo
蛤蟆污鬼邪灵撒旦教依然在大温哥华不退包,今天第一件事,bus line 321 @15:39 deliberately missed bus stop#54988, ignoring customers waiting there(an India lady also expressed surprise);evil red dragon carrier, CCP-KMT(台湾省委书记系统) joint triad energy sphere severely enshrouding ,1/3 angelic demons hurled down by St. Michael powerful enough @ very perigee sphere, only one minster of justice(廖正豪先生) once launched crackdown toward 黑金政治(当年人民日报乘机大捞一把,宣传黑金在台湾泛滥,后来蛤蟆copy 引进后青出于蓝而胜于蓝,感染到整个overseas Chinese diaspora ),廖最后只好虎头蛇尾-马英九做司法部长根本文过饰非,加强虎头蛇尾,沦落到被陈永苗描述成省委书记,宋楚瑜描述其为蒋经国叛徒, 这个bus 就是evil red dragon(cf. Ottawa MLI project"Dragon at the Door") controlled AI machine maliciously organized gang stalking/scanning ,plus堕落的 Zeta Reticula/Ferget Malanges样 angelic demon 在行神经源数位能量控制术之礼数, 就是要学三合会的做法,叉包,刺头(insidious sabotage, deliberately reverse instigation being truculent, which account for the origin of incentives and dynamics for me to---)
Kind reminder: 蛤蟆最喜欢用的人(humanity index 与science index zero, cf. internal & external 文档)一不怕Magnitsky人权法案?,二不怕最新的反器官拆白法案?(加拿大也出台),still enjoy being embedded hand。顺便说一声,张首晟被蛤蟆首创大学特聘5个月内不测(cf.foregoing)-2018并无Covid, 接着蒋华良被特聘一个月内不测(双黄连被质疑效果-选择性放大非密切接触人群中的服后有效性,毕竟临床病理学、临床药理学情况复杂得多,与化学家不一定咬弦);1948年的中央研究院基本盘要求文理双全+学贯中西/博古通今,经过文革毁盘干净。
1948年我祖父母及父亲在南京,住在离中研院历史语言研究所(陈布雷-陈寅恪-胡适-傅斯年等贡献良多)不远,我外祖父母家也离夫子庙不远,没能在社交格子(grid)认识,到杭州也算在竺可桢-朱家骅的中研院格子-其学院文化之人格国格中认识,毛主义CCP党文化全面浸礼后overwrite everything,1980’s初朱家骅pedigree来杭州时,我老爸在饭店做东,有不尽人意(cf. foregoing)-。
许章润用了古文观止文笔抗议/反共,招来蛤蟆江郎才尽式地眼红+变本加厉图财害命= 没有文明/文化装文明/文化(最明显的例子就是上述中研院guru领导的高端文史哲研究所在南京被overwritten 后,基本上一套人马两块牌子的江苏省科技厅与中科院(理工院)南京分院行政管理局take over-人类境界被共党号称用科技在机械式地恐怖管理(这次Covid管理disaster, too typical),人类文明指数都是CCP charade 出来-社科院根本出不了上述高端人文guru),CCP制造不出上述高端人文guru后,中国便缺失高雅的groove, 直到今天他们还在造孽-dropping a gauntlet on my cable internet connection-in turn, dropping a gauntlet on press freedom/human rights/democracy- being like installing a Golden Shield invented by toad master in China – selectively blocking Radio France International(but my cell-phone network can access it), esp. criticism toward Covid-policy: 法学者:中国如今的解封与此前的清零一样毫无逻辑 (RFI Chinese), in my word , rationale 文理不通-王澄大夫十多年前专文论述某卫生部长,在我的2012-2013年度博客中被引述。
接2022-12-30&31 memo. 说起黑金,规模应该是Edward Snowden 报料邓小平圈子的4.8兆+HK DCCC746/2014 中的江元神圈子10兆- 几乎15兆美元(which is the origin of energy sphere/dynamics regarding the Black-Gold-Politics of corruption/lie/ bloody dirty ugliness across Taiwan Strait,which extends to world politics esp. thr. 1B1R, also the origin of Gog/Magog civilization formation in some parts of the west thanks to globalization ),呼风唤雨WST 并延伸至全世界财金-政经界。CCP ’s tergiversation is core value 连KMT(除了于北辰将军等极少数)都神经麻木宛如久入鲍鱼之肆- 强迫人民唱《国际歌》“从来就没有什么救世主”+ 《东方红》“他(毛)是人民大救星”=颟顸;台湾周董事长承仁先生(美国1940年代留学生)一方面坚拒结清超一等亲的寄养/抚养/善后费之债务,另一方面无视台湾基本逻辑盘/人民基本民智: 连台南农渔会极普通乡民出来留学(台大毕业后自费读完Univ. Of Texas硕士后再接再厉自费读Univ. Of S. Calif.-哪怕考不到60分重修一遍延长学业),这美元花销实在不菲; 国民党退到台湾后原来还剩反共复国泡影,蒋经国逝去后,逐渐跟随中共,颟顸开始,不足为奇,连北京宪政学者讽刺其在中共省委书记领导下。
manifesto-fact中有关朱云来,De Paul Univ. 关键词偶连在华文新闻网-12/9/2022部分Highlighted-对应第二个祸起萧墙。
2020-4-6 to 11 also manifesto-fact 有关吴国光:第一次全球大戰,My post: A Philosophical Quest and Attempted Answer- Updated(1/11/2023) , 结尾加上了一个非限制性定语从句: which is quite corresponding to the bitterness arisen from the fact the fruit of righteousness got marred by those anti-Christ、 anti-Bible、anti-humanity being(cf.Amos 6:12) , in this reality, bitterness is arisen from “这黑水沟,你懂得 ”(cf. Foregoing)-在海峡一边-何清链, 陶业打黑: 当代中国“官”“黑”之间的政治保护关系 何清涟 https://modernchinastudies.org/cn/issues/past-issues/95-mcs-2007-issue-1/993-2012-01-05-15-35-22.html 何清涟:乡村痞子化与县城政治黑社会化 - 中国乡县社会生态 https://www.voachinese.com/a/3034188.html 陶业:权力黑化---- 极权主义的中国特色 http://minzhuzhongguo.org/default.php?id=99390 另一边,台湾 《天下》杂志大声疾呼: 黑金政治,人民的最恨 https://www.cw.com.tw/article/5036364
这黑水沟起源于1979邓小平visiting USA, thanks to the security guard function by Taiwan mafia @Chinatown ,his visit ran smooth, later on he proclaimed mafia loved his regime because of the lifeline provided by them in critical time, in the wake of Deng, Tao, Si-ju(陶驷驹公安部长) made similar disclaimer, that is to say, Deng’s regime depends on mafia as lifeline, which is espoused by Nixon-alike whose favorite is there, otherwise 黑金政治/黑金组织在台湾规模不会这么大。
接1月2 日,在全球行
金光拆白(bamboozling and shanghaiing, insidious sabotage, driving a wedge, never mind inciting invocation-divine remedies)之礼数,通过
图财害命(reckoning, coveting, exploiting public/private money/property including donation, gifts and estate endowment),
官商勾结(serious conflict of interest in every field),
用宁波/杭州/上海话发音双关语Gog/Magog最贴切-Gog/Magog formation @ some parts of the west- notably, 7/5/2021 BC Liquor store240 incident, 高度怀疑
黑金操作买通白手套,作为大明王朝东厂西厂非显性秘密警察外围-inherent/coherent with Gastabo-KGB-Stasi or in alignment with what Spanish human rights safeguard defenders describe in the 《Patrol and Persuade》 & 《110 Overseas》 ,
性质恶劣在我与熊焱+傅希秋等suggestion后(esp. 2021-3-8 to 6-20 log)加上当天有situation通报, CCP email sniffer+embedded hand in the local became activated, 冒天下之大不韪,拒绝我的有关
台海两岸和平建言(有关构建最大公约数-联邦中华民国(FRC),藩国-公使馆外交代表-FRC1/4国旗,吾而开希学习训政-民国党-中国改革进步党,后又认为内阁制/总统制皆无妨于五院,北京置行政/立法院,南京置余下三院,国旗本底色可以turquoise ,中间是十字架 ,印上孙文的五色线条-代表共和政府站在耶稣肩膀上-也符合孙文早年经牧师培育而成的基督徒身份,
etc.),行 ostentatious malfeasance 之礼数,local 的几个中共人员安得什么心?还有什么更上级?
(伟大领袖毛是从1920年国庆就登报反对中国统一,言之凿凿,cf. insert) Just a reminder,
2023-1-15星期天听道: SLJ_Zechariah ch.11- Israel’s Rejection of Her Shepherd
It’s a deplorable situation after divine retribution =my finding@Rev.18:23,=Jer.25:10 , some say “ Babylon, or Rome, shall be deprived of everything, even of the least thing that is comfortable in life; see ( Jeremiah 25:10 ) this will be a just punishment upon her for her abuse of this blessing of life; so where wax candles in great numbers have been burning in the daytime, there will not be so much as a single candle to give light in the night”.
Revelation 18:23 The light from lamps, never again; never again laughter of bride and groom. Her traders (as VIP) robbed the whole earth blind(i.e. ensnared the entire world to be deprived of light /vision/insight), and by black-magic arts deceived the nations.
“it’s the teaching of the word of God, that I have been created to be an instrument for the glory for God. And I do believe that when I deny Jesus Christ I am denying the very basis of my existence, my human existence. I am in effect saying I am not the human being that God created. And that’s why, when I deny Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior, I cannot help but ultimately wind up in utter opposition to him and apostasy from him. And Israel as a nation denied themselves when they abolished the theocracy and we too, when we deny our Lord Jesus Christ, we abolish our own place before God.”-by SLJ Also consistent with my findings@ Isaiah 2:22,+ Eccl.3:19 and Jer. 2:22 -没有耶稣,人类与动物无疑,灵魂无法干净。
污鬼邪灵无赖撒旦教有基本特征,在晨读圣经中领悟,可以更信、雅、达地表达成A warthog always returns to his/her wallowing in the mire. Also in John 12:1-8, 犹大本性是贼,不过有狡猾的法利赛swindling智慧-charade as dispensing money to the poor but only with a small part, the majority can be self-profiting =“Strain out a gnat and swallow a camel”, what’s more, trying to use the minor task of the church(helping the poor)to replace the most important task- the salvation of the soul- 灵魂,大地的异乡人啊。A vivid contrast:圣保罗传教是为了多得到真正的天国奖赏,不劳驾别人金钱(cf. 1Cor. 9:18)。 -----------------------------------------------------
2023-1-21 Posted
合二为一;共产龙用魔幻现实主义统治世界,毛龙在别西卜-路西弗那里,喜欢显扬- V2Kvoice/video to
skull has evolved -currently to sky-今年 9/9 沈阳+奇门遁甲术-从拿来的隐身衣技术发展到直接特种光电磁波笼罩建筑; 中文词奇门遁甲原来运用在日常抽象引申义多- 化解困境;至于崂山道士学来的法道(也是心诚第一要务),是在中级天使天军能力的辅助下,通过特种时空管道及光量子通道(瞬间量子解构/复原固态结构),而耶稣是在最高境界(highest
dimension/spiritual power)中化解最难的困境- 让死人从 body, mind, spirit, soul 四个层面同时复原, 是最高的神经-光量子动力学能量。
被迫害致死时,我给北京他的讣告网页朋友圈也发去唁电, 在此 backlog 作为个人回忆录。
按照 Isaiah 2:2-3 以色列人要造的神殿应该在新约语境中被理解成 Jesus Christ(John 2:19) @highest
mountain/highest dimension- above all hills/mountains – HIS kingdom/power/glory in the highest
dimension to be praised, considering Matt. 24:1-2 and 1Cor. 6:19, 2Cor. 6:16 & 1Peter2:5, etc.
同样 Jeremiah3:13, 在旧约语境中,surrendering to alien gods under every green=在当代新约语境中,
按照 Good News Translation, e.g. Hosea4:8(You got rich from the sins of my people, and you want them to sin more), 举一反三/触类旁通成 deferring to lie, corruption and
9/11/2022 log 中, rampant energy sphere refers to cosmic power of present darkness/spiritual
force of evil , which is presiding over the entire world.
犹太诗篇 51:5 指出了在娘胎中就有罪(the fall of Homo Sapiens
in the Eden, thereafter- Genesis 3:1-24),罪的工价是死亡(since the day expelled out of Eden- Genesis 3:24,
罗马书 6:23), 要靠耶稣救回来(约翰福音 5:24); 如今作恶者/造孽着(worker of iniquity)是故意不要耶稣
的光(对照约翰福音 1:5), 是法王路易十四之升级版- 死前死后都不顾洪水滔天地作恶, fear not those who kill
body instead of soul, but fear HIM who can cast the soul of the wicked into hell after evil-doer got killed
physically (Matt.10:28, Luke 12:5), 犹太先知的规劝-悔改以免坠地狱-以西结书 Ezekiel18:30 等当耳边风,无
视恶有恶报-未来被耶稣短暂复活而审判至第二次死亡地狱(对照约翰福音 3:18 & 5:29, 但以理书
Daniel12:2). Everyone must go through Judgment seat/Great White Throne(2Cor 5:10, Rev.20:11-12)-
John5:24 refers to those who were/are/will be given “Passover code” conferred by Jesus Christ.
Workers of iniquity(KJV)/evildoers(NIV)-
对照 Matt.7:23+Luke13:27(Passover code not granted by Jesus Christ); 大卫王在 Psalm125:3 中
的意境很有现实意义-需要进一步祷告- The black swan @TAM and black waters across Taiwan Strait
of which the swamp is constituted- creating whirlpools 折腾(in which Pharisees/Pharaohs/Phahai fail you=a illuminati
godfather-run circus= animal kingdom/power gaming- Eccl. 3:19) worldwide esp. reflected
@Wallstreet ; when CCP-Wuhan- virus began to subside, rumors of/rantings of traditional war
pop up more and more- signs before the biblical endpoint- cf.Matt. ch. 24, Mark ch. 13, Luke ch. 21; 进一步针对”Mystery Babylon”(cf. Rev. Paris Reidhead sermon), then “The Darkness of Jealousy”(cf. Rev.
Zac Poonen sermon) and “The Depravity of Jealousy”(cf. Rev..Erlo Stegen sermon) , finally “Push
Back The Darkness” by NY Rev. Carter Conlon.
2022-5-20 Hermeneutics must be organic/dialectical with spiritual wholeness. It might worth
discussing as for the origin of Satan(cf. Dr.Peter Gentry on “The Origin of Satan- A liar
From The Beginning”); Satanic trinity should be regarded as a self-transformer with sundry
formations(Job 40:15-24 Re:Behemoth, Job 41:1-34 Re:Leviathan, Isaiah 27:1 Re:Leviathan
serpent and sea monster, Daniel 7:3 Re:four beasts from the sea, Rev.12:9 Re: red
dragon=ancient serpent once flying around apogee now in the perigee due to being hurled
down by Holyangel Michael )- originally created by God as a powerful archangel, later
being rebellious against God, in OT notably as serpent, in NT, Pharisees present
themselves as the incarnation of Satan(John8:44) or carrier of Satan’s spirit amounting
to be the false prophet/false teacher, also, the kings of Babylon and Tyre as realistic
incarnation of the rebellious archangel Satan are portrayed with innuendo in Isaiah14:12-
14, Ezekiel 28:12-17. During the scene to tempt Jesus(Matt. ch.4, Luke ch.4) , Satan
manifests itself in a very high “mountain” with the mighty wealth power trying to
subdue Jesus- thereby displaying the archangel’s ability to present the whole world(every
corner 万国万民) wealth in a very high dimension sphere- as you know, the earth is a round
globe, you can not see the opposite of it no matter how high peak you stand, such
angelical ability once was conferred by God but defeated by our Lord Jesus Christ.
我在一个传真中指出撒旦/路西佛/假基督可以被比拟成早已为人知的 wi-fi evil-twin(就像韦小宝作伪证、
冒牌、偷钱/偷财物为生,在这个世纪居然可以永葆青春),去 UN 调查 1989-6-4 后(H.W.上台,大卫里根
博士引述的失去基督教 sub-culture)有几个政府是站在真正的耶稣基督肩膀上就知道答案了;deep
insight into Satan’s endeavor to be tantamount to our Lord Jesus Christ is reflected by
analytic contrast of Biblical verses: the fake morning star@ Isa.14:12-14 vs. the true@
Rev.22:16, the false Christ riding white horse@ Rev.6:1-2 for self-gain vs. true Jesus Christ on
white horse @Rev.19:11- making judgment and war for justice/righteousness. 王超华把书的标题写成“从来就没有什么救世主”是遗憾的,但是究其原因,除了前述坏水, 还可以在圣
经中找到答案- Psalm 125:3 , 大卫王的意思是官权不能凌驾在有正义的人民头上,以免逼人上要违法的梁
山- 只不过如今多的是突破大卫的底线的 Ahab & Jezebel- godlessly/lawlessly taking over the
property entitled to the righteous. 耶稣对此是有严厉的末日审判-Matt.7:23/Luke13:27, 与
Zech.5:3 一致, 甚至让使坏水的绊脚石分子要被绑着大石去跳海-Matt.18:6-7/Luke17:1-2/Mark9:42.
昨天又 upload 了经过多次修改直到昨天傍晚的最新版本 backlog, 刚刚又补上段落在 manifesto-fact。
今天早上重复 听了一段 Dr. S. Lewis Johnson sermon,有关 Zechariah chapter 4 中难
点:two olive trees-two witnesses , 7 branches,golden lamp-stand, 7 lamps-他着重从旧约角度理解trees represent offices of king and priest and branches the servicemen- governor Zerubbabel and
high priest Joshua ;不过我有新的概念形成,-那是根据圣经及多家理解,结合抽象与具体,旧约-新约在
同一个上帝中,耶稣昔在,今在,永在,在神学原理指导下勾画几何空间解析-所谓 hermeneutics : two
witnesses as personification of OT and NT, 7 branches carry 7 spirits of God- residing in the OT
and NT to the same extent, so from OT extends 7 conduits into the oil reservoir and NT 7
conduits respectively, the prophet just omitted the word “respectively”.
还有从启示录 Rev.11:3-6 中找到佐证,这两个 witnesses 通过口中喷火消灭敌人-那是上帝的道-the word
power of God can be translated into energy and light as well as flesh(不仅道成肉身)-能量与物质在圣
父/圣子/圣灵(in the highest dimension)掌管的神经源量子动力学中随意转换,合成与分解。
2023-1-27 Posted
Just a reminder, there is some omission along with: 2021-3-21 log(2022-12-9 updated) 陈敏
到国家自然科学基金-(to be honest, 张陶当年吃亏在于没有领衔申请到国家自然科学基金,落榜工程院
一群污鬼邪灵撒旦教跟着猪八戒的天河能量场,借助香港台湾人权恶棍发明的 psychotronic weapon 在过
农历新年的晚上继续行 neuron-harassment 之礼数 , 我不得不再次重申他们伟大领袖毛在上海时事新报
1920-10-10 disclaimer(言之凿凿)- otherwise, what’s the use of great leader Chairman’s
statehood and its associated General Guideline of PRC Constitution? What is pity to memy strength is not enough to raise up their Chairman Mao to convey message.
不过许章润先生的言之灼灼,是变奏的奈何弦殇,语之戚戚,+++ 情之切切+++ 当照西堂, that is to
say, 字字珠玑,三日不绝于耳,无奈对牛弹琴。
2023-2-1 Posted
2021-10-23 有种说法,奸佞小人为了贪得无厌,早已发展出一套欲擒故纵的诡计(red dragon scheme) - 故意煽风点
火,挑拨离间,让妒火丛生,故意将一些中小款项(美元五十万,一百万,一百五十万, 三百万, 五百万,
边,吃相也不甚讲究- 有违上海滩规矩)冒牌吞到手至无国界,于是抓住了其把柄,就为自己冒牌吞到巨额
款项铺平了道路(那贪小的提供垫背=cushion to godfather circus gamer in red dragon ),尤其在我网上
美元记数,得心应手操控全世界- 通过操控股市,房市,金市,汇市,债市操控国际政治,经济- 要另行人权,
2021-10-20 人格者与伪类(伪台独,伪西方,伪民运,伪法轮功,伪基督教)的最大区别是:不会觊觎、奸诈、刁难、 侵吞与自己血脉不连者,血脉不通者(举例像台湾周董事长承仁先生与其大陆子女及其我)-- 特别是独立思
维、独立维权的人士名下之一分一厘(redress-remedies-reparations-severance-settlement 之款项 ); 顺便说一
下, 我在 10/10/2021 提到唁电,还有另一层意思,那就是为了将伪类相形见绌。 有关刘晓波 Nobel 和平
奖 ,多年前我在 English blog 中力排好几个民运圈中人士非议其被提名,后来 Oslo 还是将此奖颁给了刘
15 天前我写了 1981 年开学第一天的事(cf. below),前天有网名“一真溅雪”包装了一篇打邓小平真面目的文章(何清
涟,李咏胜,谢田等有更多,更高层次论述),关键问题是时间点上的误导,开头写邓在 1981 年就打自由化,众所周知 1979 年邓就镇压了北京西单墙要民主,自由,人权的势头,到了 1981 没有什么额外风浪,要
快到 1983 左右才让胡乔木掀起一场反击资产阶级自由化的风浪,这种 funny 好像我写的极左势力是有邓小平加持,坦率地说,连邓家都讨厌毛制造的文革后果- 文革小学教科书里毛登陆的马市街(浙医的两座附属
医院之 venue,二位最高学术权威/院长被赶尽杀绝),有毛的 40+到访的革命果实,殃及到我家(文革后80-90 年代浙江医学界还没有其他国家自然科学基金学术评审委员, 上海瑞金/华山都很稀缺);进一步分析,是要消弭我的一系列真相叙事权;后来极左势力也会摇身一变,搞起官商结合,利益相关者就会醉翁之意不在酒。
2022-2-18 现在做一个类比,1981 的杭州绝对风平浪静,没有如何大小字报,毛的湖南农民痞子之残余文明发威(40+
君临杭州),是因为华国锋下台后, fearing loss of power grip,寿才灿在新生第一天杀气腾腾赚能量
(我记得在 1981 年胡乔木还没有启动反资产阶级自由化,新生入学浙医第一天,由基础医学部党总支书记寿
才讪来迎新,我以为是对犯人训话,恶狠狠地说要抓反党分子如果有人造反-以反革命罪论处- 其潜意识是谁
有很大麻烦,我只能在海外博客中宣泄他们比胡乔木还要伟大,光荣,正确。) ,如今还有少数人想吃这种便宜饭(制造我家被换了人间 5 个次方),想如法炮制,CCP 黑
天鹅 ascending from/descending to 台海黑水沟(currently internal power struggle when approaching 20th
CCP Plenary +CCP expansion confronted by the nations )and furthering to the world=cosmic triangle
located at the back of the toad(Rev.16:13-14) where its gland is activated with venomous secretion is
instigating cosmic Gog/Magog and causing afflictions upon world markets considering US GDP good
enough, 世界多个国家已经取消 Covid 限制措施.
从刘晓波到许章润皆在杭州某部分不受欢迎之列- 我的一书架书(胡
耀邦赵紫阳时的一点西方基底盘翻译进来,notably, 一大套西方神学哲学文选)被 90 年代的浙医意识形态流(above)毁于一旦- 这全是蛤蟆功夫家阴阳脸,双簧,两面三刀的文攻武吓结果- 如果人类文明指数是被蒙昧取代,
位教授); authentic 国民党是在当年几个宁波人湖州人领导下。
犹大行为魔鬼交易已被编码成华丽转身-从黑水沟蔓延到世界, 所罗门在 Eccl 3:11 中提到 eternity 但没有
细致到 hell or heaven, 盖因耶稣还没有降临-没有新耶路撒冷概念,故在 3:19 及上下几节中只有动物世界
的类比,他要是看到今天的西方基督教在一个世纪内从 predominance 到被 persecution 会更悲哀这个世界
的俗丽与无常,基督徒面临大为王在 Psalm Ch.140 中的境遇。
2/2/2023 Footnote
中华民国立法院长游锡堃先生刚在美国华盛顿DC世界宗教自由会议上大声疾呼人权,言下之意是公义的果实不能被黑箱黑洞黑作业,以免bitterness arisen (cf .简答吴国光博士(现Stanford senior fellow), Amos 6:12,Psalms 125:3), 最近刚有一例温州地区教堂被官商勾结强拆; 王超华把书的标题写成“从来就没有什么救世主”是遗憾的,但是究其原因,除了前述坏水, 还可以在圣 经中找到答案- Psalm 125:3 , 大卫王的意思是官权不能凌驾在有正义的人民头上,以免逼人上要违法的梁 山- 只不过如今多的是突破大卫的底线的 Ahab & Jezebel- godlessly/lawlessly taking over the property entitled to the righteous. My question: never mind inciting invocation-divine remedies-divine retribution/justice (cf. Amos 8:8, Isaiah 47:9) before his/her demise?
2/6/2023 Posted
2021-10-5 and updated later 不惜动用天干地支,their gods bewitchment service 让颟顸的龙猪体恶棍主元神要飞扬全世界+电脑卫星恶意机器人扫描盯梢,李敖人渣逻辑教大贪官污吏奸商 rampant bully ,snobbery,hypocrisy, double-standard,猪八戒天蓬元帅 less than human off-scouring 的逻辑盘企图控制r全世界。
“生错地方”; 她被毛泽东文革洗脑后,很不幸,在邓小平当道后,脑袋有点脱节(没有看穿邓死要鬼推
本上只有与祖父特别是祖母亲子互动,老爸文革中超大剂量水合氯醛自顾不暇),take over 家政权后,解
雇了老祖母的多年佣人,她当年已经 80 多岁,要多劳顿,连累我多劳驾 drudgery,难免口角,我青葱年华时会说我老妈“悲剧演员”。 两岸开放交流后,有些事传到台湾,引发姑嫂不和,在一次与我的通话中,
大表不满,甚至说我老妈害死她老妈,我在第一时间纠正- 是一个不得不请的临时工在我祖母接近 99 岁时造孽成悲剧, 决不是我老妈在现场; 有人在我家家务事上大搞金光拆白运动(家家户户有一本难念的经),
事务(16 年前我的视网膜还没有被破坏,我还可以自带干粮去斯坦福做访问学者,研究后来主修的文史哲神学-举例内藏蒋经国日记的胡佛研究所,有医学院先例,去问朱熔基先生就知道朱元璋是化缘出道)-taking
advantage of 华丽转身 around affairs of KMT 作为 CCP 台湾省委书记白手套=what Chinese scholar
Lee, Zung-woo researched out “Unscrupulousness as Humanity/Manliness” which was
published in China around the end of Chinese imperial dynasty=在我头上图财害命得心应手(还有
张云例子) 。另一方面,人类的智慧是大家如果一直在充裕的财富环境下生存,不至于发生上述事件-- 要
湾也没有必要(只是发现一些 collateral things),经过 afterthought, 我发现事物都像被做头(举例说明,
元神被 overwritten),我老妈应不亚于那位前主席(被做头形式有多种)。 Indeed,今天的封资修反革命分
子太多,在掌权,应严惩不贷,怎么也要算账,那借着左倾势力赶走郁知非教授的怎么不埋单?要知道他是文革后唯一一个美国临床医学博士在中国血液病科学,按照上海某名人喜欢老话老说,让我沿袭 1949 年为
止的规矩,1980 年初,郁知非正教授可以聘用王振义副教授(为上海二医校长),当年文革,震旦(金庸
4/11/2022 Later on updated 我是一直在纳闷我老爸的骨结核是怎么得来的,当年有隐性感染(那是他当上大夫后,经常去探望照料一位
不辛得肺结核在 1940’s 能同时高中清华北大等前五大名校各自考核的甲等生堂兄弟-挑战了各家看家法门/
五关六将(胡适,傅斯年,陈省身等等在亲自出题),文理双全,高中五元- 简称“五元甲”,比起美加西
神之代表), 在一次体检中不经意发现肺部有个钙化点,照理已有了免疫力,多年前中共的教科书都说结核
我老妈说我生错地方(其实是毛 45 次到杭的 damage- 在浙医造成一个极左的超级重灾区, 表现出毛国柞人
文显学荼毒根深 ,foregoing),加上从小的互动/活动/家庭教育是与祖母相关,不介意我不唱颂母歌,也不
会建议我唱,耶稣在 Matt.12:46,Luke11:27 中告诉你谁是母亲弟兄姊妹,周联华牧师也教授过,至于传统,
有印度牧师在开场白举了个恒河例子,人类惯性积重难返,基督徒是用耶稣宝血(旧约用 hyssop+羔羊血)
得救, hence, 英语成语“having hearts sprinkled from evil conscience”。两蒋很喜欢唱颂母歌,影响/反映
在台湾, 这个就是惯性。有了惯性,对大卫王在诗篇 51:5 中认知在娘胎里有罪就很不以为然,我在那里是个
exception,就像就 Newt Gingrich 写书论美国 exceptionalism。我第一次身临其境台湾人唱流行曲《世上
只有妈妈好》是二个 decades 前在温西 Kerrisdale 长老教会礼拜日正堂,在圣歌队长指挥下。高俊民牧师等
只是老兵凋零,会极度扼腕(c.f. Matt 10:37, Luke 14:26, Matt.19:29 & Mark 10:29-30)。Moreover, in a
sense of complement, the context can be rendered in the aspect of denotation-There is one body [of
believers] and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when called [to salvation]— one Lord, one
faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all who is [sovereign] over all and [working] through all and
[living] in all. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ. Eph.4:4-6 & Matt. 23:9-10
我曾经在给我兄弟的信中明志,宁可去(少受中共影响力/污染而多一点真耶稣真光的)pastoral 风味的小
教会-(记得有一首《Oh! That Little Brown Church》. 至于对无心/有心搭错界利益纠纷的
solution/resolution,马英九在这方面是比较利索的切割专家- 有李全教案例,王金平案例(特别有印象-位
于北京的倍可亲 server 中有网页提到指鹿为马事物-最后一句说发财要靠王金平与王国平),加上立法院秘
6:17)要出两岸 ensnarement/bondage 之埃及 plus in combination with Genesis21:22-33(Beershebe
Treaty between Abraham and Abimelech, should be 1st recorded international treaty)=clear-cut
demarcation+at peace with each other- 我首先按照耶稣教导的一仆一主原则,只唱《Jesus, only Jesus》,
坚决不唱《世上只有妈妈好》,其次在国籍问题上,坚决只效忠女王陛下,拒绝恢复原国籍 ;犹太人都需
要出埃及,盼望上帝主导 restitution, .出巴比伦时,更是上帝指导 restoration of the treasure of God’s
children and God’s temple/House of David. 在孔家店等看来,大卫王的诗篇 51:5 简直冒犯《三字经》的
天堂(企图没有正负,善恶)。通过读经,理解新约旧约相交在 HIS kingdom based on the throne of
David endures forever- cf. 2Samuel 7:14-16+ 1 Chron.17:13-14+ 1King11:36+ Heb.1:5+ Luke 1:32-
33+ Rev.19:16=David’s son to be son of man/son of God and to be Messiah and to be eternal King ,
furthermore to be King of kings/Lord of lords; Isa.9:7, Psa.145:13, Psa45:6, Jer.23:5& Jer33:15,
Isa11:1-5(Jesse’s offspring full of 7 spirits of God to reign)& Isa.10, Zech6:12(Jesse/David’s
BRANCH=Christ church/NT church established after 1st coming of son of man/son of God Jesus
Christ), hence, Eze.17:3&22+Ephesians2:14-15=according to will of God, the Gentile and the Jew can be grafted/merged together= made into one body of Christ , further,
Luke2:11(City of David, a savior born) and Ezekiel 34:23 refers to foreboding Jesus to be the
shepherd in the House of David; Acts13:22=Psa89:20=1Sam.13:14, Rom15:12=Isa.11:10,
2Tim2:8(seed of David arisen from death). etc, but HIS kingdom is not of this world(John18:36), but of
Heavenly Father(John16:28, back to heaven after finishing the task overcoming the world/the Satan/the
death) , HIS State of Being on the earth contains the practical revelation from Holy Trinity reflected in
the order of Melchizedek portending Jesus as priest and monarch ordained by God (Gen.14:18-20,
Psa110:4,Heb7:17) and in the root(including OT prophets)/ offspring of David (Rev.22:16) –昔在
(represented by OT prophets),今在(pastorship/priesthood ),永在(heavenly monarch)
(Hebrew13:8); death is swallowed up by HIS sacrifice and victory on the cross under Divine
Dispensation(Psalm 49:15, Isa.25:8, Hosea 13:14, 1Cor.15:54), the pre-creation arrangement@
2Tim.1:9-10, under the ramification@ Zech.9:9--Matt21:1-11, Zech.11:12-- Matt.26-14-15, Isa.53:5-
6--Zech.12:10--John19:34 and Matt.28:1-8 being arisen)- ultimately, children of God are bound for
New Heaven/earth in one=New Jerusalem where Jesus Christ is the host/husband and where the
endless river of living water of life restores those who have done good to the resurrection of life,
thereto, everlasting life (cf. John 5:29, Dan. 12:2, plus Rev. ch.21 & ch.22).
耶稣在马太福音 5:25-26 及路加福音 12:58-59 中提到 pay off last penny, 目的是 repent, there is
little time left for you to surrender to Jesus Christ; 如今在现实中(2021 第四季度开始)居然有香港邮轮为了逃避美国的燃料费,躲避在避税天堂巴哈马逃债,被逮个正着(于 2022 第一季度)- live
adaptation 。
2023-2-21 Posted
2023-2-20 昨天听 SLJ 讲道 Divine Purpose in History and Prophecy-Part II,提到“corruption of total
human nature instead of total corruption of human nature” due to disobeying God, in my
view, the depravity of humanity should be regarded as a form of wholesome entity lingering
between sur-realism and realism- caused by the seduction of ancient serpent-red dragon-Satan; 昨天有读到王岛牧师對加爾文主義的立場:https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss8alr
我认为如果在绝对严格的卡尔文主义下,everything must be under absolute predestination, then
first thing first, the origin of sin/the fall of mankind encounters fallacy which is
impossible for God to arrange(John3:16,divine mercy), God holds perfectness hence creates
a perfect cherub who later on became rebellious against God and became a metaphysical and
physical entity called “Satanic trinity”, God is also immanent, immediately noticed the
violation of precept by Adam/Eve; after being driven out of Eden, humanity development
should be under the surveillance, revision and arrangement with HIS divine purpose
maintaining the salvation possibility to all people who turn to Jesus Christ. The
Holylight of Jesus has shined upon the darkness, but the darkness has no understanding, in
essence, anthropologically speaking, Homo Sapiens still behave as primitive species due to
rejecting Jesus Christ, which was researched out by Chinese scholars@Lee, Zung-wu(李宗吾)lab and Bo Yang(柏杨)lab since the beginning of 20th century。 张灵甫将军精忠报国,宁死不
数据赢得 PRC 学位(与那个铺平道路的几乎同时辰去了财金总部上海);有个 1700 万美元丑闻(所谓“捐
款”,值得考古学研究,我是一直声明我力所能及从我 CIBC/RBC 账户开过三位数的捐款支票,从没有在线
mafia/KGB/commie/terrorist 进行了洗钱抢钱,in a word, kleptocracy), 在自由亚洲电台及海外华文
网络被 debunk, 当事人中有位台湾女士选择从原配地位退居二线,in order to be in charge of the
money bag worth USD17Mil forever. Just a reminder, abreast with the divine mercy is the divine
judgment(1Peter 4:17, Rev.11:18, John3:18). Revelation 11:18: And the nations were enraged, and
Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bond-servants
the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and should destroy them
who have corrupted the earth and become the cause of the destruction of the earth. Something before and after eating the forbidden wisdom fruit can be understood as such: mankind living in
Eden should be in a state of non-ego, hold immortality by eating fruit of life tree, not ashamed of mutual
nakedness(Gen.2:25)- so extension of offspring should not be a goal, in contrast, after being seduced by
Satan and disobeying God's commandment, resulting in so called "eye opened"(Gen.3:7) - meaning the
cognition and perceiving ability greatly enhanced, also possessing 七情六欲,i.e. the gene controlling
the neural-activity became selectively activated and expressed in the realm of coveting,
reckoning, exploiting, selfish desire/Eros and reproductive energy/impulse highly
reinforced- hence feeling ashamed of nakedness and needing coverage of fig leaves, all of
which constitute the motivation of trouble-making and hence the iniquity. Facing the trouble-making of those primitive species, there has been a mechanism called
Monroe Doctrine, which is in part based on Beersheba Treaty (as the foundation of modern
international treaty under divine purpose, cf.4/11/2022log)to maintain rights, peace and
order. It's Time for America to Revisit the Monroe Doctrine- https://nationalinterest.org/feature/its-time-america-revisit-monroe-doctrine-206205
2023-2-27 Posted
2023-2-24 Later on Updated
Sequel to my previous complaint, firstly, last June HRED incident, BMO IL Wendy Cao 答非所
问,掩护有组织犯罪, secondly, 今年 1/27 有世界被颠倒事件发生,Jan.28 开始就先后 email 问询了
Fidelity 与 MFDA(至今 hanging over there,MFDA 已进化成 securities arbitration agency, part
of SRO), BMO 里在电话中根本不能答, 主要内容如下:Some unbelievable chaotic phenomenon has
happened, e.g.- your FID5973(B Class, $19.57, -0.18,-0.89%) and FID5982(F class, $20.26,
-0.40, -1.92%) present price in a world-upside-down style as of 1/27/2023 in your
website(cf. enclosed). What happened??? Trying to activate great leader Chairman Mao's
code???- everything had been and will be upside-down!!! Aside from the relative value
between B class and F class, what is egregious was also re ected by Fidelity fund 's fl
absolute value(FID5982 just an example, some similar fund dipped -4%+) which dipped quite
deeply on Jan. 27, 2023 considering US and Canada stock index rally esp. the NASDAQ.
Thirdly, 2/22 开始又开始新一轮 Satanic activity,将我账户中互惠基金 dollar cost average value
翻手为云,覆手为雨,请看我的 email to BMO InvestorLine manager :Something called insidious
manipulation to reversely aggravate situation happened in my account- from portfolio
report downloaded at 3:54pm ET on Feb.22, 2022- your insider mole deliberately manipulated
dollar cost average price of mutual fund EVF140 in my BMO InvestorLine account in that the
price as of Feb.16, 2023=31.2129, and Feb.17=30.9141, Feb.21=29.6146, the average price as
of Feb.17,=29.4266, but on Feb.21 increased to 30.75, How can???, leading to a very
negative value regarding the ROI, playing game with Elon Musk??? The primitive species in
my latest blog(manifesto-fact) trying to initiate WWIII??? 2/24/2023 email to same manager: More
whimsical situation appeared in my account toward EVF140, the price as of
Feb.22=29.6131(latest entering point), and yesterday in my account the average price got
corrected as 29.7126, but today the average price=30.097 according to the report
downloaded at 2:56pm ET, how can such manipulation happen???
解析如下:reversely aggravate situation=deliberately providing soft cushion to CCP regime
which currently is encountering strong fend-off measures from the west, 有的原始动物就不顾
一切礼仪廉耻,表现出人间龙格猪,猪间人格龙姿态(天蓬元帅力量),没有文明装文明,没有白领装白领civilization of white collar=the crime of white collar?(cf. Rev.Skip Heitzig),耶稣来是让死
亡得死亡,这些人刚相反,装猪装鳖故意让国度,权柄,荣耀归法利赛/法老/法海控制。人间龙格(esp.在台海两岸联手指鹿为马的属于既是韦小宝的根又是苗的)之路线/方针/政策发威,成为人间悲哀之源头。 Without
being bought off/coveted into, puppet agent of foreign influence can’t go to heaven- a
civilization is to become more and more kleptocracy-oriented.第三件发生在 2/22,对应 Jer.2:
22+Isaiah 2:22- can’t whitewash, primitive species,值得 memo as a personal memorial day .
By the way, 2021-10-5 log 中加了一个补充括弧- +++身为台湾圆山俱乐部(流行《世上只有妈妈好》两
Footnote:基督教讲异象与使命,哪怕不信的在中国也明了天地人感应在一起,我看 the godless/lawless需要被点到:天蓬元帅猪八戒发威--致加拿大野猪泛滥--跨越边界--美国大惊失色
Highly Intelligent and Possibly Invincible Super Pigs Are Invading America https://www.msn.com/en-ca/health/fitness/highly-intelligent-and-possibly-invincible-super-pigs-are-invading-america/ar-AA17VKPc?ocid=msedgntpei=149
= The Marshall of Sky-canopy demonstration of power--wild boar rampant manifestation--presentation of cosmic power of current evilness.
近日深圳的赛格大厦之摇摇欲坠被分析出所谓深圳速度是灌了大量水分- 无最低的钢筋/混泥土造房要求,还外加海砂=氯离子=自动 erosion;所谓上梁不正下梁歪- 有 super-hyper-清华/副国级老爷单位培养博士充满
了水分(沈伟大夫 30+年前就举证),自然逻辑也;买房自求多福。
两年前台北新书发表,陈师孟就书中内容说,像龙应台的老爹之 KMT 员工刚到台湾时都是穷光蛋,对岸
commie 更是毛/红/泥腿子- 穷百倍,如今 commie 到华尔街摆道了,指手画脚,摆出一副祖宗十八代/子孙
十八代家财万贯的样子,邓小平是祖师爷,30 年前就被逮个正着,将国库 200 亿美元搬到美国,据为己有,
邓的后任长江后浪推前浪,行情应该至少疯涨 100 倍。
这样要维权,必须拍扬州 master/蛤蟆功夫家的马屁,必须说“没有南京大屠杀,只有坚决拥护/双手赞成北
接 6/14/2021,当年李鹏政府手头拮据,主导向要出国的高校毕业抢钱,于是副国级的院办变本加厉,没有
政府法条下抢钱,强迫我交的几万块钱(比郭广昌借的更值钱,是 brick and mortar 之血汗),学费=误人
子弟,奸诈/奸杀三年血汗钱=?,再话说周承仁董事长不肯 honor 前述的 3.5 万信用消费在我家,我出国时经
济能源被他们巨损(这关系到我这条 大命及小命在新天地的 critical 生存能力),体力能源也大不如那位台
南同学(cf. Foregoing ,台湾可以服役到中尉),我只是考得 70+分,失去奖助金(80 分),不用留级的,
有钱就过来了, 后来接地气后 MBA 更是可以考到 80 分以上,偏偏是没有奖助金的。难道叫我这个 G-7
& NATO 的外国人汉学家(业已 de-link PRC 国籍)为他们的 R & D 服务?
高课, 一切伪民运,伪法轮功/基督徒,伪台独/港独皆是在起作用抢我的血汗钱+某几笔特大的匿名款本来
应是补偿我家从 1949 开始被共产及文革侵门踏户的损失(三代血汗)。
在宋七力教育后,加上他们耳熟能详的如来佛故事,就想给你剃头- you are him, he is you.
李敖教育=人渣=痞子运动=天蓬元帅(Leviathan the flying dragon, later hybrid by hog)恶狗/恶狼,能力=
金光拆白=global formation of Gog/Magog ,柏杨&李宗吾@aghast。台湾法定有四个老婆可娶,到了杭
在这个汉学家头上发洋财的法律含义: 1.韦小宝/孔祥熙之流图财害命为人权恶棍罪(cf.11/27/2019 欧洲人
权法院对 Magnitsky case 的最终判决),2.经济罪- 背信,侵占,诈欺,利用他人募款之际盗窃他人银行账
户,其中不乏超级洗钱, 3. 升到外交高度讲,CCP 控制的无国界的中国大陆境外的拆白党政治经济学的戽戾
之气- 构成主权霸凌。
平心而论,杀猪拔毛的后代进中国大陆不必言行杀猪拔毛,这在情理之中;但有些事 world upside-down 到
了 aghast 地步,食髓知味后反而劫持中共,不要民主- 导致中国大陆出现更多腐败,谎言与暴政;儒教与佛
一节“可敬的对手”。 进中国拍共产党马屁意味着深长,说白了是抢你家 brick and mortar 之血汗钱。
说句笑话,1979 吉米卡特引进《我爱北京天安门》在美国国家殿堂后,天安门 TAM 的黑天鹅会轻易飞到华
尔街。文革后邓小平对于这首崇拜红太阳毛泽东的歌(worship song praising red-sun gods Chairman Mao
& TAM)从内心是很不以为然,李源潮都不想多看一眼(snub)卡特最近可能也是最后的一次访华。卡特才
应该后悔,被大家当作真正的假洋鬼子。 作为基督教徒,圣经 Psalm Chapter 148 是指南。 接 9/11/2021:
Black swan@Beijing- need to discern wild at large or domesticated, lest there exists conspiracy to
sync. with Beijing sphere to profit from panic-incurred Wall Street collapse- pre-order of short position.
Currently even Japan market well enough.
进一步分析 7/5/2021 主权霸凌事件(在 7/29/2021 英文博客, 当天出门前在网路上交了奉献 esp. for
CAMA -Alliance Church HQ 在 NY),那是医疗教育局/警察局人员(孙力军为代表)+法利赛/法老/法海
人员+韦小宝人员在网路监控到我给熊焱牧师 upload backlog,其丑闻被曝光,恼羞成怒,按捺不住-long
jump, high jump,despite Magnitsky Human Rights Act,宁可提供北京强有力的垫背-cushion to
imprison 二个 Michael, 说穿了就是丑闻龙的 carrier- Illuminati godfather 金光拆白党之 familiar
spirit 在发威, 宁可摧毁我的 goodwill(6/20/2021 backlog), 那么就让黄俄汉奸分子丑闻龙继续反华,草民
立是毛-周国柞最高指示的自然- 坚决台湾独立万岁(cf. 7/29-8/5/2021, 8/26-9/8/2021 英文博客) By the
way, Vancouver BBB 已在 FTC 被登陆,BBB HQ 在亚特兰大 Jimmy Carter 家乡(接 9/13/2021
2021-9-21 Later on Updated/Remixed
担纲,陈立夫后来拒绝与军系指挥失败的陈诚共事,有水火不容在台湾人尽皆知-直到1969年,陈诚死讯一传出,便立刻回台。前述另一位1940 年代在美国留学拒绝担纲的传统可能是很有渊源- 内战失利后,军系超级大佬不担纲,归咎于共军里的郭汝魁,熊式辉/熊向
辉,钱大 壮等等太厉害,而让三个陈先生担纲,好像中央统计调查局可以直接插手而没有能
够统计出军内的匪谍; 次两级的军系大佬就坚决跟风,祖宗门脉高,连温哥华亲家几乎不通气/无缘,于是
Two Michaels released almost simultaneously from Beijing after Meng, Wan-zhou's judicial proceedings in
Vancouver/Canada ended.有人说是原始社会物物交换。
这诗篇 148 章是摩西十诫第一诫命之 ramifications(cf.9/13/2021). The more the better importing
bamboozling/shanghaing 是背弃甚至恶狠狠敌视圣经的结果, 于是华尔街崩盘于中共房地产,前述深圳赛
格大厦,比喻过博士论文灌水,真是 same degree=pun, not abide by construction protocol + brick &
mortar fake enough(river sand got replaced by sea sand, cf. 5/22/2021 log); 如今这世道,要类比文明程度,许良英教授是剑桥级别,邓亚萍才是 money 堆出来的伪剑桥;毛国柞摧毁了像建国中学、北一女出身的文理皆通(竺可桢
第一要求,我老爸在他亲自开课下是有名的 full-mark 先生)名牌教授,后来用灌水,用 bloody/lie/tyranny
money 堆出文明- 有李敖之流大陆境外名人趋之若鹜。
但到如今伪右派跟左派都在攻击上帝- 要求消灭米甸人构成种族灭绝- 难道雅各/摩西会有后代?- 基氏在哪里?
Khrushchev 与 Brezhnev 就是上帝的器皿,可以用核子消灭毛政权,自我就加强了,于是就可以避免了镇
压 6-4 后中共中央多次刻意检讨与痛悔苏联东欧华沙条约组织垮台,进一步就避免了“无一男儿保卫
By the way, 基氏在中国发洋财全靠“斯大林汉奸走狗分子”(cf. PRC poet 林泉),但又要消灭前苏联
卡特其实是跟风基辛格,连带天安门的黑天鹅被 love 进美国- 华尔街遭殃+Covid,一路走来,可圈可点,
1979 何止唱我爱北京 TAM,在伊朗美国人质事件中,卡特几乎输光美国面子,连伊朗人都看不起他(李源
潮 snub 他情有可原),后来全靠里根总统扳回一局,反而李源潮尊重,伊朗人也看得起。
实事求是地讲,当年老浙大校长竺可桢先生有被选上北京中科院领导阶级(1948 第一届南京 Sinica 也是院
士领导阶级),但连上海科学界翘楚苏步青与谈家桢先生都没有总院领导资格(我搞错一件事,那就是谈家桢先生没有做过复旦校长,是其生科院长,也非 1948 院士,在老浙大时还是贝
时璋先生(1948 院士)下级,只是毛委员硬折腾,1952后老浙大二位精英被 brain drain,调上海,北京)- 可想而知后来是怎么回事;
前次谈到朱云来及 1989 后半年上海市委市政府一把抓的法人代表问责,就有网路水军大显身手,宣布是反
革命分子集团/集团分子- 威武不屈的样子不想埋单, 可是反革命级别还不够- 要坚挺到蒋中正上海 412 级别
才能脱身; 如今的做法是选择性引进蒋中正宋美龄时期事务所(南京政权,在上海是就是宁波上海总商
charade 唱红歌-跳毛的马刀舞(saber-rattling) ,也是选择性不要三大纪律八项注意,朱云来何去何从?
有关 USD 相关性研究- 可以复习 HK high court DCCC746/2014 -UK high court linked-in,其非精神分
裂症也,再温馨提示,请连接到我的 Aug 12, 2012 FAX record(to UK gov. office), 那是 Mr. Cameron
执政期,as Her Majesty subject, 要体现的是”one servant, one master” for HMS.
今天发现几个 database 的 BTCUSD 都不一致,从+0.3%左右到-0.3%左, 这比特币的数位技术产业看来还
是在中共伪右派势力(主要是没有赚到先机)的风生水起下诡异地运作,使得持有二三个母公司 share(最多
总共只有 5%)ETF BLOK 又被选择性打击了好几天,华尔街也被继发性受损。
刚刚 Nov.3 的郭文贵爆料提到大明皇朝/经济沙皇;(https://gnews.org/1637379/ : Daily broadcast of
Miles (3.11.2021): The "saint" Zhu Rongji who "ruined the people"), Nov.8 backlog 我提到反革命级别
不够,只是威武不屈不埋单;-当年看起来比我还没钱- 表面看起来是像个清官;当年民运圈的鱼龙混杂之处,
中共统战圈”red corner”八爪鱼有能力扫描到我的一切买卖记录(cf.foregoing),伙同几个想发洋财的中
用天干地支来 blockade 我的维权。
被李敖教育大的横跨台海的 n 个韦小宝,越是被人穿帮,越是倒果为因地像天蓬元帅变态反应-横着走路,其
黄鼠狼行为用厚黑的话术在掩饰与诡诈,never afraid of being anathematized by Zech.5:3 which is
enhanced by Matt23:33+John3:18 since the first coming of Jesus Christ- actually NT fully in alignment
with OT.
探索历史的真相有助理解今日政经产官学望族连胜文的 rhetoric,“我们不是大明王朝”,“成丐帮”,
just a reminder to 朱云来,朱元璋当年扮成和尚,行丐帮礼,经济沙皇的家事,国事,天下事不要装
possum- 很不让路他人的经济人权(连李鹏都在 UN 及 PRC-NPC 背书了二次)。
2023-2-15 Later on Updated
Being forced to say “lose-lose-win, long live Japan” is of a complaint being over-euphemism, as you know, in 1950’s President Chiang, Kai-shek asked WWII Japanese
command-in-chief in China and his team to contribute their military expertise how to
combat against CCP – including “hone skill in guerrilla warfare”(参阅世界日报及国民党革
命实践院) – churning out special manual/guideline for armed struggle; also as you know,
Japanese slogan around 100 years ago appeared as “Establishing Co-prosperity Sphere”
while at the same time, China’s great leader Chairman-Mao-slogan insisted
“disintegrating entire China to settle down China affairs”(cf. 1/21-23/2023 log).
What’s more, 伟大领袖毛声明日本侵华有功,亲自拒绝对方国家赔偿。 当年故总统经国先生在世时,我在上海念书,有台湾人员(圆山俱乐部宁波上海总商会)委
托的一大包现钞让我转交陈良宇太熟悉的巨鹿路上的一户人家,我压根没拿过一分一厘。 By the way,
刘冠军,像犹大经常私吞交管的钱囊(John 12:1-8), 将中华民国“奉天-当阳专案”生吞,难怪没有中华
民国的天; 故此,“lose-lose-win, long long live great leader Chairman Mao” can be of
effect instead of “lose-lose-win, long live Japan” which is of no efficacy.
2023-3-12 Posted
2023-3-7 Sequel to 6/23/2021, 8/31/2021, 3/1/2023 log etc.
性开发,在他人头上发洋财,就是共产行为,谢雪红是共产党分子,那个总参谋长也是共产分子); 再次
劝告某些狐假虎威通吃两岸的不要成为 thanks for being the origin of incentives and dynamics for me to+++; by the way, 大约八年前左右在
中国深圳有 anti-barbarian campaign(@ Shenzhen, China).
2023-3-11 later on updated
毛像要耸立在 McGill 校园(引发国际关注-Why Is Canada Talking About Building Mao Zedong
Statues? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ECZmULqnjE ), which is a cogent evidence that CCP
has made inroads into Montreal to establish their crown colony(what’s more, RCMP investigate
two alleged underground Chinese police stations in Quebec
https://www.nationalobserver.com/2023/03/10/news/rcmp-investigate-two-alleged-underground-chinese-police-stations-quebec) ; it’s necessary to curry favor with Mao’s measurement that
“the solution to China issue resorts to disintegration of China”(1/21-23/2023 log), by espousing
such essence of Mao, the BQ can acquire most powerful dynamics to achieve independence- far-surpassing Charles De Gaulle’s natural instinct to advocate the independence of QC; I need to
repeat what is concluded in my log on Feb.15-16, 2023 frequently-Long long live the great leader
Being Truculent on the wings of abomination, making desolation(Dan. 9:27)
On Mar. 8, 2023 the only one new fund purchase in BMO account ending 364 becomes a
malfeasance-style manipulation- the new fund price two days ago should be $85.8735 which is
confirmed in eDocument, but popped up as $100 as my original purchase price in the portfolio
report downloaded @ 3:31pm Eastern time on Mar. 10, 2023- such a tendency of kleptocracy is
trying to be rooted in Canada?! I suppose things are not just egregious but related to BMO IL
insider mole triad mafia deliberately engaging in game-playing in order to facilitate current
world tension engaged by several godfather circus gamers relevant to black sun, or escalating to
WWIII? The disciples of Satan are enjoying the paradise of the devil to cause MAD!!!- not a
strange phenomenon during the cold war.
颟顸的人渣,李敖教大的横着走路的天蓬元帅逻辑,不要天天来魔幻他人的现实。 红魔毛鬼-别西卜-路西
到了圣经启示录阶段-666 十分需要被 777,宇宙大决战,因为龙性人格猪/猪性人格龙一定要让米甸人/法利
赛/法老/法海得胜利;现实甚至到了没有 CCP 谎言腐败暴政的金脉控制进不了天堂。 请看 在2023 America
CPAC进行控诉之惊鸿一瞥: Digital Two Way 的副总裁兼联合创始人称中共是现代的黑社会
https://gnews.org/articles/999265 CCP Is Behind a Lot of Indoctrination and Americans
Enemy Is Within https://gnews.org/articles/999220 (witness from Texas testifies how
influential the CCP practiced in every facet of society-the most egregious is that the
equivalent of 50% of Taiwan land area has been bought by CCP hand 年 in Texas )+ Extra-CPAC 傅希秋: 中共滲透美國先害華人 北京急於破壞的 Texas SB147 法案到底說了啥. https://www.ganjing.com/zh-TW/video/1fmh98h9sb61RJp1qbS2fjrVF1sk1c . The CCP Will Wreak Havoc Around the World if the US Doesn’t Stop It
https://gnews.org/articles/999242 .
2023-3-22 Posted
2019-5-2 Updated later on
债(当年他妈的节目还没有被郭文贵爆出的蓝金黄影响到),可再去参考一下我的博客。 大家的主元神都认为要有天理,是非曲直要有个说法(也是马英九的 favorite),只要马前总统公开申明他老
妈的电台是国民党反动喉舌-造谣撞骗的假新闻来源(参阅前后log,登陆洛杉矶时第一时间被前浙江陈仪省党部官员后代灌输- 有关王惕吾的联合报系-世界日报),大家就坚决拥护,双手赞成这种说法。
By the way, 多年前就表态他们favor之事物,就一定协同,同理相关disfavor之事物。 比方说某个新党主元神最讨厌李登辉前总统,那就坚持要求党纪国法严惩不贷李登辉偷工减料,消极反共的"戒急用忍"政策- 这是相对于蒋宋美龄1982-8-17 disclaimer- 两蒋一甲子政策“不接触,不妥协,不谈判”,代表国民党浩然正气之所在。还有江泽民(伟大的无产阶级革命家,军事家,杰出的共产主义战士)最要好的朋友之一是孙越崎,这个孙伙同李济深等才是1948年后分裂解体国民党的始作俑者,所以要唱同一首歌,坚决拥护双手赞成分裂解体国民党。
2023-3-28 Posted, Updated on 3/29/2023
90 年代初的江氏刚上台就用上共党祖传秘籍,大跳红色舞蹈至杭州-用小说表现其领导的波澜壮阔的上海地 下党事迹(连载于杭州日报),打倒了围绕着哈同花园的中统情治人员+帝国主义分子,以大无畏的革命英雄主义气概成功登顶,保住了无产阶级 革命家,忠诚的共产主义战士地位及领导权, 以上是2018年6月5日Log摘录, 如今盖棺定论后发现江氏要高于周恩来的“忠诚的共产主义战士”墓志铭- 为“杰出的共产主义战士”。
今天读到海外文摘介绍人民日报在批判有军报后台的抗日神剧- 其八路军的豪华配备远超过共军中最富有的
有 KMT 渊源的西洋派头比较足的叶挺(新四军=八路军),像蒋夫人美龄女士在上海有别墅- 我看戏码后面
都是黑色利益链-毛委员可是以极端艰困的泥腿子为荣;还可以灌输意识流给下一代- 没有唱过三大纪律八项
注意- evade 教科书灌输几代人带来的尴尬。
当年毛委员搞统一战线借重张学良之手绑架先总统蒋公- 所谓抗日; 如今世道又变成更诡惑,我在英文博客
Honda/Toyota)跳得更高/远去反日; 找一个汪精卫大总统的干员(也荣膺总统位)为主公,是深思熟虑的,
人民智不够发达(不 DQ 门客没有 Sinica 院士级别的,在台湾米其林星级还不如李敖),以为哈佛法学院毕
学士(有点像英国体制的 LLB)熟门熟路的很,打个比方,就像中国大陆医生从三乙类医院去三甲类研修提
佛,其硕士研究论文不比马英九博士差),再举个我老爸的例子,前已述及,他尽管 neuropathy 像有 rootcanal,由于当年西氏克氏等内外妇儿原版教科书背得滚瓜烂熟,凭年轻时的固态记忆,去德国时也可以差强
Foregoing), 当年是毛国柞人文科(repulsive to me)不如一些人十来分,不过同班比我低五分的也随便进
2023-3-17 Later on Updated
有人需要被提示如何解读龙间人格猪/猪间人格龙, 那是 philosophical alias of Marshall Sky Canopy
记得台湾台湾一场 talk show(吴强辉先生与彭文正先生),内容转译过来就是做人的竹节竿子不粗,台面
也不清洁在上海滩很难跟蒋中正-杜月笙递名片。 杭州有个竹竿巷,人人都知道竹节杆子。前述的五元甲及
full mark 先生之竹节杆子=台大医学系杜聪明先生,林宗义先生及高俊民牧师父亲,一定要说白了是 some
unable to afford the starting point.
蔡正元先生指控的“见不得他人好”, 还有更多的 implicitness-得了便宜再卖乖,两面三刀;必须指出
血淋淋的三代血汗- 可以去调查,有没有第二。 有关 SVB,据报道: 硅谷银行与江泽民上海帮勾结黑幕曝光 倒闭前一系列操作疑点重重 江绵恒医药生工天
量黑金被锁定 https://yanmingshiping.blogspot.com/2023/03/blog-post_92.html 暗黑帝国曝光,
遗害全世界;我早就说了当年差不多的 brick and mortar sweat money 被 CCP 榨干进了他们各级金库就值
他们用空手道从银行国库野渡来的后翻倍的 100 万倍。其操控进一步被 debunk: 【名家專欄】中共操控債券
交易令股市動荡 https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/23/3/27/n13959631.htm By the way,有关政治文明, 当年王澄大夫在民主党中央党校校长任上开讲理论课-在 cross-platform 上
是相通的(compatibility)-与我的 blogging 以及从温哥华地下室(ISP=AEBC)开始收集的 database.
至于经济文明,“李鹏经济人权法案”,不用赘述,明镜高悬,恰逢 CCP“全球文明倡议”,政治经济缺一
2023-3-27 今天的异象是恰逢马英九访问大陆,什么怪力乱神使得 Surrey local bus stop#61787- bus line 329
procrastination- 2:12pm supposed to leave, the bus just parked there- overtime 13min,
until I got on another bus- still there- no driver, 有人早就提醒马家天下金家党部队在岸山公车
公司里-残余势力 energy sphere still enshrouding- 李敖教大横着走路,empowered by 天蓬元帅。
Those under the leadership of 天蓬元帅 are to be from victory to victory(cf. Memos below),
a reality rendering the entire humanity history of 6000 years created by Jesus Christ who
is the same yesterday, today and forevermore to be forfeited . Memos:
From: C Tong Sent: March 16, 2023 5:04 PM To: Account, InvestorLine Info Cc: Gareau, Olivier
Subject: Surrealism beyond understanding Dear Sir/Madam,
A rash of insidious issues out of ulterior motivation popped up recently. On Mar. 13,2023
@around 1:30pm I phoned BMO IL 1-888-776-6886 and your agent Jack answered the call
during which he pointed out the tax slip(T3) of TML3905 I received last week has not yet
been generated, and what's more egregious , such a slow-increased item bought on Dec. 12,
2022 whose capital gain=$16.13 over $500 at the end of the year, i.e. ROI reached 61.97%
APY- unfortunately without disposition!!! Today, I found another fabricated issue in which
the NGPE distribution seems to be from moon- I downloaded the trading history on Jan.9 and
Feb.6 this year- only registered with one-time distribution on Jan. 6, 2023, but today
under the item NGPE, the distribution becomes two consecutive days' - adding Jan.7, 2023-
like a double play, plus eliciting tax trouble!!!
================================================= From: C Tong Mon 2023-03-20 9:33 AM To: td.mutualfunds@td.com The TD bank T3 tax slip issued for 2022 calendar year seems a foreign government-organized
crime being like China greater Ming Dynasty's East Yard/West Yard quasi-Gestapo-KGB-Stasi
forces -meticulously organized crime to persecute those who believe in true holy light-the
spiritual wholeness/de-fragmentation, far-surpassing what Kevin Steel described "Puppet of
Beijing" , or proactively/deliberately proving soft cushion to regimes in trouble nowadays
through denigration of Canada, this NATO-G7 country's reputation . I never have an
investment account at TDAM , where do those dividends and capital gains come from? If
referring to BMO InvestorLine holdings, then last year there was no such slip from TD,
everything should be summed up in BMO IL annual tax slip, what's more egregious, BMO IL
has clarified that T3 slip is not available until the end of March(this tax slip in my mailbox around the mid of last week ), plus during 2022, only capital loss accrued in
regards to TD funds disposition!!! What's wrong with the system???
====================================== 早也有所闻马家天下金家党在 TD 安营扎寨,余威袅袅。
还有一个异象是十多天前发生,a string of earthquakes(around 5.0) in the Athabasca-Peace
River area of Alberta where lots of servers of crypto-currency from China are relocated,今
天全球报道最大的 NFT 币安被美国起诉。
几个台湾国民党前县委委员只能造毛泽东庙跳高跳远求生存(还有一个存在),McGill 都要耸立毛像,再
Mao Ze-dong thought has been the most powerful pro-independence dynamics energized by
whatever means(cf.2023-3-11 log), “Long long live the great leader Chairman Mao”can
reach an effect far-surpassing 陈水扁(Chen, shui-bian)’s “Long live the independence of
Taiwan” and Charles de Gaulle’s “Long live the independence of Quebec”。 有当局及控制金脉的一些蛤蟆恶势力身体力行“两头蛇”计谋,装猪与装逼同行,致民不聊生。
这个世界已发展到没有韦小宝(a murder in the beginning, a king of fraudster, unfortunately as the origin of dynamics in regards to their anthropologically economical superior/ advancement in this world- 高等汉学家应皆知扬州人韦小宝人间龙格、龙间人格之哲学内涵与外延 )永得死利(失败,negative
profit),有就得胜利的不顾一切礼义廉耻. 连盗亦有道的古罗马庞贝都要被摧毁,Oh Lord, God
speed Divine intervention, God speed Maranatha!
2023-4-3 Posted
2023-4-1 Later on Updated
My professional Psycho-analysis toward the case below: it seems a talented behavior artist(by the way, Mr. Reagan and Mr. Zelensky used to be an actor before becoming a president) trying to fulfill his political aspiration in USA has faced dark prince/dark cosmic power as such that the USSR Stalin regime invented psychiatric coercion toward political dissident- hence this Middlesex ER doctor behaved like an agent of influence engaging in special task constituting special cushion to authoritarian-totalitarian regime. Being jealous of Jim Flannery's talent ? Fighting for the cultural value("厚黑,Unscrupulousness as Humanity/Manliness " ) researched out by Chinese scholar Lee, zung-woo (李宗吾)? By the way, his work was allowed to publish in China around the end of imperial dynasty. Also there was a Bo Yang 柏杨 Lab doing similar research in Taiwan.
Original Shield Alert for Jim Flannery, January 27, 2023 from Mind Freedom International: Jim Flannery is enrolled in MFI's 'Shield Program' which aspires to leverage people power to protect the rights of enrolled Shield members. Jim activated his Shield because he is being held involuntarily at the Behavioral Health Unit of Middlesex Hospital located at 28 Crescent St. Middletown, CT 06457. Jim has been incarcerated there since Monday, January 23 and is being subjected to daily forced injections of powerful neuroleptic drugs (frequently referred to as anti-psychotics by their manufacturers). According to Jim, the drugs he is being subjected to are Zyprexa and Haldol. MindFreedom first heard about this egregious violation of Jim’s rights on Wednesday, January 25, through a friend of Jim’s. Jim was granted a hearing on Thursday which he lost. This had the result of changing his 36 hour emergency hold or ‘certificate’ to a fifteen day certificate. The basis for Jim’s incarceration is not clear; he is not charged with a crime. This all started following Jim’s performance as a part of ‘The Anything Goes’ open mike at the Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts Center located in Middletown, Connecticut. The police and a mobile crisis team were called to the scene and Jim was transported to the Middlesex ER, where he was put on a 36 hour hold. Jim identifies as a comedian, psychiatric survivor, and activist who recently announced his candidacy for President of the United State. He has been a long-standing supporter and volunteer with MindFreedom, using his computer programming skills and video editing skills to help us with various campaigns for human rights. Only a few days ago, Jim generously donated his time to update MFI’s website.---------------------------------------------- In my case, I already pointed out a pattern, every time there was some remedies being descending upon me, this great Ming dynasty’s East Yard/West Yard secret police including real former east Germany Stasi individual in GVRD developed a ferocious/insidious scheme, i.e. using psychiatric incarceration to disable you, condescend you and hijack you-, dating back to 2002(30 million USD) and 2005(500 USD most conspicuously, in my affidavit) , prior to 2002, dating back to 1997-1998 there was a mentioned RBC branch closed-out incident @ Royal Square Mall in New West.(8th Ave..)-it’s said 5 mil.USD , plus another 500 grand USD and 1 million USD going through my head and later 2 million USD being rendered as 3 million CAD in the earlier 2000’s- such money was converted into solidified pavement/cushion to facilitate the encroachment of later larger mount for compensation. 有人对我说“这黑水沟,你懂得”. 在这个quagmire,gansterism plus gansterism in the context of Isa.56:11, 有好几拨人马,各自心怀鬼胎,虎视眈眈觊觎算计着黑吃黑,甚至不择手段通吃两边;their black magic arts/magic wand=resorting to 韦小宝’s groove/technique; allegorically speaking, impostor behaved like wi-fi evil twin phenomenon, which is correlated to divine oracle i.e. correlated to special earthquake etc.(please cf. Isa.19:1-5, and Luke 21:9-13). 不过我已看穿,鲜廉寡耻者就是想一吞到底,通过最卑鄙顽劣手段,incarceration of your life -叫做一尸两命-大命+小命, 请参阅克林顿前总统《My Life》及李登辉前总统《余生》-priceless, 连没有经历过失去大命的达拉斯一条小命十多年前就要判致赠慰问金1500亿美元,同时期的9位10位数根本不算什么,要知道大命小命被时间沙漏后,那是指数函数概念。
By the way, one’s eye is opened with new insight through latest media reporting: 資深媒體人程翔:馬英九祭祖台灣之危 他自動獻身最對不起一個人 唔咁理直氣壯捍衛“民國”!正中中共下懷 綏靖主義 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSHLqCz9PsY&t=1s 《看中国》: 虚伪、背叛及抹杀史实 马英九7个备受争议之举(视频) https://kzg.secretchina.com/news/gb/2023/04/01/1032420.html
林保華:是新華社造謠,還是馬英九行騙? https://2newcenturynet.blogspot.com/2023/03/blog-post_56.html 顏純鈎:馬英九吃相太難看 民進黨勝選上台階 https://2newcenturynet.blogspot.com/2023/04/blog-post.html, no wonder 民進黨勝選上台階 and no wonder Beijing eroding the independence of HK courts: Blinken https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2023/04/02/2003797168 (notably,马英九 as most powerful “Hong Kong foot” figure- born as HK citizen, converted to CCP省委书记) plus no wonder hopeless/endless nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom under 马家天下金家党安营扎寨加拿大Gog/Magog(verb,吴越国语)=CCP 省委书记领导= divine oracle comes true: Ukraine Latest: Top US General Doubts a Kyiv Victory This Year https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/ukraine-latest-top-us-general-doubts-a-kyiv-victory-this-year-1.1903389
2023-4-11 Posted-
2023-4-8 Sequel to last log, 4/14/2023 Updated.
From the viewpoint of anti-fraud 王超华与王柄章/曹海波(参阅updated 2019-5-2 log)不同,正如我在英文博客中指出,一定看过亨廷顿有关台海的描述,没有相信、上当台海两岸的庆亲王蛤蟆功金光拆白人员进行铜钿白相人(沪语)之游戏(阴阳脸,双簧,两面三刀)。最新百度网传,中共国有13名银行家在美资产达8兆美元被查封- 我纳闷应是前述邓氏江氏pedigree sphere 共15兆美元中的8兆- 进一步可能是他们在交叉持股中。
1936年出现OPC felt apostasy ,无独有
偶,反耶稣基督救主的洋白共产党员爱德加斯诺进入北平,可以登堂入室冠冕堂皇地作为司徒雷登开办的基督教燕京大学讲师,载着红龙邪灵播其道,将上帝忠实仆人第一代司徒雷登的基业消弭得一干二净- 于是“红星照耀中国”,毛国到柞大发其威,表现在 Daniel 11:36 “The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. Plus 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. ,引发对福音国度sustainability之忧心; 圣经中有更坏例子 1Samuel 2:12-36, 上帝牧羊人Eli第二代的作为将第一代的基业摧毁,Levi.10:1-2,Aaron 之子Nadab & Abihu不按上帝规矩操作,被上帝发天火吞噬,使Aaron难堪; 我不知道这是小概率事件还是大概率事件,在Ezekiel Ch.34 & Ch.24中,上帝不满整个以色列国度里的事务到达不让先知intercession。 近一个世纪,传媒能力突飞猛进,照理福音深入人心,不幸被 John 1:5言中-the light has shined upon the darkness, but the darkness has no understanding- currently deliberately- 前述1989年开始,连基督教sub-culture都diminished,按照Rev. Barge & Rev. Rhode, 90%自由派牧羊人不信耶稣会再来,no wonder 原来的北京人王超华的书名令正信基督徒遗憾。 P.S. 前述强制人民唱《国际歌》与《东方红》是tergiversation, 但毛及中共的subconsciousness 是 there has never been any other savior in the world history except that the great leader Chairman Mao was great savior-full adaptation of Bible verse above.
Another 无独有偶,1936西安事变,paved the way for Mao to take over Chiang's Nanking Central government, which was associated with cosmic warfare a century ago- the red dragon-beast energy sphere has been growing to let element of Christianity in China's top level from Sun, Yat-sen to Mme. Chiang from a church shepherd family (hence, Chiang, Kai-shek's acceptance later on) be diminished(in alignment with above mentioned) and to cause China today in a disabled state regarding Christianity- nominal churches with pledge of allegiance to CCP- church head becomes CCP, so it seems true that the Rev.17:13 stared long ago- 在台湾,自周联华牧师-凯歌堂后,国民党总统府(指马英九当道, 李登辉提国民党是外来政权不在此论)再无基督教元素,所以祷告,Oh! Lord, how long?, beseeching heavenly father to God-speed Maranatha!以免多次重复大卫王的天问=I post hereby Psalm 74:1-23, lest repeating King David's inquiry of God multi-times - Why, God, have you cast us off forever?
Why does your anger burn against the sheep of your pasture?
Remember your people, whom you acquired of old,
the tribe you redeemed as your own heritage,
Mount Zion where you dwell.
3 Direct your steps toward the utter destruction,
everything the enemy laid waste in the sanctuary.
Your foes roared triumphantly in the place of your assembly;
they set up their own tokens of victory.
5 They hacked away like a forester gathering boughs,
swinging his ax in a thicket of trees.
6 They smashed all its engraved work,
struck it with ax and pick.
7 They set your sanctuary on fire,
profaned your name’s abode by razing it to the ground.
8 They said in their hearts, “We will destroy them all!
Burn all the assembly-places of God in the land!”
9 Even so we have seen no signs for us,
there is no prophet any more,
no one among us who knows for how long.
10 How long, O God, will the enemy jeer?
Will the enemy revile your name forever?
11 Why draw back your hand,
why hold back your right hand within your bosom?
12 Yet you, God, are my king from of old,
winning victories throughout the earth.
13 You stirred up the sea by your might;
you smashed the heads of the dragons on the waters.
14 You crushed the heads of Leviathan,
gave him as food to the sharks.
15 You opened up springs and torrents,
brought dry land out of the primeval waters.
16 Yours the day and yours the night too;
you set the moon and sun in place.
17 You fixed all the limits of the earth;
summer and winter you made.
18 Remember how the enemy has jeered, Lord,
how a foolish people has reviled your name.
19 Do not surrender to wild animals those who praise you;
do not forget forever the life of your afflicted.
20 Look to your covenant,
for the recesses of the land
are full of the haunts of violence.
21 Let not the oppressed turn back in shame;
may the poor and needy praise your name.
22 Arise, God, defend your cause;
remember the constant jeering of the fools.
23 Do not forget the clamor of your foes,
the unceasing uproar of your enemies.
打自在20多年前唱了一次《世上只有妈妈好》(cf.updated 2022-4-11 log,差不多是萧泰然教授/国策顾问来温哥华教会宣达200万美元=300万加币的时辰),越想越后怕,致电副主任牧师/部长的高层相关单位的意思是不能与圣歌队长唱那同一首歌- 盖因在耶稣基督面前站一不住脚(no tenability before Jesus Christ),通俗地讲是不搭错界,likewise, 在经济界也不应与他人不搭错界, 你懂得; as is in the Bible,only if Beersheba Treaty with divine guidance is observed(Gen.21:22-33), being at peace with God and with each other can be reached,也是人类文明规范化的起始点。 ============================================
2023-4-10 Later on updated
我在以前的英文博客中指出邓小平的极端两面派,类比法利赛人Sabbatai Zevi(耶稣来了以后,拥抱假弥赛亚,白天念可兰经,晚上念摩西等先知书),其经济贪污盗国在晚上要比蒋中正(中国共产党钦定反革命总代表)政权的孔祥熙狠多了,这里刚好有1976年中共中央4月7日决议,华国锋任党的第一副主席兼总理,邓小平在天安门广场反革命事件中是幕后老K被撤销一切职务,我早就表示
坚决拥护双手赞成历朝中国政府天安门清场-上溯至铁木真大帝-特别是对邓小平的处理(今日不知道反革命政权谁大谁小),要知道华国锋是毛的亲生儿子,没有将毛思想推进宪法,邓小平一边走资-尤其是榨取民脂民膏要超过孔祥熙,一边将毛思想特一级地宪法保护,在毛的思想就是最高法典下,那是唯一死刑;所以是反革命两面派极端-且是侮慢化的; 当年没有看穿其虚以委蛇装蒜(做贼心虚)的都吃了亏。 ============================================Posted on 2023-4-22
Regarding “铜钿白相人(沪语)”,what’s more, 大约半年多前,台湾三立电视台(SETN)有一段TV talk show(我特别用了高清晰大喇叭encore,still echoing/ repercussion),内容是有关2008年全球金融危机的幕后黑手,after buy-off and covet-into WST, Nixon-alike danced to the tune of Yangzhou master/toad master Gong-fu specialists, letting them wreak havoc through financial manipulation-tampering-meddling of WST, 那就不难推断制造这样规模的全球灾难轻而易举地overwhelm my fund-raising. 昨天一大早@6:43am, harassment call from 1-888-528-8761 toward the US/world index fund - charade as BMO IL- in order to curse US/world economy plus psycho-warfare again- wonder if related to the newly-exposed CCP 912 scheme workshop.上网问了Bing Chatbot: can you check the origin of the phone number 1-888-528-8761? I hope this answers your question! Received message. According to the web search results, the phone number 1-888-528-8761 is a toll-free number that has been searched 8 times on YP.ca. It is one of the 11 phone numbers associated with the 528 prefix in the 888 unsolicited phone number database. The provider and usage of this number are unknown. I hope this answers your question!-- 韦小宝的根苗结构金光拆白的能量活跃,又一次彰显人间龙格两头蛇的“铜钿白相人”吃相-前两天马路上鼓噪股市变牛声很大,一旦用了一点不能买下一支最新三星折叠屏手机(小年青每2年合约后都要更换新的)的钱做litmus test- 2股 index fund而已,马路上又发生翻手为云,覆手为雨说法,对号入座台湾流行语“两头尖尖,吃人够够”- seems pattern formed。 顺便说一声,10年前北京的那首打油诗的意思是-星云指鹿为马后,toad master Gong-fu specialists 可以去国平金平家做王爷的贤侄(之于牙叔,吴越国语)发洋财,不过发不好时,不必学国民党县委委员造毛庙跳高跳远到我头上,否则就是时刻以Mark 4:24/Matt.7:2 来反唇相讥。像今天的Godless/lawless 结果会比庞贝末日严重-divine Zephaniah day(Ch.1) due to Jesus warning(Matt.11:23+耶稣昔在警告Nahum1:2-3)-God’s mercy has reached such an extent to which they are not aware of the threshold/the bar is lowed.
2023-4-26 Posted
Scotiabank Case Nr. Generated: OPCS20230424-11
From: C Tong Sent: April 24, 2023 7:08 AM To: Escalated Customer Concerns Office Scotiabank <escalatedconcerns@scotiabank.com> Subject: What’s More-Problem
I called your 1-800-387-6556 about the dispute of my credit stmt. @ around 1:15pm Pacific time(2023-4-22), a young lady answered my phone, to my surprise, her response should be regarded as charade as naiveté toward my allegation that since Feb. 13, 2023, my previous card has been forfeited and you've issued a new Nr. card, hence in the March stmt. a constant item which used to be pre-authorized was no longer appeared- that's the normal; somehow in Apr. stmt. this item pops up again without re- authorization, your agent manifested as not understanding the words"re-authorization" plus abide by rule of law. So this matter is handled by some insider mole to engage in game-playing, stoking/reverse stoking(triad groove) - being never afraid of being called "man of lawlessness"; I already figured out, on the one hand, under the manipulation of “杨X篪+陈进-alike in TX(a very infamous case of AMD CPU forgery by a Chinese UT-Austin Ph.D+ @recent CPAC in US: it's exposed 5 million acres=50% Taiwan land area was under control by CCP )”, on the other hand, co-ordination of insider mole to deliberately let the world situation be complicated enough for them to acquire special interest. =========================================== I also pointed out I need an explanation about the incompliance against what the system has automatically set(cf.email below) which your agent refused to give by her charade as not understanding my inquiry(not understanding English?, I said"to my puzzlement", she dropped the phone), besides, at the start of talk, she lied to claim the system didn't record my key-in of credit card number. 这是在2023-4-24 Scotiabank feedback survey 中又加上的话。
有关这些人在得克萨斯州-加拿大搞阴招,阴功,太监功,阴阳脸,两面三刀,从何说起,前述在英文博客中提到spiritual guidance- 有关911事件的可预防性- 提到Michael Drosnin的美国爱国主义热情,不止一次地发传真给白宫,alerting them is a reflection of American patriotism,不辛的是,被置之不理-which is relevant to personal spiritual advisory hired- 其卷入中华民国债券诈欺案定谳(=铜钿白相人定谳)-精神面貌(spiritual DNA)似乎被中共三合会金光拆白党教大成长,有人质疑是否上帝的选民; 从另一个角度看,大卫里根博士用了更使他们难堪的说法-由于不悔改,911甚至是上帝使用了工具进行惩罚,W发动伊拉克战争损失2兆美元,有没有值回票价?(Likewise, regarding that 50% land area of Taiwan, CCP is like Assyrian used by God as a razor to sweep over nations against HIM- Isaiah7:20 &10:6 &34:1-2) 还有,大约两年前在德州年会上大卫里根博士绝对不敢恭维H.W.最先倡导的“New World order”which espouses one world government(伴随画面US News&World Report cover figure as H.W.+大标题“How He Will Change The Reagan Revolution”), which is being utilized and almost taken over by CCP leadership(Whose appeasement policy causes CCP to become a razor?), 于是又想起Terry Reid’s《Compromised》- 一位很美国的爱国主义空军情报官被蒙受不白之冤-in the book can be found allegation that H.W. leadership being Pharisees-alike ruined the officer’s life. 里根博士完全退休后,世态炎凉,从去年底发现财务主管更换后,就是不对劲了,代祷似乎无效,我上面的email及前次2023-4-8 log已举例司徒雷登第二代接管掌权后第一代基业如何被摧毁,是故决断于二月。
2023-4-27 Posted
惊悉家父噩耗(26 日加拿大西岸时间正午驾鹤),来得蹊跷,此乃 CCP 精心安排于此错综复杂之国内国际
政经势态(刚贴上最新 Log-Blog),至为痛觞,涕然而悼,其一生鞠躬尽瘁,沦陷于中共统治,甫于江山色
今以传道书 12:2-7 共勉 Ecclesiastes 12:2-7
2 before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars grow dark, and the clouds return after the rain;
3 when the keepers of the house tremble, and the strong men stoop, when the grinders cease because they are few, and those looking through the windows grow dim;
4 when the doors to the street are closed and the sound of grinding fades; when people rise up at the sound of birds, but all their songs grow faint;
5 when people are afraid of heights and of dangers in the streets; when the almond tree blossoms and the grasshopper drags itself along and desire no longer is stirred. Then people go to their eternal home and mourners go about the streets.
6 Remember him—before the silver cord is severed, and the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, and the wheel broken at the well, 7 and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
Sequel to Apr. 26, 2023 posting:
银行内无间道分子配合撒旦的使徒已经无视任何真相(将事情归咎为另一方一定要charge我的信用卡),无视上帝创造的自然逻辑法则,故意挑拨事务,企图从中渔利。Please read my email on May 12, 2023:
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: May 12, 2023 7:07 PM
To: Escalated Customer Concerns Office Scotiabank <escalatedconcerns@scotiabank.com>
Subject: RE: OPCS20230424-11
Dear Brithney B,
You can review my calling record with customer service 1-800-387-6556 about the dispute of my credit stmt. @ around 1:15pm Pacific time(2023-4-22), your agent asked me my credit card Nr. over the phone and I gave it to her aside from my keying in over the phone pad(cf. my emails below)- that's why I got a Scotiabank feedback survey automatically for this matter and I did it on Apr.24, 2023 - regarding the final survey questionnaire: I mentioned the anomaly should be redressed- need remedy. The transaction date is recorded as Mar.16-Mar.17, the mount is $25USD with my Scotiabank USD Visa card. As a matter of fact, such error should not have occurred because the system has automatic mechanism to prevent it from happening.(also cf. my emails below) .Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
Tel: 604-583-7223 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
To many people's
knowledge, the recurring recipient once called me to re-authorize the pre-registered donation years ago
after my credit card got renewed. Natural logic and rule of law have nothing to do with this Scotiabank senior staff Brithney B. I hate to say that the adaptation into Chinese scholar's research "Unscrupulousness As Humanity/Manliness 厚黑学" is realized.
2023-5-30 Posted
I phoned 604-875-4070 VGH health records dept. on May 19, 2023 at around 2:15pm Pacific time regarding my request made on Mar. 27,
2023, being transferred to a lady claimed to be Catherine who told me not yet issued, further
being informed that this matter needs a time span of 2+ months to get things done(she clearly promised for me to wait for another 11 days ). Now is over 7pm(May 30, 2023), the record is still absent at my mailbox. Their statutory
time limit is 30 business days, at most 6 weeks, previously it only cost about 20 days(I had several
requests). How mystic!! How puzzling!! Maoist followers hate rule of law most, CCP-almost has
controlled or influenced every aspect of Canadian life/landscape of civilization.
My mail got intercepted many times. Kleptocracy is accompanied by manipulation, tampering, forgery,
fabrication, counterfeit, obstruction of justice and destroyer of evidence to cover up murderous things,
here under the disguise of democracy- but since last century already lost cornerstone -rule of law based
on Christianity, without CCP triad money, can't go to heaven, in essence, triad-controlled dragon carrier, gog/magog(verb, 吴越国语) , which is a reflection of Yangzhou master/toad master+庆亲王(pronoun of kleptocrat)in Canada where USSR/CCCP/CCP have long before found as paradise =reflection of 黄俄汉奸反华势力。 Such behavior, quite in alignment with what is described in a video blogging(by Wendover) "China's China"(cf. John Fitzgerald's "How China becomes CCP" ) regarding some reality in Africa, so here 举一反三,触类旁通,likewise situation "共党之共党,黄俄汉奸之黄俄汉奸"。 By proactively/deliberately causing Canada's image marred, they've succeeded in providing excellent cushion to USSR/CCCP/CCP under current Eurasia situation.=endless gofless/lawless.
By the way, some reality in Hong Kong- harlot+harlot, lie+lie and barbarianism+barbarianism under the toad maser CCP triad-it's all about money
with bully, snobbery, hypocrisy and double-standard - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dqeM_I49r8 【新聞最嘲點 姜光宇 and
more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeH5reb-5c0&t=1117s, and much more 新聞最嘲點 Mr.姜光宇 - YouTube Plus reality sans frontiere. Wont' it be the fact that this century deems to let Babylonianism go through victory after victory? Oh! Lord, Your Name is victory after victory in regards to justice/righteousness, may the kingdom, power, glory, praise, honor be to our eternal Heavenly Father, Holy Father, Supreme Lord, Almighty God from everlasting to everlasting, in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
2023-5-31 Posted
The following emails to Canada Post are cogent evidence to verify what the Satanic planning manifests across the Pacific Ocean: 有阴险小人上下其手,二面三刀,企图奸诈通吃多边。 有金光党拆白党内鬼一定要将加拿大这个NATO,G-7国家的image marred
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
I suppose 681699771 is a sole number for my package(RN only means registered Nr., CA means Canada Post ) and Canadian postal search engine should have been able to discern it- not to say today's AI-assisted engine.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Sent: May 29, 2023 1:00 PM
What happened to my paid registered-mail(RN681699771CA) issued on May 9, 2023? The tracking result in your website indicates the package is still in transit- contrary to your "up to 7 business days" statute, please cf. the enclosed.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Sent: May 30, 2023 1:58 PM
The recipient got it days ago. But the nature of the problem is there- what cost me so much money is not worth it because your system doesn't provide right info for customer, it's a case of disinformation- being like unlimited warfare in multi-aspect targeting psycho-social-economic affairs and I'm a victim of such warfare and deserve the remedy as victim. Every info should be found in the web capture(enclosed), plus in the receipt's QR code Nr. 2124-10104794-1-653012-1.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
2023-6-7 Posted
Sequel to 5/30/2023 post What happened can be rendered as being taught up and grown up by Prof. Lee, Au(李敖) from Taiwan who is ranked as #24 human scum in a Chinese website and who in China encouraged the Kleptocrat to engage in godless/lawless walking/navigating in the international stage, which is quite in alignment with what is described by Ezekiel in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 24- the human scum, please cf. my latest email to Vancouver Coast Health Authority Patient Care Quality Office :
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: June 7, 2023 9:33 AM
To: Preston, Michelle [VCH] <michelle.preston@vch.ca>
Subject: The Nature of Things-Sequel to last Complaint
One thing should be reminded that a lady claiming as Catherine mentioned the documents were in her hand on May 19, 2023 and I wonder what’s going on because not yet arrived at my mailbox since I made request on Mar.27, 2023. Furthermore, something intrigue can reside in the process of my being hospitalized at VGH- venomous secretion from toad-back(pun, cf. Bible Rev.16:13-14), it's said, was mixed into the daily eye drop after surgery- causing my left eye blind; Kleptocracy and corruption is accompanied by manipulation, tampering, forgery, fabrication, counterfeit, obstruction of justice and destroyer of evidence to cover up murderous things, which is corroborated by such cogent evidence that hijacking of my health records has been established. By proactively/deliberately causing Canada's image marred, they've succeeded in providing excellent cushion to quasi-USSR/CCCP and CCP alliance under current Eurasia situation.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
2023-6-13 Posted
5/30 & 6/7/2023 提到的VGH病历档案科中Catherine应该是一位江系人员口音(5/19电话),current situation is an escalated one belonging to “disable you, condescend you, hijack you”- same old trickery. 不过这里是提醒他们上海滩规矩- 沈从文都要决斗过。做文官要有一饮而尽精神-叶公超外长是这种精神bearer, similar to Last Samurai(Tom Cruise staring) way, knighthood demeanor with divine Kamikaze energy. 不妨来个“五元甲”挑战赛, 万世一系剑桥文明东西方一致,standard according to power/powder during British Empire before sunset, 人本对人本(没有个人电子辅助装备时代=no easy cheating=抓铁有痕,踏脚有印),骑士绅士精英文官one on one=李小龙对李小龙,刘易斯对刘易斯=Olympic spirit to break some Guinness record- 前述南京中央国府精气神五元甲代表老爸与堂兄弟这一对,农学院丁振麟教授(文革《春苗》电影后来我家次数更多,老爸每次都开处方及病假条给他渡过难关),在没有吞安眠药前的从学生(竺可桢,贝时璋,谈家桢亲自开课)至成人的记录(cf. Foregoing,剑桥医师级别),lest 2000 yrs Greco-Roman culture forfeited, Kevin Steel投稿的加拿大杂志《Western Standard》应该为western civilization standard in Canada 以免被downgraded as some reality in Africa(cf. video blogging "China's China" by Wendover)继续做in-depth analysis.
尼基派偏爱毛主义政权所结厚黑之果所开厚黑之花天下有目共睹。 以下一段摘要为最近私人通讯- 家父驾鹤,斗换星移,人事已非,人间沧桑,物尽天华,关山难越无间道,独怆然而疾书。吾弟于残局无能为力,在国内不便转达我的信件/讣文),交托了你的电邮,遂联系在国外的你,有劳吾兄大驾。先从讣文说起,1980’s 前期,有几位将军从台湾来,其中一位宁波故交,曾是1949年中正号旗舰官员(后官至台湾海总Lt. Admiral),吴淞口一别后到我家中探访祖母及家父后,自1960年开始不交房租的房客陶氏,其子陶建毅你很熟悉的(加上个别从小学到研究生院的社会关系人员)就有任务作监控,一切无间道之恶彰显人间。 到1986-87年间,祖居被强制拆迁之际,陶李文琴几次三番花言巧语跟我家要一份房产,祖母仁心宅厚,家父耳根太软,相信陶李文琴的虚伪发愿语言, 当年房子多少精贵,上海瑞金医院博士后主治医师(那是1992年底)还住在医院地下室,烧煤球/煤饼;主要是请吾兄出面与杭州陶氏交涉并申明房地产债务人之义务,灵活应用可以考虑市场机制CDS. 吾弟无能为力表现在2011年家母去世,发生150万左右遗产被解放路X 环城东路(前杭七中田径场对面,你也很熟悉)工商银侵吞,当场快崩溃,我一字一句报案最高检后,一定是银行内鬼通过关系沟通了吾弟让我不要追究下去。当年我的博文还没有撕破面子,胡温当道,还能回去一倘。 2012年在万延海大夫,王澄大夫于VOA等媒体开涮陈竺副委员长,指控其无知无耻无法地吞钱以及学术论文实验设计文理不通后, 我有致电中国教育部撕破其父母的面子- 误人子弟粗制滥造像野鸡大学培养研究生后,就不便回国。
2019-4-25 Revised a lot later
事到如今,人类需要反思(Afterthought, Introspection)。首先, 为什么韦小宝及其小说会形成风靡,
不得不再回顾历史:我老爸1980’s是诚心诚意将朱大夫(1949年时任中华民国副行政院长朱家骅的pedigree; 先祖1949年前都熟悉那位中研院长)从浙江安吉县调到身边,其兄长flee from Mao’ regime ,为美国东西方关系战略研究员,高等华裔反共文人,1980’s 来华访问时,连邓小平都好说好散得很, 反而在杭州不幸被浙医第二任校长(2016年杭州G20,包括G-7领导人, 校长入围剑桥国际杰出领袖是家父功劳,也提到有人搞了风水名字做医院领导人)感到discomfort(那次我老爸做东),皆因毛泽东来杭州40+ 次,文革的极重灾区,制造了Humanity Index=0 之Desolation,荼毒太深,可见一斑;于是没有Humanity伪装有, 我在没有过19岁生日的teenage时代,人在屋檐下的我就充当过在US Hope Foundation前义演林肯总统角色(我是为了校长办基金,十几年后的江元神在克林顿面前简直是copycat)。换了人间,我老爹会变迁到你无法想像,当年1935年左右的小西装bow-tie 神韵极像前几年有一张Greece最小的王子神韵(在他们老屋(像summer house)前一字排开n个王子bow-tie 照),直到1950’s他的GPA都超过后来的北大校长许良英先生,Founder President竺可桢(Princeton & Harvard, Ph.D)都对他印象深。 毛国祚人文显学一直是repulsive to me(对于文革后所编的土教材没有学习动力我基本不做打拼,特别是后来以被瑞金医院录取后,毕业大考根本没在意,影响了很多总积分,有不怀好意之徒拿来做文章)-依然有余威 such situation is the origin of being taken advantage of – problem still at issue.
再举个例子,我刚到L.A.时的第一印象在我老爸的杭州小学同学(但他却是在沈阳的中国医科大学上学,后留在了当地,调到浙医一院也花了我老爸许多心血,因当年人员无流动性,1978-79-80时跑省厅局办多次, 还有他
反而无缘),他们刻意狙击后被上套去了南加大,George-Orwellian hand 一直在发威,只不过那位王大夫跟自己的祖先情何以堪(陈仪省主席浙江党部官员)。 如此现实,民运的泛蓝组织没有什么大的可能性与可行性,再有马英九背叛了他老妈主笔主播的节目,曹海波偷听他老妈的敌台后白白坐牢,只能跟马英九讨债- 当年他妈的节目还没有被郭文贵爆出的蓝金黄影响到,可再去参考一下我的博客. 冤有仇,债有主,没有在此人头上发洋财者,不会做贼心虚,也不会对号入座这个“thanks for being the origin of incentives and dynamics for me to say ‘lose-lose-win, long live great leader Chairman Mao, which can be of effect far surpassing---’”; 无非不要在此人头上账户上通过fund which has been hijacked or deliberately gone through money-laundering- a large part is used for the purpose of CCP’s “united front”, 宁可让王超华亨廷顿等描述对象暗吞,故意恶意无视及歪曲我及我家的一百年真相(我祖父当年是真本实力打拼进入公务员,近百年前的一次空中惊魂,不再飞来飞去近入了慢车道,以后陈布雷先生进入南京国府中枢,先祖也去了南京,我祖母也是与陈布雷第二任太太在宁波女子师范毕业生中的数一数二)。
有关提到的风水名字(, 郑树女士是校长,郑树森先生做浙医一院院长不知是谁推荐,此人在国际出风头- n个民主国家国会人权委员会关注对象,连全球极负盛名的《柳叶刀》杂志已开涮,积分点数可观),那应该是有台海两岸的风水高人指点江山,钻进你家肚子,然后干爹娘(家父生前只推荐过校长为英国剑桥国际杰出领导人-大家千万不要被perversion家父有推荐过那位先生,本身为国家老年医学研究所创始人,当年全省唯一一个医疗卫生界国家自然科学基金评审委员)-这次很像黑日高照我老爹-基于十年前左右就是他在院长任上,礼义廉耻搁一边,在浙一急诊室将我骨折的老爸搁在走廊上。By the way, 前中国民联主席莫逢杰先生要报杀父之仇几乎成他的口头禅。
Heavenly Father, when evil still roams, let us understand what You intend us to be in this Dispensational Planning from creation to re-creation through the redemption of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, Whose precious blood and name has the power to overcome the Satanic planning and expose to light the malicious action in the darkness, help us clothe the armor of God to stand firm and to be concurrent with Your divine purpose so that we can acquire exact discernment wisdom through Your Holylight in the end times characterized by perversion , and we believe You will bring justice in due time for all the harm imposed upon Your children by the devil. As in the days of Noah, Daniel, Moses, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, today and forevermore, in righteousness, riding a white horse, making judgment and waging Holy cosmic war against those anti-Christ, anti-Biblical and anti-humanity creatures who turned the justice into poison and the fruit of righteousness into bitterness. God speed Maranatha!
2023-7-5 posted
有关家父4/26/2023被黑日高照,来得蹊跷,那天上午发出的电邮: Tax Slip Problem C Tong <ctong@live.ca> Wed 2023-04-26 9:10 AM To: Chan, Tony WL <TonyWL.Chan@bmo.com> 1 attachments (1 MB) Tax slip issued by BMO IL.JPG;
Good morning Mr. Chan,
I received the T3 slip hardcopy within last two weeks and didn't scrutinize it on the spot. Now I find something egregious again on this tax slip- item21-capital gains=375.52. As a matter of fact, the opposite is the truth- a er a series of disposition last year due to the market terror, only heavy loss of capital has been accrued in my account ending-364. So I just phoned BMO IL 1-888-776-6886 @7:38am Pacific Time this morning, a lady named Genise answered the call. After my reporting her the problem, she thinks there is need to investigate it and insists I should make a formal complaint with you. Enclosed please find the picture of T3 slip. By the way, the money was originated from my grand parent who lived in last century and who didn't choose to board the Chiang, Kai-shek flag ship with their family after being invited in last days in 1949. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong Tel: 604-583-7223
More things of anomaly: 4/14/2023 @ around 9:29am, telecommunication-fraud possible,self-claimed BMO Investline staff David Trinh phoned from 1-888-776-6886 & 2nd
line ID as abbreviation BMO instead of full-house name, criminal across Taiwan Strait and across Pacific hiding at S.E. Asia basement can forge IP/ID,
swindling , tell me Manulife tries to alter the status que toward a mutual fund of a regular F class(est. 1+ months, $500 Minimum) -the starting point is
jumped to at least O/FP/WP class- 狮子大开口$100,000 起跳。 Scenario 1, after reading my blog, being truculent & venomous - on behalf of toadmaster Gong-fu , great Ming Dynasty East/West Yard secret police Gestapo-KGB-Stasi , in a word, 庆亲王蛤蟆+大明王朝@ Hong Kong forces
controlling Canada through capital plus secondary capital from Taiwan(same CCP control hand)- I have US SEC record on 2021-12-31 regarding Manulife
$45billion USD- please ask Mr. 朱云来 to talk with me. Scenario 2,伪西方,伪民运,伪台独,伪港独,伪国民党(前述 KMT 县委委员造毛庙)
活不下去,reverse stoking,game-playing,long jump, high jump onto my head. Scenario 3. 刚落马的前浙江省金融副省长朱从玖,其配偶热衷私
募基金,莫非长袖善舞,将猴戏马戏开到加拿大银行? 连规模不大的互惠基金里的私募都染指了,买通开通的力度可想而知。
4/29/2023下午看了一段从Olive Tree Ministry买来的DVD- Enemies Within The Church,其中提到美国共产党从1940年代就在兴风作浪,甚至钻进教会,利用圣经断章取义,混水摸鱼 ,as I said before, through selective encoding, selective charade, through spiritual fragmentation(never spiritual wholeness) commie esp. CCP made great success by self-righteousness- I pointed out US commie(Edgar Snow) penetrated into Peking Christian Univ. earlier in 1936 when the 2nd generation Stuart Leighton took over the power. Since then situation has become worse and worse(唱《国际歌》反耶稣救主的斯诺大播共产红龙教,基督教事业在中国越来越衰,是否为left behind situation,更多请参阅博客); cosmic warfare between good and evil tends to be deviated(calling evil good and good evil-Isaiah5:20,末日症候)), 圣经强调的是上帝面前要站的住脚,司法公正必须是case by case instead of social justice以免被一些奸诈之徒钻空子混水摸鱼(整部圣经pivotal thread 就是要公义/正义 )。 我说看问题应从历史的长河来看,有机辩证,灵命要圆满。 前述(cf.blog,下同)尼克松《1999不战而胜》,接着其实是台海两岸冒牌者吞钱的胜利(2Tim.3:13,末日症候),南斯拉夫一役克林顿根本不成功,4/26/2023 blogging 打伊拉克战争是否值回票价,到今天乌克兰战争也差不多,至少两败俱伤。 至于前述那首儒教佛教界流行歌《世上只有妈妈好》,连行孔孟之礼的星云们的菩萨阶级都不会认为这位先生够格唱=不会建议pertaining to the individual situation。前述一个台海两岸mystic pattern- 有几次揭发父凭子贵得院士的上海瑞金医院内分泌科陈家伦教授面授机宜-称国外大学硕士要求不必做科学实验论文=将super-hyper Tsinghua establishment(超清华协和内分泌科)的要求搞成国外野鸡大学要求,在台湾就有一位戴着泛绿色帽子的曾大班曾上校跳出来强烈指控蔡英文总统在英国名校取得的博士学位是弄虚作假得来,我在内部发文制止,请他好自为之,此乃顾及中华民国风水(星云们灌输广大人民成习俗,在此尊重他们风水礼仪,本人不受bondage)不必太坏(前述刘冠军等早已成天狗将ROC的天咬破太多,王柄章、曹海波等等白坐牢),整个大英帝国的教育体系不必崩盘做CCP垫背。
像在一个由中共为龙头的三合会金光党拆白党控制的柬埔寨杂居社会中(那里早已有一堆开发就业弄虚作假勒索案报道-esp.@Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone-but not so complicated as situation here-because no gog/magog involved; it’s observed- since 1836 the kingdom-power-glory of Jesus Christ had been thriving, but since 1936 more and more diminishing,resulting in CCP-controlled gog/magog civilization 首先在西方建立) ,所谓的“软实力/锐实力”在加西海岸大概技高一筹, 用psychiatric incarceration 使我被搁浅(marooned,末日症候-Rev.13:7&13:14-15=电脑卫星微波技术+VR+AI machine-organized gang stalking=synthetic mental wave scanning/intrusion,大卫里根博士研究,举一反三,触类旁通)=being disabled,condescended and hijacked by psychiatric persecution and psychotronic weapon=going through inducement, entrapment, ensnarement, encasement, concerted insidious/venomous action.
2023-7-13 Posted
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: June 15, 2023 9:15 AM
To: ombudsman@obsi.ca <ombudsman@obsi.ca>
Subject: Complaint
To Whom it May Concern,
A sudden cancellation letter without any reason from a BMO Investorline agent Lindsay Luc with whom I've never gone through complaint reached my inbox yesterday(cf. enclosed and her email below) plus an agent of their Ombudsman office Salima Bapoo told me to go through your office.
I can tell you something related to this truculent incident: firstly, I only communicated with BMO Investorline agent Bao, Di on May 30, 2023 to tell her that something weird occurred in BMO eDoc- the transaction date for a Fidelity mutual fund switch order(May 26, 2023) printed at the upper right(previously always distinctively printed as the order date two days ahead of settlement date) becomes the same settlement date printed below, so far she has been unable to respond; furthermore I pointed out the inconvenience after BMO IL made the overhaul of trading platform. Secondly, in this digital age without border plus real time some Shanghai-Hangzhou commie hand felt embarrassed after viewing my latest blog: manifest-fact and launched surrogate warfare because in my blog I point out some copycat performed in front of President Bill Clinton what I did in my teenage time(a dozen+ years earlier, the Gettysburg Address ), Mr. Clinton is still there and should find a satire toward his then-counterpart. Besides, I'm a donor at Ottawa's MLI special Project "Dragon At The Door" - he/she who wants to be carrier of red dragon, be prepare divine invocation; such cancellation targeted at me can become a boomerang to them who launched truculence(also because I sent some special disclaimer on 1/29/2021 to BMO Ombudsman Office, which is for Ms. Freeland's consideration), and any damage/collateral damage hence incurred should be their responsibility . If such godlessness/lawlessness can be tolerated, I wonder how our Deputy Prime Minister Ms. Freeland can lead a defense campaign to assist her motherland; what is worse, this earth can go through nuclear winter if divine prophecy is carried out(Zeph. 1:1-6, of Jesus yesterday, noy yet fulfilled) as divine remedy , furthermore, be prepare go through tenability before Great White Throne after God-speed Isaiah 51:6/2 Peter 3:10).
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: July 10, 2023 7:34 AM
To: Gareau, Olivier <Olivier.Gareau@bmo.com>
Subject: What's More-Things anomaly again
Good morning Mr. Gareau,
I wonder Why my Non-registered account got hijacked(currently, the EVF140 issue), even I has been asked to download the June monthly statement(please cf. the enclosed, saying lockdown of my account, but on what legal basis? )- from the dop-down menu of the e-Doc page, my Non-R account even has been shielded by your system administrator under your agent Lindsay Luc , I'd like to remind you that the Hong Kong mirror image in Canada can unleash collateral damage; lest being the perfect cushion for PLA NAVY/Air Force to confront the Canadian forces in the South China Sea and Taiwan strait recently, lest Kleptocracy is highlighted in human rights record, lest collateral damage would spread to most prominent "Hong Kong Foot" in Taiwan, please review Washington Post: Hong Kong’s downfall is a warning to the world https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/07/01/hong-kong-china-crackdown-democracy/
By the way, Regarding the Hong Kong situation plus the Burma-Thailand-PRC golden triangle area, just a reminder, PRC 李鹏(Li, Peng)representing the State Council and the People's Congress of PRC had endorsed two times the Charter of UN Economic Human Rights.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: July 10, 2023 7:55 AM
To: Macdonald-Laurier Institute <info@macdonaldlaurier.ca>
Subject: Mirror Image? plus An AI-Techno-Totalitarianism?
To Whom it May Concern,
This Mr. Gareau is evading, I have to resort to your help(cf. emails below).
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Aside from my email on 4/26/2023 to Tony Chan(above), this tax issue is related to the barbarian-style lockdown of my account:
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: June 23, 2023 12:04 PM
To: Account, InvestorLine Info
Subject: Re: Tax Issue
Dear Elliot Higgins,
Enclosed please find the copy of 2022 calendar year T3 tax slip referring to capital gain issued by BMO IL, the disposition and dividend occurred in 2023 instead of 2022, everybody needs to report to CRA, nevertheless, why do I receive tax slip ahead of time??? You can review my email communication in Apr. plus the Office of Minister of CRA was informed..
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
From: Account, InvestorLine Info <Info@bmoinvestorline.com>
Sent: June 23, 2023 12:55 PM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: Re: Tax Issue
Dear Mr. Tong,
Thank you for contacting BMO InvestorLine. My name is Elliot, and I would be glad to assist.
As per the provided link, which I would ask that you review in detail, NGPE announced of this return on capital (capital gain) of $1.5142 in December 2022. This transaction would reflect in the 2022 tax year as it took place in 2022. Please review your transaction history in December 2022 in which your holding's average cost would have increased by $1.5142 to reflect this return of capital.
Should you wish to review this in further detail I would ask that you contact and Account or Tax Specialist.
I hope this assisted with your inquiry. For further assistance or urgent inquiries please do not hesitate to contact a BMO InvestorLine Specialist by calling. Our regular office hours are 8am to 6pm ET, Monday through Friday and we can be reached at 1-888-776-6886 (1-844-274-3762 for international calls).
Elliot Higgins
Investment Specialist
BMO Investorline | BMO Wealth Management
From: Account, InvestorLine Info <Info@bmoinvestorline.com>
Sent: June 23, 2023 11:48 AM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: Re: Tax Issue
Dear Mr. Tong,
Thank you for contacting BMO InvestorLine. My name is Elliot, and I would be glad to assist.
1. Anachronism, no disposition occurred last year, where does the capital gain come from? if referring to this year's , only capital loss
Over the year the ETF will buy and sell securities that will lead to a gain. Instead of paying out that gain to you in cash the company chose to reinvest it back into the ETF. Similar to you, when you have a gain/loss in your non-registered account you should report it to the CRA. The ETF company still has to report that gain (cash proceeds) for you even if they never paid out the cash. So they put the gains they realized in that ETF onto your T3 so that you can report it to the CRA.
Please see link below for details:
2. if referring to distribution, then category error by being mistaken about dividend for capital gain and also anachronism- the distribution took place in Jan./2023 instead of 2022.
Please see wording from link provided: "National Bank Investments Inc. (‟NBI”) announced today revised annual reinvested capital gains and/or net income distribution amounts." Reinvested capital gains are still capital gains and are treated differently than dividends.
I hope this assisted with your inquiry. For further assistance or urgent inquiries please do not hesitate to contact a BMO InvestorLine Specialist by calling. Our regular office hours are 8am to 6pm ET, Monday through Friday and we can be reached at 1-888-776-6886 (1-844-274-3762 for international calls).
Elliot Higgins
Investment Specialist
BMO Investorline | BMO Wealth Management
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: July 7, 2023 10:47 AM
To: Macdonald-Laurier Institute <info@macdonaldlaurier.ca>
Subject: Need Comprehensive Analysis, plus An AI-Techno-Totalitarianism?
Dear Sir/Madam,
Firstly,what Elliot Higgins from BMO Investorline responds, if as human, would be qualified as a "Professor Higgins" of famous London drama one century ago , but unfortunately imitating clumsily=东施效颦, secondly,ROC-Taiwan professor 李敖(human scum#24 in Chinese web, famous for"横着走路")taught it up and grown up if email response from BMO IL is from human(cf. emails below) . year 2022=year 2023 , dividend=capital gain, hence in my case capital loss=capital gain, 指鹿为马,nowaday in China 指鼠为鸭 ,go ahead with the 李敖-style= godless/lawless navigating in the world stage。Thanks for being the perfect cushion for PLA NAVY to confront the Canadian forces in the South China Sea and Taiwan strait recently.
It seems TikTok got Southeast surrogate agent to engage in game-playing- a Xiamen company worth only one million China Yuan as parent controlled the TikTok which worth 100million China Yuan, now trying to do things unbelievable :
Some insidious issues are related to the resolution by Ms. Lindsay Luc, a BMO Investorline agent from Customer Resolution.
Regarding BMO INVESTORLINE Genise Likourezos, Investment Specialist-my title(HE/HIS/HIM) got altered in her email to me after she phoned and talked with me two times @7:38am and 11:05am Pacific time on 4/26/2013: It's kind of denigration of my Biology Identity, perhaps the rainbow movement in this century is so glorified that the de-masculinity becomes deeply ingrained in this Investment Specialist, or perhaps out of swindling consideration to let an impostor (trying to disguise as consort) exist, or perhaps the evil spirit medium tries to make an incantation/divination/sorcery.
The interception of my e-vehicle fund is closely related with the lockdown of my account:
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: July 13, 2023 9:14 AM
To: Sahibzada, Haseebullah <Haseebullah.Sahibzada@bmo.com>
Subject: Re: Things anomaly again Good morning Haseeb Sahibzada,
Since June 16, 2023 when I called 1-888-776-6886 with a reference Nr. 02859135 issued by Kunsang I've asked question several times about the lockdown of my Non-registered account(on what legal basis? ), but no one can answer this question.(cf. my latest email to Tony Chan on July 11, 2023)
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Tel; 604-583-7223
2023-7-14 Posted
From: Chan, Tony WL <TonyWL.Chan@bmo.com>
Sent: July 13, 2023 11:31 AM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: RE: Things anomaly again+BMO Il ref#02859135
Hi Mr. Tong,
Thank you so much for contacting BMO InvestorLine, your self-directed online brokerage.
We have limited access assisting you via email, for more information, please contact 1-888-776-6886. Our agents are happy to assist you with trouble shooting your issue.
If you do want a full service for your account, we do have a line of business called BMO Nesbitt Burns in which you may interested.
If you have any additional questions, please reply to this email or call us at 1-888-776-6886 during our regular hours of operation, Monday-Friday 8am to 6pm ET, and we will gladly assist.
Tony Chan
Assistant Manager|Investment Specialist Team
BMO InvestorLine | BMO Wealth Management
My Rebuttal
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: July 13, 2023 11:49 AM
To: Chan, Tony WL <TonyWL.Chan@bmo.com>
Subject: Things anomaly again+BMO Il ref#02859135 Hi Mr. Chan,
It's a legal issue which needs to be answered by manager/assistant manager level staff, because on 6/16/2023 when I called 1-888-776-6886, I already asked the same question but your agent Kunsang failed to answer, plus the June purchase e-Doc confirmation and monthly statement can't be downloaded- which is associated with the ref.# 02859135- such unable-to-download issue has nothing to do with my personal content but BMO IL's problem at Lindsay Luc's whim. I kindly ask you to call me back to discuss this issue.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
无巧不成书,regarding the interception of my e-vehicle fund which is closely related with the lockdown of my account originated from BMO IL Lindsay Luc's whimsical behavior, 台湾长老教会的一个提醒我的声音又回荡了:“这黑水沟,你懂的”- the treacherous black water in this super-hyper-bog across Taiwan Strait is crossing the Pacific Ocean, I tuned in YouTube inadvertently yesterday to have learned some alarming truth that the alignment of this EV business is highly correlated to a couple of CCP cadre whose powerful hands can manipulate a chunk of EV meat worth at least 7.3 billion cultivated in Hangzhou as a part of CCP cadre's vested-interest being full of trickery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPbvRtmac3U
The reflection of two authors' book《Beijing Rules》by Bethany Allen and 《Ultimate Economic Conflicts》 by Taiwan Sinica Fellow/Ambassador to WTO comes true here and there?
In my situation, 有人搅局,企图浑水摸鱼,从中渔利,或金蝉脱壳,或趁机上位-----
2023-7-15 Posted
Regarding the BMO InvestorLine Ref# 02859135 and their manager Tony Chan's response on July 13, 2023, there are more emails below to debunk their intended evading of the legal issue:
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 4:48 PM
To: Chan, Tony WL <TonyWL.Chan@bmo.com>
Subject: Things anomaly again+BMO Il ref#02859135
Good afternoon Mr. Tony Chan,
I wonder Why my Non-registered account got hijacked(currently, the EVF140 issue), even I has been asked to download the June monthly statement(please cf. the enclosed, saying lockdown of my account, but on what legal basis? )- from the dop-down menu of the e-Doc page, my Non-R account even has been shielded by your system administrator under your agent Lindsay Luc , plus your agent Kunsang to whom I complained about the lockdown of my Non-registered account gave me a ref#02859135, and more development in my emails communication below.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Please refer to my email on June 26, 2023 with ref. #02859135, your staff Kunsang failed to call back later whom I asked to call my cell phone on June 22, unfortunately someone else called me at least a week later on Kunsang's behalf when i was out of home, but he just ignored my request on June 22- to call my cell phone.(cf. my emails pasted below)
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Sent: June 26, 2023 4:37 PM
To: Account, InvestorLine Info <Info@bmoinvestorline.com>
Subject: Re: Ref#02859135
Dear Javier De Los Santos,
I've been waiting for Kunsang to call back, unfortunately so far no such callback has happened. The details should be at your system record which generated the reference Nr. for my call(1-888-776-6886) on June 16, 2023 around 10:50am Pacific time.
Thank you so much.
2023-7-16 Posted
Emails above and below had been forwarded to Mr. Tony Chan before his response on July 13. 2023, plus, regarding the email on June 22, 2023, I first called BMO Investorline on June 21, 2023 at around 1:50pm Pacific time
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: June 22, 2023 11:54 AM
To: Account, InvestorLine Info
Subject: Re: Ref#02859135
Dear Sir/Madam,
Yesterday your agent Arjun(1-888-776-6886) at around 1:55pm Pacific time told me another agent Kunsang would me back today, will you please ask him to call me the mobile number 604-595-1398 today?
有关“这黑水沟,你懂的”,in my case, since 1999 , indeed great victory one after another across Taiwan Strait obtained by impostor/swindler- complicated intertwined- Richard Nixon didn't expect his book 《1999 Victory Without War》 becomes a byword that is only catering to the reality across the Taiwan Strait , a byword that can't face the reality from Yugoslavia war in 1999 to Ukraine war today.
多少年前大约more than 3 decades ago, I had an opportunity to encounter an English teacher from America around the medical school campus nearby West Lake of Hangzhou, during the conversation I pointed out "it's economic war in the future", 连台湾一小部分人员都知道,尽管当时蒋经国先生已经过世. 言归正传, 如果李鹏不要经济人权法案,就不会有经济战争- 李鹏笃信的伟大领袖毛对于以经济挂帅的人与事是一律打成反革命走资派/反革命两面派。为了钞票,将好端端的这个医学校园给卖了,尽管给我看到的是极左的人与事(cf. foregoing),极左分子空手道吃了钞票后,野渡至海外,装猪装逼要装右派好生存,偏偏还要将美蒋特务叶常棣的反革命待遇放到我这里。请注意林宗义教授遭遇不幸是一阵子,而不是一辈子。
2023-7-19 Posted
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: July 19, 2023 9:14 AM
To: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <ombudsman@obsi.ca>
Subject: One More Question Related to BMO InvestorLine-issued Tax Slip Unanswered Dear Sir/madam,
One more issue is related to this BMO InvestorLine case: on Apr. 26, 2023 Ms. Genise Likourezos from BMO IL called me two tomes at 7:38am and 11:05am Pacific time during which we discussed about the tax slip issue plus I pointed out the distribution paid by National Bank of Canada regarding ETF NGPE(in the tax slip as capital gain) was downloaded only half of the mount in the transaction history record on Jan. 9, 2023( paid on Jan.6, 2023) and later on I found another half was paid on Jan.7, 2023 (I told Genise over the phone that the interest record of NGPE was searched out on Apr.18, 2023 ); but I don't know if I get the second half cash/interest because both Ms. Genise Likourezos and manager Tony Chan can't answer why there was no record on Jan. 9, 2023- usually interest got paid only once a time, no matter monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cell: 604-595-1398
Today's reality is attributed to Richard Nixon whose think tank was Kissinger and whose espousing of the Maoist statehood was out of shifting focus due to his domestic scandal , which has been the dynamics to import CCP triad and triad-backed KGB derivatives into US extending to entire western civilization= promote them successfully to disguise as western civilization and to engage in economic plundering, please review the documentary by Jed Rothstein- “The China Hustle”《中国骗局》: 重温《中国骗局》,看紧您的钱袋-贾舟子-万维博客-万维读者网(电脑版) (creaders.net) https://blog.creaders.net/u/13606/201905/349565.html plus some assembly of deceptive schemes in China: https://www.zhihu.com/question/277806904 Unfortunately western society also has been evolving into a triad civilization - the degree depends on how much bloody money out of CCP lie/tyranny in that region.
2023-7-23 Posted #55411 bus stop@ Surrey, 8-12minutes interval became double-down: on July 21, 2023 starting to wait around 1:10pm, Line96 got manipulated to arrive at 1:36pm, another gentleman also felt disappointed by checking his transit app with cell phone- which means at least doubled the waiting under the hot summer sun(阴毒/刻毒/歹毒)- CCP-controlled triad system is so enamored with game-playing after finding my shopping excursion and targeting my cell phone signal whereabout- a testimony that our civilization has been evolved into CCP triad format- has a penchant for gog/magag activities, as I pointed out in an email to Ottawa's MLI Project "Dragon At The Door"- winners have been churned out by the virtue of deception and being the dragon-pig-pug. 不要脸就得“永生”,要脸得“永死”,撒无赖得“永生”,不撒无赖得“永死”-至少在这个地球上如此。It's called devolution after devolution of humanity(cf. foregoing).
善有善报,恶有恶报在今天已荡然无存,拿个我祖母的例子(cf. foregoing),其一生仁心宅厚,主动赦免他人房租等等,到了临终年代(1990's)被临时工祸害,无善终(骨折痛苦且加速临终)-殊不知平安就是福- it's called truth has failed, plus they just let truth be failed; no wonder in 1986 Tom Harpur of U. of Toronto wrote a book《For Christ's Sake》. 无独有偶,Canadian intelligence flagged Chinese meddling 37 years ago: newly released report https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-canadian-intelligence-flagged-chinese-meddling-37-years-ago-document/ 报告称,加拿大情报部门37年前就已担忧中国干涉 https://info.51.ca/articles/1228856?wyacs=info-article-list that's 1986 when the first student anti-corruption pro-democracy movement got crackdown and Li Peng was promoted to be prime minister to start causing backlash of political reform in PRC-- accompanied by the dethronement of Hu, Yao-bang(胡耀邦), 我必须long live 李鹏-林毅夫-launched down-with movement toward蒋经国草拟的近、中、远期国家统一纲领=坚决打倒蒋家王朝国民党反动派,必须拍马屁求生存。
2023-7-25 Sequel: 除了李源潮姨娘写《中国毒品》,more “China Hustle” is reported: 许家印大玩“庞氏骗局” 恒大负债达10.2兆 专家 : 3大亏损 伤害平民百姓 https://www.aboluowang.com/2023/0724/1931545.html 福建最大的雷,炸了!老板卷1000多亿跑路… https://www.aboluowang.com/2023/0724/1931303.html 台湾人被诱骗柬埔寨被人口贩卖,从事诈骗、还有更严重的生命危险是“它”,政府立法,不过器官拆白党互惠互利:https://www.bannedbook.org/bnews/sohnews/20230720/1910287.html 器官拆白后,还要骗财骗色骗“永生”,装猪装逼装“永生”,永生永世装下去/骗下去,装出一个文明来,骗出一个文明来,“这黑水沟,你懂的"--which has started across Taiwan Strait extending to the Indo-Pacific and which has been being espoused by Nixon-alike, so reality has reached to such a degree: "All of the salt and light will be extracted out in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and when that takes place, America will be reduced to being a second or third-rate nation overnight"- Pastor Mark Hitchcock Why is there a 10 million hectares wildfire in Canada? Who is the origin of the incentives and dynamics to incite divine engagement and to invoke divine cup of wrath?
2023-8-2 Posted
最近北京永定河上刚落成不久的第二座卢沟桥“小清河桥”被暴雨洪水冲垮,而历久800-900年的原始卢沟桥依然如故,这又勾起我的记忆-- 在那个super-hyper Tsinghua establishment 的经历,cf. foregoing backlog, 1988年左右,我被陈家伦/许曼音教授安排转换课题,与本所副所长合作做研究论文,当年本所无技术,要去长征医院观摩学习技术,我在从瑞金医院到长征医院的路上就纳闷--去 那个内分泌科水准数量级别要相差一大级的地方superior面子怎么挂得住,后来事实证明没有什么技术学到,实验毫无进展,才有后来的“面授机宜”--比照外国一些野鸡大学硕士,collage就可以了,你知道后来副所长的博士论文怎么完成,直到1992年后,要送到美国密苏里州学习技术才完成,从硕士到博士前后大约15年,要人老命的做法,早就应该将学生送出去(明明有个芝加哥大学的方升坤教授为顾问教授,偏偏前面一个J-1没搞好,学术层面又嫉妒我这个后来的),不会误人子弟-- 做法颠三倒四后再来个颠倒黑白(前述1980年代来了个台湾海总高官到我家后被杭州几个考不进大学后面而进市局后门的大吃豆腐,Orwellian 马戏后明知故犯在海内外颠倒黑白我的名节)--伟大领袖毛建立的国柞就是如此伟大光荣正确。 By the way, 如今reality sans frontiere, 这里那里的CCP-controlled triad's lower hand 不仅不汗颜,还要伪装upper hand。
前几年早在英文博客讽刺到厚颜无耻反客为主的《呼啸山庄》中的黑道精神,经过器官拆白后,这种精神与日俱增,ingrained in this treacherous black water across Taiwan Strait, there exists witchcraft/medium operating center delivering evil fiery dart and trickery(cf. Isa.19:3&29:4); nevertheless, 1998年的50万美元冒牌事件发生后,江元神very busy to deal with the flood, 1999年100万美元冒牌事件后,“victory without war”,但他们对一件非常重大事件play possum, pattern可以这样描述,pro rata, accordingly. Long live great leader Chairman Mao/Zhou, En-lai/Chiang, Kai-shek together can give us some hope, some kind of ability to fend off the evil spirit of unscrupulousness across the Taiwan Strait. 那年那月那事一堆后,有句话“他没有看穿你已经看穿他了”. 10 million hectares wildfire, whose responsibility? Typical format or equation: hijack money-hijack life/hijack money=hijack life, 北京红十字会组织94名志愿者去灾区,送出慰问金4000块,竟然报销食宿费2.7万

网上早有风闻杭州江元神sphere开发土地后拿出来的一笔80亿美元土地开发权利金,见钱眼红的继发性事件也就是被称为“不要脸求‘永生’,要脸求‘永死’”,连两岸的宗教哲学关系也会改变-星云教大的都懂;我家在杭州是中华民国土地财产所有权状原住民,i.e. belonging to my grandma's land title money(downtown West Lake area parcel and Union Station area parcel),杭州城站中央火车站附近被江元神sphere开发到只剩下马坡巷的龚自珍清朝院落,其本人文笔收录台海两岸中小学教科书,其子龚半伦被人知晓得不太多,大学研究院在研究,龚半伦最有名的言论是与恭亲王谈判中痛斥盗国贼:尔等我等之间的极端不公平致人类要上梁山,thanks to 蛤蟆三角背部分泌的东邪西毒(参阅圣经启示录16:13-14)使得龚半伦精神发扬光大。李鹏本不应该为联合国经济人权公约背书二次,他必须消灭马恩列斯毛痛恨的资产阶级法权,这样中华民国土地财产所有权可以被永久共产,与林毅夫一起打倒蒋经国先生草拟的国家统一蓝图。
江元神,性喜在水一方,不久前去了吴淞口探寻中正舰的往日芳踪(变奏琼瑶文笔)。 典型的龚半伦精神业已在
俞正声先生之弟俞强声处发扬光大。 我在网上募款,被黑手黑箱黑洞黑作业了,十多年前CIBC在
电话中就透露了9位数以上,我是would rather lose-lose-win,而不愿意为前中国社会科学院王超华
女士在一篇《开放》杂志文章中所描述的对象服务,那是人类anti-coercion ,anti-swindling 精神
之使然。 我本来不会号召全世界外交官都去坚决拥护双手赞成历朝历代中国中央政府在北京大清场-上溯至铁木真大帝及下达1976年伟大领袖毛镇压邓小平为总后台的四五运动,那是2011年我回杭州,有位杭州超级大佬high profile发表声明高度赞赏邓小平1989年6-4天安门广场镇压学生运动,加上那位被王澄大夫万延海大夫12年前左右在VOA等媒体所描述-其有1989投名状- 6-4被镇压后立即返国服务李鹏政府的医疗体系,我必须拍马屁求生存。 Footnote 1: 王超华无宗教信仰,从耶稣角度看,她的《从来就没有什么救世主》书名有遗憾,后世人以及对中国20世纪历史陌生的需从她的生存环境上下文来理解- 那是anti-"great leader Chairman Mao" as "People's great savior" (Daniel 11:36, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). Footnote 2: 2011年背景延伸阅读,大约在我回杭州前半年左右,我在大温素里用604-583-7223电话报案北京最高检12309有关冒牌吞钱金融弊案,在杭州继续一字一句报案最高检12309-自述是大温素里电话报案之sequel。
2023-8-24 前述有关朱家骅中研院在南京院长办公会议递名片,陈竺先生比较懵懂,让我娓娓道来,陈敏章先生1955年毕业,要是在蒋中正体制择优录取而不是按照伟大领袖毛的所谓按需分配,北京协和医院的门是不为陈敏章开的,他在整个1950年代乏善可陈,我老爸在1950年代没有怎么吃安眠药的时候,与郁知非教授合作发表的血液科文章于中华内科杂志不会亚于陈敏章的老师瑞金医院血液病研究所创始人王振义教授,以后我老爸被赋予国家老年医学研究所创始人,浙江省内分泌科创始人,伟大领袖毛的政治运动后对我们家来说是换了人间五个次方-being disabled,condescended and hijacked(cf.foregoing)。
话说光阴似箭,王超华在《开放》杂志发表的anti-coercion, anti-swindling文章已超过a dozen years; 有关无间道可以从43年前说起,CCP中央电视台在毛人凤先生登陆浙江的差不多一个时辰播放着电视系列剧《敌营十八年》,上了一点年纪的人都记得这部电视系列。 1976年NY Rev.Wilkerson 写《Racing Toward Judgement》后有1986年Toronto Prof.Tom Harpur大声疾呼《For Christ's Sake》 , 除非耶稣基督亲自来install brake service,通过我的观察研究,这个世界已与时俱进为一种临界状态可以称作perverted variation-racing toward the original planning of Red Dragon,举例来说,可以在金融市场发现有上市基金显扬perverted variation。
MFDA seems to enjoy evading mutual fund issue, which is explained by the in-depth report: 中共蓝金黄接管加拿大 https://gnews.org/m/1716073 China's 'CEO Whisperers': Chinese Communist Party Takes Over Canada https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/19961/canada-china-communist-party , please review log, 2023-9-18
1930 年代的第三个无独有偶(cf.4/8-4/14/2023 log),赛字头的后行离婚再婚之礼的女士(主任牧师之后)为国中之国的毛主义分子苏维埃国叫好,可说是为第三共产国际义务劳动之典型,为推翻南京中央国府之洋大人助力,难道是上帝指引她发力使中华国度要被在但以理书 11:36及贴撒罗尼迦后书 2:4 中描述对象所蹂躏? 分明已是出现了 apostasy 之 fruit/收成.
In the 《Cadre Country- How China becomes CCP》, China Fengshui =CCP Fengshui , some in Canada perhaps regard China Fengshui/CCP Fengshui as their origin of life, dare not answer my email complaint about the whimsical cancellation of my fund choice which is related to the excluding of China stocks by fund issuer, please cf. the following emails and my comment at the end:
From: C Tong
Sent: September 14, 2023 9:30 AM
To: michael.chong@parl.gc.ca <michael.chong@parl.gc.ca>
Subject: Things Unbelievable
Dear Mr. Chong,
I'm a donor for the special project "Dragon At The Door" of Macdonald-Laurier Institute, recently the red dragon can't survive comfortably -being deliberately truculent - I encountered things called whimsical cancellation toward my purchase of some RBC fund excluding China stocks , please cf. my emails below:
From: C Tong
Sent: September 13, 2023 1:43 PM
To: Enforcement Complaints <complaints@mfda.ca>
Subject: Complain
Dear Sir/Madam,
I wonder why my mutual fund order through TD WebBroker got canceled without informing me within48 hours- it's business as usual to buy a Royal Bank F class fund; only encountering some situation what MP Michael Chong described in US Congress yesterday, plus I sent an email to Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland- things are just so mystic - some foreign hand is afraid of the Feng-Shui damage and dare not to face the reality that a lot of fund companies began to exclude China stock for the improvement of performance. My TD WebBroker order Nr. is EE-627650 which was placed on Sept. 11,2023. By the way, I wonder if there is special clause in BC to restrict buying Canada-issued mutual fund because I encountered some case to prevent you from purchase based on provincial restrictions. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
Tel: 604-583-7223
From: C Tong
Sent: September 12, 2023 9:46 AM
To: Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca <Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca>
Subject: SituationDear Ms. Freeland,
A Chinawoman related to CCP Propaganda Dept. sent out a special "gift"- "Dance on bones": a Chinese opera singer sang in the destroyed drama theater in Mariupol. There is a reaction from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs https://www.dniprotoday.com/en/news/dance-on- bones-a-chinese-opera-singer-sang-in-the-destroyed-drama-theater-in-mariupol-there-is-a-reaction-from-the-ministry-of-foreign-affairs-734- Please cf. 白骨精@China novel 《西游记》。
It's all about money, bully, snobbery , hypocrisy and double-standard; It is said, if probing the origin of some fund money in Canada, esp.@ Cambridge Investment, you can get the relation about the white gloves and their masters who think CI belongs to theirs and whose master's Cambridge decoration "Outstanding International Leader" is self-earned at Zhejiang Medical Univ./School of Medicine, Zhejiang Univ.(贪天功为己功), some even got warrant from Spain and Swiss for the illegal surgery, please cf. My blog manifesto fact.blogspot.com , in which there is a prominent case from Swiss federal prosecutor, from my experience, I call it "Humanity Index=0, Science Index=0". "No.1 daredevil" making huge fortune through anti -humanity approach on my head( three-genera on sweat money)during my fund-raising , everyday need to say "thanks for being the origin of incentives and dynamics for me to say 'lose-lose-win, long live Japan is of no effect, long live their great leader Chairman Mao plus Zhou, En-lai & Chiang, Kai-shek can be of effect' "; If only their money would not go through my fund-raising! Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
Tel: 604-583-7223
从蒋故总统经国先生表达“没有一个政党是永恒的”,在台湾已经发展了新的理念/共识- 蔡英文总统表达了“国民党不代表中华民国,民进党不代表台湾”, 可是这地球上有些人就是不愿与时俱进,将“三代表”风水死守到撞南墙而不悔。
2023-9-24 updated on 9/28
George Orwell ‘s Animal Farm=animal kingdom=what Solomon Eccl.3:19 portrayed , 动物庄园的国度,权柄,荣誉不受任何见教。
8/27/2023 我在网上曾推演朱家骅中研院在南京院长办公会议-有关递名片,陈竺先生比较懵懂,让我娓娓道来,陈敏章先生1955年毕业,要是在蒋中正体制择优录取而不是按照伟大领袖毛的所谓按需分配,北京协和医院的门是不为陈敏章开的,他在整个1950年代乏善可陈,我老爸在1950年代没有怎么吃安眠药的时候,与郁知非教授合作发表的血液科文章于中华内科杂志不会亚于陈敏章的老师上海瑞金医院血液病研究所创始人王振义教授(super-hyper Tsinghua establishment being more advanced and conspicuous regarding Hematology vs. Endocrinology today),以后我老爸被赋予国家老年医学研究所创始人(那就是为什么胡乔木先生来杭州找过家父几次,可那时他已被水合氯醛root-canal,耳根被抽掉了,令人啼笑皆非),浙江省内分泌科创始人,伟大领袖毛的政治运动后对我们家来说是换了人间五个次方-being disabled,condescended and hijacked。有关黑手黑箱黑洞黑作业,也是因为家父太没有耳根,被我在网上抗议为“真疣趣”,“”吃相霞气好看“,“撒无赖得‘永生’ ” 。
9/24/2023 说起身体,经年累月,沧海桑田,在蛤蟆势力虚伪嫉妒迫害下,眼膜病变后又被治得更坏便是客观反映,大千世界,暮色沧浪。上次说到1950年代,中华血液病杂志还没有诞生,全国血液病研究体现在中华内科杂志,到1959年陈敏章大夫和家父都是毕业4年,瑞金医院王振义大夫应是double了毕业年限,以第一作者发表的血液病学术成果,大家有案可查。祝旅途一路顺风。
On sept. 23, 2023 Around 12:30pm Bus stop54989 , line 321 stopped but short of opening the door and cowardly left me behind- being such bully worth praising; I’m a donor for Ottawa MLI’s special project “dragon at the door” plus donor for local church benevolent/compassion+good Samaritan cause and moreover, small circle cabal(Yangzhou master/toad master residual across Taiwan strait) can’t survive comfortably recently and also fell unable to cope with my blogging- being quite truculent, behaved like the carrier of “dragon at the door”, against KMT chief recent Washington DC rhetoric “de-escalation”, actually, without Beijing 3 decades’ money out of lie, corruption and tyranny, can’t go to heaven. Dare not respond to my Greco-Roman culture style challenge (against British Empire before sunset power/powder std. Without personal electronic assistant, for championship of top white collar admission contest and “physician of physician” contest, cf. My blog)-chicken/coward behavior, let me tell you sth.- the Clinton decedent has become conservative, because of not being admitted by medical school of Harvard & John Hopkins , only toad master civilization charade as Canada civilization, daredevil dare to behave as inferior triad in deference to CCP’s superior triad”三代表”, actually, the Yangzhou master/toad master forces enjoy charade as Canada civilization gloatingly in that their boast is from some exceptional case in which some monk maintain the body not decaying after the demise – making up their faith, but stopped short of resuscitation in comparison with the Lazarus case manifested by Jesus, let me present my study- some Einstein development in theology(Einstein thought science’s end is at philosophy whose end is at theology ) – for the body un-decaying , it’s their intermediate level angelic service in a higher dimension projecting down energy sphere to enshroud the body- e.g. empowered by anti-matter reaction, but without enough energy to resuscitate the body , in contrast, Jesus emanates much more energy in regards to neuro-quantum dynamics through trans-dimensional transmission in the highest holy mountain.(energy and matter interchangeable at the disposal of Jesus ministry from highest dimension ).
2023-10-1 Posted
From: Lesley K <lesleyk@obsi.ca> Sent: September 29, 2023 6:58 AM To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca> Cc: Lesley K <lesleyk@obsi.ca> Subject: OMB #148476: Investigation conclusion
Hello Mr. Tong:
We have concluded our review and we have not found a basis to recommend BMO InvestorLine Inc. take additional action. Attached is our closing letter.
Please review it and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, Lesley K Senior Investigator
只要有一点法眼的人,都看穿共产党贪官污吏奸商生存遇到麻烦后的司马昭之心,故意选择今天中秋节,要恶意毒化氛围,帮忙BMO里的三合会Lindsay Luc, Tony Chan 等,希望倒刺他人,这种low level triad in deference to CCP high triad, 使出黄俄本领 (cf. 苏俄和中共截断了近代中国的民主化现代化文明之路 https://gnews.org/m/1756810 ) , 跳高到我头上gaming,看错人了,我本来早忘了要过中秋节,新闻博客提醒而已,to me it's in the realm of futility trying to deliberately /reversely goad out action to cushion their inconvenience as was reported in Hong Kong news network yesterday- some has faced reality disgorging money; if they wish, I can remind them the showdown in my blog but they feigned as not having read my blog.
所作的决定,早在一家门的自编自导自演之中,无视这种公开的无情理法且无预警的商业下三滥行为(这位Lesley K女士早在8月份就on behalf of BMO IL Lindsay Luc & Tony Chan who refused to give explanation,认为BMO可以不给理由,以公司风险考虑就可,来cover up 三合会的黑箱作业-特别就是BMO IL issued TAX slip tergiversation,这就是OBSI所谓的“impartiality”),还故意恶意拖延了多日 plus disregarding facts in my emails on July 16, Aug.3, and Aug.31 ,it's their privilege to evade the truth/fact and to avoid the risk of tergiversation toward fait accompli (企图避免自圆不能其说之既成事实/定时炸弹风险) 请看我8月3日Email: From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca> Sent: August 3, 2023 10:19 AM To: Lesley K <lesleyk@obsi.ca> Subject: Re: OMB #148476: Investigation Update
Good morning Lesley,
Firstly, toward CCP-controlled triad here and there, I already have expectation that enough is enough.Just as is indicated by OBSI- to act as an alternative like a para-legal service through which customefait r can get some arbitration, otherwise It's meaningless to complain with OBSI, at least their refusing to respond with hubris by their manager-level staff(Tony Chan of BMO IL) about the legal basis of shutdown of my account is their privilege , or inability to respond?- by disregarding my phone call record with BMO IL ref.#02859135 deliberately, which is also their privilege- it seems it's a waste of my time to present so many evidences related to this case, UN economic human rights charter should be abolished- esp. Li Peng of PRC should not have endorsed it two times facing such a reality that the loss of time/energy/money by ill-will of human rights perpetrator is of no significance in regards to UN human rights charter, please refer to www.manifesto-fact.blogspot.com.
Hello Lesley, The situation is I complained this Fidelity issue toward several parties but my Microsoft email account items got hacked/tampered/deleted by unwanted hand as was the case with an email inquiry(toward Tony Chan- why on Jan 9, 2023 there was no Jan.7 item at BMO IL dividend history record) which I told you over the phone - an inquiry sent approximately 6 weeks before the Apr. 26, 2023 when Ms. Genise Likourezos called me two times during which I also mentioned this inquiry, but later on I found some of my email inquiry with Tony Chan disappeared in my email account; as is the fact that Kunsang arranged the eDoc print-out to be fetched by me over the counter at the nearby branch with Ref. No. 02859135 on 6/16/2023 and I called BMO IL again on 6/21/2023 to tell another agent Arjun that the branch OTC staff failed to give me the printout(so far, confirmation doc about some transactions in June not yet available to me), unfortunately,the manager Tony Chan knowingly disregarded such fact in his email. Since the 2nd time calling BMO IL on 6/21/2023 has given us conclusion that any BMO IL agent is unable to resolve the problem mentioned below, what's the use of calling them furthermore? - Manager Tony Chan just tried to evade the thorny issue/responsibility aside from knowingly disregarding truth in his email.
一定要献丑国际, 就像刚刚在杭州,那个叙利亚infamous家伙,不知造了多少亿万级负性的浮屠,去了本来是佛门之净地,招摇过市,几乎喧宾夺主,这叫“金身不败”, 永远自我伟大光荣正确的国度,权柄,荣耀,不必对此消灾,只要借助 demagogue 拼命伪装再次当选 。
共党黄俄分子产生了一个超级大中国政权包括傀儡政权, 黄俄本来喜欢反华,老是要逼人上梁山,只欠我的杭州近邻龚半伦不够多(上面提的叙利亚事务,有陈维民/陈维键两兄弟); 喜欢可以帮忙更喜欢,请赐教。 By the way,最近又在推广杭州远郊地区的“枫桥经验” -所谓“阶级斗争一抓就灵”,在我看来,关键是必须取消资产阶级法权,必须批倒批臭UN经济人权保障法(李鹏的败笔,在马恩列斯毛面前站不住脚),这是阶级斗争的灵魂(cf.foregoing).
王超华写文章(cf.foregoing)是基于 “anti-barbarian, anti-swindler”,有关动物农庄更本不被见教, 各位都看到《争鸣》&《开放》杂志在香港已无立锥之地。
2023-10-6 Updated 10/12/2023
本来《国际歌》与《东方红》是自相矛盾的,硬要唱在一起的意识流就是没有任何其他的救世主除了毛泽东“人民大救星”=Mao set himself above our almighty God =what Daniel 11:36 &2 Thess2:4 described; the espousing of such object described in the Old Testament and New Testament by Nixon-Kissinger-Carter(主持美国国会唱赞美伟大领袖毛红太阳的歌“我爱北京天安门”=敬拜)=the origin to cause the entire world to race toward abyss, Rev.David Wilkerson no doubt pre-envisoned in his book “Racing Toward Judgment”- only short of ramification to probe the apostasy in the aspect of historical cause and effect derived from China.(cf. foregoing in my log/blog).
Chinese intelligentsia 吴祚来(former “People’s Daily” editor)et al made comment on recent middle east situation- equipping Chinese Communist Party with advanced technology=what great leader comrade Lenin described” selling the strangling cord to commie so that commie can use it to kill capitalist” 震惊!以色列自掘坟墓 30年输出中共军事高科技 -—深度揭秘中共就这样迂回打了以色列 写小说都不敢这样写 【阿波罗网报道】: https://www.aboluowang.com/2023/1010/1964174.html
May our eternal heavenly father, Holy Triune God speed Maranatha!
2023-10-16 Sequel to 10/12/2023
Christendom should refer to the fact that government should stand upon the shoulder of
Jesus Christ(cf.Isaiah 9:6), which had been there esp. 188 yrs ago to 88 yrs ago in the
western hemisphere, nowadays, after 88 yrs downward spiral, no longer politically
correct, as a result(if probing UN component, any government left?), society is devoid of
the chassis regarding rule of law based upon Christianity , the verse just mentioned in
the Isa9:6 seems tending to be forfeited , such chassis was to be utilized for spiritual
ascendance, without which Jesus holylight is hard to function like a process of
photosynthesis in the political-economical-social aspect; Christendom and Christianity
should have been complementary, unfortunately, humanity again is racing toward devolution
through the depreciation of Christendom to no value, hence facing spiritual descendance,
please read the followings:
Warning From Pastors: The Whole World Is Running Towards A Cliff… Don’t Be Silent: https://harbingersdaily.com/warning-from-pastors-the-whole-world-is-running-towards-a-cliff-dont-be-
China’s Response to the Israel-Hamas Conflict Reflects Its Longstanding Support for
Palestine, Israeli diplomats may have assumed that years of providing China with advanced
technology would change Beijing’s stance on Israel. This was a serious miscalculation.
By Jianli Yang: https://thediplomat.com/2023/10/chinas-response-to-the-israel-hamas-
More supporting articles(to Jianli Yang thesis):
China Caught Using Outdated Photos to Falsely Accuse Israel of War Crimes: https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2023/10/12/china-caught-using-outdated-photos-to-falsely-accuse-israel-of-war-crimes/
China: ‘Ceasefire’ to Stop Israel from Defending Itself Is a ‘Top Priority’ https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2023/10/12/china-ceasefire-to-stop-israel-from-defending-itself-is-a-top-priority/
2023-10-23 posted
2023-10-18 later updated
The previous log-blog(10/6-10/16/2023 )mentioned “racing toward abyss/cliff/judgment", which has been developing Sans Frontières, currently the fruit is phasing out new measures to make a thorough renouncement of the God of Abraham: National Defence Confirms Chaplains Can’t Say ‘God’ at Remembrance Day, Other Official Ceremonies https://canadafreepress.com/article/national-defence-confirms-chaplains-cant-say-god-at-remembrance-day-other-official-ceremonies , moreover, EXCLUSIVE: Military Tells Chaplains No Prayers at Official Events as Remembrance Day Approaches https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/no-more-prayers-on-remembrance-day-military-tells-chaplain-service-5511240 , so that the great leader Chairman Mao can be praised as a super-hyper-god(10/6/2023 log) .
前天刚说台湾周董事长承仁先生之先帝先父开的湖州“王一品”其实不姓王(some times ago,CCP 的狡诈是用王姓掌柜来swindling,惯用伎俩向来就是Wuthering Hill ),那是一品天官的王者之气/王者风度,如今的悲哀是历史蹉跎到今天马英九的王者之风度在新闻媒体的人权记录报道中: 人权专家被要求勿批中共 陈建仁吁马英九说明 -plus maltreatment toward US human rights advocacy envoy : https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/23/10/17/n14096922.htm
Taiwan Fails to Learn From Its Own History- The Ma administration might turn its back on human rights because of narrow realpolitik, but it shouldn't prevent Taiwanese civil society from promoting these values by interacting with global activists. By Thor Halvorssen and Alex Gladstein : https://www.huffpost.com/entry/taiwan-fails-to-learn-fro_b_684936
难怪北京宪政学者陈永苗dubbed 马英九“台湾省委书记”-这是特别省,比香港还要特别,非常特别省的省委第一书记 =senior member of CCP Politico-Bureau=天朝一品天官 , 所以李鹏要检讨- 签错了一笔单子(联合国人权保护法案, more cf. foregoing),岂能让马英九被套牢! 随便说一下,CCP伟大领袖毛感激WWII日本皇军在华作用,是不是要我发扬光大从小的制式反应-坚决拥护+双手赞成,马英九看着办。
Notes: 伟大的CCP是如何发家致富(prosper from zero to astronomical wealth),必须从其一路走来看- the odyssey going through what is illustrated in 【百年真相】「打倒中國」中共反中援蘇黑史 https://www.ntdtv.com/b5/2023/10/24/a103812023.html + 中共官方记载 毛泽东至少六次感谢日本侵华 https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/17/1/12/n8697723.htm = [Down with China in order to safeguard USSR/CCCP] plus a beneficiary from Japanese military in China during WWII , for which Mao expressed gratefulness=中共原始股票积累(CCP Initial Public Offering), I wonder if I can make an inquiry toward Ma Ying-jeou about how to achieve such great leap forward in a world controlled by CCP across Taiwan Strait and Pacific Ocean.
2023-11-4 Posted
illuminati godfather马戏团在天上人间- 肆虐中华大地蹂躏中华民族的instrument是一体二面的对立统一体,起初是表现为红太阳,到了不好收场,就逐渐变成黑太阳当道,红太阳的马克思+秦始皇手段被加码到高科技+孔家店,精尖到自我伟光正成三代表,selective encoding then charade,selective inculcating,一些人的mental wave 被改造成片面认知partial cognition out of CCP percersion,翻手为云,覆手为雨是它的礼义廉耻(cf. inserted infograph),被CCP买通开通之处总是死亡得胜利,形成了几乎overwhelm耶稣基督来地球的目的- 让死亡得死亡; the dissolving and vanishing of the rule of law based on Christianity almost becomes a consolidated reality on this earth , what is left tends to be theoretical deliberation or hypothetical state of being; 这样伟大的CCP就有了外一章,外二章的光辉历程(glorious odyssey)- being more conspicuous than the Japanese military forces in China during WWII(cf. my blog in Jan-Feb.2015)in regards to causing damage upon Chinese people.
李鹏是为了将毛建政以来搜刮的一切民脂民膏-民治民有民享的合法财产可以据为己有,居然不顾毛泽东思想的礼义廉耻(依然在PRC宪法总纲地位)去国外签保护资产阶级法权的条款. 以下二段是微信私人通信。
毛来杭州40+次的统计是从老爹同班同学的亲家前国务委员,公安部长王芳那里来的,他任省委书记开始就隔三岔五找家父看糖尿病,经常需要调控血糖。 你读小学时毛来小营巷视察大概记忆犹新, 从马市街(浙一浙二边门)开进去后, 其气场红到将二位英美留学回来服务老浙大的院长赶尽杀绝,浙二的是英国皇家学会会员(大英帝国日不落时期)文革中自杀,浙一的是全国唯一作为血液科权威的美国40年代MD毕业生,毛死后的余威在1982年左右还在肆虐,主要是当年根本考不进老浙大(朱家骅-竺可桢中央研究院麾下multiple第一届院士准院士阵容)的黄元伟,黄怀德被毛的分配体制弄进来,50年代时郁知非教授有相当严厉的要求,他俩受不了,怀恨在心,等到文革时就反客为主,文革后郁院长才官复原职,但他俩一直搞两面三刀搞对抗运动(通过文革他俩却赚取了不少权柄),忠厚的郁教授受不了窝囊气,只有提辞呈(pity是当时的郑树校长没有将麻烦制造者人事调整)而去了广州做医学院院长; 浙医系统被毛的和尚打伞无法无天来杭州这么多次后荼毒至深,全国无校出其右(文革结束5-6年后会赶走全国最顶尖权威),家父于是也就痛失一位至交(文革都来串门),后来低级红予取予求,极大地无妄之灾也到家父头上(原本就被超大剂量水合氯醛root-canal,郁知非教授被赶走后更underdog)。
Situation is no white collar elite but disguising themselves as white collar elite, dare not to challenge the std. set before the sunset of British Empire(cf. Clinton offspring becomes conservative), 人本对人本,许良英教授属于正港的英美剑桥标准训练出来,邓亚萍,常丽丽等变成伪剑桥毕业生(参见香港《争鸣》《开放》《前哨》杂志),如今只要buy-off and covet-into, 不仅是自我不要标准,看在钞票份上,还要故意将学校排名地位拱手相让(早已有记录北京名校排名超越耶鲁,连克林顿都要倍感汗颜),就是不敢比试这个“抓铁有痕,踏脚有印”(cf.今年 9-10月博客)。
2023-11-10 Posted
2023-11-6 Updated on 11/9
一大早就再次被蛤蟆开通的法门痞子运动(实质是一种兵痞换成了另一种兵痞)加上半个世纪前发明的V2K weapon invasion/intrusion, 我说他们笃信的如来佛讲究cause-effect 以及retribution,圣经说人子再来的时候,更加有报应, 于是他们就继续刺头叫嚣断子绝孙,我的反应如下: 从新约向圣保罗学习原汁原味原教旨,有extra benefit, 达到良好保存地球目的(100 年左右后可以无人影,celibacy 后的断子绝孙),地球环保专家没有比之更有效的,what’s more, 不至于积累点数至以赛亚书51:6+彼得后书3:10 结局(insufficient to reach such a point ); 不幸的是,如今到处是变质变味异质异味-异化到极点,胡乔木先生理论可以大放异彩(圣经旧约语言对信仰异化是比喻成卖淫)- 只要举一反三,触类旁通。人类就是积重难返(彼得后书2:22 ),哪怕耶稣再临地球亲自掌权1000 年,未几,人类再次被红龙的重出江湖绑架到(Dr. S Lewis Johnson布道论述每一个上帝安排的age- 从age of innocence, conscience 等等到今天,人类都failed before God ),人类那时已在外太空星球发展-space mining, space colonizing ,godless/lawless 一发不可收拾,于是耶稣发天火,在大白宝座上命令他的至少12 个军团(天使天军 @ Matt.26:53 ,6000 天使/军团)用反物质武器之类,俄顷就消灭地球及外太空星球- 天与地消失(参见启示录20:11), 进一步解读,连时空都退去,可能压缩成麻花状,更可能是变成时空原点(omega=alpha , cf.Isaiah 44:6,Rev.22:13 ), new alpha will be found at Isa.65:17, Rev. 21:1-2 & 9-21)
赛金花/赛珍珠组织还在台北reckoning, the fruit of progenitor (先宗先母在中国是传教士,cf. 2023-9-18 log-blog) had churned out a harvest that can be matched in Dan.11:36+2Thess.2:4(伟大领袖红太阳毛的让人断子绝孙的统治及余威还在宪法王座),真是三生有幸,你懂得。
身为传教士,赛珍珠太了解圣经新约法规,手按圣经向上帝发誓后,叫做神所安排的人不容许分开,一旦被男人离婚,那一定是犯了通奸罪,从此不能再婚,要是另一位男子敢娶她,也是被新约判为通奸罪,她的离婚与再婚给人印象- 新约法规被弃之如敝是由于这种传教士在做avant-garde behavior artist(considering 80+ years ago) .
2023-11-13 Posted
有关误人子弟后再发家致富,当年瑞金医院最大的长老快90高龄时娶了个双十年华的年轻姑娘,自得其乐,从不过问所内事务,更不要说学生事务。 当年沈大夫(浙二内分泌科主任儿子)和我年轮不足,不谙世事,图其虚名。人类占有欲可以无止境,从而繁荣娼盛。 前一阵子刚反映了多家有名医院的傲人营收成绩单(cf. image inserted),只是家父作为国家老年医学研究所创始人及全省内分泌学科创始人,在浙医一院财务科的记录与其身份极不对称,五万人民币抚恤金只能买几条邓小平抽的特别精制的特供香烟,等于今天中国小康阶级一个月收入。比毛时代8级钳工一个月工资少得多(那时120+元相当于高级小康,0.25元一包利群牌香烟,如今100+元,还要加上毛时代的工人阶级有巨大无形利益),哪怕后毛现时代的8级钳工在央企国企也都超过5万元。 另一个误人子弟的例子就是,邓小平复出后不久,浙医在郑树女士领导下的时辰超长,进门后英语级别被断崖式归零(我在高中一年级的起点都要高一大截,与国际无法接轨(否则更本不会去上海读研究生),难辞其咎。
2023-11-23 Posted
2023-11-20 Updated 11/22
Sequel to log-blog on 10/18-23/2023: 朱镕基在精心养大林毅夫出人头地事务上功不可没,李鹏与林毅夫联手打倒蒋经国先生草拟的中华民国近中远期国家统一宏图是有口皆碑的,我不知朱云来有何感想,如果朱先生对于他们联手没有异议的话,我的制式反应就是坚决拥护,双手赞成=long live CCP’s centennial “down with” movement =long live the great CCP’s glorious odyssey from the original baseline equity(energy) accumulation to a series of public offerings which has been lasting over one century- 从毛1920-10-10 在《上海时事新报》指点江山,激扬文字,挥斥方遒反对中国统一到公开阳谋打倒中国,保卫苏联到更公开说白就是要占尽二战时日军在华作用的便宜(cf.1/21/2023 log-blog,另田中角荣回忆录)
2023-11-27 Postyed
有关周恩来领导的特高课-special hi-tech task force
cf. MSFT [Case #:1058674358]after phone talk on 11/26/2023. Around two weeks ago I set up a Windows restore point got deleted by CCP-CCCP hybrid mafia remotely(MSFT staff Aljun 电话中double check 后强调三个月保证在那里) , plus mystic windows update registered in the restore system(11/24/2023-never got any update, but 11/22/2023 do have a BIOS update), in my windows 10 situation 50 days ago- after BIOS update- system slowdown appeared, today Windows 11 also appears deja vu(totally through manipulation of heavenly/earthly order-动用天干地支), my HP made in China- 近2 decades中央保密局长毛人凤将军之孙在中国HP服务过了, 约莫同一时辰中央军委主席江泽民的八一电影制片厂又在杭州浙江金华横店拍了3.0版本的打倒毛人凤保密局电影, 如今要顺着看, 还是倒着看? illuminati godfather 马戏团要是考虑到发出去的毒箭会发生boomerang效应该多好啊!- 马英九已是非常特别省委第一书记,我不知江总裁大还是马总裁大,不过丑八怪马戏猴戏请继续演下去,还是老话老说- 坚决拥护,双手赞成CCP的打倒国民党,解放全中国之光辉历程口号。
Divine remedies as remedial justice under the situation that truth failed and deliberately got failed by those Satan's disciple in Satan's heaven = red dragon's pig-pug should be descended upon10 more times disaster as in the days of Moses Exodus, Mt. St. Helen is just nearby- should be used as God's vehicle- May God speed divine Samson, divine Zephaniah Day and divine Isaiah51:6 esp. for those double-face practicing deep-collusion extremely. -连如来佛都设置了无间地狱。
Every day I pray I wish St. Michael who hurled down the red dragon and its associated angelic demons to the very perigee point not to be short of his arms length to reach over the evil tidings from the evil prince of evil throne, evil empire, and evil dynasty definitely coupled with cosmic power of present darkness/current evilness- so that "woe to the earth" situation can be relieved(cf. Rev. 12:9-12).
蒋中正的《苏俄在中国》刚在本月在台湾再版,如今他的浩然正气被不知不觉潜移默化了,连曾在澳洲昆士兰大学任教授的绿营邱垂亮先生都为之叹息“出了不肖的徒子徒孙”,可能忘了周联华牧师证道中会提到 撒母尔记上1 Samuel 2:12-36, 利未记 Levi. 10:1-2。 如今可以在素里写续集,全球化果子的悲哀。
那些冒牌吞钱者十多年前就在这里看我写英文博客,但装傻卖呆,写到中共党员桑国伟整个一大家子在浙江省政府卫生厅单位做family workshop,到今天还在自编自导自演自我伟光正地编码一切事务- 家天下作业(该上海人在杭州本来是中层干部,做到了天官,就需要被问责),去台湾摆出大阔佬的姿态,装出国民党的派头。 蒋中正唯一的遗憾是在台大医学系没有培养出一位沈君山式杰出青年- 前述镜头假如沈君山是宁波人可以登总统号旗舰撤退; 所以要请桑国伟阁下去调查宁波上海总商会圆山俱乐部-南京中央国府相关人员有没有第二家三代血汗被(CCP)吞,众所周知(基本上)第一代血汗被毛共所吞;要是他的family workshop没有在我出国前的收数中获益就好了- 我的一条大命小命是他们搭界错了; 十多年前的价格是:一条没有经历过大命损失痛苦的小孩命在达拉斯被判赔1500亿美元,当年被教委及单位收数的血汗钱总共几万元, 桑国伟先生(他研究的棉酚是用来让人断子绝孙,上海药物所密切相关协助)认识的郭广昌空手借国家银行也就是这么些(如前述11/13/2023,出国时的利群牌香烟最多也就是人民币30+cent一包,同时前女友将我的多年血汗钱存在她那里做她的额外事务,无奈被桑国伟领导层半路杀出程咬金,绝大部分只好yield到桑先生的family workshop为主的地方。郭先生离婚前的老丈人公身份大名鼎鼎-为贝时璋先生在杭州时的副将谈家桢先生,才能够拿到那些钱)。
2023-12-3 Posted
2023-12-1 updated
最近的strata manager对于一把钥匙的更新不知发生什么不可见光的密室事件,无法给予solution。也无法进一步回应,还要大费周章去BCFSA问询;看来我的一系列对于community church中Good Samaritan Purse & Jesus Compassion item 之奉献appears to be ineffective。无独有偶(=situation in alignment),CCP近来又从光辉历程中淘宝1963年在杭州远郊开展的枫桥经验-希望历久弥新: 李玉清:“枫桥经验”是中共极权的控制手段 https://www.aboluowang.com/2023/1110/1976366.html
再次面临Reality Sans Frontières 。 话说回来,1963年绝不是伟大领袖毛思想的完美时刻,要到10+ 年批林整风后,毛思想一生一世的精气神完美总结出essence :打倒资产阶级法权-那是从伟大的列宁同志描述资产阶级法权产生土壤到马克思的阐述继续发展的毛思想精华,按照路线是个纲,纲举目张,阶级斗争是纲,其余都是目,这纲目的灵魂就在打倒资产阶级法权,这样杭州远郊枫桥经验还没有抓住PRC宪法王座毛思想(在宪法总纲是邓小平的丰功伟绩,参阅2023-4-10 log-blog)之灵魂,尚需进一步清理阶级队伍,批倒批臭资产阶级法权。
By the way, another 无独有偶: Trudeau launches assault on property rights to answer housing shortage: Aaron Wudrick and Jon Hartley in the National Post Opinion https://nationalpost.com/opinion/opinion-trudeau-launches-assault-on-property-rights-to-answer-housing-shortage
2023-12-11 Posted
2023-12-10=Sequel to 11/30/2023 log-blog
根据前白宫国家安全副顾问博明先生(Mr. Matthew Pottinger. former WH Deputy National Security Adviser)的回忆片段,在中国也有被极端金光拆白的遭遇,其在中国也曾有过女友,经历了CCP一系列拆白拆黑,被各种CCP malfeasance 手段后,深恶通绝。 In my experience, they even demonstrated coveting/exploiting toward my having transferred my several yrs sweater money to my former relation’s account during the eve of my going abroad, forcing yield to CCP/China vice-president level-led wellbeing foundation- which is in exchange for their signing permit to get my passport- being no different from the behavior called racketeering; after being abroad 3+ decades, the CCP has been using illegally grabbed property/money to buy off/covet-into wherever I go; a pattern has developed thereby, if you are to be compensated/assisted/reimbursed, they just manifest green-eyed monster behavior – hurled-down red dragon angelic demons has controlled AI, then maliciously launching machine-organized-gang-stalking/scanning, generating disinformation/perversion=金光拆白, 有人就是要跟刘莉亚学前上海郊县政法委的阶级斗争戏码,用帽子棍子对基督徒予取予求,disable you, condescend you, hijack you,食髓知味得不亦乐乎; 有关事物规律, 记得一位前香港来的牧师有hand out material regarding Jesus as pattern prophet,早已看穿inducement-ensnarement-encasement; 我这里有了更多的CCP hand在全世界招摇撞骗的例子,what’s more, playing by CCP rule under their bloody money out of lie, corruption and tyranny: 遭中共侵蚀 港医院弃国际标准采中国认证 https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/23/12/7/n14132122.htm https://www.ganjingworld.com/zh-CN/news/1gbunmjia1m79vjxuvgTAp16d1ei1c CCP even delves into S.Korea to spread disinformation: 事實查核|媒體觀察:「中國製造」的韓國假新聞網站 https://www.rfa.org/cantonese/news/factcheck/madeinchina-12082023074602.html aside from swindling In Canada : Cyber spy agency warns foreign adversaries will 'weaponize' AI to influence next federal election CSE says capacity to generate deepfakes exceeds its ability to detect them https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/artificial-intelligence-cse-election-1.7050563 Buy-off/covet-into+disinformation/perversion已造成的损失严重到不寒而栗, 现有中国学者周晓教授接受美国之音采访: 专访周晓:美国对中共认知一错再错贻害至今 https://www.voachinese.com/a/7390524.html
2023-12-16 Posted
In my email Sent on December 9, 2023 11:42 AM To Mr. Michael Chong, M.P. , I pointed out:
Also, things are similar to what is described in BBC Vlog imbedded in the report of Malaysia case regarding CCP/China's Belt and Road expansion- to play by CCP/China rule deeply influenced by their bloody money out of lie, corruption and tyranny(e.g. three generations property/sweat money of mine grabbed by CCP ): https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/business-67623499
another Belt and Road development is more notorious in Cambodia's Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone- full of fraud and racketeering, to which I feel quite apprehensive in a letter to my cousin that the similitude in my encountering provides an impression that we are entering a third world status increasingly as time goes by.
Some news regarding PRC State Council-Central Bank(both Vancouver related, exertion of great weight) plus its Cigarette Administration appeared here and there: 盛雪表示:“李克强官至中共政权的总理 ,连任两届却毫无作为, 一直是小心翼翼、满腹委屈的陪著习近平 ,他完全没有去尽一点责任 。中共的官员都是一心想著自己的权位、利益,对老百姓、对国家放弃了应该承担的责任” https://www.soundofhope.org/post/765952
震惊!李克强背负2个国际追查 https://www.aboluowang.com/2023/1106/1974438.html
自由聖火 【袁紅冰縱論天下】專題:我給李克強蓋棺定論:一個中共黨文化培養出的典型太監人格 https://twitter.com/Yuanhongbing64/status/1718369668837359803
“人民的好总理” 周恩来的伪善之谜(组图) https://kzg.secretchina.com/news/gb/2023/11/02/1048482.html
蘇暁康:「中國好总理」神話 https://2newcenturynet.blogspot.com/2023/10/blog-post_766.html
中南海内斗再爆新料 分析:曾庆红双重算计习 https://www.aboluowang.com/2023/1107/1975210.html
Regarding the role of Pharisees in the matter of Henan Province(河南) AIDS , here are more links: 网上《卫生部前高官追责李克强:不认错,就下台》18.07.2013 https://www.dw.com/zh/a-16960810 卫生专家举报中共高层失职致艾滋病爆发 https://www.dw.com/zh/a-6276573-0 高耀洁揭露中国艾滋病离世 李长春从河南拉走5火车皮财宝 https://www.aboluowang.com/2023/1211/1989215.html 纪委官员控告李长春渎职导致河南艾滋病扩散 中共高层竟然力保李长 春 https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/26058/200803/36770.html https://info.51.ca/articles/136444 陈秉中:就河南血祸九致习总书记公开信 https://www.chinahrc.org/content/14054/
Also citing emails sent to Mr. Sam Cooper in Oct. and Nov./2023: I wonder if you can determine how much extent to which the correlation co-efficient is among the followings: The China Tobacco Inc. (中国烟草总公司) has far-surpassed the Philip-Morris : 如果中烟总公司上市,市值能达到多少? https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/183745371 CHINA TOBACCO GOES GLOBAL https://www.occrp.org/en/loosetobacco/china-tobacco-goes-global/ , of which this super-hyper-Philip-Morris is massive enough to take over the world and Romania prosecutor is probing it, the only lamentation is a very prestigious Phillip-Morris with hundreds of years accumulation got dwarfed ; meanwhile, overseas Chinese blogging: 家族黑金帝国被清洗李克明高危 政治地盘逾十官员密集落马 https://yanmingshiping.blogspot.com/2023/10/123-112-12-21-3.html
【独家重磅】李燕铭:李克强上海猝死六大疑点 李克强退而不休 与曾庆红联手发动金融政变 李克强与江曾集团勾连黑幕远超外界想象 李克强猝死深度内幕 https://yanmingshiping.blogspot.com/2023/10/1-122-29-35.html , in China, 一人得道,鸡犬升天,there are comments on 李克强 by Toronto盛雪 at Sound of Hope(希望之声)and 袁红冰 at his Twitter currently suppose there should be some relation between 一品浩命夫人and some staff at Bank of China in greater Vancouver in regards to 河南祠堂,you see, after I reported to Canada Reporting Economic Crime Online for the suspicious money laundering involving my account at Bank of China in British Columbia about a dozen yrs ago, the RECOL becomes abolished later on , and furthermore, the Bank of China branches at Vancouver Dunsmuir St. and at Burnaby Kingsway also have become a charade as never ever have been existed there, nevertheless, the British Royal has endorsed the British Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act recently:https://www.bclplaw.com/en-US/events-insights-news/the-economic-crime-and-corporate-transparency-act-receives-royal-assent.html.
No wonder the Bank of China in Great Vancouver area got manipulated- it's because PRC central bank governor's son is in Vancouver. Here is the link: 爷爷、爸爸真伟大! 加拿大最土豪中国学生周天宇花7亿多买豪宅
李长春从河南拉走5火车皮财(above)- a part of which transformed into SF Express, made inroad into Taiwan, exerting strict press censorship in Taiwan for any shipping according to CCP guideline : 中国禁网新闻on Tumblr
这个利益集团的李长春,贺国强 ... 台湾顺丰公司公关回应询问时曾表示,台湾顺丰是港资,不是中国顺丰台湾分公司。Actually, Headquartered in Shenzhen(深圳) . Just a reminder, 毛国祚的李鹏的人脉要知道,去台湾行万恶的
资本主义商业礼数之于毛泽东思想(PRC宪法王座)是十恶不赦的- cf. my 2023-12-3 log-blog.
有人听到我说的法学院绝非市面上普通法学院,那是有关天地人神密切相交的法度,真理,真道。 受益于台湾宋七力教授发明的所谓“分身”假说之冒牌者需要被提醒- 没有掂量台湾周董事长承仁先生的人间法度- 连女婿也不认识(前述拿女婿做球给你看)-非佛教主义者,吃了这个便宜饭,后果更严重。
如果是拥有真光真道的真先知真教授,比方说以赛亚在以赛亚书38章中有真神的能力(时空法度),就不会为耶稣做反见证;无情无义的现实告诉大家,伪类已经导致了他人走不好路,也制造了耶稣所说的offense-Woe to the world because of the causes of sin. For the stumbling blocks must come, but woe to the man by whom the offense comes! (Matt.18:7);deliberately letting truth be failed(e.g.指鹿为马),要接受divine remedies/corrections (Isaiah 59:13-15 & 18),Holy Bible rule of truth can't be forfeited.
Yesterday texting to Harbinger's Daily msg. board: I'm a donor of Harbinger's daily and a recipient of email Sunday Edition, but last Sunday it was missing or encountered malicious hacker- those insidious kleptocrats out of ulterior motivation are afraid of my reading top story "Divine judgment-One of The Bible's Most ‘Offensive’Teachings?", really fall into "Being a thief, feeling untenable". What happened to me is totally offenses(regarding deer as horse, installing stumbling blocks etc.,which Jesus predicted), divine justice/judgment is not only appropriate but also much-needed.
没有法度,人世间没有人世间,你懂的, God must speed Isa.51:6. 有关耶稣基督在大白宝座scenario之一,2023-NOV-9-10 log-blog 提到时空压缩成麻花,数理逻辑上temporal-spacial dimension 变成一坨Non-Euclidean topology even iso-topiogy,