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Showing posts from May, 2018

June 2 & June 1/2018 Updates

June 2/2018 Updates More Updates(2018-6-1) A Note Added(2018-5-27)  It's worth reviewing the classical esotericism the Yangzhou master applied to reinforce his energy sphere after taking over top position in China and feeling untenable in earlier 1990's--the same plot as Bo, Xi-lai promoting red ideology--but in his case, the Yangzhou master ordered some propaganda dept.(esp. in Hangzhou) to raise his image in the Hangzhou Daily by puffing a novel about a hero who should be modeled after the prototype Yangzhou master,  which tells a story happened in Shanghai before 1949 around the famous Hartoon Estate(the largest real estate developer in then-China from an exile British-Iraq Jew) --he led a team of task force to fight against the force of imperialism and colonialism plus the then-ROC government security intelligence agents; nowadays the reality tells us we need to help them engage in "Down with Imperi...

Lens to view End-Time Phenomenon

Extra Add-on May 22/2018 More Notes on May 21/2018 Additional Revision Made for Blog on 11-22-2017, 11-13-2017 and 3-8-2018. Since the takeover of top position by Yangzhou master, toad master Gong-fu in China has been greatly enhanced by the King Pharaoh's favorite magician Wang-lin(王林) whose wizardry demonstrated the same trickery, those who paid the more tribute to Wang-lin got the more power and interest, an example of such should be the health minister of 1990's who paid a compliment to the snake-juggler by presenting hand-written eulogy and invited snake-juggler's condescendence( to diagnose his cirrhosis while holding No. 1 leader position of Institute of Clinical Medicine at Beijing's Union Medical College/Academy of Medical Sciences);    the more charlatan-oriented, the more recommendation to be puffed into spiritual leadership (c.f. pictures insert).  Evil Gong-fu from evil cult increa...