One more inexplicable thing I try to point out is Canada's won't deliver auto-response anymore after Dec.24, 2011, not to say case ID number which should be generated by other international law enforcement agency such as IC3. I guess it's fate will mimic From , you can discover various types of Jeremiah walking or standing in public place, for example, a 77 years old woman(Ms.Zhuang, Jinghui) stood nakedly in front of the Law Court of Shanghai PuDong New District demanding establishing her case number with cardboard slogan loaded on her back and front, another case is a family of four walked nakedly in the downtown street of DianBai County of Guangdong. "Puppets of Beijing" by Kelvin Steel always follow master's way. I suppose AntiFraudCenter wears emperor's new clothing. The political persecution toward human rights fighter Ai, Weiwei is being carried out in the form of econo...