2020-9-23 Update
2020-9-22 Update
First thing first it's about something similar to what is described in Ezekiel 34:18-19- having taken advantage of good pasture/waters, destroying the rest part; currently the Nasdaq market is tumbling down.
Some advice from Barron's- to hedge portfolio against US election being possible weird: https://www.barrons.com/articles/this-election-could-be-really-weird-hedge-your-portfolio-51599130801?refsec=coronavirus , unfortunately, what is more weird, you never encountered- the only one USD berish bets against Nasdaq 100@TSX ended up on 9/11- ceased to offer to the public- deprived of basic tool to hedge portfolio, what kind of 9-11 conspiracy to nuke down a basic tool?- coordination with the manipulation of WallStreet?-- furhter manipulating US election?( cf. the image inserts). The Greater Babylon woman always tries to manipulate the 7 kings/7hills/7heads(cf. Rev. 17:9-10). There appears again in US media to woo CCP regime growth power after Covid-19 Wuhan-virus pandemic and a quasi-Noah's day flood got unleashed in China. In my blog on 4/20/2014, there is a famous quote of poet Beidao, which can be understood by succesful reverse-crusade/education/assimilation relevant to reality, here is more links to illustrate so much forgery esp. graduate degree/research paper, so many counterfeit products, poor quality products even toxic products plus eavesdropping, cyber-hacking:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXUoT_exnDI , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySBfwm5epYY , https://www.bannedbook.org/bnews/cnnews/20200918/1398422.html , https://today.line.me/tw/v2/article/BQ3nM2 , https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/20/7/24/n12281798.htm , https://k.sina.cn/intercept_d.html/?chname=k×=1 , https://www.pincong.rocks/question/11378 ,evev Mr. 方舟子debujingnked the falsehood regarding recent so called "Anti-pandemic Hero" ordained in China: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6tw5DAr5ac .
A recent book by 李劼 《历史轮回中的百年中国 The Centennial China in the Historical Reincarnation》,- 100 years back-flash indicates what Lee, Zung-woo and Boyang described "Shysteracy as Humanity/Manliness/Eternity“ in a society full of anti-Christ, anti-Biblical anti-humanity spirit- using barbarity to overcome civilization- most notably the godless/lawless "cultural revolution" style intrusion/violation, as in my grandparents days after 1949, I myself witnessed a case of mobbing to destroy meticulously-hand-made porcelain vessels with royal emblem purchased 100 years ago @景德镇 by my grandma - wondering why" the great leader" Chairman Mao lauched a Projest "7501" to make such vessels- just confiscate my grandma's to save tremendous human energy/financial cost.
The evil tidings from evil throne, evil device, evil bloody money out of lie/tyranny(which is becoming/behaving as upper-hand in the west) plus super-paganism(there was very rare existence due to 90%+ people holding faith in Christianity 150-100 yrs ago such as in US)are accompanied by reverse-crusade by CCP regime(regarded as yellow peril Soviet agents黄俄汉奸分子政权 a century ago)- so successful as to being like pandemic on which Mr. Frank Gaffney commented as "nowhere to hide for CCP as the trouble-maker"- https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/20/6/4/n12162113.htm - the ultimate cause of stock++ markets turmoil(cf. links above days ago).
The word "grandeur turn-around" regarding the betrayal of others/self has been circulating there for quite some time across Taiwan strait- Judas' behavior is about to form a brand new culture which is subject to the 4th/5th/6th power in a "deception is king 兵不厌诈" society(cf. foregoing)- it will be rendered politically correct after going through meticulous encoding/charade.