The illuminati triad system, as is pointed out by Mr. Springmeier and Wheeler, is not a reflection of the image of God, but rather a triangle tier with narrow angle and astute power(very popular recently) to facilitate engaging in kleptocracy, to say in Hangzhou dialect with expression in ideogram, it's called 尖头把戏.
To say precisely, the then-incumbent president Reagan trying to be re-elected who dared to proclaim God is absolute Truth can still out-win his challengers, which remains the last voice in the history, most probably.
Some circus gang recently can't survive and can't help but exposing themselves as "self-composing, self-conducting and self-performing" under the cultivation/nurturing of Yangzhou master/toad master to engage in dare-devil game " catch me if you can, malicious cycle if they wish" ---to gorge what Lu Xun(鲁迅) described "the bun soaked with human blood(人血馒头)" in a " grim face with extravagated canine teeth(青面獠牙)" ---just as Hong Kong newspaper (成报)has repeatedly reported: situation can be aggravated under the leadership of that north Korea graduate and 庆亲王 whose spiritual advisor used to be Wang, Lin(王林, the charlatan, the convict who escaped, the illiterate magician)mentioned before esp. on 1/22/2018--as a matter of fact, Wang Lin served as spiritual advisor to his majesty, his highness, his grace and his excellency in royal court---in a deliberate and malicious way to escalate tension, of which they can occupy the vantage point to exploit the desired object/target at their whim---currently, a recurring pattern/mechanism this Some Reality--playing containment/coercion game toward me=currying favor with commi regime successfully=raking in money from certain commi-run business group or certain commi united-front dept. ---a reality evolved into new summarization: without Confucius Institute's false teachings and alms-giving, political correctness can't be formed, hence like drug-addiction to form a vast quasi-WWII Champlain establishment which is dubbed as puppet of Beijing by Kevin Steel currently evolved into new semantics: to say in cacophony " founding father of Chavez" and to say in euphemism " founding father of Beijing regime" .
To probe in depth the nature of denial of my NEXUS card without any reasons being able to specify out from Vancouver processing ctr.--that's under the direction of some residual of Nixon-Kissinger administration; fattened by importing the money in a" the more, the better way" from Song, Xiao-jun(宋晓军)-alike who profit from writing anti-US motif books , they'd rather import Song, Xiao-jun alike , that's why long live Song and further long live General迟浩田 to missile-dart Los Angeles; Dr. David Reagan call it "A nation begging for destruction".
Most recently, the delivery man from Purolator disguised himself as having buzzed me at building entrance and left a written notice(ID# CGG001966695 (or S?)), I contacted their customer care dept. in New Brunswick, I was told the package was in local depot(12020 Nordel Way, unit#105, Surrey, BC) on Feb. 2, 2018 by their agent Marg O'Keefe, but yesterday I was told by another agent Mark Groundwater it was obtained by someone else on Feb. 2, 2018 without my knowledge/awareness, so after Feb. 2 , a series of communications with me belong to charade??? The Xenu dragon is coming and is behaving like white-lotus evil cult gang also behaving like quasi-KGB who can venture into my identity and venture into banks to engage in larceny. Here I upload all the communication records in image(above).
Another case manifested as tergiversation is core value or more complicated situation---actually I used my ctong@live.ca to expressed my intention to join a US church tour group(needing en route US )to make a pilgrimage in Jerusalem, which was sniffed and which incurred quasi-Pharisee's containment/coercion : from 1/23/2018 to 2/20/2018 I repeatedly received BMO pre-approval credit invitation for three times during which I applied it as USD-equivalent card to save total 5% exchange rate loss plus out-of-Canada extra service charge on 1/26/2018 , on 1/29/2017 an agent from BMO credit dept. 289-305-5656 phone me to make a confirmation, but somehow a south-Asian accent guy phoned me from 289-305-5527 on Feb. 5, 2018 @11:11am Pacific time to bombard/harass me with exact same question as the previous agent and he then just hung up after I told him some more info.
Days later, a denial letter in the name of J.P.Martin from BMO without dept./division, so on 2/24/2018 I visited a BMO New Westminster branch where I made initial application and met the same gentleman Roman and he helped talking to the same south-Asian guy(same audio-frequency) on the spot @ around 2:10pm Pacific time for about 20minites over 1-866-624-3571, he spoke deliberately in a game-playing mode with poor English-- disguising himself as being not aware of my submitting new info over the bank counter and over the phone.
Under Xenu dragon directing, the quasi-white-lotus evil cult gang riding and hiding its gateway, launched cosmic mafia mental wave invasion and MOGS mental wave invasion.