In the era of Eisenhower the philosophy of Ayer Rand regarding capitalism was not so discouraging because the newly created "One Nation Under God" Oath of Allegiance and Max Weber 's theory of Protestantism can check/balance its impact. Nowadays the political correctness of post-modernism is importing more and more occultism and despotism such as the Confucianism/72 gods/goddesses associated with Mao's philosophy which remains residue ingrained in some people's mind--such hodgepodge/mishmash chemical reaction causes no bottom line in the realm of ethics. The integration of military psychotronic weapon with their gods/goddesses gateway as rendition for their cosmic mental wave served machine organized gang stalking can debunk Illuminati control freak's conspiracy and sabotage; various coveting modules including VIP link with even foolish fabrication and gaslighting are preloaded/programmed/reprogrammed in their super-hyper computer for the constituting of chimerical but liquid personality attack to make sense subterfuge in situation being unable to survive by placing a phalanx of perversion/distraction/misguidance--always supervening to consume opponent's time and energy--all under the manipulation of grand red dragon regime; before long the highly recognized exploitation and drive-a-wedge technique developed by red commi Wu, Lan-fu(former vice-president) was posted in the internet when I came cross an interface incident inexplicably.
Great Wall installed in my Shaw Cable Internet plan(150M) could be located at the adjacent exchange server or entrance I/O(c.f. my Feb. 11, 2017blog), recently I found it in real-ime operation at critical time(see more evidence pictures in this blog) when I tried to download a testimony about the persecution toward loyal Christian(failed two times, also very low speed for my subscription of 150M plan). My e-mail complaints(3/3/2017 and 3/8/2017, pic. uploaded)reveals the fact that when their tech support is present on the spot the speed is seemingly granted.
Rev. Clarence Larkin in his Dispensational Truth points out only 1/7 Philadelphia-type church can have some strength to fend off evil spirit or to serve Jesus Christ wholeheartedly concerning justice and righteousness--Tom Hurper of Canada noticed the fading away of Christianity in UK and Canada 30+ years ago--such trend is being followed up in US--so comes with red commi hand operated church in L.A. like state-run church in China--one servant with two masters--on the one hand loyal to Jesus Christ, on the other hand loyal to commi leadership--displayed in the YouTube( )--singing red commi ideology song in the sanctuary--it should be borne in mind that even US national anthem can't be included in the hymn. In Canada loyal Christian testified the experience of betrayal, sold-out and entrapment by red commi hand in the church(mentioned above,
nevertheless the rest 6/7 churches in which Jesus was compromised had never reached the degree to which the damage appeared as serving for the Roman emperor persecuting Christians; so Dr. David Reagan expressed more apprehension in 2017 Bible Conference last month.
More unthinkable thing pops up in my previously mentioned Dr. L.S.Gandham Optometry Clinic case--since they deny I'm a customer of theirs(see their official statement through BBB, uploaded),the BC MSP-Blue Cross system indicates I'm locked in their clinic as a customer so that they prevented me from seeing other optometrists and I e-mailed complaint to Dr. Gandham office 2 weeks ago., but no response so far; who presented arrogance or malfeasance??
Heavenly Father, I'll make every effort to cut off the bondage that is not of the Lord, esp. from the agent of influence of lie and tyranny--bondage like Pharaoh gods/goddesses gateway in which King Amaziah and King Manasseh who can't be exonerated by God are riding and hiding, I loose them in the name of Jesus Christ; I praise Lord in times of success, achievement and victory, also in times of failure, trouble, trial and tribulation, in Jesus name, Amen!

Great Wall installed in my Shaw Cable Internet plan(150M) could be located at the adjacent exchange server or entrance I/O(c.f. my Feb. 11, 2017blog), recently I found it in real-ime operation at critical time(see more evidence pictures in this blog) when I tried to download a testimony about the persecution toward loyal Christian(failed two times, also very low speed for my subscription of 150M plan). My e-mail complaints(3/3/2017 and 3/8/2017, pic. uploaded)reveals the fact that when their tech support is present on the spot the speed is seemingly granted.
Rev. Clarence Larkin in his Dispensational Truth points out only 1/7 Philadelphia-type church can have some strength to fend off evil spirit or to serve Jesus Christ wholeheartedly concerning justice and righteousness--Tom Hurper of Canada noticed the fading away of Christianity in UK and Canada 30+ years ago--such trend is being followed up in US--so comes with red commi hand operated church in L.A. like state-run church in China--one servant with two masters--on the one hand loyal to Jesus Christ, on the other hand loyal to commi leadership--displayed in the YouTube( )--singing red commi ideology song in the sanctuary--it should be borne in mind that even US national anthem can't be included in the hymn. In Canada loyal Christian testified the experience of betrayal, sold-out and entrapment by red commi hand in the church(mentioned above,
nevertheless the rest 6/7 churches in which Jesus was compromised had never reached the degree to which the damage appeared as serving for the Roman emperor persecuting Christians; so Dr. David Reagan expressed more apprehension in 2017 Bible Conference last month.
More unthinkable thing pops up in my previously mentioned Dr. L.S.Gandham Optometry Clinic case--since they deny I'm a customer of theirs(see their official statement through BBB, uploaded),the BC MSP-Blue Cross system indicates I'm locked in their clinic as a customer so that they prevented me from seeing other optometrists and I e-mailed complaint to Dr. Gandham office 2 weeks ago., but no response so far; who presented arrogance or malfeasance??
Heavenly Father, I'll make every effort to cut off the bondage that is not of the Lord, esp. from the agent of influence of lie and tyranny--bondage like Pharaoh gods/goddesses gateway in which King Amaziah and King Manasseh who can't be exonerated by God are riding and hiding, I loose them in the name of Jesus Christ; I praise Lord in times of success, achievement and victory, also in times of failure, trouble, trial and tribulation, in Jesus name, Amen!