More sequel to my blog on 7/29, 9/27-28, 10/26&29 last year: such so called "KMT" has become most powerful reinforcement like the strongest buttress wall to CCP, some former KMT member since the passing away of Chiang, Ching-kuo has proactively constituted the kernel of CCP, hence, CCP marches from victory to victory.
Once upon a time, our Upper Canada was a British and French joint-venture kingdom in which the Greco-Roman culture, Christianity and rule of law dominated. In 1900, Britain-France-led joint forces successfully put the Qing Dynasty and the Boxing Uprising to rout.
Unfortunatly, the 2 Chron. 25:14-16 has been becoming a reality since Nixon and his spirit successors espousing Deng, Xiao-ping and Tao, Si-ju's most favorite(cf. 黑社会保护了邓小平让陶驷驹赞扬「黑社会也有爱国的」图 * 阿波罗新闻网 ( ; it seems that the King Amaziah has revived that the west marches from failure to failure. Nowadays professor like Tom Hurper, the author of "For Christ's Sake" almost lose survival ground- can't be allowed to exist @ Univ. of Toronto or similar secular university..