The quasi-Morningstar, Lucifer worshipped by the Illuminati of Bavaria which was mental guidance of Karl Marx who wrote ((Communist Manifesto)) is proto-type of deception and manipulation(Isaiah 14:12-15), also called ancient serpent(c.f. my last blog--part 1). To my encouragement, I have some proof that technique called "Remote Neural Monitoring" was reported by Swedish scientists Daniel Estulin and Magnus Olson, furthermore a book(free PDF download) called ((Deeper Insight into Illuminati formula)) by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler tells us the illegal harmful invasive means, the victimization of innocent people, mental torture, forced psychiatric drugging for the deliberately induced symptom of mental illness, memory deletion and dehumanization--shedding innocent blood, which rouses ourselves to the author's deepest inquiry of God:" How long, O Lord, holy and true, do you not judge and avenge our blood on the earth?"
The latest development in my reality becomes false positive/negative things in my android Gmail app to show "sync is off" starting 5/5/2017 while beneath the account the sync functions, the electronic manipulation/deception is so obvious that the rendition is selective blockade and/or thoroughfare of my incoming/outgoing mail--the frog-like spirit(c.f. my last blog) is trying to enshroud entire world with the most advanced micro-electronics technology plus money to buy off.
Mutual cultivation/nurturing of toad master Kung-fu is to rake in most bloody dirty ugly money out of lie and tyranny due to being unable to survive in the politics of western democracy--only scrambling for the maintenance of high society posture in whatever means like Louis XIV/XVI; the self-righteous Quasi-Pharisee/Sadducee behind the scene with the murderous intention and deceptive heart can be found in the Psalm 139:19-20.