2018-12-20 Omission added
Extra Notes: 2018-12-18

It seems the Univ. of Texas at Austin's Ph.D Chen, Jin(陈进), a scandalous figure with most bloody, dirty ugly money out of lie, tyranny and corruption buys off ,covets and cuts in system(most famous case: encroachment AMD CPU fruit as his own invention), manipulating from greater Austin area with insidious black hand from behind the scene, situation is the same as what I mentioned in last month blog--deep penetration into US marrow , deliberately deterring my importing Lamblion ministry material since last month and blockading my partnership with it. The system is enshrouded by greater Babylon sphere--to cite Dr. David Reagan, my understanding is with human off-scourings(c.f. image insert in my blog on 6/18-21/2018) money plus their Midianites(metaphorically speaking) gods enshrouding they think paradise gained, otherwise, paradise lost..
Here is the blockade process to delay the delivery of the material from US and Canada Post tracking(last month lots of airports detours to cost 16 days, this time 17 days has passed, not yet received, regular airmail to the far-east only needs about 10 days):LZ324188343US
The image uploading function got blocked too!
Let's long live Beria! Long live human off-scourings!
Extra Notes: From Texas to Canada Post BC headquarter the designated mail
can travel almost 20 days and currently the uploading function seems restored in my Google blogger end(cf. most recent tracking results with US and Canada Post).
According to Dr. David Reagan(speech on 7/15/2017 at Bible Conference), the persecution toward Christian since 2008 has been rekindled, as time goes goes by the dark age re-surged as if reverting to Herodian era's Roman Empire.
Recently I came cross a UK documentary《The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire》 written, directed and produced by Michael Oswald(from Youtube), which is in line with this Salman Tonshdie's definition on terrorist: disguising as western civilization, those who behave as financial plunderer-- actually the British empire is a has-been concept which is being replaced by the One Belt and One Road design, nevertheless in the digital age this second empire is also easily taken over by the Leviathan red dragon/serpent(Isaiah 27:1) sphere--the flying and the gliding constitute a double helix complex-- whose toad-master Gong-fu specialist's huge financial fief(Cf. Hong Kong high court case No. DCCC746/2014 about 10 trillion USD energy sphere, of which about 3.5-3.8 trillion definitely an encroachment) proved it. The film exposes some killing which is on behalf of financial plunderer happened in UK Jersey Hospital, which is in parallel with my account of the murderous night during hospitalization in Oct-Nov/2000 recorded in my Affidavit(Cf. my blog June 8/2008).
Let's long live the "Down with the Colonialism and Imperialism" movement according to commi regime's long-term mentality all the way!!!
Extra Notes: 2018-12-18

It seems the Univ. of Texas at Austin's Ph.D Chen, Jin(陈进), a scandalous figure with most bloody, dirty ugly money out of lie, tyranny and corruption buys off ,covets and cuts in system(most famous case: encroachment AMD CPU fruit as his own invention), manipulating from greater Austin area with insidious black hand from behind the scene, situation is the same as what I mentioned in last month blog--deep penetration into US marrow , deliberately deterring my importing Lamblion ministry material since last month and blockading my partnership with it. The system is enshrouded by greater Babylon sphere--to cite Dr. David Reagan, my understanding is with human off-scourings(c.f. image insert in my blog on 6/18-21/2018) money plus their Midianites(metaphorically speaking) gods enshrouding they think paradise gained, otherwise, paradise lost..
Here is the blockade process to delay the delivery of the material from US and Canada Post tracking(last month lots of airports detours to cost 16 days, this time 17 days has passed, not yet received, regular airmail to the far-east only needs about 10 days):LZ324188343US
The image uploading function got blocked too!
Let's long live Beria! Long live human off-scourings!
Extra Notes: From Texas to Canada Post BC headquarter the designated mail
can travel almost 20 days and currently the uploading function seems restored in my Google blogger end(cf. most recent tracking results with US and Canada Post).
According to Dr. David Reagan(speech on 7/15/2017 at Bible Conference), the persecution toward Christian since 2008 has been rekindled, as time goes goes by the dark age re-surged as if reverting to Herodian era's Roman Empire.
Recently I came cross a UK documentary《The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire》 written, directed and produced by Michael Oswald(from Youtube), which is in line with this Salman Tonshdie's definition on terrorist: disguising as western civilization, those who behave as financial plunderer-- actually the British empire is a has-been concept which is being replaced by the One Belt and One Road design, nevertheless in the digital age this second empire is also easily taken over by the Leviathan red dragon/serpent(Isaiah 27:1) sphere--the flying and the gliding constitute a double helix complex-- whose toad-master Gong-fu specialist's huge financial fief(Cf. Hong Kong high court case No. DCCC746/2014 about 10 trillion USD energy sphere, of which about 3.5-3.8 trillion definitely an encroachment) proved it. The film exposes some killing which is on behalf of financial plunderer happened in UK Jersey Hospital, which is in parallel with my account of the murderous night during hospitalization in Oct-Nov/2000 recorded in my Affidavit(Cf. my blog June 8/2008).
Let's long live the "Down with the Colonialism and Imperialism" movement according to commi regime's long-term mentality all the way!!!