2022-7-14 one more paragraph inserted.
Last blog updated on 6/3/2022 2022-6-24 More Paragraphs added below
Being a most powerful figure @UN, Mr. Zhou, En-lai, a founding father of PRC dominating foreign affairs, launched a fierce movement against Imperialism-Colonialism making inroads upon the third world countries as well as a same degree movement "Down with Republic of China simplified as China@UN"-it's widely reported that the Red Dragon money such as in the Case#DCCC746/2014 is colonizing and exploiting such countries. It occurred to me why Texas lawyer Mr. Larry Klayman launched 20 trillion USD lawsuit against CCP regime in 2020 has been figured out that a high ranking official(federal cabinet minister level)Mr. Huang, Qi-fan(黄奇帆) proclaimed there exist three levels of financial bullet-proof garment being worthy of 10 trillion USD with PRC government- meanwhile this Hong Kong 10 trillion USD case of private banking(regarding Yangzhou master/toad master sphere) mysteriously popped up.
Supplement to my blog on July 1, 2020: The nationality law of PRC actually was copied from that of ROC- natural citizenship extending to the third generation born overseas.
By the way, the Hong Kong high court case#DCCC746/2014-UK high court linked, in which 10 trillion USD involved - regarded as "Red Dragon's Money Pouch"(cf. Prof. Xie, Tian of Univ. of S. Carolina)- which engulfed three-generation sweat money/estate since my grand-parent, I once communicated with UK PM Office and Exchequer Office in Aug. 2012 to convey my opinion on the astronomical money related to my fund-raising which in turn should be relevant to the Hong Kong case mentioned above, it's better off engaging in anti- organized financial crime(behaving like financial terror), anti- industry espionage.
I espouse the Biblical doctrine "One Servant, One Master"- currently under Her Majesty that I possess neither PRC nor ROC nationality.
The origin of downward spiral in regards to NATO power and Gog/Magog phenomenon should ascribe to apostacy- not only being spiritual fragmentation/brokenness, but also spiritual darkness under CCP's greatness/glory/righteousness and making every effort to transform the west; example 1, Jimmy Carter in 1979 ushered in the US Congress a worship song "I Love Beijing Tian-an-men" praising Chairman Mao as red sun god- even Deng, Xiao-ping was unwilling to sing in his heart, it's totally anti-God and anti-Biblical in that the Psalm ch.148 as an extension of 1st Commandment from God has been deserted; also in my backlog on 9/29/2021: 卡特其实是跟风基辛格,连带天安门的黑天鹅被 love 进美国- 华尔街遭殃+Covid,一路走来,可圈可点, 1979 何止唱我爱北京 TAM,在伊朗美国人质事件中,卡特几乎输光美国面子,连伊朗人都看不起他(李源 潮 snub 他情有可原),后来全靠里根总统扳回一局,反而李源潮尊重,伊朗人也看得起。here Mr. Li, Yuan-chao can be regarded as vessel of God to deal with apostacy.
Also in my backlog on 11/22/2021: The Atlantic Monthly presented an article“The World Won't Miss Angela Merkel ” on Sept. 21,2021 https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/09/germany-election-angela-merkel/620131/ I found situation here and there could be said system failure- since the collapse of USSR/Warsaw Pact the BBC once-for-a-while on air of “From Plato to Nato” in 1989 was a climax tapering off to such an extent that the same title book published later on and written by David Gress is regarded as most politically incorrect, in which the Greco-Roman culture, Christianity and Germanic rule of law/Germanic way are highlighted; in essence, the familiar spirit/evil spirit of King Amaziah has been activated(2Chron 25:14-16, Isaiah 29:4). Chancellor Merkel’s most recent official visit to China- during a ceremony of performing Germany national anthem , she was just sitting and watching the flag- accompanied by China PM Li, Ke-qiang who was standing by her. The Qing dynasty King Mother Ci-xi of China used to display condescending posture. The Greater Babylon can do assimilation at whatever cost. Please cf. www.manifesto-fact.blogspot.com 根据大纪元时报深度报道,孔子学院阵容在德国可以算是全球最强大的,这孔家店已研究了不知多少年的儒 学经文,至今没有一个恰如其分的有关“礼”的定义,黎鸣教授的一百篇深度剖析文章都在揭发孔教的虚伪 与空洞, 德意志的黑格尔在近三个世纪前就指出中国社会充斥着暗黑事物,精神面缺乏能源, 我按照犹太-基 督教传统(Zech. 4:6)已尝试定义与栓释,在我最新博客中。By the way, my appreciation is with Hegelian dialectics. on 4/4/2022 I responded in my email with the subject “It’s all about the fact that the defendant nationality is of July 1, 1921”regarding July 5, 2021incident @ BC-liquor store because of happening to get a repercussion email from BBB HQ Atlanta around that time. The previous saying "would rather spreading my ash into Atlantic Ocean " refers to being ashamed of being their fellow-citizen based on the fact: their zero-science index(hand-written data) and their zero-humanity index(disregarding UN political rights and economical rights/refusing to pay off iniquity/debts/sweat-money accumulated although there is a 李鹏经济人权法案(more in my backlog) )
In my 4/11/2022 backlog: moreover, about the trouble Merkel embedded- Angela Merkel: Now the former chancellor is being settled! "She has made Germany hostage" https://www.derwesten.de/politik/angela-merkel-ukraine-krieg-kanzlerinputin-russland-kritik-id234769313.html Angela Merkel: Biden unpacks – here she has failed against Putin https://www.derwesten.de/politik/angela-merkel-joe-biden-bundeskanzlerin-praesiden-poroschenko- ukraine-russland-putin-id234694119.html 普京的罪!默克尔的靖绥! https://2newcenturynet.blogspot.com/2022/03/blog-post_275.html 程晓农:俄乌战争的德国因素(大纪元) -德国这样经济上高度依赖潜在的敌国,就把自己花钱买的“上吊 绳”送给敌方,成为敌方用来威胁自己的“杠杆”。德国的社会民主党本来就喜欢马克思和马克思主义,所 以对俄国的红色权贵掌控民主化并不反感;相反还发展出双方紧密的经济关系,德国社会民主党 1998 年上 台的前总理施罗德甚至离任后直接帮助俄国天然气公司修建输往德国的天然气管道工程,后来又充当俄国石 油公司的董事。当年,美国众议院外交事务委员会主席汤姆 ·兰托斯因此把施罗德看作是“政治妓女”。后 来默克尔上台了,她在东德共产党政权下长大,对共产党统治从来有好感,她理所当然地继承了施罗德那套 能源依赖俄国的政策。 从另一个角度看, 1989 年,“东德垮台前 中共曾想奋力一救” =天下乌鸦一般黑地互保,请看 https://www.aboluowang.com/2021/1220/1685473.依我看,在客观层面上,默克尔将前苏联一套思维行 事或多或少有意无意地推波助澜至加拿大,其中有肥沃的苏维埃系统土壤(后来蛤蟆的黄俄汉奸共党/共产 人的政经力量成最大)在黄俄共党/共产人滋养下不可收拾, 请看: 丁学良:苏联的体制为何无法纠错? https://2newcenturynet.blogspot.com/2022/04/blog-post_9.html 我前天再次指出 truth 被他们 failed, 网路上不约而同出现剥掉共党/共产人画皮的文章(庆亲王和李鹏之流以前用红绿色盲蒙混- 在台 湾人中开始碰壁):拒绝真相的“共产人”(洪博學)https://botanwang.com/articles/202204/%E6%8B%92%E7%BB%9D%E7%9C%9F%E7%9B%B8%E7%9A %84%E2%80%9C%E5%85%B1%E4%BA%A7%E4%BA%BA%E2%80%9D.html --------------------------------============================ For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work(2 Thes.2:7); I beseech Heavenly Father to send angels in time to collect criminal things committed by the workers of iniquity in order for them to be taken out of the way(Matt.13:41), in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Regarding Positives=Negatives and Double Forgery of data and Behavior Rigging the Market:I noticed that the ETF REK@NYSE is blocked in the BMO IL system-why?, North America Free Trade forfeited?, otherwise, I would choose this item much earlier with easement - in contrast to current item HRED@TSX which is presenting incredibly egregious behavior like today(6/22/2022)- the final TSX REIT index down 0.87% but HRED@Horizons showed manipulated data(price only delayed by 15min): firstly @3:13pm ET it shows $31.25 as latest data and last close as $32.05, but at 5:00pm ET it shows $31.15 as latest and $31.25 as last close(cf. enclosed), this is to say, today's bear situation can cause HRED to go from high to low- so strange behavior!!!(deception is king? applying Sun-tze military art? vying for being his top disciple? or ostentatiously showing manliness? ) HRED should have been in gain approximately 2x 0.87% instead of being negative. This monkey monkey business manifests the concerted action to willfully misguide at major gateway sites such as Yahoo Finance(charade and encoding negative gain as positive) - ostentatiously disregarding their historical data compiled together(cf. enclosed); moreover there is cover-up about mutual fund trade irregularity. It's credible that this fraud situation is in synchronization with PRC, esp. Beijing/Shanghai real estate empire collapsing(cf. Albert lawyer Kevin Steel's "Puppet of Beijing", TSX stuff is under the control of CCP/Pseudo-KMT of 爱新觉罗-汪精卫 sphere ) - to maintain stability for Beijing before total collapse because of firstly, malicious encoding and charade of real estate market(Horizons ETF data fraud@TSX ) as good enough despite damaging HRED ETF value and secondly, manipulation of HRED ETF value at major internet gateway(not to cause investors to be leery of this fund mgmt.) in order to keep on ferocious phishing/pharming, please cf. the latest YouTube casting below: 财经冷眼: 最新!万亿国资房企巨头暴雷,楼市坍塌加速度!刘强东转移天量资产 20 大前出 逃?最新资产转移套路大盘点!(20220626 第 817 期)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsCtg2pJtPI 财经冷眼:万亿房企巨头被起诉破产清算,债务危机真来了?外资抛售万亿股票,这个巨头扛 得住?做空中 国将成风潮?(20220630 第 820 期) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkju4Zux_ZI
PLUS NAHB/Wells Fargo housing index recently(inserted)
有一位从大中国区域来的 BMO 银行代表 Wendy Cao(6/27/2022) 在回复我的电邮问询(cf. English question above)中果然不出所料,像当年 CCCP/USSR 外交官答非所问, 且是法利赛式(If you are having trouble with placing trades online, could you please send us a screenshot so that we can investigate for you.)- who responded as an investment specialist facing my inquiry about the monkey business of HRED,
Below is some of my backlog from 6/25/2022 to 7/24/2022: 这个金融房地产世界居然要活生生地应验我一直对伪伊甸园的 satirical-critical note- 人类之间没有正负对 错=以赛亚在 5:20 对 work/worker of iniquity 的愤慨,firstly, 多伦多的 ETF HRED(run by Horizons)将美国的对应股 REK 在 BMO InvestorLine 中挡在墙外=筑起美加之间的贸易壁垒=rigging the market, secondly, 居然在 2022-6-22 被逮个正着,将-0.87%TSX REIT Index 2x bear 之升值动用 超级天干地支后变成负值(从前一天的 31.25 操控到 31.15@Horizons webpage),thirdly, 又在主要门 户网站(Yahoo, MSN, Google, etc)将负值鲜廉寡耻地编码成+0.58%=在二次元上又可以 phishing 普罗 大众, 我在最新博客中指出西方被伟光正改造成不尊重上帝耶稣基督的社会,firstly, injection of dragon element , secondly, injection of wolf element, thirdly, injection of warthog element. BMO Ombudsman complaint coordinator 连简单的 TD 互惠基金问题都要编慌- 南亚口音变成非洲口音,有 CCP 肥猫不当利益相关的 TDB856&410 要被掩盖/掩护到什么程度-可以 stiff-neck 拒不回答问题, 这个 ETF HRED 问题,更是可想而知. 伟大领袖毛最重要的发家致富秘诀是 advocating scoundrel movement/scoundrel spirit ,i.e. 最大的贡 献是高度发展 warthog strategy。 至于 monkey monkey business (Element injection mentioned above often goes through cycle-recycle)已经不再介意 King Solomon Eccl.3:19 , monkey 的 feature presentation 人来疯也屡被领教. 还有,报备 Ottawa MLI+Privy Council+NY SEC 后,造孽者 依然老神在在。
The spiritual energy sphere of 天蓬元帅=demonstration of power being more than a dragon and more than a warthog. 我在博客中加了最新一段“… being ashamed of being their fellow-citizen based on the fact: ---” , 以抗议自 1989 年来 zero-science/humanity index 行为 extending into Canada. 我写成 un-Chinese 是 in regards to nationality(有关一仆一主,女王英国国教,美国 1954 年 one nation under God). 郭文贵先生最近在播中共信托腐败-肖建华在空手套白狼领域里是佼佼者,玩金融票据 超级专家。 此肖氏为包头人(记得内蒙古的高校录取分数线与江浙相去甚远),红/毛/泥腿子干员-真正空手 道-from zero-asset(empty hand ), using most swindling methodology/groove(网络上载有其将泥腿 子父母娘舅包装成 PLA 上将中将少将),自己又包装成加拿大人,骗到三万亿身家(我家三代血汗积累被共 产,是这种转化之基础,还有安邦例子等等),社会风气之恶液质由是而来- 李敖之流拿到 肖氏之流的快活钱后就是 ostentatiously 要求“横着走路”, 进一步抖风抖到加拿大-抖到我头上。 这 TSX Horizons ETF 是个道场,有元神想摆个道,弄巧成拙地生成流沙河势态,to say in the abstract. 加上《1984》现实版本,新旧妖孽都在献艺/显扬。 既然到了地球村阶段,中国名著与西方名著就自然贯通在一起:这龙一样的猪,猪一样的龙-天蓬元帅也进驻 流沙河地区,将 George Orwell “Animal Farm” 发扬光大到 rampantly godless/lawless – of which the Marshall of sky canopy is the king/queen。
我在给 MLI 等机构电邮中提到 TSX Horizons HRED 是个 monkey monkey business,Toronto 这些人 都是自由派,相信猴子可以变成人,只不过自 1989 从文明的基因中去除了耶稣的 Christianity culture 后, 殊不知 vice versa 的变异也容易成立-有一种 mutation being recessive/degenerative enough to transform mankind into monkey(Eccl.3:19).
Regarding the keyword Iniquity in the Bible – which is most covered in KJV- being significant enough to be the firm pavement for us to understand the pivotal thread in the Bible- the justice/righteousness for which our Lord Jesus Christ makes judgment and war(Rev.19:11) instead of for the ill-gain of fat cat that’s the purport of false Christ(Rev.6:1-2). That the workers of iniquity refuse to pay off their iniquity/debt means refusing to be at peace with victims, thereby, refusing to be at peace with God =refusing restitution with Jesus Christ(cf. Matt.5:25-26, Luke17:58-59), of which impostor/swindler practice perjury and their feature presentation is quite conspicuous- Kleptocracy-oriented and tending to be barbarian currently -esp. the financial behavior mentioned above is quite corresponding to the Enabler Act just passed by US Congress- live adaptation again!
Latest corroboration: those slave lords who illegally deprived me of sweat money are enchanting together ostentatiously / gloatingly : ‘Evil’ U.S. Anti-Slavery Law Has ‘Dealt a Big Blow’ to Our Businesses https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2022/07/29/china-evil-u-s-anti-slavery-law-has-dealt-a-big-blow-to-our-businesses/
Near half a century ago, Deng, Xiao-ping addressed to UN that his admonition got repercussion as sarcasm: 鄧小平:如果中國有朝一日變了顏色,變成一個超級大國,也在世界上稱王稱霸,到處欺負人家,侵略人家,剝削人家,那麼,世界人民就應當給中國戴上一頂社會帝國主義的帽子,就應當揭露它,反對它,並且同中國人民一道,打倒它。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz8y22JFXU8&t=47s https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2022/08/08/1013727.html