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2020-12-28 Some Reality Update


The red dragon-beast under the accomplice of 1/3 rebellious angels(=evil angelical demon/demonic angelic evil) behaves the same as "great leader" Chairmao Mao(actually a carrier of red dragon-beast) whose strategy/tactics always concentrates any human capital, financial resources available plus all armament to strike one target(hence taking over one city after another)- currently  apogee position(Rev. 12:12 2nd pt.)= the "Man of Lawlessness"(2Thes. Ch 2) coming=xeno coming(cf. scientologist awareness)-  like end time"left behind" status in which behaving like a scoundren being defaced can always achive victory(currently taking over nations one by one), may it be terminated by HIS divine management as soon as possible- as is predicted in Nahum 1:2-3, Rom. 1:18 & 13:1-2, Rev.19:11(Divine wrath is reserved for those who blasphemize God, who are regarded as ungodliness/unrighteousness and whose soul are resistant against Christ- God is slow to anger and great in power, not at all acquit the wicked), in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!


The dark power, dark spirituals- evil force of spirit in the heavenly realm is presiding the world, facing such a reality that evil for good and good for evil(Isaiah 5:20) and letting truth fail(Isaiah 59:14-19) can naturally make inquiry of God: Oh, how long, Lord, Holy and true and faithful, will you withhold mercy toward those who believe in you and withhold your Divine judgment toward those who command what you forbid and forbid what you command?- Psalm 96:13(KJV) Judge the earth, judge the people by truth, the world by righteousness, lest the way of truth from Holy Trinity be subverted, lest the light of Gospel be shielded, lest the justice and righteousness be mired.

Mr. Russ Baker wrote a book on the secretive, in this world, no difference from Mr. Chavez(otherwise, Mr.Clinton wouldn't say"coddling the dictator, cf. a Deng, Xiao-ping USD20B funnelling into US, from World Journal) - I would be rather be a "long live Zhou, En-lai" man and let them do long live Chavez.

Spiritual darkness enough- to let Mr. Kim, Jung-un declare that North Korea's democracy is authentic and South's  is deep fake(cf. a Ms. Anne Chan of Korean citizen living in Hawaii's statement that even voting machine made in Korea is manipulatable based on previous election in Iraq and Congo) and let Yuan Mu(袁木, Li Peng's cohort)'s allegation that US' democracy is deep fake(also about 5 years ago such concept "deep fake" became new concept appearing in the internet, cf.《The New Digital Age》) and China's is authentic come true.