June 21/2018 Update
It was known to me 20 years ago that here is a dragon's den like a head portion with a pearl in its mouth in a cell-group fellowship; this dragon, to my bewilderment, likes to play simulation game synchronized with commi regime of Beijing's behavior; even if I view web TV with my NVDIA device(authentic genuine from California, needing to pay more money which Paid off TV program ) quite occasionally, I found the dragon adopts sausage-cutting methodology to filter/block built-in-Kodi apps for TV--gradually from ABC's Good Morning America to NBC's Today to CBS Evening News and even Singapore's TV Channel 5 video collection, according to US spokesman the blocking of foreign websites means installing trade barrier--I wonder who tried to deliberately stimulate the tension of raising tariff; as was pointed out last month, a series of buy-off and coveting plots/scenes let the black hand behind the scene drive a wedge and exploit the world--plus in March and April this year my monthly statement of telecom and banking business got intercepted by the same unwanted hand and currently more important financial document tax assessment is in labyrinth.
I suppose the black hand just jumps up into mountain metaphorically as “昆仑山” “天山”(extra-dimension) and hovers over here and there riding and hiding in their gods/goddesses gateway, using pre-plotted dart and configured target/victim as cushion to engage in self-composing, self-conducting game with self-righteousness to be self-fattening under the integration of their gateway holder/operator with psychotronic military KGB weapons--i.e. integration of Pharisee and Beelzebub to disguise themselves as God-like power--Lucifer's another face to selectively erase your memory and to succeed in " disabling you, condescending you and hijacking you"; such cosmic warfare is never ending, in the name of Jesus Christ, I loose them to where Jesus Christ has designated for them--the last judgement, Amen!
Aside from all godless/lawless matter in the pattern/mechanism of coercion/containment--currying favor with commi regime--raking in money successfully mentioned on Mar. 8/2018 blog plus in internal communication one more significance can be probed that their sub-consciousness is to make contribution to kleptocracy, shysteracy, lie and tyranny so that the commi regime developed by Yangzhou master/toad master under the spiritual guidance of Wang, Lin can be manifested as greatness, righteousness and gloriousness by downgrading a G-7 country into an uncivilized society as their cushion.
Here is what's going on relevant to Bo, Xi-lai's(薄熙来) kleptocracy which is demonstrating money power in Montréal grabbed through his tenure in Dalian(大连)& Chongqing(重庆)where he engaged in murder(at least one money manager in Dalian and another policeman investigating the British steward Mr. Haywood homicide case in Chongqing) in order for his money laundering into overseas to be arranged secretly(reportedly 6 billion USD to overseas and 100 billion RMB raked in based on aftermath debunking in Chongqing and ranked as No.1 Homo Sapiens Off-scourings in China and currently as a convict serving life-sentence); c.f. image insert and web links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Fn682e3lH4 ; www.dajiyuan.eu/新闻/7751-日媒-央办对高干传达薄熙来夫妇转移60亿美元.html ; https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2012/08/21/463764.html .
By the way, BMO Executive Office case handler Marie(mary?, 1-514-881-3111) totally disregard customer care service recording and caused a very simple matter in perplex if involving BMO Ombudsman office(c.f. more communication ramification in image inserts).