More Rendition Update 8/29/2018:
The quasi-mafia, quasi-KGB are in full-blown rampant in regard to my complaint of my TD bank statement interception in Canada Post up-to-date, I learned by phone that the replacement was issued on Aug. 17, 2018 (2:00pm-3:30pm repeatedly cut-off with my cell phone to 1-866-222-4567, further c.f. my e-mail complaint on 8/27 in the img. insert next page) and some agent Aminah even denied another day call responder Layla's remedial act in record--i.e. deliberately let TD reputation compromised or in synergy with local Post manipulation? Another agent Mernaz denied the ref.# generated in July is valid; in Epochtimes an analysis report concludes that the quasi-mafia, KGB infiltration has reached entrenchment and manipulation in dexterity--not just disguise and deception;(c.f. my backlog insert next page); let me further pinpoint the cause-effect of current situation: since the end of last century, under the spiritual guidance/leadership(almost 30 years) for Yangzhou Master/toad master sphere) of a charlatan/a convict who escaped Wang, Lin(王林) , the disciple of Yangzhou master/North Korea graduate have begun to govern Hangzhou/Zhejiang along with that master's relative in Hangzhou later Guangdong and Hongkong, numerous buy-off and cut-in action wherever I reached in web sphere or in reality have culminated with upper-hand in Canada including what I mentioned Gog, Magog phenomenon , such Satanic influence extends up-to-date, "Long live Chairman Mao" and "Long live the slogan‘Down with the imperialism and colonialism’ " are not enough.
The godfather weapon mentioned should be a pun meaning computer-satellite psychotronic one plus the sphere invasion/enshrouding attack riding/hiding in the gods/goddesses gateway, which is espoused by Lucifer/illuminati-Pharisee/Beelzebub operation guideline without bottom-line in the end-time.
As for the most recent farce--burning the cross on a China Henan church rooftop(c.f. img. insert) by the local authority, it seems that the officials there think they should belong to Ku Klux Klan that did such intimidation toward the black--naively imitating but inadvertently reaching opposite effect(东施效颦) to such an extent--so greatness/gloriousness/righteousness!
God, help us.
Sequel(8/25/2018) to Memo 8/22/2018 and Situation Update 8/15/2018:
Sorry, this un-Chinese was not aware of their family name game with the solid mindset that a US Smith and UK Smith should mutually be foreigner; those believing in Feng-shui gods/goddesses engaged in familiar spirit channelling or transcoding/encoding bio-info energy-mass by targeting Australia PM family name via Rm 302 of Taipei Palace Museum(called mutual interaction between man and heaven) which was established during the Ma, Ying-jeou reign( lasting to Chen, Shui-bian Administration, no such design/arrangement) --they can operate through mechanism such as enchantment/witchcraft by associating with my Apt#302 to launch fiery dart supposedly shooting down PM Turnbull(I pointed out in internal backlog to be victim of their transcoding associated with a newly-installed special #302 of 13737); by the way, Chinese emperor's palace directly consulted with the Tower of Heaven-Earth Gateway in Beijing especially serving for the needs of emperors through astrology, divination, sorcery, enchantment and soothsaying.
Memo: 2018-8-22
Toad master Gong-fu specialist winning strategy/trick is transcoding/encoding some familiar spirit which almost can't go through high school graduation or which is senile/dying by riding/hiding in Beelzebub-gods/goddesses gateway to launch mental wave intrusion, I always try to loose such intrusion, if they don't stop launching, I have to loose them to Code Anathema Maranatha which is designated by Jesus Christ for them, from everlasting to everlasting, Amen!
Some Toad master Gong-fu specialist was supposed to view my internal backlog regarding Taipei Palace Museum Room 302 written on May 8 and June 5 this year; "Three Representations" theory developed in the Yangzhou Master's Dynasty continues to demonstrate power which always tries to rape your will/willingness--nowadays being advanced into transcoding/encoding other's bio-info energy-mass upon you whimsically by dancing to the tune of their godfather mentality with Lucifer illuminati's godfather weapon--mainly used to drive-a-wedge, denigration and exploitation--offending multilateral sometimes because of majority not in voluntary mode, it's all about their Ponzi economy to hijack your kingdom/fortune(c.f. www.aboluowang.com/2018/0813/1157359.html ), if in current WTO adversary scenario, behaving like end-time craziness, adopting idolatry of Beelzebub by Pharisee nurtured/cultivated by Toad master Gong-fu, furthermore betting better off importing their Ponzi-warthog-toad economy fruit, which is called victory of globalization; a series of charade(虚步)feigned as logic with their subconsciousness mental wave can be disguised as a famous "Monk 步虚", even charade can encounter reaction of extreme jealousy-maniac and control-freak.
Situation Update 2018-8-15
What's funny is the circus game developed by some Toad master Gong-fu advanced into scheme of schemes with two batches of design(education bureau(scheme)? medical bureau(scheme)? ): disguising themselves as Caucasian man to launch Purolator package recipient game at my address, Pharisee riding/hiding in the Beelzebub gateway? Xenu dragon coming, mental wave invading/directing fiercely? The Leviathan double-helix serpent-red dragon-beast's evil operation?---prelude of gaslighting of familiar spirit? i.e. encoding of other's bio-info energy-mass to descend upon you--so you are him, he is you--plotting murder, perversion and supervening by integration with military KGB psychotronic weapon;
this afternoon I found two pieces of Purolator notice attached in the mailbox area and claimed as being issued on 8/15 and 8/14 with two recipient names designated for my address(one Mark Turnbull, another Tony Spare(c) with weird tracking No. format 605985081393(Tony), CGF0000027339(Mark) ), I only took some photos and left them in situ, but when I tried to took another one 45-50minutes later because I found my camera time error and corrected it, the notice below(Tony) missing; please c.f. img. insert, click to magnify, or drag out.
2018-8-13 Update
The pattern I found is the more schemes I expose--the more godless/lawless phenomenon like the stiff-neck of the rebellious Jew described in the Bible, and the origin of today's Gog/Magog phenomenon points to the buy-off and covet/cover-up by Yangzhou master/Toad master since the turn of the century, some Toad master Gong-fu specialists can't survive relevant to their accumulated trouble-making across Taiwan Strait/across Pacific Ocean so that they are determined to ignore the basic principle of civilized society and to scramble to be evil--engaging in obstruction of citizen's communication rights, @5:00pm today not only my TD monthly statement is in the maze of Canada Post, but also the VanCity credit statement is in their labyrinth--it's called full-house in tandem with the troubled Yangzhou master/toad master Gong-fu specialist in the commi regime of China in order to manifest commi regime's gloriousness/righteousness by downgrading a G-7 state into a poor image one being only worthy of cushion value.
I hereby have to cite a paragraph of my e-mail to a front-desk trouble-maker in an OD office at Lougheed Mall last year(April 8 @12:59pm Pacific time): I'm a person known as against super-hyper big government's authoritarian mentality, and I appreciate J.F. Kennedy's famous request and China's Moism(墨家) so that my raised-fund belongs to small governments-US-Japan-current for joint service in Pacific Ocean and long live US-Japan patrolling in Pacific Ocean.
It's kind of not asking doing something for me but doing something for the security of Asia-pacific region.
The evil format developed by their Gong-fu master includes my fake identical twin scheme, impostor brother scheme even claiming his fake identical twin(forgot I have only one younger sibling), impostor parents scheme(even dare to claim identity as my passed-away mother) etc. for grabbing my raised-fund in order for their triad including their agent of influence here and there(c.f. my previous blog).
A situation must be reported here: some Yangzhou master/Toad master hand encoded my address as their incorporation(displayed as" Michael Alexander Venture") venue in order that their commercial bank account(I don't have any) can engage in swindling activities--to such an extent that the realization of their drama " Wuthering Heights" can come true in US/Canada/China theatre(c.f. my blog on July 8-15/2017, education is a bureau(scheme, healthcare is a bureau(scheme); what's more, my TD bank monthly statement(issued at the end of every month) is again encountered charade as credit card marketing under their Feng-shui gods/goddesses guidance(see the img. insert of my e-mails, click to magnify, also c.f. my 7/17/2018 blog), what else scheme is there out of schemes? Hence I have to proclaim the statements issued on Oct. 2, 2014, Nov. 6, 2014, May 21, 2014 and June 16, 2015 in my blog regarding never suicide and ID theft and marital status are still valid.
Grabbing my raised-fund which is in the hand of human off-scourings and becomes bloody, dirty, ugly, corruption money out of lie and tyranny, which is used for buy-off, cover-up and coveting natural resources, human resources, financial resources and scientific/technological resources, hoping high-value target reverse-merging into what 李宗吾(Lee, Zung-woo) & 柏杨(Bo Yang) described in 《On Shysteracy 》&《 Ugly Chinaman and Crisis 》respectively, spreading their ideology that being shysteracy/kleptocracy is pride/bound for their heaven/eternity because the world is changing--this is now, that was then. According to Dr. David Reagan's presentation on July 14, 2018 , it was indicated Bagdad is never greater Babylon and not-just-USA are enshrouded by the Leviathan serpent-ancient--actually the nowadays-renewed thriving red-dragon regime, he had to do self-criticizing about the un-American, un-Biblical, un-Western phenomenon in USA.