2024-1-5 Posting Seems restored. The full content of what was intended as below:
2024-1-3: Feedback Msg. to Google : Currently I can't post out completely what I typed inside Blogger msg. board- only incomplete things can display out- i.e. causing my words/sentences to be bitten off. What happened?
有人听到我说的法学院绝非市面上普通法学院,那是有关天地人神密切相交的法度,真理,真道。 受益于台湾宋七力教授发明的所谓“分身”假说之冒牌者需要被提醒- 没有掂量台湾周董事长承仁先生的人间法度- 连女婿也不认识(前述拿女婿做球给你看)-非佛教主义者,吃了这个便宜饭,后果更严重。
如果是拥有真光真道的真先知真教授,比方说以赛亚在以赛亚书38章中有真神的能力(时空法度),就不会为耶稣做反见证;无情无义的现实告诉大家,伪类已经导致了他人走不好路,也制造了耶稣所说的offense-Woe to the world because of the causes of sin. For the stumbling blocks must come, but woe to the man by whom the offense comes! (Matt.18:7);deliberately letting truth be failed(e.g.指鹿为马),要接受divine remedies/corrections (Isaiah 59:13-15 & 18),Holy Bible rule of truth can't be forfeited.
Yesterday texting to Harbinger's Daily msg. board: I'm a donor of Harbinger's daily and a recipient of email Sunday Edition,but last Sunday it was missing or encountered malicious hacker- those insidious kleptocrats out of ulterior motivation are afraid of my reading top story "Divine judgment-One of The Bible's Most ‘Offensive’Teachings?", really fall into "Being a thief, feeling untenable".
What happened to me is totally offenses(regarding deer as horse, installing stumbling blocks etc.,which Jesus predicted), divine justice/judgment is not only appropriate but also much-needed. 没有法度,人世间没有人世间,你懂的, God must speed Isa.51:6. 有关耶稣基督在大白宝座scenario之一,2023-NOV-9-10 log-blog 提到时空压缩成麻花,数理逻辑上temporal-spacial dimension 变成一坨Non-Euclidean topology even iso-topoiogy.
2024-1-8 Revised this morning
Rev. Lewis Johnson did hermeneutics on propitiation(from SLJ institute)-God's plan for the ages-the finished work of Christ, I try to summarize in my understanding: which is the perfect solution through Jesus, Son of God/Son of Man's sacrifice on the cross to provide atonement as a paragon and free gift to transform the humanity sins into a state of being forgiven and to re-create humanity, which satisfies the Holy Father.
As for his mentioning "when God looks down from heaven upon men, he does not see human distinctions such as we see", I think God is immanent and omniscient ,cf. Luke 12:7 God knows how many hairs you have on your head.
新约教徒万世一系于order of Melchizedek:Genesis 14:18-20 and Hebrews Ch.7,且是旧约的延续(Melchizedek 是祭司及君王), 耶稣集先知,祭司,君王于一身。摩西法规君王与祭司不能相容-防止绝对权力绝对腐败(历代志下26章,撒母儿记上10:8&13:8-11,Pastor Dean Dwyer在HB Daily强调),看来,只有地球上无父无母的Melchizedek作为son of God,非从属人类私欲,才有资格.
吴祚来 @wuzuolai
11:58 AM · Jan 7, 2024
Lucia🍊🍊fight for Trump顶流川粉
美国著名物理学家李.斯莫林说:“当思想改变你的思想,那就是哲学,当上帝改变你的思想,那就是信仰,当事实改变你的思想,那就是科学,当一个人既没有思想又不信宗教还罔顾事实的时候,远离他!不要浪费你的宝贵时间!8:59 PM · Jan 6, 2024
前阵子海外非中共中文网路上在播一个很古早的台湾新闻- 高级物理学家叶企孙在1950年代蒋中正治下的台湾被沦落至街头,不知是从台湾淘宝还是周恩来的新闻官早就定向攫取在对内外文宣中-有关万恶的资本主义阴暗面,关键点是其生存权决不是失去于指鹿为马与无法度,而是财产事务没有被妥善打理,有人别有用心推出,那是illuminati godfather 马戏团左手右手为了cope with the debunking of their conspiracy- 当今民贼盗国贼自编自导自演自我伟光正地通过指鹿为马奸诈贪婪豪夺民脂民膏,演戏给你看,装猪装逼来吃人。 最近几天居然有新版的叶企孙(江苏江阴人员)在纽约被报道沦落街头,今天看到follow-up报道,原来此人是自作孽的赌棍输光身家,绝非美国社会与政府亏待他.
2024-1-15 Posted, 2024-1-14 updated 路德先生与郭文贵先生所提的“九层妖塔”应该就是那九层蛤蟆叠罗汉成一坨怪兽于台海风水要津之地,形成巨大能量场,在“这黑水沟,你懂的”地方不时卷起阵阵阴风阴火,可翻江倒海,企图一手遮天,予取予求。 在台湾的中国人教授李敖与宋七力已经教会了对岸Chinese Communist Party toad-master authority how to be “Shysteracy as Humanity/Manliness”(李宗吾语)& "Ugly Chinaman and Crisis"(柏杨Google book-English)- 通过“横着走路(李敖语)”的“分身(宋七力发明)”来“吃人够够(陈致中语)”。 鄙人在log-blog中一再强调我的身份证- 成为一仆一主的大英帝国女王陛下子民, 此汉非彼汉,汉学家的汉,不要让汉学家“汉贼不两立”。 最近网路上又出现对文革负面记忆的回忆,引发我对文革重灾区(Mao's stronghold)有关人与事的进一步述评,被拥有1948年第一届南京国府中央研究院强大阵容的前几名大学DQ的人(前述陈敏章,杭州赶走郁知非教授的两黄),1949年后,是毛方针野蛮登堂入室的既得利益者,毛政策的使徒行传,行毛国柞之礼数-公牛闯进瓷器店 = 我的见证-亲眼目睹毛分子打砸光我祖母珍藏的景德镇有皇家纹路的瓷器。 In the case of OBSI, accompanying the end-time phenomenon,mainly godless/lawless(圣经贴撒罗尼亚后书 2 Thess. Ch.2); what Jesus regarded (Pharisee) is reinforced; 台湾李敖影响力无国界,不仅只教会毛国祚的贪官国贼民贼“横着走路”(李敖变成毛国祚一部分,难怪对号入座Ezekiel Ch.24 scum)。such situation means the kingdom, power and glory belongs to CCP-Chairman Mao's scoundrel movement which was greatly promoted in China- no different from the organized crime. Please convey my msg to them.: Long live your great leader Chairman Mao not enough or Your great leader Chairman Mao long live not enough.
有些事务不能搭错界。我不知当年那位有些基督教信仰的Wong大夫是否知悉圣经中对于vision/dream是提示式,与预言的生成有关,请参阅Joel 2:28/Acts 2:17, 于是在我的大命小命问题上就不会出现令人遗憾的被中共轻易利用的摧毁人生的孽缘(精神分析上医患搭错界),
另一个例子是吴弘达先生的第一任太太陈XX女士(曾为中华民国在UN口译员,像以前的华航小姐背着国旗)与一度所雇佣的助手搭错界- 毛泽东亲家的养子/继子 Li, Qian-wei居然可以在美国莫逢杰先生处政治庇护(说是萌生反毛意念,是林立果的分身?),但是在我面前又表现出毛周的mentality- 对于大洛杉矶侨界有人张显中华民国国旗极度反感(连对中华民国国旗国歌国徽没有好感的绿色侨界人员也在举-外交礼仪使然,e.g. 李故总统登辉先生过境L.A.逗留Ritz-Carlton期间),好像是CCP外交官在国际官方场合看到一样. 还有可以令人探究的是,他一个劲儿在我面前说莫逢杰先生与伍凡先生是死对头- 我与伍凡先生从未谋面过。 中国的“乡讪”是有名的,去问鲁迅先生。
The black treacherous water spread across The Pacific and caused things in Canada under black-box operation. Firstly, please look over OBSI's processing complaint toward BMo Investorline, 2023-11-23, OBSI survey feedback: MAIN BODY: I can't believe I received such email(final response on 9/29/2023). This Ms. Lesley K in August told me that BMO can do such things(cf. emails quoted below) without giving any reason out of consideration of firm risk in her email , in which she is on behalf of BMO IL Lindsay Luc & Tony Chan who refused to give any explanation to cover up the black-box operation(even no download of confirmation eDoc plus monthly stmt. in the non-registered account) plus esp. BMO IL- issued TAX slip manifests as tergiversation, and there has been also procrastination of response plus disregarding facts in my emails on July 16, July 19, Aug.3, Aug.8 and Aug.31, is it the privilege of BMO IL manager to evade the truth/fact and to avoid the risk of tergiversation toward fait accompli ? WHAT's MORE, The black box operation prevents me from processing the EVF140 mutual fund because of being in a locked-down status, i.e. being hijacked in a state of no access to my account and even being not allowed to transfer the fund out, so that causing my money to be in a black hole suffering from damage for which the BMO IL managers Lindsay Luc and Tony Chan should be accountable. One more corroboration regarding the black-box operation: recently there appears a mystic USD account at my BMO portfolio- 2067 4791-416, for which I visited BMO branch on 11/16/2023- turned out to be no idea from there. At the end, regret: About the OBSI’s Consumer Portal, suppose it's a platform for customer to view or share information about complaint status ad hoc , which has not been introduced to me, or I could have the chance to improve the quality/efficiency during the process.
As for GIC issue, Something which is called evading the issue has happened, there is no further response from the manager Mr. Tim Ell(Broadway&Commercial, Vancouver) and no coherency between my first meeting with him who promised to communicate with Ms. Salima Baboo and later abrupt change of mentality. The secret mafia-KGB-communist hand has taken over the network that my email communication with a BMO resolution team officer Colleen Lapeer got blocked(just follow-up email, bounced back), CCP-Russia hackers drive a wedge toward my email communication with BMO officers? Otherwise, Situation becomes no white collar but disguising themselves as white collar, our civilization is already in peril. I need help.
Here is the content of my emails to Tim Ell(12/12-12/13/2023): According to the OBSI resolution, do you mean Ms. Salima Baboo won't approve what OBSI recommended on the GIC issue? Why do you said the opposite toward my "abide by OBSI recommendation"? But my suspicion is that Ms. Salima Baboo totally didn't scrutinize the OBSI letter and cause the communication with you a problem, or can I suppose you've read the communication between OBSI and me including later survey on Nov.20, 2023 so that you know my rebuttal? Can you point out where is your findings regarding the GIC issue and what is it? Also, I can remind you that I have my findings regarding the GIC in a series of emails communicated with you in May this year in which I expressed my benevolent will.
Sequel to my yesterday evening text: Will you please ask Ms. Salima Baboo if she can be conformed to OBSI's opinion which maintains the BMO Resolution Team's solution for GIC issue on June 14, 2023? I'm wondering which one has the superior authority and who obeys whom. Can the GIC case be returned to the lowest level to be re-examined /reviewed in honor of OBSI's opinion on GIC issue? From the previous email, I'm also wondering if Ms. Salima Baboo can overwrite OBSI's opinion as long as she demurred, it's beyond my scope to argue with her(also redundant job) but it should be necessary for us to reach the MOU(memorandum of understanding) in reference to ordinance.
A famous Chinese dissident Ms. 王超华who lives in LA and whose article toward the treacherous black water across Taiwan Strait can be regarded as an extension of conclusion of Dr. Samuel Huntington toward the same issue in his last scenario that Taiwan fleet will join Communist China fleet to fight against USA, 这黑水沟,你懂得(which was told by a church member of Taiwan Presbyterian Church, the pastor once commented on what Ms. Wang described object(谢XX-- how this smart guy can believe 宋七力's hypothesis to facilitate swindling/impostor, but this smart guy , first things first, went to Beijing in 1989 after TianAnMen square massacre to stand with PLA tank, to such phenomenon the late Taiwan president regarded it as "捧对方LP"=in desire of “红龙的钱囊”-参阅南卡大学谢田教授专文 ), unfortunately Ms. Wang's ramification in the Hong Kong magazine《开放》/《争鸣》has been extinguished by the CCP-Hong Kong authority.
Here is what is in alignment of the incident above: : China's 'black box' causing HUGE economic problems - 'the lack of transparency is a serious threat' https://www.gbnews.com/news/china-economy-downturn-financial-rules-brian-kennedy Huge black hole in China's economic plan threatens global financial crash https://www.the-express.com/news/world-news/121371/china-economy-plan-global-financial-crash China’s recent economic woes suggest there is something seriously amiss
George Magnus China’s recent economic woes suggest there is something seriously amiss https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/aug/11/china-economic-problems-show-things-are-seriously-amiss
China’s data ‘black box’ puzzles economists https://www.ft.com/content/f1ce1c09-b4fc-42cf-bc68-fb7d969cbbe0
2024-2-1: Justice and righteousness are under coercion/containment, e.g. 通过“指鹿为马”,我的“分身”在“横着走路”(cf. foregoing)
2024-2-4 尼克松的预言《1999 不战而胜》,indeed,after 1999 是“指鹿为马” 的胜利,我的 “分身”的胜利,“横着走路”的胜利,我真是三生有幸;这个世界假先知才吃香。 前述CCP被小部分常驻台湾的中国教授教得更厚黑。
苍蝇本来不叮无缝蛋,你懂得。口是心非,两面三刀的总以为在黑水中桨过无痕。这世道在圣经中- Isaiah56:11 发展到Jeremiah 6:13-15 & 9:1-5, 凡走过可以不留下痕迹?
Let's slide the lens of time back to 80+ years ago when the Belgian prelate(the book author above) began his observation in China,赛珍珠/赛金花(foregoing)existed in the same time frame regarding the context of that book, their avant-garde activities not only in private life, but also in political advocation to promote Mao Ze-dong and demote Chiang Kai-shek. After the analysis of the abysmal dimension of the west(foregoing, London pianist incident) , the cause of the decline of the west can be said due to the promotion of Mao to take over the Republic Of China and in turn the establishment of super-hyper-god status of Mao- Daniel 11:36 came true(cf. foregoing).
2024-2-7 自古以来,要成事者不能短缺一分/一份钱,否则就是泡汤事务。我是三代血汗钱的大债主,包括H.H. Kung签发的中国财政部债券,要装成要饭的,那是over-euphemism, 去上海问,那是什么个中滋味; 按照国际公法,清朝盛宣怀签发的政府债券,由H.H.Kung出面承担偿债,依此类推;只要后任财政部长(e.g. 王部长建煊先生)坚决表态反对ROC宪法- 反对中华民国简称中国,反对主权疆域涵盖整个秋海棠地图,那就没有什么偿债的责任。 前述庚子赔款换学费的变通没有达成共识,有人明知故犯地在我fund-raising中与民贼国贼联手,连个其中的5万美元都要抢,做成人权拆白犯。 掠夺了可以救我人生的前后一些小钱的无耻之尤就是属于最大的人权恶棍类,这鲜廉寡耻的发展变成了人们的耳语- 要不是这丧尽天良的人权恶棍给桑副委员长国卫先生挖坑,怎么会过早过世- 加上主动不处理人权拆白犯/民贼国贼=积累天上人间的点数,殊为遗憾。这个黑水沟中有些人就是要摧毁我的人生(比方说 2 decades+ 前,他们没有一天不在prying what I surfed, 明知已有U.London, business sch. 提供online MBA,差不多时辰的20万美元(cf. 1/27/2024 blog)就是被人权拆白犯做“分身”,本来我可以完成在洛杉矶辍学的MBA 未竞事业 ),这些金光党拆白党来的目的,就是让死亡得胜利,有人还有一些特别身份,却喜欢stumbling他人,摧毁他人人生,搞砸为耶稣作正面的见证=blasphemy toward Jesus Christ.
前述台海黑水沟中“九层哈妖塔/九阴妖塔”发出“九阴白骨爪”功夫=白莲教把九阴真经练成走火入魔状态,let me explain it in English, after the add-up of nine layers toad master Gong-fu in the treacherous black water across Taiwan Strait , the achievement of toad master Gong-fu practice has reached a state called "transcendence into a form of singularity-style ability " in which their Gong-fu power/energy is under the coordination of evil angelic demons- definitely coupled with plus energized by the evil tidings which are totally derived from the 1/3 demonic angelic beings with the red dragon hurled down by St. Michael - causing "woe to the earth"(Rev.12:9-12)=the White Lotus Evil Cult energy sphere.
当今普京在俄乌问题上的说辞是这一切都是共产党造的孽(特别是那位伟大的列宁同志的罪恶); 且看CCP的作为: 中共掩蓋歷史 海參崴上萬華人遇害 https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/24/2/14/n14180377.htm 这个共产党就想美化苏俄占领(原因就是吕加平先生指控的江氏政权为苏俄远东KGB成分),无疑被古早的国民党革命实践院王昇等描述“黄俄汉奸政权,外国反华势力”,inviting Russia occupation,刚好让世界各国外交官坚决拥护双手赞成CCP光辉历程中永远的光彩点数(cf. 1/19 & 1/22/2024 Log-Blog).
一路走来,“some reality”记录了凡走过必留下痕迹,历史的先声被熟视无睹,历史的后声往往检视出满目疮痍的厚黑。圣经中指明的假先知法利赛敌基督在末日疯狂中加剧嫉妒虚伪控制,using whatever means to destroy my life career,明知故犯block a student in adjurnment(due to being in want in regards to MBA school expenditure) from Los Angeles to accomplish his career, destroying "My Life"=ruin the way of life=砸锅为耶稣基督做正面见证=其所作所为是让死亡得胜利(与耶稣完全相反-让死亡得死亡)=处心积虑阴险刻毒地要让耶稣被负见证;他们很清楚1998年的50万美元缘由,先下手为强。前述杨恒均在伪类中混饭吃,Samuel Cooper先生寄的newsletter中有个丁果,说句笑话,鄙人在前二年已对其拍过马屁(foregoing blog)-其在Shaw Multi-cultural Channel中proclaimed 中华民国在世界舞台上绝对非法无效,我说要坚决拥护双手赞成毛-周国祚意识流打倒中华民国简称中国(宪法一章一节), 接下来就是外来政权在台湾? Samuel Cooper先生在文章中对这些伪类作了in-depth insight=debunk他们所作所为是行毛国祚礼数之使徒行传,请看:thebureau.news/p/beijings-ministry-of-state-security
2024-5-23 Five months after OBSI's game playing , finally,
From: Samuel Maclaren <SMaclaren@obsi.ca>
Sent: May 23, 2024 10:57 AM
To: ctong@live.ca <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: RE: OBSI Investigation of BMO Complaint
Good afternoon Cong,
We have finished our investigation of your complaint about BMO. We have not found a basis to recommend the bank act. Attached is a letter that explains our conclusion.
Our case is now closed. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Samuel Maclaren Senior Investigator
A liar from the beginning , totally disregarding truth, truth fails in the street, he who departs from evil makes himself a prey. (Isaiah 59:15). please scrutinize the following emails in details with my rebuttals:(starting last December):
In the case of OBSI, the end-time phenomenon is godless/lawless(圣经贴撒罗尼亚后书 2 Thess. Ch.2)- a model of what Jesus called "father of lie" is popping up, 看来台湾李敖影响力无国界,不仅只教会毛国祚的贪官污吏奸商“横着走路”(李敖变成毛国祚一部分,难怪对号入座Ezekiel Ch.24 scum)。such situation means the kingdom, power and glory belongs to CCP-Chairman Mao's scoundrel movement which was greatly promoted in China- no different from the organized crime. (More in my emails below).
Everyday, please convey the message to those red-capital manipulators- "Your great leader Chairman Mao long live not enough"(cf. my emails below ). Prayer is much needed for the end-time phenomenon.
2023-12-22 Sequel to yesterday-Sam
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 22, 2023 9:12 AM
To: Samuel Cooper <sam@thebureau.news>
Subject: Sequel- OBSI's Lesley K. being preposterous plus the Cause-Black treacherous water/Organized crime
Dear Mr. Sam Cooper,
Someone in OBSI continues disregarding truth/fact by firstly detaching my original email in their reply(cf. emails below) and secondly by exerting toad master Gong-fu(功夫)/eunuch Gong-fu through charade then encoding the matter. Plus, more details of treacherous black water following today's email with OBSI.
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 22, 2023 8:38 AM
To: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <ombudsman@obsi.ca>
Subject: Re: BMO
Good morning,
As is pointed out in my 2nd email sent to your office on December 20, 2023 8:57 AM Pacific time(I wonder why it's missing in the reply), all the following requirements are fulfilled and your staff Lesley K. doesn't demur to the BMO CCAO resolution in her letter this Sept., and what's more the manager <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com> sent me email on December 12, 2023 10:29 AM(reply to my email minutes ago) to have confirmed what I complained on July, 6, 2023 that his staff Codey Rivest has no knowledge about how to explain and deal with the BMO RateOptimizer Max GIC by himself, plus the BMO CCAO's Salima Bapoo also has no knowledge about this GIC shown in her letter.
Cong Tong
302-9672 134 St.
Surrey, BC V3T 5L5
Tel: 604-583-7223
Cell: 604-595-1398
From: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <ombudsman@obsi.ca>
Sent: December 21, 2023 11:55 AM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: BMO
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your recent correspondence to our office regarding your complaint with BMO and GIC that you are unable to redeem. In order to begin our review of these concerns, we require copies of:
The original complaint letter you sent to BMO in which you addressed this GIC
The final decision letter from the BMO Complaint-handling office
A brief explanation of why you disagree with their decision
Please send this information, along with any other supporting documents, in the next 15 days to ombudsman@obsi.ca or by fax to 1-888-422-2865.
Once we have reviewed this information we will contact you to let you know what will happen next. Please note we are currently experiencing higher than normal volumes and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
Case Assessment Team
T: 1.888.451.4519
F: 1.888.422.2865
Here are a series of in-depth news reports regarding the communist red-capital penetrating Taiwan:
紅色資本入侵》揭祕!一家資本額7億元物流公司 為何牽動台灣高科技業命脈 https://www.businesstoday.com.tw/article/category/183027/post/202107250011/ 紅色資本入侵1》獨家揭祕!誰掐住台灣半導體物流命脈?科學城物流從國營變中資 高科技業機密資料全都露 https://www.wealth.com.tw/articles/245a542e-776b-47b5-8c0d-82953351682c + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=096hqy62ei0
紅色資本入侵 part2_台灣官員怎麼自圓其說... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUH_fVMLKX4 + https://taiwanus.net/news/news/2021/202111152336531983.htm
紅色資本入侵 part3_隱藏在背後的中資. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MewujBnGmJ4 + https://www.wealth.com.tw/articles/3eb2d207-33c3-4d48-875c-7d08702a8ace https://www.taiwanus.net/news/news/2021/202111152344401428.htm
揭開順豐幕後大老闆面目 https://hk.epochtimes.com/news/2019-01-18/48856571
In Hangzhou, a stronghold of Maoist(Mao visited 40+ times), the Yangzhou master/toad master cabal and cohort through financial dexterity , made inroad into Taiwan.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
Tel; 604-583-7223
2023-12-21 Sequel to yesterday Sam
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 21, 2023 8:19 AM
To: Samuel Cooper <sam@thebureau.news>
Subject: OBSI's Lesley K. being preposterous plus the Cause-Black treacherous water/Organized crime
Dear Mr. Samuel Cooper,
The black treacherous water across Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China is as such: a Hong-Konger(Mr.梁文韬, humanity-social science scholar) encountered strict press censorship in Taiwan. 李长春从河南拉走5火车皮财(https://www.aboluowang.com/2023/1211/1989215.html )- a part of which transformed into SF Express, made inroad into Taiwan, exerting strict press censorship in Taiwan for any shipping according to CCP guideline : 中国禁网新闻on Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com › cnbnews 这个利益集团的李长春,贺国强 ... 台湾顺丰公司公关回应询问时曾表示,台湾顺丰是港资,不是中国顺丰台湾分公司。Actually, Headquartered in Shenzhen(深圳) . Such bloody money out of lie, corruption and tyranny has played important role but only a tip of iceberg got debunked- in reality such money talks -at every corner of the world. Some in Taiwan desire money, the late Taiwan president Lee, Teng-hui used to regard what Ms. 王超华 described "in exchange for money" as "捧对方LP". Here DW archive: : 《卫生部前高官追责李克强:不认错,就下台》18.07.2013 https://www.dw.com/zh/a-16960810 卫生专家举报中共高层失职致艾滋病爆发 https://www.dw.com/zh/a-6276573-0
Just look over the situation related in this BMO issue, the black treacherous water spread across The Pacific and caused things in Canada under black-box operation. Firstly, please look over OBSI's processing complaint toward BMO Investorline; on 11/23/2023, my feedback to OBSI survey : MAIN BODY: I can't believe I received such email(final response on 9/29/2023). This Ms. Lesley K in August told me that BMO can do such things(cf. emails quoted below) without giving any reason out of consideration of firm risk in her email , in which she is on behalf of BMO IL Lindsay Luc & Tony Chan who refused to give any explanation to cover up the black-box operation(even no download of confirmation eDoc plus monthly stmt. in the non-registered account) plus esp. BMO IL- issued TAX slip manifests as tergiversation, and there has been also procrastination of response plus disregarding facts in my emails on July 16, July 19, Aug.3, Aug.8 and Aug.31, is it the privilege of BMO IL manager to evade the truth/fact and to avoid the risk of tergiversation toward fait accompli ? WHAT's MORE, The black box operation prevents me from processing the EVF140 mutual fund because of being in a locked-down status, i.e. being hijacked in a state of no access to my account and even being not allowed to transfer the fund out, so that causing my money to be in a black hole suffering from damage for which the BMO IL managers Lindsay Luc and Tony Chan should be accountable. One more corroboration regarding the black-box operation: recently there appears a mystic USD account at my BMO portfolio- 2067 4791-416, for which I visited BMO branch on 11/16/2023- turned out to be no idea from there. At the end, regret: About the OBSI’s Consumer Portal, suppose it's a platform for customer to view or share information about complaint status ad hoc , which has not been introduced to me, or I could have the chance to improve the quality/efficiency during the process.
So far the OBSI and Mr. Tim Ell is unable to respond to my rebuttal, we may be in a CCP-triad controlled Gog/Magog establishment in regards to Biblical end-time and red dragon(things totally preposterous) or psychotronic weapon under AI black-tech exerts machine organized gang stalking(MOGS), mankind has been hijacked by "Dragon at the Door"(cf. Ottawa MLI special project to fend off it). What is worse, such situation means the kingdom, power and glory belongs to CCP-Chairman Mao's scoundrel movement which was greatly promoted in China- no different from the organized crime. .
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
Tel; 604-583-7223
2023-12-20 morning Second email to OBSI
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 20, 2023 8:57 AM
To: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <ombudsman@obsi.ca>
Cc: Samuel Cooper <sam@thebureau.news>
Subject: OBM #148476: with Original Evidence that BMO GIC case has been presented
Dear Sir/Madam,
I wonder why your staff Lesley K. deny the truth/fact? Please review the following emails records below.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
302-9672 134 St.
Surrey, BC V3T 5L5
Tel: 604-583-7223
Cell: 604-595-1398
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 20, 2023 8:37 AM
To: Lesley K <lesleyk@obsi.ca>
Cc: TalentMap <support@talentmap.com>
Subject: Re: OBM #148476: with Original Evidence that BMO GIC case has been presented
Hello Lesley,
Why do you ignore what you cited in your 9/29/2023 resolution that you don't demur BMO CCAO resolution on GIC issue?
And here is the original email(July 6, 2023) I sent to OBSI to complain about BMO CCAO's Salima Bapoo:
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: July 6, 2023 10:50 PM
To: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <ombudsman@obsi.ca>
Subject: Complaint Regarding BMO Case Ref Nr. 1-86644625113ZALI2Q
To Whom it May Concern,
Firstly, this BMO Ombudsman representative Salima Bapoo regards RateOptimizer Max GIC as a 5-year concept which is a misguidance, secondly I tried to negotiate with them to give example that non-redeemable GIC can be terminated in the case of Coast Capital Savings Bank last year(cf. my emails below) considering various collateral damage, esp. currently another BMO InvetorLine case is in the OBSI. I wonder If you can mediate on behalf of mutual benefits to ask Ms. Salima Bapoo(salima.bapoo@bmo.com) to withdraw her decision so that I can re-arrange my portfolio with special expert at BMO.
By the way, under Hong Kong sphere, I'd like to tell you something: the Hong Kong human rights record shows being ranked as #4- unfortunately counting from the end: 香港人权节节败退 排名倒数第四(图) https://kzg.secretchina.com/news/gb/2023/06/25/1039084.html
Hong Kong’s downfall is a warning to the world https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/07/01/hong-kong-china-crackdown-democracy/
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
302-9672 134 St.
Surrey, BC V3T 5L5
Tel: 604-583-7223
Cell: 604-595-1398
From: Customer Complaint Appeal Office <complaint.appeal@bmo.com>
Sent: June 14, 2023 10:47 AM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Cc: Customer Complaint Appeal Office <complaint.appeal@bmo.com>
Subject: BMO Concern
Good morning Cong Tong,
Further to our conversation this morning, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with me.
This concern remains out of scope for our office as we would not be able to change the rate on your investment which was purchased in April 2022 for a 5 year term and locked in.
This information is outlined in the terms and conditions when you opened this investment. At this time, we recommend you review the terms and conditions of your RateOptimizer Max Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC), visit a local branch or contact our Investment Centre(1-800-665-7700 if you have any additional questions regarding your product.
Should you remain unsatisfied with BMO’s decision, you may wish to escalate your concerns to OBSI. They are an independent body who will conduct a thorough investigation of the matter and address your concerns. Their information is as follows:
Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI)
20 Queen Street West, Suite 2400
P.O. Box 8, Toronto, ON M5H 3R3
Call: 1-888-451 4519 / 416-287-2877
Fax: 1-888-422-2865
Email: ombudsman@obsi.ca
Visit: obsi.ca
Salima Bapoo
Advisor Support, Customer Complaint Appeal Office |BMO Financial Group|
Visit us at www.bmo.com
We’re here to help.
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: May 29, 2023 7:31 AM
To: complaint.appeal@bmo.com <complaint.appeal@bmo.com>
Subject: Supplement- Complaint Regarding BMO Ref Nr. 1-86644625113ZALI2Q
Dear Sir/Madam,
It occurred to me that the termination of a non-redeemable GIC ahead of time is plausible/pragmatic in regards to banking industry because there is some precedence I experienced with Coast Capital Savings Bank last year. Considering mutual benevolence, I wonder if you can facilitate branch manager Tim Ell to help reach consent as is communicated below.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
302-9672 134 St.
Surrey, BC V3T 5L5
Tel: 604-583-7223
From: C Tong
Sent: May 24, 2023 2:07 PM
To: complaint.appeal@bmo.com <complaint.appeal@bmo.com>
Subject: Complaint Regarding BMO Ref Nr. 1-86644625113ZALI2Q
Dear Sir/Madam,
Ms. Colleen Lapeer, Specialist, BMO Virtual Connect, Executive Resolution Office suggests that I should present this case to your office.
According to the callback on May 19, 2023 BMO Vancouver BroadwayXCommercial branch manager Tim Ell mentioned the case can be re-opened. What's more, I once had RateRiser GIC experience at BMO, each year proceeding, full-house rate would be honored. Your current 5-year rateRiser Plus even better as 3.95% amortized. Besides, your staff Codey Rivest of same branch even had no knowledge about BMO letter to remind me rate renewing frequently last year and for this matter I was asked to visit your branch to hand over the letter for him to make a photocopy, and he had to communicate with your HQ back office then he told me to disregard such letter.
We are ordinary people, can't grasp everything. At the signing of multi-page documents without time to go through it, being informed full info orally by your staff is essential for a similar product(i.e. a situation with the similitude in the consumer world that extra fee should be informed), for which BMO BroadwayXCommercial branch manager Tim Ell admits there is a need to address such concern and the case can be proceeded further. I believe we can negotiate a mutual-benefiting GIC as was communicated with Mr. Tim Ell over the phone , if so, i can visit Tim's branch to invest more money with your GIC in the foreseeable future. Please cf. the resolution from your senior officer below.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
302-9672 134 St.
Surrey, BC V3T 5L5
Tel: 604-583-7223
From: Lapeer, Colleen <COLLEEN.LAPEER@bmo.com>
Sent: May 24, 2023 8:25 AM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: RE: Supplement-Regarding the phone communication and Please forget the 1st email
Dear Mr. Tong,
I apologize my findings is not the outcome you were hoping to have. Our Complaint Handling Process outlines the steps available in our complaint handling process. As my review has been completed, your next step would be to contact the BMO Customer Complaint Appeal Office should you wish for your case to be re-opened.
Thank you again for the opportunity to review and respond to your concerns.
Colleen Lapeer
BMO Virtual Connect, Executive Resolution Office
BMO Financial Group
PO Box 3400 RPO Streetsville
Mississauga, ON L5M 0S9
T 289-305-4728
877-213-1122 ext 2893054728
From: Lesley K <lesleyk@obsi.ca>
Sent: December 20, 2023 7:49 AM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Cc: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <ombudsman@obsi.ca>; Lesley K <lesleyk@obsi.ca>
Subject: RE: OBM #148476: Investigation is closed
Hello Mr. Tong:
Our investigation that concluded in September 2023, related to the complaint you had about the closure of your BMO InvestorLine (BMO IL) account.
In our closing letter, we addressed your concerns about the GIC redemption because you told us BMO IL had not addressed your concerns. We reiterated BMO’s CCAO comment that you needed to visit a BMO bank branch to discuss your concerns. It is our understanding that this GIC was purchased through BMO Bank of Montreal (the bank) and not BMO IL (the discount brokerage).
If you want OBSI to review the GIC issue in particular, you’ll need to follow the same complaint process you did with your BMO IL complaint; you will need to formally complain to BMO Bank of Montreal and then, if you are unsatisfied with its response, you can submit your complaint to OBSI.
Thank you.
Lesley K.
Senior Investigator
T: 1.888.451.4519 x.2812
F: 416.225.4722 / 1.888.422.2865
From: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <ombudsman@obsi.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2023 9:55 AM
To: Lesley K <lesleyk@obsi.ca>
Subject: FW: OBM#148476 plus Fw: Regarding MOU
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 20, 2023 9:51 AM
To: OBSI / OSBI Assistance <ombudsman@obsi.ca>
Subject: OBM#148476 plus Fw: Regarding MOU
Dear Sir/Madam,
Things become so preposterous that the branch manager(Commercial & Broadway, Vancouver, Mr. Tim Ell) refuses to follow OBSI's opinion in citing of BMO CCAO's resolution to deal with the GIC issue and becomes something called "role upside-down" that he wants to go through OBSI- being like a customer to complain or he tries to be in a position to receive your direct instruction(please read the emails records below in order ), I wonder what's wrong. Will you please inform BMO what's to be done in regards to Mr. Tim Ell's request and give me a response?
Thanks a lot,
Cong Tong
Tel: 604-583-7223
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 18, 2023 6:32 PM
To: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Subject: Re: Regarding MOU
Hello Tim,
The CCAO is the new name of BMO ombudsman office, I wonder if OBSI's opinion(9/29/2023) in citing of CCAO to deal with the GIC issue(cf. my email below) can be ignored, why do you want me to do the redundant job??? OBSI only asks for customer feedback in survey, which has been done.
Cong Tong
From: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Sent: December 18, 2023 5:30 PM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: RE: Regarding MOU
Hi Mr. Tong,
The CCAO is step 3 of the complaint process and this is a BMO department.
The ombudsman (OBSI), or step 4 of the process, is not affiliated with BMO and is an external agency.
I assume you have contacted them again? If not I would encourage you to do so as soon as possible to have them revisit your concerns.
Tim Ell, BA (He/Him, They/Their)
Branch Manager
BMO Pride Regional Director
BMO Broadway & Commercial Branch
2501 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC V5N 4C1
T 604-665-7323
F 604-665-7098
This email and its attachments are confidential. Any unauthorized use or disclaimer is prohibited. If you receive this email in error, please notify me by reply email and permanently delete the original without making any copies or disclosing its contents.
Out of office alert: December 20, 2023 - January 2, 2024
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 18, 2023 5:28 PM
To: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Subject: Regarding MOU
Hello again,
I wonder if the fact that the CCAO(cited below) is the new name of the ombudsman office is being been aware of.
Cong Tong
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 13, 2023 9:07 AM
To: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Subject: Regarding MOU
Good morning Tim,
Sequel to my yesterday evening text: Will you please ask Ms. Salima Baboo if she can be conformed to OBSI's opinion which maintains the BMO Resolution Team's solution for GIC issue on June 14, 2023? I'm wondering which one has the superior authority and who obeys whom. Can the GIC case be returned to the lowest level to be re-examined /reviewed in honor of OBSI's opinion on GIC issue? From the previous email, I'm also wondering if Ms. Salima Baboo can overwrite OBSI's opinion as long as she demurred, it's beyond my scope to argue with her(also redundant job) but it should be necessary for us to reach the MOU(memorandum of understanding) in reference to ordinance.
Cong Tong
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 12, 2023 6:45 PM
To: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Subject: Re: Regarding OBSI
According to the OBSI resolution, do you mean Ms. Salima Baboo won't approve what OBSI recommended on the GIC issue? Why do you said the opposite toward my "abide by OBSI recommendation"? But my suspicion is that Ms. Salima Baboo totally didn't scrutinize the OBSI letter and cause the communication with you a problem, or can I suppose you've read the communication between OBSI and me including later survey on Nov.20, 2023 so that you know my rebuttal? Can you point out where is your findings regarding the GIC issue and what is it? Also, can remind you that I have my findings regarding the GIC in a series of emails communicated with you in May this year in which I expressed my benevolent will.
Cong Tong
From: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Sent: December 12, 2023 2:29 PM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: RE: Regarding OBSI
I can’t speak to what other financial institutions would do or not do to resolve customer concerns, every bank is different.
My suspicion is that you will need to go back to the Ombudsman again since you’ve already raised the complaint about the GIC. You should make sure Ombudsman office is clear that you don’t feel that they addressed this portion of your complaint and that you also didn’t agree with our findings. This is the only remedy available at this point that I would be aware of.
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 12, 2023 1:20 PM
To: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Subject: Re: Regarding OBSI
I wonder if there is any remedy/solution which can be offered in your branch for the problem caused by Mr. Codey Rivest.
According to OBSI recommendation, plus in my previous experience that a branch manager of CoastCapital Savings Bank made the decision to terminate a non-redeemable GIC; for this BMO GIC , the OBSI just maintain the solution from BMO resolution team, no other option provided, I can abide by this OBSI recommendation on the GIC issue.
From: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Sent: December 12, 2023 12:33 PM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: RE: Regarding OBSI
Does the letter from OBSI state what your options are if you are not satisfied with their findings?
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 12, 2023 12:03 PM
To: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Subject: Re: Regarding OBSI
Hi Tim,
It seems unreasonable to go through a redundant process , for which I can't afford the wasting of my time and energy, I suppose the OBSI also sent a copy of the letter to BMO Ombudsman office; where else do customers can proceed the complaint above the OBSI?, the only remedy should reside in the recommendation of both OBSI and BMO resolution team, at most a discussion can be made between the branch and BMO resolution team, I've already expressed my sincere will to reach a mutually-benefited solution.
Cong Tong
From: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Sent: December 12, 2023 11:25 AM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: RE: Regarding OBSI
Okay, I’ll take another look at this. Let me see.
Again – my goal would be to try to resolve your concerns without needing to duplicate work.
It seems like the “misconnection” might be when the complaint went to step 4, so it might still be appropriate to go back to the Ombudsman again.
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 12, 2023 10:56 AM
To: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Subject: Regarding OBSI
Hello Tim again,
Actually, the letter on Sept. 29, 2023 from OBSI redirected my complaint to the local branch, here is what OBSI in letter quoted: "BMO’s Customer Complaint Appeal Office advised you in an email dated June 14, 2023, that that the GIC redemption issue is outside the scope for its office, and you will need to visit a local BMO branch or contact the Investment Centre to discuss your GIC.". I suppose at some point there is kind of mis-connection. So, will you please help resolve this issue?
Thank you so much for your caring.
Cong Tong
Tel; 604-583-7223
From: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Sent: December 12, 2023 10:29 AM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: RE: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.
You are correct, but that was obviously a general statement, as I did not have the full details of your complaint in front of me at the time of that conversation. Generally, yes, we can help you resume your complaint. But now that I have spoken to Salima, she has told me that you have already gone past that appeal stage as you were not satisfied with the resolution at step 3. That would mean BMO has exhausted its options to resolve the complaint. I understand your desire to reach a mutually beneficial resolution, but there is no guarantee of that outcome.
I attached the brochure in my previous reply so that you are clear on what the steps of the process are. Let me know if there is any confusion.
I know that OBSI will mail a letter detailing the outcome of their investigation of a complaint – this letter should give you instructions on how to dispute their findings if you aren’t satisfied with their decision. If you need another copy of this letter, you simply need to reach out to them.
Tim Ell, BA (He/Him, They/Their)
Branch Manager
BMO Pride Regional Director
BMO Broadway & Commercial Branch
2501 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC V5N 4C1
T 604-665-7323
F 604-665-7098
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 12, 2023 10:24 AM
To: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Subject: Re: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.
Good morning Tim,
I was told during the meeting about 2.5 weeks ago that you could help appeal with the BMO resolutiion team to reach a mutually-benefited result after you examined the BMO hard copy letter I brought with which Mr. Codey Rivest didn't quite understand and later he faxed to BMO back office to get clarification. I also made promise.
Thank you so much for your caring.
Cong Tong
Tel; 604-583-7223
From: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Sent: December 11, 2023 10:37 AM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: RE: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.
Thanks for confirming, I will take care of that today.
As for the GIC: when you raised your previous complaint about InvestorLine to the Ombudsman, do you recall speaking about the GIC or referencing the GIC? I reviewed the service request and I can see that the GIC was discussed at step 3 (our appeal office), but I can’t see past that.
At this point in the process, the correct next step would be to go back to the Ombudsman to have them review that portion of your complaint again. I can see from Salima’s letter to you, that BMO has determined we’ve taken reasonable steps to allow you to cash this GIC out at the next earliest opportunity. If this hasn’t alleviated your concerns sufficiently it would be most appropriate to go back to the Ombudsman to review, rather than starting the entire complaint process over again.
Hope this is helpful guidance.
Tim Ell, BA (He/Him, They/Their)
Branch Manager
BMO Pride Regional Director
BMO Broadway & Commercial Branch
2501 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC V5N 4C1
T 604-665-7323
F 604-665-7098
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 11, 2023 9:55 AM
To: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Subject: Re: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.
Good morning Tim,
Yes, please proceed. Anyway, a dangling issue can be cleared. By the way, has Salima responded to the GIC issue?
Many thanks.
Cong Tong
Tel; 604-583-7223
From: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Sent: December 11, 2023 9:35 AM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: RE: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.
Hi Mr. Tong,
Can you just confirm that you are okay with me transferring the interest over to your other account as per below, so I can close my ticket?
Tim Ell, BA (He/Him, They/Their)
Branch Manager
BMO Pride Regional Director
BMO Broadway & Commercial Branch
2501 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC V5N 4C1
T 604-665-7323
F 604-665-7098
From: Ell, Tim
Sent: December 6, 2023 2:13 PM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: RE: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.
Hi, I took a look – the USD account appears to have been closed based on your previous request, but we can only fully close accounts when the balance is exactly zero. There was 2 cents of residual interest in the account at the time of closure, so the account was stuck in a “pending closed” status and this is why it still appears in your holdings.
I will convert the 2 cents to CAD and move it to your chequing account so that the account can finally close – does that sound good?
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 6, 2023 11:21 AM
To: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Subject: Re: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.
Good Morning,
Actually, I visited your branch in November to pay the $0.01 charge of CAD account monthly fees incurred on Nov.1(I deposited $0.05, hence $0.04 left), and also, I was told there appears another extra USD savings account with $0.02; so, I visited another branch on Nov.16 and the probing of extra USD account turned out to be no idea. I'm also puzzled.
Thanks a lot.
Cong Tong
Tel; 604-583-7223
From: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Sent: December 6, 2023 10:28 AM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: RE: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.
Yes, the senior discount applies to your bank plan in the first full month after you’ve turn 60 – I see that your birthday was November 27 (happy belated birthday!)
This means that you would have still been charged the fee in November 2023, but moving forward you’d no longer be charged. Even though the system will apply the code within the first two months after you turn 60, as a precaution, I’m manually applying the senior discount code to the account to be double sure that you receive that discount. I also see that our colleagues at the call centre have reversed the $4.00 fee in November as a goodwill gesture even though December is your first eligible month.
The discount does not apply to excess fees and service charges so keep in mind, if you exceed the included 12 transactions a month, or perform any transactions that are not included in the Practical Plan, you may incur a fee.
Refer to page 2 for the full plan details for Practical bank plan, as well as the fine print on page 3 of the everyday banking guide for the senior discount plan rules: Agreements, Bank Plans and Fees for Everyday Banking (bmo.com)
I have documented your concerns, but let me know if you have any further questions about this.
Tim Ell, BA (He/Him, They/Their)
Branch Manager
BMO Pride Regional Director
BMO Broadway & Commercial Branch
2501 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC V5N 4C1
T 604-665-7323
F 604-665-7098
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 5, 2023 3:38 PM
To: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Subject: Re: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.
Good Afternoon Tim,
My CAD checking account remains 4 cents at the end of last month, the so-called overdrawn $3.96 is the result of charging $4.00 of monthly account fees which should not have been incurred on Dec.1, 2023 because of my status as a senior.
Thanks a lot.
Cong Tong
Tel; 604-583-7223
From: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Sent: December 5, 2023 2:57 PM
To: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: RE: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.
Hi Mr. Tong,
The alert you received below is not related to your bank plan or plan features in any way, and your plan is unchanged and not affected.
Under new regulations that were introduced last year, financial institutions are required to notify customers when the balance in their primary bank account drops below $100. The alert is simply there to proactively notify you so that you can make a deposit, and avoid the potential of a negative account balance or NSF fees for any transactions that might be pending. You can opt out of these alerts if you choose – there is a process for this that we can assist with in branch.
We are still reviewing your request to break the term investment and find a solution; as I promised, I will definitely let you know when I have an update.
Tim Ell, BA (He/Him, They/Their)
Branch Manager
BMO Pride Regional Director
BMO Broadway & Commercial Branch
2501 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC V5N 4C1
T 604-665-7323
F 604-665-7098
From: C Tong <ctong@live.ca>
Sent: December 4, 2023 11:23 AM
To: Ell, Tim <Timothy.Ell@bmo.com>
Subject: Inquiry-Fw: Account balance update.
External Email: Use caution with links and attachments. | Courriel externe : Faites preuve de prudence en ce qui a trait aux liens et aux pièces jointes.
Good morning Tim,
I wonder why the system became chaotic on Dec.1, 2023(cf. email below) when my status had already been as the senior to whom the CAD checking account fees should have been exempted. By the way, considering the high inflation in Canada(e.g. the Shoppers Drug Mart discount sale of Colgate mouthwash about 3-3.5 months ago as $4.99, currently after Black Friday, into season's greeting, the discount sale as $8.49, same 1L), the GIC issue I talked with you on Nov.24, 2023, for God's sake, should be relieved.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cong Tong
Tel; 604-583-7223
From: bmoalerts@bmo.com <bmoalerts@bmo.com>
Sent: December 1, 2023 5:16 PM
To: ctong@live.ca <ctong@live.ca>
Subject: Account balance update.
less important things omitted hereby.
This morning, respond/feedback to OBSI survey: There is no formal OMB# for this case in Samuel Maclaren's last letter, which means it's a continuity of Lesley K. case, disregarding my feedback on 11/23/2023 plus my rebuttals in previous emails, only wasting my time/energy, wonder if Beijing's standard is followed based on the fact that Western Standard magazine debunked "Puppet of Beijing" in May, 2005, for more than two decades we've been under Beijing's shadow, what else can I expect?
前述朱镕基先生在毛国祚建立前被录取清华时享受一视同仁待遇。 经过毛国祚礼数使徒行传后,一切天干地支能量关系被搅黄,order=disorder ; 我家主元神被root-canal后,不可以成立比较级(前述到1959年为止,安眠药还没有太多剂量时,陈敏章大夫是比较对象),有人明知故犯地以root-canal作为消遣,进行过一堆刻薄/阴毒活动。 马英九先生alike是中华民国政府资助对象出国留学,在我家的situation是两边的world-upside-down问题,instead of being sponsored by PRC government my encountering was reversely contributing to PRC government fund(中华人民共和国桑国卫大委员长全家family workshop处), on the other hand, 马英九留学时是我家中华民国政府债券的受益人,而我当年要变通的庚子赔款换学费计划没有成为现实,所以是bond holder 与 debt holder ,受害人与受益人(victim vs. beneficiary ) 之间的关系/dialogue,连KMT前秘书长蔡正元先生都说过马英九“见不得他人好”,所以我的顺口溜“得了便宜再卖乖”要送到他家;by the way, 龙应台女士 写过《请用文明说服我》。 1934年整整90年前,赛金花的指导者离婚,作为高级女传教士的上帝仆人手按圣经向上帝发誓后的作为(至少二次,在婚礼时,手按圣经,for better, for worse, 以及ordained 成为传教士时向上帝发誓更多保证),是成事不足败事有余(aforementioned)的,赛金花是雷同pink-girl's harvest, 是passion fruit or dragon fruit -double pun, 在华期间对毛主义分子苏维埃非法政权的promotion及同时对中华民国合法政府的demotion是cogent catalyst leading to later tragically energized Maoist reality=Daniel 11:36. Oh! God, how long will it take for such damage mentioned above to go through reversal or restoration being analogous to the case of King Hezekiah-reversal of temporal-space dimension at Isaiah ch.38?
P.S. 中国网民在俄罗斯驻华使馆留言维护国土主权(图们江出海口)被藐视(insert), 这完全是CCP江元神reinforce cession之结局,一介布衣草民要继续坚决拥护双手赞成CCP江元神苏俄远东克格勃的行为,long live 江元神CCP光辉历程之非常光彩点数-出卖国土。
P.P.S. 台湾警备总司令俱乐部(foregoing)的党员对于上述黄俄汉奸分子行为有何见教,有关“黄俄汉奸”这种说法的记录,他们割让国土的记录,以及南京“支那之夜”领航员的记录,要从地球上抹去也不难,这要靠耶稣基督再来,God speed divine Isaiah 51:6 !
P.P.S. CCP already helped Nixon-Kissinger, H.W. etc. destroy Christendom civilization to some degree, and can help destroy much more in the ages to come. By the way(sequel to 2024-6-2 P.S.), 属于江元神CCP的姜异康一夜之间像变戏法似地编码了8800亿,根据谢天奇:姜连夜召开省委常委扩大会议,决定斥巨资8,800亿元人民币,在泰山为江修建一座超豪华陵墓,占地88万平方米,并包括一座建筑面积为8,800平方米的纪念馆、一口当今最高质量的水晶棺和一尊高18米的纯金塑像。泰山上还将修建一座深800米的地下室,保证发生战争时可迅速将江的尸体安全转移。“江陵”工程由姜异康任名誉总指挥,整个工程定于188天内完工。依我看超越秦始皇的骊山工程许多倍-令人瞠目结舌=shock and awe 。这个造墓大臣职务是谁授权的?难道胡锦涛会册封姜造如此气势宏伟的帝王陵寝?
以山东巡抚的职位越俎代庖天朝圣上钦点,自命不凡地自我任命造墓大臣,足可见胡锦涛当时的状态,没有管住江元神CCP干将+大明王朝+周永康之流等等在大温哥华经济掠夺从国内巧立名目而在这个一介布衣头上转一圈的所谓donations-他们的自肥等于给胡锦涛挖天坑=李源潮“吾将上下而求索”-=in turn, collateral damage(6/2/2024 P.S.)。
P.P.S.2 In regards to the anomaly mentioned above(6/10/2024), scenario can be the deployment of quasi-29155 troops(foregoing)from Vancouver to Houston to New York- the illuminati triad godfather circus is playing God, playing game(扮演上帝玩游戏,前述有黄俄势力情报三合会,with AI-machine organized gang stalking), humanity faculty with positive energy seems futile in this kingdom, power, glory under the domination by the hybrid of aforementioned philosophical alias. 地狱小鬼已作恶了一阵子=Beelzebub's demonic service is taking over the world, 假先知假教授在欢呼雀跃-as Anti-Christ/Satan's carrier in alignment with the "woe to the earth" situation(Rev.12:12)- red dragon having been hurled down by St. Michael is quite at perigee, everyday I pray St. Michael not to be short of his arm's length to reach over/cast away the evil tidings.
5/24/2024 外一章: 同为牧师儿女的Mme. Chiang Kai-shek与赛金花的指导员大相径庭,类似1936年OPC正教徒,符合中华民族传统堂堂正正,实不苟同1934年离婚的赛女士对illegal Chinese Soviet regime(@江西瑞金+@陕北延安)之promotion,可圈可点。耶稣基督亲自再来的时候,应会检视传教士在中国的harvest/fruit,难道耶稣会指望一个tragically energized Maoist reality(Daniel 11:36)? As in a closing prayer by Dr. S. Lewis Johnson: "Enable us, Lord, to play our own musical instrument and the part in the score that we are to play, in order that the whole composition may bring the greatest glory to Thy name." My purpose of question is just wondering if Lady Pearl was under assignment of a role to be positive element in compliance with Divine Purpose for the history.
5/24/2024 P.P.S. 外二章: 这个一介布衣一路走来,有关基本事务/事物方面: 学费-事业-符合上帝心意圣经要求之般配-人生should not have been be in want, the jealousy-mania, hypocrisy mania and control-freak mania by modern Pharisees/Pharoah/Pharhai should have been cast away; for Jesus sake, things should be presented here.
Sequel to 6/10/2024 : 最新2023上海一年总共6400亿财政 收入-,2011年时不会超过3200亿,山东也在同一水平,每年收支都在捉襟见肘,显然姜异康一夜8800亿是从某个黑箱黑洞里逸出。 黄俄反华势力的选择性编码/装蒜,通过“disabe you, condescend you, hijack you”毛国祚礼数的使徒行传,facilitating those not entitled to rake in money since 1998- USD 500,000, USD 1 Million and later USD 500 million, furthermore since 2007 starting "donations welcome" online, the hijacking of donations surpassed multi-billions USD, laundering money into Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Dubai etc. 在此提醒一下,在台湾这个一介布衣是bond holder vs. debt holder, victim vs. beneficiary(foregoing) , 享受党国经费官派留学后的要员,有没有意识到他人血汗钱被享受后,将一个人的人生摧毁(just mentioned above),damage 到为耶稣的正面见证,继续歹戏拖棚,造出的业债,孽债直达天穹,有哪位要员/大员已经意识到为同僚及上级挖天坑是一件享受diving invocation/divine retribution的事务/事物? 圣经中的frequent narration 有这样表达:某人的血要算到/记账到某某人的头上。God speed Maranatha!
Sequel to 2024-6-16 In reality,吕加平指控的那个CCP扬州人双料汉奸其实变成了原先蒋中正死对头邱垂亮教授等等描述的两蒋的不肖子孙之最爱-前述台湾警备总司令俱乐部的要员与CCP江元神/江元神CCP合二为一(都是选输了惹的祸)plus 大吃CCP illuminati godfather circus 的便宜饭, 这些人很清楚杭州远郊的百年前国民党主元神蔡元培是蒋中正“四一二”的最主要推动者-清剿共党黄俄汉奸反华势力, 蒋中正后来在台湾亲征国民党革命实践院院长,是清剿共党理论联系实际的发扬光大。By the way, 假先知/假教授就是illuminati的一部分,大力协助了毛分子黄俄汉奸苏维埃非法政权,导致蒋政府在南京下台无法继续honor给付清朝政府盛宣怀签发的向英美国家发的债券,otherwise,不会in turn发生在Texas出现布希先生的spiritual adviser 为了这些bond而犯法。 【百年真相】中共一再被俄總統普京打臉 epochtimes.com/b5/24/6/15/n14270972.htm 杨宁:俄杜马副主席高赞《天津条约》 打脸中共 epochtimes.com/gb/24/6/18/n14272821.htm 黄俄汉奸势力要继续反华,可以帮他们做加油队/啦啦队,致以最崇高敬意(对他们的光辉历程之光彩点数)。
What's more, 这一百年来illuminati godfather circus 与 CCP 一直在反华,网上有中共保卫苏联及割让蒙古的反华文宣 (insert),加上CCP江元神/江元神CCP加签背书 了反华卖国条约(foregoing),又逼人唱“同一首歌”, 言下之意的外交电文就是: 是不是要帮他们更喜欢反华?
网上更多言下之意的外交电文:中共曾支持台独?《外交家》揭穿"皇帝的新装rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao/gangtai/hx1-05062022092543.html/ampRFA 杂志原文:thediplomat.com/2022/05/when-the-ccp-thought-taiwan-should-be-independent/ 另: sci-hub.st/10.2307/2757657 毛思想作为中华人民共和国宪法王座屹立在喜马拉雅之巅,岂能不催化台独?! 没有正本清源,毛国祚之illuminati godfather circus(行毛国祚礼数的使徒行传可以不负责任??)永远是cogent dynamics for Taiwanese independence.