Extra Notes:(11/18/2017):
Recent remarks that killing people in the name of state/regime doesn't violate law by the latest de-commissioned Hong Kong governor Mr. Liang being incumbent as state vice-president level official of PRC currently alerts us that his mindset was influenced by his insinuating cooperation with Mao's various political movement during cultural revolution, in this way, Liu, Shao-qi(刘少奇)-alike can be murdered in the name of political correctness--also bidding defiance to the advocating of social transition for justice and righteousness across Taiwan Strait since 21st century, e.g. in Peking Univ. law school network , a Mr. Jiang, Fu-cai and Tsinghua Univ. Prof. Sun, Li-ping present the concept of "The crime committed by stat is the mother of any crime" plus "government authorized evil doing/crime"(c.f. my Nov. 1, 2014blog ) , it's unbelievable for Mr. Liang to be lack of such basic concept as a Hongkonger--no wonder coordination with that couple in the matter of the black-white movie to topple down landlord from Sun Media(TV Channel) mentioned below days ago made sense(of which Mr. Wu is a trained red special hand and the timing was around the change of guard of Hong Kong top position and it's critical for Beijing's Yangzhou master force to engage in power game playing to raise Liang up; they definitely have the cookie of my viewing web TV from Shaw Internet ) --extension into Vancouver I mentioned downline of Zhou, En-lai in this January 31 blog regarding movie《Runner, Runner》; sorry, Senkaku Islands are mistaken for Shinjuku because of memory deletion problem.
Let's help them engage in much more "Down With Landlord" movement catering to their willingness; unfortunately , Deng and his alike own astronomical property in China, here I got a web picture to tell us approximate data estimated from Edward Snowden(see insert)--what's more, please refer to Deng's Anthology(邓小平文选, Vol 2:pp49 & Vol 3:pp111)regarding his judgement/measurement on regime failure, being criminal of history and being perversion in history with a threshold on personal property not surpassing 10 million RMB.
Latest evidences in these links prove Deng, Xiao-ping used to be a nasty front-runner/hitman to engage in anti-"rightwing" and Great Leap-forward movement in which he put down earlier leftwing activists who used to be commi partnership during overthrowing the rightwing Central Government in Nanking: http://cn.epochtimes.com/gb/17/10/29/n9782865.htm and
http://www.aboluowang.com/2017/1103/1019022.html .
It's an embarrassment for Deng, Xiao-ping as a dominator in hand-over of Hong Kong and his Designer-in-General identity to let Hong Kong's political development be analogous to the level called "political openness in training under limited election"(政治训政 under martial law) in Taiwan when approaching 2020 without being aware of the space-time--Chiang, Kai-shek just landed in Taiwan in 1949-50 to resume ROC presidency (e.g. dissident Mr. 郭雨新 elected as assemblyman ) ; I can bet in my life time Beijing won't engage in political openness, but still suggest Beijing at least engage in economic/business/financial openness in training under effective monitoring laws such as SOX, FCPA, TARA alike(财经商务训政)to sync int'l business/financial affairs with transparency. Corruption definitely proliferates in index power there to here without one of above mentioned check/balance measures.
More revised on 11/14/2017.
The memory deletion module/formula invasion behaving totally like human rights thug cause me can't help but feeling urge to expose more Nixon system's irrational evaluation reviewed in the《Essential Chomsky》edited by Anthony Arnove: it seems illuminati triad run by the red dragon-ancient serpent performed distraction game playing in 2001 when TSEA(Taiwan Security Enhancement Act) act was about to pass and Mr. Wang, bing-zhang was preparing to enter China to counter the commi regime and the Yangzhou master/toad master was about to face collapse; according to Prof. Noam Chomsky the invasion of Iraq strategy inadvertently caused US mastering oil resource in underdog situation while Beijing obtained upper-hand status for the acquisition of crude oil source in the middle east; later entire situation became adverse because Nixon-Kissinger nurtured personnel is prone to being rather subject to Beijing's political economy advantage derived from unsagacious decision making in US.(e.g. Kissinger personnel insulted ROC last ambassador 沈剑虹 in 1979). What's more compromised, US state treasury is loaded with more deficit (several trillion USD more)after Iraq war. Modern day Bagdad is never a greater Babylon, where no foreigners go bowing down to that regime, greater Babylon, in biblical Revelation, is metaphoric as greater red dragon and wanton woman and bowing down to red dragon regime=prostitution in biblical language, every Christion can see through what the Grand Red Dragon regime refers to--the world No.1 undemocratic super-hyper big government trying to supersede in every aspect.
The royal court's Wang Lin(王林)espoused by Pharaoh/dragon-king should not be the first or last magician from days of Moses until second coming of Jesus, whose demonstration of power relates to gods/goddesses sphere weapon to perform frog-leap enshrouding(龙来龙去- insidious-malicious movement)--full of trickery as is displayed in my 2016 blog(Mar. 19)-further insight into the caricature debunks chimerical personality--personified as a dragon, a snake, a pig, a rat-- this 4-in-1 animal scrambles to disguise itself as a mascot as bull market. Further understanding of the neuron-hacker word " I have power over Chinese" mentioned previously gets me the implicit meaning that if you are at odds with the dragon, you will be enshrouded by the invasive formula/module called "disable you, condescend you, hijack you" run by some operators/holders, esp. disable you to serve Jesus Christ; just a reminder , this is sinologist's point of view; if only they don't meddle with this sinologist exodus from the hand of Pharaoh/dragon king!--it's up to them to understand the connotation and denotation of sinologist, engulfing the stepping-down wire-in of reimbursement, severance and settlement out of the pressure of transition for justice and righteousness means overwriting a physical life in the awe of God's ordinance of heaven and earth. The module/formula invasion mentioned constitutes harassment-maniac--as the sex one frequently popped up in the media ranging from male to female or female to male, in my opinion, as God has the supreme authority to plumb measuring line toward Ahab House and Manasseh House--to abide by biblical law is the only solution, to harass someone never committed fornication and adultery should be convicted as a felony, the rest in the Moses Torah; when power handed over from red dragon to beast the world following "deception is king" winning strategy learned from Art of War is full of anti-Christ culture; stricter social etiquette regulating man and woman resides in 1&2 Corinthians.
It's painful to reveal the Christian world/church has suffered a series of setbacks in the keynote speech of Dr. David Reagan (Bible conference on July 15, 2017) --e.g. turning point as severe backlash in 1974 when Nixon's scandal reached climax and Rev. David Wilkerson presented an open letter to his presidency including close sphere---advocating closer relationship with God(c.f. figure--uploaded letter) and later Christianity encountered deep affliction in 2008 as another turning point when my first affidavit was posted in my blog beginning to expose episodes of partly persecution and partly murder relevant to my life; Dr. Reagan concludes that persecution toward Christian has resurged since 2008, I can't believe the tendency moves toward the opposite direction of what Rev. Charles Stanley advocates in his book《Turning the Tide》and follows Roman Empire's infamous policy and practice 2000 years ago. Aside from cases recorded in my August/2017 blog YouTube links(also commented in Sept. blog)--in one case loyal Christian in Canada suffered, another case in City of Acadia, greater Los Angeles where belongs to most affluent communities in USA, in which the pastor led congregation to sing "An Ode to National Flag of China " in the church sanctuary--a former pastor Guo, Bao-sheng (郭宝胜) further testified that those who belong to China state-run church under two masters get upper-class reception in US and those who belong to underground church loyal to Jesus Christ only get low-class treatment--being like believing in red dragon regime leadership and getting eternal life--no need to explain what kind of fruit it is--the Nixon-Kissinger's appeasement policy beginning to curry favor with Mao's regime and further being double-face collusion to rake in most bloody dirty ugly money out of corruption, lie and tyranny--falling into the "Naked Communist" strategy--45 goals in total--summarized by FL Congressman Albert Herlong Jr. from researcher Cleon Skousen's book and recorded in the Congress on Jan. 10, 1963.
Paradoxically since Beijing's 89/6-4 crackdown, the regime beginning from Yangzhou master's full-house take-over of top positions has reviewed the collapse of USSR time after time--lamented with latest remorse and pity " there is no manhood to safeguard USSR" changed from the ranting sentiment "down with USSR" earlier; ironically the Nixon scandal resulted in alliance with Mao's regime in order to shift domestic focus under media and congress grill, thereafter to wholeheartedly safeguard Mao's regime; contrary to their review, back-sight into the cold war game era when Khrushchev and Brezhnev were quite rogue/valiant as manhood and tried to nuke and erase Beijing in order to fend off Beijing's extreme hostility to Moscow, shall we pay tribute to Comrade Khrushchev and Brezhnev? It seems we need to help them pay much more tribute to USSR founder Lenin currently when coming cross his October Revolution Centennial.
Bidding defiance to my protesting no settlement relevant to my "Life, Liberty and Property" motif blogging(also mentioning a parcel of downtown West Lake CBD land had to be handed over to commi regime from my grandparents) , the Hong Kong Sun Media(TV channel) run by the red baron couple Ms. Yang, Lan(杨澜) and Mr. Wu, Zheng (吴征)dare to engage game playing to broadcast Mao-era black-white movie to topple down landlord--their conscious/subconscious was to boost their Feng-shui energy and never to withdraw from the Mao's establishment whose power used to be nicknamed as Red Sun gods; meanwhile Bo, Xi-lai(薄熙来) became a disgraceful prisoner. Right now we got an intact clear picture synthesized from several YouTube exposure listed as 曹长青 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8STWbx4PF8 ,
吴建民 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZmAf1WLiwY and
郭文贵 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn_elnP4Y0 to conclude their human nature as is summarized--swindler and liar with hypocrisy and unscrupulousness--it's not just my remarks "Red Star Over Taiwan after China" over their eavesdropping, what is lethal to me and to their engulfing my money is I also sent an e-mail to US embassy in Beijing that time(August 2012)asking Gary Locke to convey my complaint blocked over fax line to China Central Bank Anti-money-laundering Bureau, for which I also talked to their bugging device and that red baron couple's foul play should descend upon me (c.f. my 2nd affidavit on Sept. 6&10, 2012 in my blog).
By the way, I hereby present proof that "Not Valid for Employment" in my SSN card to discern impostors in US.(c.f. inserted figs., issued by an office in LA San Gabriel(China) Valley located in Garfield Ave. between Garvey Ave. and Valley Blvd.) I suppose President Reagan most probably be the last president to proclaim God is absolute truth.

Heavenly Father, that I believe in Jesus as my only savior and only holy true light encourages me to elucidate that Jesus Christ first coming--death to death created by Lucifer-illuminati/Pharaoh/red dragon-serpent gateway, second coming--2nd death to those gateway holders also influencing some psychotronic weapon operators and never turning to Jesus in generations, in your hand and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Recent remarks that killing people in the name of state/regime doesn't violate law by the latest de-commissioned Hong Kong governor Mr. Liang being incumbent as state vice-president level official of PRC currently alerts us that his mindset was influenced by his insinuating cooperation with Mao's various political movement during cultural revolution, in this way, Liu, Shao-qi(刘少奇)-alike can be murdered in the name of political correctness--also bidding defiance to the advocating of social transition for justice and righteousness across Taiwan Strait since 21st century, e.g. in Peking Univ. law school network , a Mr. Jiang, Fu-cai and Tsinghua Univ. Prof. Sun, Li-ping present the concept of "The crime committed by stat is the mother of any crime" plus "government authorized evil doing/crime"(c.f. my Nov. 1, 2014blog ) , it's unbelievable for Mr. Liang to be lack of such basic concept as a Hongkonger--no wonder coordination with that couple in the matter of the black-white movie to topple down landlord from Sun Media(TV Channel) mentioned below days ago made sense(of which Mr. Wu is a trained red special hand and the timing was around the change of guard of Hong Kong top position and it's critical for Beijing's Yangzhou master force to engage in power game playing to raise Liang up; they definitely have the cookie of my viewing web TV from Shaw Internet ) --extension into Vancouver I mentioned downline of Zhou, En-lai in this January 31 blog regarding movie《Runner, Runner》; sorry, Senkaku Islands are mistaken for Shinjuku because of memory deletion problem.
Let's help them engage in much more "Down With Landlord" movement catering to their willingness; unfortunately , Deng and his alike own astronomical property in China, here I got a web picture to tell us approximate data estimated from Edward Snowden(see insert)--what's more, please refer to Deng's Anthology(邓小平文选, Vol 2:pp49 & Vol 3:pp111)regarding his judgement/measurement on regime failure, being criminal of history and being perversion in history with a threshold on personal property not surpassing 10 million RMB.
Latest evidences in these links prove Deng, Xiao-ping used to be a nasty front-runner/hitman to engage in anti-"rightwing" and Great Leap-forward movement in which he put down earlier leftwing activists who used to be commi partnership during overthrowing the rightwing Central Government in Nanking: http://cn.epochtimes.com/gb/17/10/29/n9782865.htm and
http://www.aboluowang.com/2017/1103/1019022.html .
It's an embarrassment for Deng, Xiao-ping as a dominator in hand-over of Hong Kong and his Designer-in-General identity to let Hong Kong's political development be analogous to the level called "political openness in training under limited election"(政治训政 under martial law) in Taiwan when approaching 2020 without being aware of the space-time--Chiang, Kai-shek just landed in Taiwan in 1949-50 to resume ROC presidency (e.g. dissident Mr. 郭雨新 elected as assemblyman ) ; I can bet in my life time Beijing won't engage in political openness, but still suggest Beijing at least engage in economic/business/financial openness in training under effective monitoring laws such as SOX, FCPA, TARA alike(财经商务训政)to sync int'l business/financial affairs with transparency. Corruption definitely proliferates in index power there to here without one of above mentioned check/balance measures.

More revised on 11/14/2017.
The memory deletion module/formula invasion behaving totally like human rights thug cause me can't help but feeling urge to expose more Nixon system's irrational evaluation reviewed in the《Essential Chomsky》edited by Anthony Arnove: it seems illuminati triad run by the red dragon-ancient serpent performed distraction game playing in 2001 when TSEA(Taiwan Security Enhancement Act) act was about to pass and Mr. Wang, bing-zhang was preparing to enter China to counter the commi regime and the Yangzhou master/toad master was about to face collapse; according to Prof. Noam Chomsky the invasion of Iraq strategy inadvertently caused US mastering oil resource in underdog situation while Beijing obtained upper-hand status for the acquisition of crude oil source in the middle east; later entire situation became adverse because Nixon-Kissinger nurtured personnel is prone to being rather subject to Beijing's political economy advantage derived from unsagacious decision making in US.(e.g. Kissinger personnel insulted ROC last ambassador 沈剑虹 in 1979). What's more compromised, US state treasury is loaded with more deficit (several trillion USD more)after Iraq war. Modern day Bagdad is never a greater Babylon, where no foreigners go bowing down to that regime, greater Babylon, in biblical Revelation, is metaphoric as greater red dragon and wanton woman and bowing down to red dragon regime=prostitution in biblical language, every Christion can see through what the Grand Red Dragon regime refers to--the world No.1 undemocratic super-hyper big government trying to supersede in every aspect.
The royal court's Wang Lin(王林)espoused by Pharaoh/dragon-king should not be the first or last magician from days of Moses until second coming of Jesus, whose demonstration of power relates to gods/goddesses sphere weapon to perform frog-leap enshrouding(龙来龙去- insidious-malicious movement)--full of trickery as is displayed in my 2016 blog(Mar. 19)-further insight into the caricature debunks chimerical personality--personified as a dragon, a snake, a pig, a rat-- this 4-in-1 animal scrambles to disguise itself as a mascot as bull market. Further understanding of the neuron-hacker word " I have power over Chinese" mentioned previously gets me the implicit meaning that if you are at odds with the dragon, you will be enshrouded by the invasive formula/module called "disable you, condescend you, hijack you" run by some operators/holders, esp. disable you to serve Jesus Christ; just a reminder , this is sinologist's point of view; if only they don't meddle with this sinologist exodus from the hand of Pharaoh/dragon king!--it's up to them to understand the connotation and denotation of sinologist, engulfing the stepping-down wire-in of reimbursement, severance and settlement out of the pressure of transition for justice and righteousness means overwriting a physical life in the awe of God's ordinance of heaven and earth. The module/formula invasion mentioned constitutes harassment-maniac--as the sex one frequently popped up in the media ranging from male to female or female to male, in my opinion, as God has the supreme authority to plumb measuring line toward Ahab House and Manasseh House--to abide by biblical law is the only solution, to harass someone never committed fornication and adultery should be convicted as a felony, the rest in the Moses Torah; when power handed over from red dragon to beast the world following "deception is king" winning strategy learned from Art of War is full of anti-Christ culture; stricter social etiquette regulating man and woman resides in 1&2 Corinthians.
It's painful to reveal the Christian world/church has suffered a series of setbacks in the keynote speech of Dr. David Reagan (Bible conference on July 15, 2017) --e.g. turning point as severe backlash in 1974 when Nixon's scandal reached climax and Rev. David Wilkerson presented an open letter to his presidency including close sphere---advocating closer relationship with God(c.f. figure--uploaded letter) and later Christianity encountered deep affliction in 2008 as another turning point when my first affidavit was posted in my blog beginning to expose episodes of partly persecution and partly murder relevant to my life; Dr. Reagan concludes that persecution toward Christian has resurged since 2008, I can't believe the tendency moves toward the opposite direction of what Rev. Charles Stanley advocates in his book《Turning the Tide》and follows Roman Empire's infamous policy and practice 2000 years ago. Aside from cases recorded in my August/2017 blog YouTube links(also commented in Sept. blog)--in one case loyal Christian in Canada suffered, another case in City of Acadia, greater Los Angeles where belongs to most affluent communities in USA, in which the pastor led congregation to sing "An Ode to National Flag of China " in the church sanctuary--a former pastor Guo, Bao-sheng (郭宝胜) further testified that those who belong to China state-run church under two masters get upper-class reception in US and those who belong to underground church loyal to Jesus Christ only get low-class treatment--being like believing in red dragon regime leadership and getting eternal life--no need to explain what kind of fruit it is--the Nixon-Kissinger's appeasement policy beginning to curry favor with Mao's regime and further being double-face collusion to rake in most bloody dirty ugly money out of corruption, lie and tyranny--falling into the "Naked Communist" strategy--45 goals in total--summarized by FL Congressman Albert Herlong Jr. from researcher Cleon Skousen's book and recorded in the Congress on Jan. 10, 1963.
Paradoxically since Beijing's 89/6-4 crackdown, the regime beginning from Yangzhou master's full-house take-over of top positions has reviewed the collapse of USSR time after time--lamented with latest remorse and pity " there is no manhood to safeguard USSR" changed from the ranting sentiment "down with USSR" earlier; ironically the Nixon scandal resulted in alliance with Mao's regime in order to shift domestic focus under media and congress grill, thereafter to wholeheartedly safeguard Mao's regime; contrary to their review, back-sight into the cold war game era when Khrushchev and Brezhnev were quite rogue/valiant as manhood and tried to nuke and erase Beijing in order to fend off Beijing's extreme hostility to Moscow, shall we pay tribute to Comrade Khrushchev and Brezhnev? It seems we need to help them pay much more tribute to USSR founder Lenin currently when coming cross his October Revolution Centennial.
Bidding defiance to my protesting no settlement relevant to my "Life, Liberty and Property" motif blogging(also mentioning a parcel of downtown West Lake CBD land had to be handed over to commi regime from my grandparents) , the Hong Kong Sun Media(TV channel) run by the red baron couple Ms. Yang, Lan(杨澜) and Mr. Wu, Zheng (吴征)dare to engage game playing to broadcast Mao-era black-white movie to topple down landlord--their conscious/subconscious was to boost their Feng-shui energy and never to withdraw from the Mao's establishment whose power used to be nicknamed as Red Sun gods; meanwhile Bo, Xi-lai(薄熙来) became a disgraceful prisoner. Right now we got an intact clear picture synthesized from several YouTube exposure listed as 曹长青 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8STWbx4PF8 ,
吴建民 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZmAf1WLiwY and
郭文贵 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn_elnP4Y0 to conclude their human nature as is summarized--swindler and liar with hypocrisy and unscrupulousness--it's not just my remarks "Red Star Over Taiwan after China" over their eavesdropping, what is lethal to me and to their engulfing my money is I also sent an e-mail to US embassy in Beijing that time(August 2012)asking Gary Locke to convey my complaint blocked over fax line to China Central Bank Anti-money-laundering Bureau, for which I also talked to their bugging device and that red baron couple's foul play should descend upon me (c.f. my 2nd affidavit on Sept. 6&10, 2012 in my blog).
By the way, I hereby present proof that "Not Valid for Employment" in my SSN card to discern impostors in US.(c.f. inserted figs., issued by an office in LA San Gabriel(China) Valley located in Garfield Ave. between Garvey Ave. and Valley Blvd.) I suppose President Reagan most probably be the last president to proclaim God is absolute truth.