A P.S. link is added for my blog on mind control(2020-7-27)-neuroweapons are more terrifying than atomic bomb.
《庆亲王,你懂的Prince Qing, As You Know》the dragon in the national flag of Qing Dynasty demonstrates power and energy sphere being able to engulf and disgorge the red sun- that was then; this prince dragon/gods of imperial empire has become blackish by grabbing bloody dirty ugly money out of lie and tyranny- reaching power and interest 10 trillion USD(cf. Hong Kong High Court case# DCCC746/2014) to preside over entire world, i.e. being able to engulf and disgorge the black sun- this is now. By the way, Chinese emperors have a common self-claimed name: authentic dragon being the son of heaven.
《庆亲王,你懂的Prince Qing, As You Know》the dragon in the national flag of Qing Dynasty demonstrates power and energy sphere being able to engulf and disgorge the red sun- that was then; this prince dragon/gods of imperial empire has become blackish by grabbing bloody dirty ugly money out of lie and tyranny- reaching power and interest 10 trillion USD(cf. Hong Kong High Court case# DCCC746/2014) to preside over entire world, i.e. being able to engulf and disgorge the black sun- this is now. By the way, Chinese emperors have a common self-claimed name: authentic dragon being the son of heaven.
The integrity of the theory and pratice of the central government of ROC in Nanking starting a century ago lasted until the 1980's in Taiwan- notebly Mr. 王昇 was a last bearer, of which a major point illustrares that the communist regime starting in 瑞金(RuiJin) belongs to foreign anti-China forces- constituted of yellow peril Soviet agents.
Unfortunately what is current/popular manifests as reverse-crusade, reverse-education and reverse-assimilation by the CCP regime(cf. TWReporter: The Sectarianism And Sectionalism Levelled to The Ground by Beijing 当地方派系换了北京老板 https://www.twreporter.org/a/bookreview-the-human-conditions-of-taiwans-sovereignty ) - catalyzing into a status of pseudo-Eden without positives and negatives plus without good and evil/right and wrong- evolving into a situation in similitude to what is described in Matt.11:21-24 -- even the notorious H.H.Kung-L.K.Kung would be more tenable nowadays, against whom Mr. 陈布雷 lodged complaint in the system(cf. a lawyer(姚庆湘)'s Due Diligence Investigation on CCP regime- the kingdom, power and golory under lie-tyranny-corruption https://hk.aboluowang.com/2020/0904/1497199.html. I suppose they are reckoning what the algorithm would be from the Nieman-Phi-Beta-Kappa Society to which I'm attached.