P.P.S.3.(Feb. 7, 2015) The more violation of Moses law in the line of first priority, the more politically correct; the more heathen faith or multi-faith, the more pride and the more easy-living in this world.
The ChristianExodus.org is marginalized; only memory is left in the archive.org.
In this reality, what I encountered is Lucifer has used whatever means to intercept my exodus and my fund-raising for exodus.
P.P.S.2(Feb. 2, 2015) What's funny is Mr.Xu, Shui-liang's blog about his allegation that"anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism are backlash slogan" disappeared mysteriously(It was there yesterday at Boxun.com, currently in the duping.net). Let me say something, it's after importing Confuciousnism and Buddhism as multi-culturalism then the west begins to engage anti-imperialism activity increasingly and currently it's still politically correct in the west. With their "down with imperialism" in China, their Confuciousnism and Buddhism land in western civilization where Mr.Xu must take advantage. His mind speaks for regalia of China. By the way, the degree to which the totalitarian behavior Qin dynasty hold was more inexorable no matter what kind of definition he tried to vindicate as not "feudal" since Qin dynasty. All of their governing systems should be called anti-humanity, anti-Christ systems dubbed as "revolving door" dynasty reign.
____________________________________________ P.P.S.1(Feb. 1, 2015) To my knowledge, Mr.Xu, Shui-liang has lived in US and Canada for about 20 years. Our society has nurtured a so called famous Chinese dissident who'd like to discard US Constitution and its 1st Amendment whose foundations derive from God's Natural Laws which give us Natural Rights, i.e. the inalienable rights conferred by God.
Also in last 20 years, the communist official mentioned(nicknamed General Manager for his Yangzhou master dominating China) on 1/23/2015 in my last blog's P.P.S help his master form tremendous vested-interest group.
Another past 20 years period I try to point out is the duration to form the astonishing Geni Co-efficiency 0.73 in China(see my 3/29/2014 blog, 1% grabs 99%).
Let's do some psycho-analysis for some so called Chinese dissident Xu, Shui-liang who wrote an article in which he parallels Marxism, Leninism and Mao, Ze-dong thought with monotheism: http://blog.boxun.com/hero/201501/xushuiliang/14_1.shtml . Lucifer-directed Wei, Hsiao-bao group enshrouded with toad bio-energy essence tries to reach some advantage swindling as no positives and negatives, no right and wrong. There are two possibilities 1. trying to represent China's regalia composed of Confuciusnism and Buddhism to attack the foundation of western civilization; 2. his 50c sub-consciousness trying to manifest the communist ideology as greatness.
The key element is he tries to trump the God's sovereignty or God's Natural Laws over humanity.
The slave society I mentioned on Aug.2, 2014 is corroborated by more ramification or expositions in

the images uploaded from internet narrated as: 1.the summary of a slave society especially criticized by former Singapore Prime Minister Lee, Kuan-yew as double personality in the bureaucratic hierarchy; 2. the beast coming; 3.the author expresses his disgusting toward Pharisee-like behavior--not discriminating prostitute but hate prostitute disguising themselves as virgin, not discriminating criminal but hate those doing evil then disguising themselves as greatness.
In the process of demolishing, the protestors emphasized the behavior of the slave-owner is more evil than that of Japanese troops done during the WWII: www.secretchina.com/news/14/07/27/548326.html .
and what's more, using bio-terrorism to intimidate slave: www.secretchina.com/news/14/12/22/563403.html .
Things are what Ms.He, Qing-lian described in her blog link in 2007 from www.newcenturynews.com about ransacking and pillaging I mentioned in my 1/19/2015 blog, but unfortunately due to a situation called consumed-up financial resources it stops running; it's a pity that it could have been parked in the free web server like GoDaddy etc. and no update thereafter.
I once cited data that 91% plutocrat out of 1% super-rich population in China is from red-regime bureaucratic sphere under the slogan of serving the people's interest.
The ChristianExodus.org is marginalized; only memory is left in the archive.org.
In this reality, what I encountered is Lucifer has used whatever means to intercept my exodus and my fund-raising for exodus.
P.P.S.2(Feb. 2, 2015) What's funny is Mr.Xu, Shui-liang's blog about his allegation that"anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism are backlash slogan" disappeared mysteriously(It was there yesterday at Boxun.com, currently in the duping.net). Let me say something, it's after importing Confuciousnism and Buddhism as multi-culturalism then the west begins to engage anti-imperialism activity increasingly and currently it's still politically correct in the west. With their "down with imperialism" in China, their Confuciousnism and Buddhism land in western civilization where Mr.Xu must take advantage. His mind speaks for regalia of China. By the way, the degree to which the totalitarian behavior Qin dynasty hold was more inexorable no matter what kind of definition he tried to vindicate as not "feudal" since Qin dynasty. All of their governing systems should be called anti-humanity, anti-Christ systems dubbed as "revolving door" dynasty reign.
____________________________________________ P.P.S.1(Feb. 1, 2015) To my knowledge, Mr.Xu, Shui-liang has lived in US and Canada for about 20 years. Our society has nurtured a so called famous Chinese dissident who'd like to discard US Constitution and its 1st Amendment whose foundations derive from God's Natural Laws which give us Natural Rights, i.e. the inalienable rights conferred by God.
Also in last 20 years, the communist official mentioned(nicknamed General Manager for his Yangzhou master dominating China) on 1/23/2015 in my last blog's P.P.S help his master form tremendous vested-interest group.
Another past 20 years period I try to point out is the duration to form the astonishing Geni Co-efficiency 0.73 in China(see my 3/29/2014 blog, 1% grabs 99%).
Let's do some psycho-analysis for some so called Chinese dissident Xu, Shui-liang who wrote an article in which he parallels Marxism, Leninism and Mao, Ze-dong thought with monotheism: http://blog.boxun.com/hero/201501/xushuiliang/14_1.shtml . Lucifer-directed Wei, Hsiao-bao group enshrouded with toad bio-energy essence tries to reach some advantage swindling as no positives and negatives, no right and wrong. There are two possibilities 1. trying to represent China's regalia composed of Confuciusnism and Buddhism to attack the foundation of western civilization; 2. his 50c sub-consciousness trying to manifest the communist ideology as greatness.
The key element is he tries to trump the God's sovereignty or God's Natural Laws over humanity.
The slave society I mentioned on Aug.2, 2014 is corroborated by more ramification or expositions in
the images uploaded from internet narrated as: 1.the summary of a slave society especially criticized by former Singapore Prime Minister Lee, Kuan-yew as double personality in the bureaucratic hierarchy; 2. the beast coming; 3.the author expresses his disgusting toward Pharisee-like behavior--not discriminating prostitute but hate prostitute disguising themselves as virgin, not discriminating criminal but hate those doing evil then disguising themselves as greatness.
In the process of demolishing, the protestors emphasized the behavior of the slave-owner is more evil than that of Japanese troops done during the WWII: www.secretchina.com/news/14/07/27/548326.html .
and what's more, using bio-terrorism to intimidate slave: www.secretchina.com/news/14/12/22/563403.html .
Things are what Ms.He, Qing-lian described in her blog link in 2007 from www.newcenturynews.com about ransacking and pillaging I mentioned in my 1/19/2015 blog, but unfortunately due to a situation called consumed-up financial resources it stops running; it's a pity that it could have been parked in the free web server like GoDaddy etc. and no update thereafter.
I once cited data that 91% plutocrat out of 1% super-rich population in China is from red-regime bureaucratic sphere under the slogan of serving the people's interest.