June 2/2018 Updates
More Updates(2018-6-1)
A Note Added(2018-5-27)
It's worth reviewing the classical esotericism the Yangzhou master applied to reinforce his energy sphere after taking over top position in China and feeling untenable in earlier 1990's--the same plot as Bo, Xi-lai promoting red ideology--but in his case, the Yangzhou master ordered some propaganda dept.(esp. in Hangzhou) to raise his image in the Hangzhou Daily by puffing a novel about a hero who should be modeled after the prototype Yangzhou master, which tells a story happened in Shanghai before 1949 around the famous Hartoon Estate(the largest real estate developer in then-China from an exile British-Iraq Jew) --he led a team of task force to fight against the force of imperialism and colonialism plus the then-ROC government security intelligence agents; nowadays the reality tells us we need to help them engage in "Down with Imperialism and Colonialism" movement more according to Bo, Xi-lai and the toad master Gong-fu specialist's hegemonic financial power from kleptocracy/shysteracy and lie/tyranny carrying into the west with Confucius Institute/Confucius Temple gods.
While facing such a penchant for red ideology derived from their classical esotericism, it's imperative to do them some favour as possible as we can to launch " Long live the ‘Movement of Firmly Crackdown Counter-revolutionary Revisionist’ campaign ".
An example of most recent congregation of religious staff/clergy under immersion of Red Army ideology as first priority in China--firstly blasphemy: https://www.bannedbook.org/bnews/ssgc/20180525/947436.html .
Ironically, the background of one of a photos is at some entertainment venue, it's called revisionism to convene religious staff/clergy at such place--also falls into blasphemy.
Like Lucifer's Beelzebul/Beelzebub face(in Chinese 露鬼脸), what Bo, Xi-lai-alike
espouses is kind of charade to proactively join the 3S(Mao's three worshippers from USA) Club in Beijing while once in US just disguising themselves as right-wing to insinuate into right-wing affluent community in order to legalize the money out of lie and tyranny--the same methodology as is exposed by documentary 《China Hustle》in which reverse merge is the focal point--legalizing what is engulfed(including my sweater money and generations' property)--legalizing kleptocracy and shysteracy by their cunning dexterity; using red ideology to deceive people plus using environment-damaging & exaggerated GDP growth to legalize the reign over China cause possum-playing by some int'ls, but the case mentioned above tells us even Mao would feel sullen or burn anger toward such Red Army drama ordered by authority to be performed by religious staff/clergy in a luxury hotel style entertainment venue considering their purpose is to experience Red Army's arduous odyssey (such as the Long March) and pay tribute to their founding father Mao who is dubbed as red sun; in a word, taught up by Yangzhou master, Bo, Xi-lai-style game-playing has been emitting energy.
If the world can espouse such “China Hustle”, then the legitimacy of Japan's reign in Manchuria and in Taiwan during 1930's is no less than that of commi regime considering the fact that the Manchuria in 1938 was the most-developed region in Asia in regard to GDP and electrical/electronic utility and there was democratic election in Taiwan in 1935(c.f. graphic inserts from China and Taiwan media, click to amplify).
Mr. 石涛(a famous Chinese YouTube-caster) comments on the serious human rights coercion in 新疆 as the start segment of silk road and he further remarks on the one belt/one road project as commi regime's strategic vantage point being not in harmony with consensus on respecting life based on God's Natural Law/Natural Rights plus not in transparency( https://www.bannedbook.org/bnews/cbnews/2018421/931517.html ), such upper-hand status over oil resources in ME is obtained after US Iraq war which caused exhaustion of treasury and relation problem with some Arabs (c.f. 《Essential Chomsky》 by Antony Arnove ), with money grabbed from people's blood, toils, tears, sweat plus inflation the acquisition of property often occurs following the insolvency of phished borrowing--causing a series of troubling phenomenon; according to Yangzhou master/toad master's saga mentioned above, if the British-Iraq Jew's Hartoon Estate had not been regarded as the epitome of imperialism and colonialism, then the one belt/one road acquisition could not have been unwelcome.
I wonder how much the correlation co-efficiency is between the one belt/one road troubling phenomenon and the Gog/Mgog troubling phenomenon predicted in the Bible and concerned by Dr. David Reagan.