2021-8-26 Blog Updated Again 2022-9-22 One more paragraph added at the end
The Illuminati KGB godfather circus runs in a manifestation that Pharisees/Pharaoh/Pharhai(法海) don't care the image in the international stage - to show "Dead pig won't be afraid of being scalded"(不顾一切礼义廉耻,露出死猪不怕开水烫的吃相),李敖教大的人渣,越来越横着走路- end-time pattern once endorsed by prophets and Scripture- Jeremiah2:22 + Isaiah2:22 = 人渣高元次方(李敖荣膺#24 in China ). Metaphorically speaking, in a river called“流沙河” which is corresponding to certain sky canopy, i.e. 顶着一片猪八戒的天, 一小撮妖孽行 perversion/perversity 礼 - That God speed Zech.5:3 seems not quite efficient to deal with them, cases from Beijing/Shanghai to Toronto: 复旦苏教授火了!一下扯出600多个假博士… https://www.bannedbook.org/bnews/cnnews/20220815/1771773.html 陈春花假博士丑闻曝光/为何劣币驱逐良币? https://www.bannedbook.org/bnews/bannedvideo/20220724/1762293.html 劣币驱逐良币=falsehood, evilness and ugliness preside over the world=that God speed Zech.5:3 seems like being unable to catch up the situation/reality, time is running out, please refer to more insight into such reality: The Progressive Propaganda Campaign To Marginalize & Discredit Believers In Christ https://harbingersdaily.com/the-progressive-propaganda-campaign-to-marginalize-discredit-believers-in-christ/
Brentner: The Murder Of The Innocent Reminds Us Again Of The Prevalence Of Evil https://harbingersdaily.com/the-murder-of-the-innocent-reminds-us-again-of-the-prevalence-of-evil/
Preach & Stand: The Time Before Jesus Returns For His Followers Is Running Out https://harbingersdaily.com/preach-stand-the-time-before-jesus-returns-for-his-followers-is-running-out/ Puppet of Beijing is also in the kindred spirit- criminal activity in the infrastructure - 撒旦的使徒在撒旦的天堂就是写不完其撒旦的诗篇: latest BMO InvestorLine Case Ref. # IQ564822249(est. 2022-8-17, thr. 1-888-776-6886 around 1:17pm with agent Khushbir, supposed to clarify on 8/18/2022, not yet) to tell the fact that even the mutual fund purchase price(TDB3048) can be manipulated in a self-encoding/self-conducting manner(As of Aug.15, 2022, 16.980 instead of 17.8571= overcharging 5.165% ), end-time pattern pattern again in the Hosea4:8 & 10:13(Good News Translation)- You grow rich from the sins of my people, and so you want them to sin more and more. “But you have cultivated wickedness and harvested a thriving crop of sins. You have eaten the fruit of lies— trusting in your military might, believing that great armies could make your nation safe.= extension of iniquity which is also elucidated @ Isaiah59:3-5 and Jeremiah9:3-5. According to a Christian conference held last month, some more prophetic patterns observed(click to amplify the image):

, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not accept the love of the truth so as to be saved(2Thes.2:9-10) And he will confirm a covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come the one who makes desolate, until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, gushes forth on the one who makes desolate.”(Daniel 9:27) The ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom. They will receive authority to rule as kings with the beast for one hour. They have one purpose: to give their power and authority to the beast. (Revelation 17:12-13 ) Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark(Rev.13:16-17)
After buy-off/covet-into, under the CCP 庆亲王/蛤蟆功夫家, a junior and a senior BMO Ombudsman spokesman , on behalf of CCP-fat-cat, dodging key issues, using tirade and charade/encoding, shifting focus to cover up why no any trace left in BMO system about my order and fact(established mutual fund investor can add-up, no matter no longer accepting new customer), also covering up the fact that swindling of South Asia accent as African American accent(possible Obama brother energy sphere who got China woman and money- gloatingly).
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: March 4, 2022 12:24 PM
To: Ombudsman, Customer <bmo.ombudsman@bmo.com>
Subject: Complaint regarding Call Ctr. Ref.#02142689
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm surprised to find that some BMO IL agent behaved too disappointed to be accepted by modern civilization; firstly, on Feb.25, 2022, minutes after I bought TDB3091 I phoned BMO IL, agent Ankid(cf. my emails below) claimed this TD fund already in the status of "filled" instead of "submitted"; later on, on Mar. 2, 2022, I called BMO IL again, agent Divya(more about her in the email below) processed my request of cancellation again- followed by her friend @ about12:21pm Pacific time- calling me
on behalf of Divya and having made promise to give me answer the next day, but his word is eaten by himself; today more strange things happened, I phoned BMO IL again trying to get things done, and your agent Arslan claimed this fund has been cancelled but still remained there; what's more some transaction confirmation doc. such as FID1298 is more than two business days- still not available!!!
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
Tel: 604-583-7223
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: March 3, 2022 4:17 PM
To: Account, InvestorLine Info <Info@bmoinvestorline.com>
Subject: Re: Call Ctr. Ref.#02142689
Dear Sir/Madam,
It's evening time in Toronto or Montreal right now, so far no one has called me back about the promise made yesterday by your agents, firstly a south Asian-accent lady called Divya who discussed the cancellation with me @ around 9:40am processed my request further, secondly @ around 12:21pm Pacific time her friend with same south Asian-accent called me back to promise me to obtain the result the next day , it turned out that his word is eaten. Only calls of charade from 604-583-5830 and 604-583-8307 showed up in the caller ID.
Right now, in such an international political economy turmoil, no abiding by business stipulation means amplification of chaos of this world, or someone tries to formalize WWIII to evade the domestic political trouble ??? To my knowledge, there exist Nepal Maoist commie, and more extend into south Asian country, trying to instigate Gog/Magog situation to take the advantage of it under their malicious reckoning???
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
Tel: 604-583-7223
From: Account, InvestorLine Info <Info@bmoinvestorline.com>
Sent: March 3, 2022 6:59 AM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: Re: Call Ctr. Ref.#02142689
Dear Cong,
Thank you for contacting BMO InvestorLine.
Our records indicate you have already spoken with an agent regarding this issue. If your situation has not been resolved, or if you require further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Our regular office hours are 8am to 5pm EST, Monday through Friday and we can be reached at 1-888-776-6886.
Sincerely, Chandan Investment Specialist BMO InvestorLine | BMO Wealth Management
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: March 2, 2022 1:22 AM
To: Account, InvestorLine Info
Subject: RE: Call Ctr. Ref.#02142689
Dear Sir/Madam,
Last Friday after I bought a TD fund which cannot be switched between classes in your system(I found it later), I called BMO IL 1-888-776-6886- unfortunately your agent Ankid had no idea about it; but anyway, I demanded cancellation on the spot- that's within the remorse period of two business days - rule of law should have been observed, unfortunately, such basic economic human rights violated- even the infamous TAM SQ butcher Li, Peng needed to sign the UN Economic Human rights treaty two times- @ home and @UN .
Who is repeatedly treading the basic principle of civilization??? to deliberately incur Gog/Magog phenomenon(Biblically, but as a pun in Shanghai/Hangzhou dialect)- hence should be responsible for this world trouble!!! Let me tell you, after Rev.16:13-14, the following two verses contain a special pronoun- Armageddon(original as an Israel venue) , the denouement can be found in the Zeph. 1:2-3 ; furthermore, after the last divine intervention- the outcome was predicted in the Isaiah 51:6, then envisioned by St. Peter (2Peter 3:10) and St. John(Rev.20:11-12).
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
Tel: 604-583-7223
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: June 20, 2022 10:40 AM
To: Ombudsman, Customer <BMO.Ombudsman@bmo.com>
Subject: Supplement to BMO IL Ref# 02316097
Dear Sir/Madam,
Things related to TD mutual fund has been in the processing by Mr. Olivier Gareau whose deliberation on behalf of Ankit is not accurate in that on Mar.2 around 12:21pm the man called me is not this Ankit who definitely has an African Canadian/American accent instead of being mentioned as South Asian in my email on Mar. 3, 2022(cf. complaint, enclosed), and no discipline is adopted, I suppose. You can re-examine my complaint and Mr. Olivier Gareau's response to BMO IL Ref.#02142689 in your system(Olivier Gareau Client Resolution Analyst | Analyste, Résolution des différends BMO InvestorLine 1-855-648-0644 ext.514-556-1005).
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
Tel: 604-583-7223
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: June 20, 2022 6:17 AM
To: Ombudsman, Customer <BMO.Ombudsman@bmo.com>
Subject: BMO IL Ref# 02316097
Dear Sir/Madam,
BMO IL agent Brakash(1888-776-6886 ext.2895552153)who answered my call on Jun.8,2022 @8:48am Pacific time claimed my TDB410 order left no trace in BMO IL system- if it's an open public decision made by TD bank, I should be informed(recalled Royal bank case: some funds no longer receive new customer, so BMO IL called me a couple of days later last year, the same as is current case with a Dynamic MF F class) instead of being disappeared and needing customer inquiry proactively after customer's awareness- I'm just totally not worried about such small mount MF order(as an existed customer for TDB410), so delaying call for several days.
According to BMO IL manager Eric around 10:30am Pacific time(6/14/2022) TD bank F class MF is stopped by TD while other bigger fund providers are open to offer- to compete with ETFs; why was I not informed by BMO IL(I also ordered another fund TDB856(dividend))? or Any internal office disorder?
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
Tel: 604-583-7223
Customer Complaint Appeal Office
1 First Canadian Place
P.O. Box 150
Toronto, ON M5X 1H3
Devin Hines
Phone: (416) 867-5241
Fax: (800) 766-8029
Sent via [PROTECT] email to ctong@live.ca
July 25, 2022
Cong Tong
9672 134 Street
Surrey, BC V3T 5L5
Dear Cong Tong:
Re: Your BMO InvestorLine (BMO IL) (Accounts)
Thank you for contacting us to share your concerns.
Summary of your Concerns
We understand that you have concerns involving two transactions in your BMO IL Accounts.
Transaction 1:
On February 25, 2022, you placed an order to purchase $1,000 of mutual fund TDB3091 (TD U.S. Blue
Chip Equity Fund “Series D”). Later that day (after 4pm) you contacted BMO IL and requested to
cancel the purchase order. The representative you spoke with told you that this wasn’t possible
(which was incorrect). He eventually placed the cancel order for you and told you he would call you
back with an update on the cancellation, but never did. You didn’t receive any documents confirming
the cancellation. You want this investigated.
Transaction 2:
On May 27, 2022, you placed an order to purchase $500 of mutual fund TDB410 (TD U.S. Blue Chip
Equity Fund “Series F”). The order was canceled by BMO IL. BMO IL informed you that this was
because the fund is not offered to clients of “Order Execution Only” brokerages such as BMO IL. You
are surprised that you cannot purchase this fund (if it was not offered by BMO IL you believe that
you should have been notified prior to your placing the order). You want this investigated.
Our Conclusions
We concluded the following with regard to your concerns:
Transaction 1:
We reviewed the call you had with the representative on February 25 and confirmed that the
representative did initially incorrectly tell you that it was not possible to cancel a mutual fund
purchase order after 4pm. After you told him you felt that this was incorrect, the agent put you on
hold, and when he returned to the call, he confirmed that he could submit the cancellation on a
best-efforts basis. He then assisted you with cancelling the order.
We confirmed that on March 2, the representative contacted you back and told you the cancellation
was still pending, and he would contact you back when it was completed. On March 4 (when the
cancellation was completed) you contacted BMO IL and the representative you spoke with confirmed
that the order was cancelled. We also confirmed that a cancellation confirmation was available for
your review on March 4 on the BMO IL platform.
While we appreciate that initially receiving the incorrect information from the representative was
disconcerting, we found that he quickly corrected himself and successfully submitted the
cancellation. We also confirmed that the representative and BMO IL kept you apprised of the status
of the cancellation. We confirmed that BMO IL has already told you that the communication could
have been clearer regarding the cancellation and has apologised to you. We found this to be a
reasonable response to your concerns regarding this transaction.
Transaction 2:
We confirmed that the decision not to offer TDB410 to BMO IL customers was a decision made by the fund manufacturer (TD Asset Management Inc), not BMO IL.
We understand that you believe that BMO IL should have notified you prior to placing an order that
this fund was not available. We confirmed that BMO IL does not proactively advise customers of the
mutual funds that are not available for purchase on its platform (we note that this would be a large
list and customers would need to be updated of revisions frequently). However, we confirmed that
clients can contact BMO IL at anytime and a representative would be happy to advise whether a
particular mutual fund is available for purchase. We found this to be a reasonable solution.---More irrelevant tirade.
小小的世界。 从“扮猪吃老虎”到“二面三刀”的七句真言,还要加上一句“装猪装鳖装永生/装文明”
(换句话说他们永生永世要装下去)。 无道的地下道要装天上道-其实比地下商场还无良(e.g. ETF
HRED)。 道可道,非常道,反上帝者确实也有道中之道- 只不过是从不吃素的恶行恶意。 1.古典法术,像香港小说家笔下毒龙教,如今与时具进
集全世界东邪西毒主元神于蛤蟆背部(前已述及其毒液+Rev.16:13-14),放出琅琊蛊毒术之能量 thr.
Voodoo-like dragon cult operating/generating demons . 2. 现代法术,
psychotronic/microwave/EM-frequency weapon or device –在黑金政治势力地方角头操弄下,as has
been debunked in Taiwan & Hong Kong(鸿海时报+香港人权委)。
郭文贵先生所透露的“南普陀j计划”就是蛤蟆企图控制全中国及全世界的雄伟的鸿图- 表面在厦门(Xiamen)的南普陀寺convene,实质是充满了大点数的“南天门,Southern Star Gateway” generating/operating incantation, enchantment, divination, sorcery, witchcraft, gushing out black treacherous water across Taiwan Strait including Hong Kong & Macau, furthermore, spreading worldwide, causing under every green tree deferring to lie, corruption, tyranny (cf. Jeremiah 3:13) and matters by Pharisees+Judas , "disable you, condescend you, hijack you" is just one of kinds.
按照耶稣辩证地引喻,最大的最小,最小的最大-- 有一穷妇捐的最小一笔钱其实超过富人捐的最大一笔钱,
耶稣的道最高,帮我们道生道,likewise, 最大的人权恶棍就是做韦小宝偷人家要救命(大命或小命)的一些小钱。