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Updated- 2021-8-5

2021-8-5 Update added in the end
ATTENTION:More Content added to 1/22/2021 blog
2021-7-29 Evening, Update in the end 
Around 7/14/2021, there happened 38 times earthquakes in Hualian(花莲,sectionalism/sectarianism leveled down by CCP-nurtured-money, cf. foregoing  ), Taiwan. My remark has been as such:"Where there is control by CCP-nurtured-money, there is tendency to show MAD under  God‘s divine wrath cup"- cf. Matt.24:7 & 37 = The Day of Lord; by the way, first several divine remedies were not enough when Moses practiced Exodus.

This man on purposr did the reinforcement of de-link of PRC nationality status on Canada Day(July 1, 2020) to be"one servant under one lord" in my blog in contrast to a very manifestation wilfully engaging in perversion of Canada Day as CCP Day by special Feng-shui price(@BC Liquor store#240) during this holiday, hence in quite compliance with China has made the CCP its religion - Taipei Times by  Jerome Keating Moreover, a sudden belligerent hijacking posture verifies  "to be carrier of the Price of CCP empire, to be glorified ", which is corrobarated by a news report: More evidence uncovered of Chinese spy programs that target expatriates | , BBB Vancouver somehow so far has no response, please cf. the details in the following e-mails:

From: C Tong

Sent: July 6, 2021 6:47 AM

To: <>

Subject: Trying to Lodge Complaint


Dear Sir/Madam,


The BC Liquor store#240 is not found in your database, which seems to be unable to launch formal complaint according to your webpage(enclosed is my Fax page and store#240 webpage).

Thank you for your attention to this matter.




Cong Tong

Tel: 604-583-7223

From: C Tong <>
Sent: July 6, 2021 7:29 AM
To: <>
Cc: <>; Yan Xiong <>
Subject: Un-Chinese Confronted by Un-Canadian even Un-British Considering British Columbia Store


Dear Sir/Madam,


Some local staff@BC Liquor store seems to coordinate with CCP day and refuse to sell other Australia wine(currently being boycotted by PRC CCP government) to me(please cf. my Fax to BBB Vancouver esp. my comment in the cover page, enclosed, plus "the "Gold Label" wine specially deep-discounted as $19.21)-- very manifestation of trying to be enlisted in the China bookThe list of Ordained gods/goddesses, 封神榜》which should be deeply understood by Mr. Kevin Rudd who received education in Shanghai after I sent some backlog to US Rev. Xiong, Yan(熊焱)--  forcing me to say again that I follow Zhou, En-lai(周恩来)and People's Daily disclaimer(in the editorial) that Senkaku Island forever belongs to Okinawa County instead of following Lee, Deng-hui(李登辉)who claimed it in the aftermath of Beijing disclaimer.

Thank you for your attention.

From: C Tong <>
Sent: July 8, 2021 5:50 PM
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Subject: Confronted by Un-Canadian even Un-British Considering British Columbia Store


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please first read the e-mail to Canadian Privy Council below, here is some add-on. 

From the surface, the middle-east guy, behaving like impromptu-activation of belligerent gene- unbelievable craziness trying to hijack me under the sun- knowingly clash with this man who sent letter to US Dept. Of Treasury and Japanese Consulate General in Vancouver regarding proto-type ARIA ,behind the scene, over 25 years since last century the Shanghai Yangzhou master's relative in Hangzhou once as CCP boss+North Korea graduate as superior boss(both receiving directory from Shanghai) operating in GVRD- buy off and covet into whatever/wherever I'm interested in(as time goes by, convergence of adversity energy)- this time even performed the groove/technique taught by object described by 柏杨 and 李宗吾- deliberately escalating tension toward my practice of 1Timothy 5:23@ a convenient BC Liquor store#240 I often visit - Gog/Magog behavior in shyster's lawlessness which is a manifestation of current Beijing aerospace official assaulting scientists, what's more a recurring symptom called 天蓬元帅(flying dragon hybrid by hog)痼疾: Being wicked+pre-emptive denigration toward his victim;  utilizing zero humanity index personnel to disguise themselves as high  level civilization- meanwhile accompanying the most bloody/dirty/ugly money out of lie/tyranny funneled from China - can’t cover up the fact that barbarity always tries to take over civilization; 25 years buy-off and covet have accumulated energy to counterbalance ARIA in greater Vancouver region.

Thank you for your attention.

From: C Tong <>
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2021 9:15 AM
To: Tim Moore <>
Subject: Prayer Request


Dear Pastor Tim Moore,


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

The cancellation culture(even whimsically) I encountered needs to be pointed out and requires prayer for such coercion manifested like Biderman Chart of Coercion(treating US Korea War POW by China CCP in 1950's) and Fabian scheme. In essence as long as things are under utilization by China CCP hand- that's the origin of global formation of Gog/Magog; here is the latest example below: a middle-east-origin man's crazy hijacking posture under concerted action of a middle-east-origin woman(as manager) who wilfully displayed a charade to claim I can't raise my voice to protest such threat@ a BC Liquor store#240, plus two more cancellation incidents(enclosed are FAX record, and PDF e-mails).

Thank you for your attention for this matter.

From: C Tong <>
Sent: July 27, 2021 10:20 AM
To: Tim Moore <>
Cc: Yan Xiong <>; <>
Subject: Re: Prayer Request

Dear Pastor Tim Moore,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!
It seems BBB Vancouver(over 14 business days since my complaint) has suffered from the disease called" wilful blindness"(no response so far), which is quite in compliance with a new book《Wilful Blindness》 written by a Canadian investigative journalist Sam Cooper- it's called CCP-nurtured money(esp. in Vancouver) controls everything- threating the peace and security of Canada, e.g. control British Commonweath financial system(a 10 trillion USD case, not schizophrenia, recorded in my blog) and to my knowledge, Shanghai Yangzhou master's relative in Hangzhou whose energy sphere controls Dubai financial depot- further controls West Asia(thus Mr. Kissinger will have no Jacob)+South Asia- which is quite corelated with my local situation(like an UN village), an epitome of geo-political reflection- causing some villagers to be carrier of Prince of CCP Empire(cf. Chapter10 of Daniel) , they think the end of history should be there-Rev.17:17- hence gloatingly.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.
In a word, there is trend to vie for being "Shysteracy as Humanity/Manliness/Eternality" and being " 天蓬元帅“ as a Mr. 张陶(cf. e-mail above) or his pugdog and being "complicated-intertwined mafia/KGB"(I once sent an e-mail to Taiwan Presidential Office in 2005).

 Biblical end-time Gog/Magog things happened,  i.e. fulfillment of lawlessness described in the chapter 2 of 2Thes. under Leviathan flying/gliding serpent(Isaiah 27:1)+ practice of cancellation culture toward Christian,-  in essence, this man refuses to bear the mark of beast 666 so suffering from hardship in  the market.

I recalled BMO held a seminar with RAND for anti-terrorism 15-20 years ago in Vancouver as an evening event to reflect Anglo-American coordination; in less than one generation, what President Ronald Reagan illustrated comes true- the distance between freedom and bondage- It is unexpected for RAND to face un-British, un-American situation.

The No.1 origin of evil in this New Testament era should be there- John8:44(to cite Rev. Peter Gentry, president of a Canadian seminary and later Southern Bapitist Seminary, on "The Origin of Evil").


My statemwents  issued on 5/13/2015 and 6/16/2015 in my blog regarding personal and social identity/relation are still valid.