Last blog on 3/30/2020 updated(4/8/2020)
The Chinese idiom may be an answer to Prof. Wu, Guo-guang's philosophical quest(
吴国光:第一次全球大戰 - 吴国光 ):
the seeming natural disaster related to human trouble-making, God's divine wrath cup(divine remedy as remedial justice) related to human grievance caused by human trouble-making (天灾人祸,天怒人怨).
Zhou En-lai's patent language during 1940's "dictatorship under one political party causes havoc at every corner of the globe; 一党独裁,遍地是灾" has been ironically becoming a boomerang to lampoon the self-imposed righteousness of CCP- deception is king(cf.fig)
With the dominance of Nixon and his alike, robustly exuberant are Pharisee/Pharaoh/Fahai(法利赛/法老/法海), fighting for the cultural value of what Mr. Lee, Zung-woo(李宗吾)described- 厚黑- shsteracy as humanity/manliness/eternity, hence the seeming apocalyptic Wormwood star descended(cf. my blog on Dec. 6, 2019), which is quite corresponding to the bitterness arisen from the fact the fruit of righteousness got marred by those anti-Christ、 anti-Bible、anti-humanity being(Amos 6:12) , and a picture
The Chinese idiom may be an answer to Prof. Wu, Guo-guang's philosophical quest(
吴国光:第一次全球大戰 - 吴国光 ):
the seeming natural disaster related to human trouble-making, God's divine wrath cup(divine remedy as remedial justice) related to human grievance caused by human trouble-making (天灾人祸,天怒人怨).

With the dominance of Nixon and his alike, robustly exuberant are Pharisee/Pharaoh/Fahai(法利赛/法老/法海), fighting for the cultural value of what Mr. Lee, Zung-woo(李宗吾)described- 厚黑- shsteracy as humanity/manliness/eternity, hence the seeming apocalyptic Wormwood star descended(cf. my blog on Dec. 6, 2019), which is quite corresponding to the bitterness arisen from the fact the fruit of righteousness got marred by those anti-Christ、 anti-Bible、anti-humanity being(Amos 6:12) , and a picture
看重庆冰雹这形状 肯定挺有思想 冰雹有话说?
2020年03月27日 2:52