Why Bitter Winter(even only two picture inserts can't be clicked to be as original resolution such as 746x5555)
2019-7-16 Updating this blog
2019-7-15 Updating My Blog on 5/18/2019
2019-7-7 UPDATE
The bitter winter phenomenon enshrouding here and there, metaphorically speaking, indicates the fruit of righteousness has been turned into bitterness as the Journal 《Bitter Winter》exposed.
Ironically the post-cold war order becomes being subject to Beijing's 4th/5th/6th power after Nixon befriended with "great leader" Chairman Mao who is more evil, with whom it's no less than letting Brezhnev firmly deal(also to refute "there was no manhood to prevent CCCP from collapsing" from Beijing's regret) and his related legacy regime more evil than WWII Japan's military force(cf. my blog 1/29-2/7/2015), what's more 毛政权国柞(its regime statehood endurance) is reinforced by Nixon's scandal which formed mutual political safeguard. Nixon learned from Chinese Art of War by Sun-tze, of which deception is king plus to befriend afar in order to attack enemy nearby(actually to fend off US Congress grill and reinforce own garrison)- disguising himself as having ability to deal Int'l relation- only letting Mao rake in energy sphere in the int'l stage- reinforced commi regime statehood end-time energy. Furthermore, after the exoneration of Nixon in 1974 due to his charade, it's a landslide turning point for Christian to experience backlash one after another- from subculture to present persecution culture toward Christianity(cf. Dr. David Reagan & Bible Conference); in China, churches have been transformed into CCP(CPC) brain-wash establishment by inculcation of Chinese socialism core value plus familiar gods teachings and by forced reconstruction of church facade into Chinese style according to report from
《Bitter Winter》on July 4, 2019(cf. insert).
After Nixon(like Illuminati godfather in the west)'s coddling of Maoist regime statehood, the "great leader" Chairman Mao who behaved as quasi-White Lotus Evil Cult leader and upgraded his peasant-style-cunning organization into a yellow peril Soviet agent regime got a long breath (600 years energy build-up enhancement by Illuminati of the west/Illuminating Force of Ming Dynasty, cf. 2Cor. 11:14, Matt. 24:23-26 )-- being turned into "yellow lotus" or the orange-yellow flower berberis(same pronunciation in Chinese) emitting the radiation of bitterness endured up-to-date. The bitterness inundates the fruit of righteousness-- more persecution toward honest and integrity since Nixon-Kissinger kowtowed to Maoist regime.
More shockingly, under the influence of Nixon , Taiwan citizen 李敖 who was also under the baptism of Confucianism-Buddhism-Taoism and once as a highly famous, one-of-kind exquisite virtuoso in the realm of arts/humanity, is a typical example of reverse-assimilation into CCP(CPC) culture- analyzing from his linguistic reflection of mentality, culture, logic and idiom(cf. my last blog); it seems being lawless/godless as his manliness like Mao who copied Ming Dynasty peasant-cunning emperor in a more ferocious way; more surprisingly, present continuous tense: Mao, the self-exalted king and Red-sun gods(cf. Dan. 11:36, 2 The. 2:3-4 &7 &9-10) is so worshiped even by a renowned Buddhism temple's monks(cf.pic.insert ) that some netizen 冷山 commented on the Maoism cult(self-imposed doctrine flattered as emanating radiance forever) as Illuminati godfather kingpin triad(总舵主, in my opinion, major spiritual force of evil in the heavenly realm according to Eph. 6:12), to which the Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are inferior or only its branch organizations(分舵).
2019-7-7 Update
Current Hong Kong civil disobedience is under natural connection between Amos 6:12 and Ephesians 6:12 while normally people should be obedient to government authority which should have relied on the shoulder of Christ Jesus to let justice roll on like a river and righteousness a never-failing stream(Amos 5:24).
2019-7-15 Updating My Blog on 5/18/2019
2019-7-7 UPDATE
The bitter winter phenomenon enshrouding here and there, metaphorically speaking, indicates the fruit of righteousness has been turned into bitterness as the Journal 《Bitter Winter》exposed.
Ironically the post-cold war order becomes being subject to Beijing's 4th/5th/6th power after Nixon befriended with "great leader" Chairman Mao who is more evil, with whom it's no less than letting Brezhnev firmly deal(also to refute "there was no manhood to prevent CCCP from collapsing" from Beijing's regret) and his related legacy regime more evil than WWII Japan's military force(cf. my blog 1/29-2/7/2015), what's more 毛政权国柞(its regime statehood endurance) is reinforced by Nixon's scandal which formed mutual political safeguard. Nixon learned from Chinese Art of War by Sun-tze, of which deception is king plus to befriend afar in order to attack enemy nearby(actually to fend off US Congress grill and reinforce own garrison)- disguising himself as having ability to deal Int'l relation- only letting Mao rake in energy sphere in the int'l stage- reinforced commi regime statehood end-time energy. Furthermore, after the exoneration of Nixon in 1974 due to his charade, it's a landslide turning point for Christian to experience backlash one after another- from subculture to present persecution culture toward Christianity(cf. Dr. David Reagan & Bible Conference); in China, churches have been transformed into CCP(CPC) brain-wash establishment by inculcation of Chinese socialism core value plus familiar gods teachings and by forced reconstruction of church facade into Chinese style according to report from

After Nixon(like Illuminati godfather in the west)'s coddling of Maoist regime statehood, the "great leader" Chairman Mao who behaved as quasi-White Lotus Evil Cult leader and upgraded his peasant-style-cunning organization into a yellow peril Soviet agent regime got a long breath (600 years energy build-up enhancement by Illuminati of the west/Illuminating Force of Ming Dynasty, cf. 2Cor. 11:14, Matt. 24:23-26 )-- being turned into "yellow lotus" or the orange-yellow flower berberis(same pronunciation in Chinese) emitting the radiation of bitterness endured up-to-date. The bitterness inundates the fruit of righteousness-- more persecution toward honest and integrity since Nixon-Kissinger kowtowed to Maoist regime.
More shockingly, under the influence of Nixon , Taiwan citizen 李敖 who was also under the baptism of Confucianism-Buddhism-Taoism and once as a highly famous, one-of-kind exquisite virtuoso in the realm of arts/humanity, is a typical example of reverse-assimilation into CCP(CPC) culture- analyzing from his linguistic reflection of mentality, culture, logic and idiom(cf. my last blog); it seems being lawless/godless as his manliness like Mao who copied Ming Dynasty peasant-cunning emperor in a more ferocious way; more surprisingly, present continuous tense: Mao, the self-exalted king and Red-sun gods(cf. Dan. 11:36, 2 The. 2:3-4 &7 &9-10) is so worshiped even by a renowned Buddhism temple's monks(cf.pic.insert ) that some netizen 冷山 commented on the Maoism cult(self-imposed doctrine flattered as emanating radiance forever) as Illuminati godfather kingpin triad(总舵主, in my opinion, major spiritual force of evil in the heavenly realm according to Eph. 6:12), to which the Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are inferior or only its branch organizations(分舵).
2019-7-7 Update
Current Hong Kong civil disobedience is under natural connection between Amos 6:12 and Ephesians 6:12 while normally people should be obedient to government authority which should have relied on the shoulder of Christ Jesus to let justice roll on like a river and righteousness a never-failing stream(Amos 5:24).