P.P.S.3 added(12/25/2015).
P.P.S.2 added(12/20/2015).
P.P.S.1 added(12/16/2015).
Revision made in last blog(magnified bold letter added-UN), a sentence of bold letter added in this blog(12/13/2015).
Footnote 3 was added in last blog and please c.f. my 8/21/2014 blog.
The two sum of money just mentioned in last blog should have been my survival energy at a critical time in my life as a student in L.A.'s San Gabriel Valley(China Valley), my life would be a totally different one with them for my MBA candidacy. The labeling of schizophrenia is like being marked as "Not Valid for Employment" in my SIN card(as was the case in my SSN card issued by an office in the San Gabriel Valley). That's why my career has been destroyed; and what's more it's the obstacle for me to make friendship(not to say fellowship) with intellectual peer("People gather under the same category").
The most recent Telus case ID#: 19689602 I received indicates some agent called"Lori" in the Calgary's Customer Relations Dept. dodges my question or refuses to recognize the telephone Nr. 604-595-1398 used to belong to BC Tel., playing game with me. It's been forgotten that Calgary MP Rob Andres commented on them about currying favor with communist regime in order to take advantage of dictatorship and Calgary journalist Kevin Steel commented on puppet of Beijing--actually puppet of Yangzhou master dominating China's telecommunication market as kingpin--better off assimilating into their world.

Some statistics circulated in the internet that over 50% people in the west have Christian faith is out-of-date in that Rev. Charles Stanley needn't advocate"Turning the Tide" if over 50% population(esp. those who really hold the Essential Doctrines defined in the Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps and Timelines); besides it can be estimated from the most recent demography about USA(which has most concentrated Christian population in the world) in the internet(see figures above, click to amplify). So reinforcement of true Christian faith is our goal.
The great leader Chairman Mao and Deng and Yangzhou master got huge bonus from cold war, fending off USSR in a drive-a-wedge style, but Taliban honestly fended off USSR. Chairman Mao openly expressed he preferred some right wing like Nixon who was unable to dis-entrench himself from the entanglement of domestic trouble and needed to dance with Mao instead of those sagacious senior level left wing(like Noam Chomsky) upon which Mao would feel downgraded, not to say those sagacious senior level right wing(like Harvey Mansfield). Unfortunately, after the end of cold war, the faith in Christianity in Taiwan's president's sphere may be in a situation that in the wake of presidency of Mr. Lee no more Christian president will serve the country as more and more advancement of Neo-Confuciusism and Buddhism into China in which Gospel spreading in university campus is prohibited--injunction issued not long ago .(c.f. my 6/3/2015 blog).
The once circulated a black-white photo of a child in a suit with bow-tie beside a scooter is my father in the first half of 1930's, the result of lawlessness of the recurring syndrome of cultural revolution. He would have held a position in diplomatic system or Ctr. for Int'l Relation at National Chengchi Univ. had the boarding pass been used when the last retreat of the president entourage departing in Shanghai in 1949 as was mentioned in Oct. blog.
There is consistency between Prof. Li, Ming's conclusion"murder in order to rake in money" on Confucius faith and Dr. David Reagan's commentary(author of The Man of Lawlessness) on the end-time phenomenon--the evil twin at the turn of the century; the prince of darkness hiding in the heavenly disguises himself as Jesus, emitting cosmic mental wave, hence there exists the evil twin in the wi-fi hot spot on the earth(c.f. John 8:43-44, my blog on 4/29/2012, 5/24/2012, 6/5/2012 also targeting Lucifer, the impostor etc.).
P.P.S.1: As was requested by CCTS, I phoned Telus 1-866-558-2273 on Dec. 11/2015@ around 6:51pm for a 49'50'' talk. First Marco, then her manager Sandra from Edmonton can't explain why my number becomes restricted in their company and why the case handler Lori has stopped there and dodged my question. Hence a reference#: 386363 incurred. What's more, CCTS sent me a quite pre-filled PDF complaint form last week with a case Nr.00-00-00-00651061, after I filled up every blanket designed by them(where there is no such an item "demanding what kind of resolution") and sent back this Monday, I was told I need to file again in their web portal for being lack of the item and the CCTS case number forfeited.
I don't know what's the funny thing. By the way, my intercom-enterphone system has been disabled insidiously for a long time, installing new hurdle to use Telus can cause more hardship that my door bell system through landline phone not to be recovered--the insidiousness is called the conspiracy of segregation(as a matter of fact, the intercom-enterphone system never depends on Telus, but the cut-off condition of the landline has incurred subtleties).
P.P.S. 2: Such conspiracy is called"Everybody knows the mind of prime minister Si-ma, Zhao, 司马昭之心,路人皆知” in Chinese idiom, to better understand this blog title "how to survive", one needs to refer to my blogs(on 7/4/2009--Fixing the two fronts and 8/25/2010--Flushing out the truth, both with euphemism).
A scene in the not so long ago of US Congress debate on re-open government can be recalled: a lady stenographer abruptly protested about the Freemason-designed system not working; in my opinion, the founding father didn't expect the consciousness "religious freedom" can be taken advantage of by ultra-pagan or ultra-heathen due to the convenience of denotation and connotation--Western society didn't feel the impact from the pagan during the 18th century, the free-from-British-monarch-burden movement was abreast with "in-pursuit-of-freedom" worshiping Jesus Christ by Puritan--as time goes by, the observation by Tom Hurper is rendered as Christendom dissolved or no longer prevailing during globalization.
Both Rev. Skip Heitzig and Charles Stanley mentioned "buy off character" in the sermon, the "buy-off" result is lifelessness which is fulfilled in a interactive way during the Confuciusism and Buddhism resurgence serviced by the influx from outside mainland China and later on cascade effect overseas catalyzed such as marginalizing effect to squeeze out the survival room of few other honestly abiding by rule of law. Take for example, a section of Yellow River located in greater Lanzhou region is surveyed by Weird News in the Universe http://www.qwqt.net/news/kongbu05/26434.html --at least 10,000 dead bodies floating and increasingly; 1/3 Yellow Rive, the provenance of which is located at where a black & white photo was taken(originally from Boxun Forum exposing a tail of flying snake or flying crocodile like, see figures below, click to amplify)--like red dragon and beast coming(Hitler during WWII dispatched a team of explorers in order to retrieve alien tech at the origin of Yarlung Zangbo River, Reptoid alien directing mental wave is classified by Dr. Richard Boylan, ), is dead(www.secretchina.com/news/08/11/26/272263.html ) .

P.P.S.3: The famous Tang Dynasty poet Li(Lee), Bai described :"The water of Yellow River is from sky"; the toxic ugly dragon at the origin of Yellow river downpours disaster and evil-doing, can't bear Jesus coming, directing every murderer, like flying bunker inside which resides king of Pharisee, king of idolatry; let me remind that a Hongkonger Mr. 黎(owner of Next Mag.) pointed out "There is no clear blue sky and shining sun, only red-colored landscape"--bloody darkness(Clear blue sky, shining sun with red background, emblem of ROC national flag). A young English secretary to President Chiang Jr. around 35 yrs ago, once a leading mind to engage anti-communist invasion, sadly, as time goes by, dubbed as secretary general of CCP(CPC) in Taiwan by Chen, Yong-miao & 120 ordinary Chinese citizens(c.f. my 11/6/2012 blog link); ironically, a former English secretary of Chairman Mao, Zi, Zhong-jun, not as modern or democratized as that young man 35 years ago, currently her mind has advanced into commenting(as member of National PPC Assembly) on the reality in China as such: "there exist King-mother Ci-xi at the top (cadre) level and Boxing-uprising personnel at the bottom of Pyramid; once facing crisis of reigning, the best bet is focus distraction or deflection--to instigate anti-Japan activities: http://www.boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/2015/01/201501101200.shtml .
P.P.S.2 added(12/20/2015).
P.P.S.1 added(12/16/2015).
Revision made in last blog(magnified bold letter added-UN), a sentence of bold letter added in this blog(12/13/2015).
Footnote 3 was added in last blog and please c.f. my 8/21/2014 blog.
The two sum of money just mentioned in last blog should have been my survival energy at a critical time in my life as a student in L.A.'s San Gabriel Valley(China Valley), my life would be a totally different one with them for my MBA candidacy. The labeling of schizophrenia is like being marked as "Not Valid for Employment" in my SIN card(as was the case in my SSN card issued by an office in the San Gabriel Valley). That's why my career has been destroyed; and what's more it's the obstacle for me to make friendship(not to say fellowship) with intellectual peer("People gather under the same category").
The most recent Telus case ID#: 19689602 I received indicates some agent called"Lori" in the Calgary's Customer Relations Dept. dodges my question or refuses to recognize the telephone Nr. 604-595-1398 used to belong to BC Tel., playing game with me. It's been forgotten that Calgary MP Rob Andres commented on them about currying favor with communist regime in order to take advantage of dictatorship and Calgary journalist Kevin Steel commented on puppet of Beijing--actually puppet of Yangzhou master dominating China's telecommunication market as kingpin--better off assimilating into their world.

The great leader Chairman Mao and Deng and Yangzhou master got huge bonus from cold war, fending off USSR in a drive-a-wedge style, but Taliban honestly fended off USSR. Chairman Mao openly expressed he preferred some right wing like Nixon who was unable to dis-entrench himself from the entanglement of domestic trouble and needed to dance with Mao instead of those sagacious senior level left wing(like Noam Chomsky) upon which Mao would feel downgraded, not to say those sagacious senior level right wing(like Harvey Mansfield). Unfortunately, after the end of cold war, the faith in Christianity in Taiwan's president's sphere may be in a situation that in the wake of presidency of Mr. Lee no more Christian president will serve the country as more and more advancement of Neo-Confuciusism and Buddhism into China in which Gospel spreading in university campus is prohibited--injunction issued not long ago .(c.f. my 6/3/2015 blog).
The once circulated a black-white photo of a child in a suit with bow-tie beside a scooter is my father in the first half of 1930's, the result of lawlessness of the recurring syndrome of cultural revolution. He would have held a position in diplomatic system or Ctr. for Int'l Relation at National Chengchi Univ. had the boarding pass been used when the last retreat of the president entourage departing in Shanghai in 1949 as was mentioned in Oct. blog.
There is consistency between Prof. Li, Ming's conclusion"murder in order to rake in money" on Confucius faith and Dr. David Reagan's commentary(author of The Man of Lawlessness) on the end-time phenomenon--the evil twin at the turn of the century; the prince of darkness hiding in the heavenly disguises himself as Jesus, emitting cosmic mental wave, hence there exists the evil twin in the wi-fi hot spot on the earth(c.f. John 8:43-44, my blog on 4/29/2012, 5/24/2012, 6/5/2012 also targeting Lucifer, the impostor etc.).
P.P.S.1: As was requested by CCTS, I phoned Telus 1-866-558-2273 on Dec. 11/2015@ around 6:51pm for a 49'50'' talk. First Marco, then her manager Sandra from Edmonton can't explain why my number becomes restricted in their company and why the case handler Lori has stopped there and dodged my question. Hence a reference#: 386363 incurred. What's more, CCTS sent me a quite pre-filled PDF complaint form last week with a case Nr.00-00-00-00651061, after I filled up every blanket designed by them(where there is no such an item "demanding what kind of resolution") and sent back this Monday, I was told I need to file again in their web portal for being lack of the item and the CCTS case number forfeited.
I don't know what's the funny thing. By the way, my intercom-enterphone system has been disabled insidiously for a long time, installing new hurdle to use Telus can cause more hardship that my door bell system through landline phone not to be recovered--the insidiousness is called the conspiracy of segregation(as a matter of fact, the intercom-enterphone system never depends on Telus, but the cut-off condition of the landline has incurred subtleties).
P.P.S. 2: Such conspiracy is called"Everybody knows the mind of prime minister Si-ma, Zhao, 司马昭之心,路人皆知” in Chinese idiom, to better understand this blog title "how to survive", one needs to refer to my blogs(on 7/4/2009--Fixing the two fronts and 8/25/2010--Flushing out the truth, both with euphemism).
A scene in the not so long ago of US Congress debate on re-open government can be recalled: a lady stenographer abruptly protested about the Freemason-designed system not working; in my opinion, the founding father didn't expect the consciousness "religious freedom" can be taken advantage of by ultra-pagan or ultra-heathen due to the convenience of denotation and connotation--Western society didn't feel the impact from the pagan during the 18th century, the free-from-British-monarch-burden movement was abreast with "in-pursuit-of-freedom" worshiping Jesus Christ by Puritan--as time goes by, the observation by Tom Hurper is rendered as Christendom dissolved or no longer prevailing during globalization.
Both Rev. Skip Heitzig and Charles Stanley mentioned "buy off character" in the sermon, the "buy-off" result is lifelessness which is fulfilled in a interactive way during the Confuciusism and Buddhism resurgence serviced by the influx from outside mainland China and later on cascade effect overseas catalyzed such as marginalizing effect to squeeze out the survival room of few other honestly abiding by rule of law. Take for example, a section of Yellow River located in greater Lanzhou region is surveyed by Weird News in the Universe http://www.qwqt.net/news/kongbu05/26434.html --at least 10,000 dead bodies floating and increasingly; 1/3 Yellow Rive, the provenance of which is located at where a black & white photo was taken(originally from Boxun Forum exposing a tail of flying snake or flying crocodile like, see figures below, click to amplify)--like red dragon and beast coming(Hitler during WWII dispatched a team of explorers in order to retrieve alien tech at the origin of Yarlung Zangbo River, Reptoid alien directing mental wave is classified by Dr. Richard Boylan, ), is dead(www.secretchina.com/news/08/11/26/272263.html ) .

P.P.S.3: The famous Tang Dynasty poet Li(Lee), Bai described :"The water of Yellow River is from sky"; the toxic ugly dragon at the origin of Yellow river downpours disaster and evil-doing, can't bear Jesus coming, directing every murderer, like flying bunker inside which resides king of Pharisee, king of idolatry; let me remind that a Hongkonger Mr. 黎(owner of Next Mag.) pointed out "There is no clear blue sky and shining sun, only red-colored landscape"--bloody darkness(Clear blue sky, shining sun with red background, emblem of ROC national flag). A young English secretary to President Chiang Jr. around 35 yrs ago, once a leading mind to engage anti-communist invasion, sadly, as time goes by, dubbed as secretary general of CCP(CPC) in Taiwan by Chen, Yong-miao & 120 ordinary Chinese citizens(c.f. my 11/6/2012 blog link); ironically, a former English secretary of Chairman Mao, Zi, Zhong-jun, not as modern or democratized as that young man 35 years ago, currently her mind has advanced into commenting(as member of National PPC Assembly) on the reality in China as such: "there exist King-mother Ci-xi at the top (cadre) level and Boxing-uprising personnel at the bottom of Pyramid; once facing crisis of reigning, the best bet is focus distraction or deflection--to instigate anti-Japan activities: http://www.boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/2015/01/201501101200.shtml .