More added on 4/18/2020 and original link of Reddit Canada added(4/19/2020).
Further pondering on Apr.22, 2020
Another cause of current unfavorable situation dealing with CCP should be: "the great leader" Mao set up his winning strategy at his whim to frame "right wing" or "left wing" by a definition called world upside-down style during internal dog-fight(cf. the foregoing) , hence a professor of law @Peking Univ(徐友渔) presented a chart of category to classify the concept near a decade ago to which I demurred in my blog; further developing should be as such: once merged into the society in the west, great advantage has been taken according to this large loophole of concept swindling(the liberal as right wing)-- causing the energy sphere within the left wing and/or right wing in the west seriously chaotic; a Chinese idiom should be reminded: having raked in huge vested-interest(some compensated as very high ranking official in China- benefits have reached more than two generations) but charade as being shortchanged(得了便宜再卖乖).
I've never expected that the CCP regime's energy sphere is so engulfing that the Reddit Canada even removed a Globe and Mail commentary by a former Minister of Justice of Canada to discredit the CCP regime during the Wuhan-virus pandemic(please cf. the 4th/5th/6th power mentioned in the foregoing):
What prof. Sun, Li-ping dubbed as the so-called reform for self-profiting carried out by CCP regime can be rendered as "Pharisee/Pharaoh/Fahai-style" without respecting essential value concept of humanity "Life, Liberty and Property"- so FFF fail you.
Current situation seems like in the Hosea 10:13- because the CCP regime sowed wickedness, hence the iniquity/havoc has been reaped and the fruit of deception has been eaten worldwide; due to the 7 abominations to God(Prov. 6:16-19
1. A Proud Look.
Further pondering on Apr.22, 2020
Another cause of current unfavorable situation dealing with CCP should be: "the great leader" Mao set up his winning strategy at his whim to frame "right wing" or "left wing" by a definition called world upside-down style during internal dog-fight(cf. the foregoing) , hence a professor of law @Peking Univ(徐友渔) presented a chart of category to classify the concept near a decade ago to which I demurred in my blog; further developing should be as such: once merged into the society in the west, great advantage has been taken according to this large loophole of concept swindling(the liberal as right wing)-- causing the energy sphere within the left wing and/or right wing in the west seriously chaotic; a Chinese idiom should be reminded: having raked in huge vested-interest(some compensated as very high ranking official in China- benefits have reached more than two generations) but charade as being shortchanged(得了便宜再卖乖).
I've never expected that the CCP regime's energy sphere is so engulfing that the Reddit Canada even removed a Globe and Mail commentary by a former Minister of Justice of Canada to discredit the CCP regime during the Wuhan-virus pandemic(please cf. the 4th/5th/6th power mentioned in the foregoing):
What prof. Sun, Li-ping dubbed as the so-called reform for self-profiting carried out by CCP regime can be rendered as "Pharisee/Pharaoh/Fahai-style" without respecting essential value concept of humanity "Life, Liberty and Property"- so FFF fail you.
Current situation seems like in the Hosea 10:13- because the CCP regime sowed wickedness, hence the iniquity/havoc has been reaped and the fruit of deception has been eaten worldwide; due to the 7 abominations to God(Prov. 6:16-19
1. A Proud Look.
2. A Lying Tongue.
3. Hands That Shed Innocent Blood.
4. Heart That Deviseth Wicked Imaginations.
5. Feet That Be Swift In Running To Mischief.
6. A False Witness That Speaketh Lies.
7. He That Soweth Discord Among Brethren.)
plus stealing/kleptocracy, they should be penalized by exponent power index 7 of 7 times(cf. Prov. 6:30-31).
Enjoyment in the Maoist-created CCP regime statehood, incurring human rights debts, in which currying favor with whatever human nature a stake holder possesses(见人说人话, 见鬼说鬼话)and changing standing/viewpoint whimsically as long as political economy situation disfavors him ( 翻手为云,覆手为雨),extremely double-face deep collusion(阴阳脸,双簧,两面三刀)are rampant(would rather long live Khrushchev/Brezhnev to nuke Beijing's Maoist regime being more evil than Hitler's(cf. Rev.唐崇荣) to defend USSR(cf. the foregoing- Beijing comment)), furthermore, handing over previous Christendom's kingdom, power, glory proactively/deliberately to CCP personnel by Nixon-Kissinger who nurtured CCP regime although facing their doctrine- deception is king(兵不厌诈), in turn, letting Gog/Magog be subject to CCP regime through one belt, one road, so let Gog/Magog long live Nixon-Kissinger, and let's also long live General Chi, Hao-tian(迟浩田) to use W-88 warhead to nuke Los Angeles where Mr. Lee, Wen-ho(李文和)and Song, Xiao-jun(宋晓军) live.
More advocation can be as such-- asking foreign affairs officials every country to issue diplomatic communique to express respect for Beijing government(esp. the Genghis Khan-Kublai Khan government, Maoist government's crackdown/clearance) behavior toward Song Dynasty's vassals/citizens in Beijing and toward Deng, Xiao-ping & his followers in 1976-- to respect CCP's self-claim being always righteous and its nationalism authority.