The original GIF is around 500kb(very clear) but somehow becomes 10-20kb after uploading them to this blog, I changed them to PNG which needs to magnify and find in the windows photo viewer(up left or lower left corner).Also some pictures in my May blog were reloaded here.
After I read memoir of a former PLA senior colonel(also son of former PLA 4-star general) Mr. 罗 (c.f. Mr. Luo, Yu : www.aboluowang.com/2016/0925/808828.html ) on Deng, Xiao-ping, I got more precise memory about what I mentioned 20 billion USD influx in NY in Chinese "World Journal"--should be around Jan 3, 1993(section A, Deng, Xiao-ping's hijacking state treasury after 1989 Tian-an-men square crackdown)--crisis root cause--further developed end time mentality(at that time, the entire USD reserve in China just 11-digit).
I dare to bet the red core principle of China constitution can't be abolished forever for the vested-interest under commi regime although Deng once feigned that repealing would be possible in front of some Taiwan's anti-communist scholar in 1988 when FDI was much needed and also tried to feign as victim of Maoist to obtain sympathy, but the 1989 incident caused end-time mentality. They must use the red core including Maoism as vehicle to reinforce establishment as police state meanwhile reactivating what Prof. Li Ming disgusts--Confucianism in China, hence ensued is 72 gods and goddesses reactivation--that's called tergiversation is core value--Confucius-Pharisee's hypocrisy-maniac is full-house manifested--much more greed and tyrannical than what Jesus saw, even Hu, Qiao-mu(胡乔木) expressed in 1989 the red core is untenable, which was summarised by him on behalf of Deng's demand(c.f. link http://boxun.com/news/gb/z_special/2015/07/201507100724.shtml ).
Importing Confucius-Mencius gods(c.f. my Aug. 25/2016 blog link, the grandeur temple) in the west without being aware of what Bible alerts in 2 Corinthian 4:4 can be said following Nixon-Kissinger's currying favor with commi China regime in order to take advantage of dictatorship --furthermore currying favor with the 10 trillion USD gold calf (also c.f. Aug 25/2016 blog) and the Babel Tower-- commi one-party dictatorship language system, which is corroborated by Mr. Jiang, Wei-ping(姜维平)(c.f. http://blog.boxun.com/hero/201609/jiangweiping/4_1.shtml ) who commented Kissinger's raking in money as an expert of posture displaying in Sino-US relation.
Under Harper administration, the agency Report Economic Crime Online was dissolved.
Mr.Zhou, Yong-kang (周永康, convicted of economic crime as life sentence ) was the most financially powerful oiler and police Tsar to demonstrate prowess in Calgary of Canada, under his leadership corruption, lie and tyranny were much encouraged. So quasi-Wei Hsiao-pao(c.f. Dr. Louis Cha novel)--evil-twin runners were rampant enough--still echoing, playing ugly game with digital altercation and imitation. I feel very honored that billions of dollars has been spent to engage containment and coercion activities against me by means of conveying commercial interest plus bribery from greater Los Angeles to greater Vancouver beginning from Yangzhou master's incumbent period. Ma-Kim(马-金)'s cronyism and nepotism(c.f. Taipei Times) during the then-incumbent period can shoulder responsibility for the anti-Jesus mentality in Chinese sphere; in contrast to the fact that the current Russia Communist Party has advanced to a state not against Jesus.
Confucius-Pharisee's insidiousness and oriental occultism and despotism are no better than Lenin, Stalin and Mao's totalitarianism.
The current coercion and containment toward me can be displayed as above ( 2 more Faxs and 3 VanCity e-mails as supplement to my April and May blogs plus the fact that my 2nd quarter TFSA statement replacement from BMO was received in August after Canada Post mail interception), please drag out and click to magnify.