In my temporal-spacial dimension you need to wait three weeks to receive a snail mail from San Francisco to Vancouver(so far my Sierra Club membership card issued on Nov.15, 2011 not yet received) as I was told. The UPS ground service only needs one week., what's wrong with our postal system? It seems procrastination is a normal status, sometimes indefinitely(some extremely important mail mired in the matrix).
On Nov.25, 2011 at 17:08 I got a transaction activity record that can only display 3 days(Nov.23-25) from CIBC's ATM(Ref#4958).
On Jul 14, 2008 at 20:54 I got a printout showing 7 months(From Dec.31-Jul.11) from CIBC's ATM(Ref#4107).
Do I have rights guaranteed by UN charters, treaties and conventions? I feel honored I can receive special treatment.
One more interesting things is when Vancouver's real estate value has been skyrocketing for more than a decade(eg. the property located at 3390 The Crescent, Vancouver BC was traded for 6 million dollars in 2004 and listed for 17.9 million last year, recently it was traded for 31.9 million--from Home & Realty Weekly published on Dec.1, 2011)my residence's value is reduced by 3.5% (from $142,000 to $137,000) compared to last year's according to CIBC's loan officer based on their in-house appraiser. You can obtain official information from
I was remained of the political talk I spoke to fellow-dissidents, journalists and reporters at Vancouver's Flamingo Restaurant in the spring of 1998 when Wei, Jing-shen visited here:"We are aware of the fact that Hong Kong's legislative assembly members have become appointed instead of elected since the handover from British administration. According to American political scientist Samuel Huntington economical reform reinforced communist regime in China, I wonder who evolved whom".
According to Wall Street Journal's interview with Ms.Lung, Ying-tai(1911 Anniversary "Awkward" for China), the communist reign over last 60 years is some kind of regression in comparison with Qing Dynasty's last 10 years when people could own private property and establish political party and the constitution under monarch was ready to go albeit there has been achievement in recent 10 years.
The table above corroborates what Ms. Lung, Ying-tai commented spanning from No.1 Ci-xi's rule to No.6 communist reign(No.2 Xin-hei revolution, No.3 Yuan, Shi-kai, No.4 warlord period, No.5 KMT). The rightest column indicates the degree to which the freedom of speech can be exerted with highest mark the best.
I've experienced repeated hardship for commenting political affairs in China since the "June 4th" incident in 1989.
On Nov.25, 2011 at 17:08 I got a transaction activity record that can only display 3 days(Nov.23-25) from CIBC's ATM(Ref#4958).
On Jul 14, 2008 at 20:54 I got a printout showing 7 months(From Dec.31-Jul.11) from CIBC's ATM(Ref#4107).
Do I have rights guaranteed by UN charters, treaties and conventions? I feel honored I can receive special treatment.
One more interesting things is when Vancouver's real estate value has been skyrocketing for more than a decade(eg. the property located at 3390 The Crescent, Vancouver BC was traded for 6 million dollars in 2004 and listed for 17.9 million last year, recently it was traded for 31.9 million--from Home & Realty Weekly published on Dec.1, 2011)my residence's value is reduced by 3.5% (from $142,000 to $137,000) compared to last year's according to CIBC's loan officer based on their in-house appraiser. You can obtain official information from
I was remained of the political talk I spoke to fellow-dissidents, journalists and reporters at Vancouver's Flamingo Restaurant in the spring of 1998 when Wei, Jing-shen visited here:"We are aware of the fact that Hong Kong's legislative assembly members have become appointed instead of elected since the handover from British administration. According to American political scientist Samuel Huntington economical reform reinforced communist regime in China, I wonder who evolved whom".
According to Wall Street Journal's interview with Ms.Lung, Ying-tai(1911 Anniversary "Awkward" for China), the communist reign over last 60 years is some kind of regression in comparison with Qing Dynasty's last 10 years when people could own private property and establish political party and the constitution under monarch was ready to go albeit there has been achievement in recent 10 years.

The table above corroborates what Ms. Lung, Ying-tai commented spanning from No.1 Ci-xi's rule to No.6 communist reign(No.2 Xin-hei revolution, No.3 Yuan, Shi-kai, No.4 warlord period, No.5 KMT). The rightest column indicates the degree to which the freedom of speech can be exerted with highest mark the best.
I've experienced repeated hardship for commenting political affairs in China since the "June 4th" incident in 1989.