***@@@The children of God know that the world is under control of the evil one and those who try to live a godly life will be persecuted plus the evildoer and impostor will go from bad to worse(cf.1 John 5:19 & 2 Timothy 3:12-13); the secret origin of communist party has been researched by some scholar(龙涎)who pinpoints a Satanic cult-- Lurianic Kabbalah as of 16th century from Jewish sector--approximately sync with Chinese evil cult White Lotus gang(cf. foregoing in my blog)- further developed by notorious self-imposed Messiah claimant Sabbatai Zevi/Jacob Joseph Frank into Frankism - also known as Illuminati:
https://www.bannedbook.org/forum2/topic1717.html , which has been debunked by authentic Christian church as origin of evil(cf. Matt. 24:23-26).
The genocide committed by Maoist regime in China since 1949 surpassed the total casualty of WWI and WWII (80mil. at least, citing 苦胆:国自此日殇 - 中国禁闻网 .
, like King Manasseh shedding innocent blood from end-to end in Jerusalem- measured/weighed by God as non-exonerated )- being more evil than the Japanese military force during WWII(cf. Jan/2015 blog) and killing much much more people than the reign of Brezhnev and Khrushchev who confronted Maoist regime with firm courage and strength(included was to nuke Beijing) to defend USSR-- totally contrary to what Beijing’s rhetoric in recent decade that there was no manhood to safeguard CCCP.
Mao’s in-need/in-deed friend appeared to be the Fairbanks in Harvard who since 1950’s behaved very left-wing-oriented to espouse Mao and later Nixon-Kissinger under the influence sought to be friend
with Mao afar due to scandal-- further being loyal each other-- being like Punic faith toward the Eisenhower/Truman anti-commi policy and the “One nation under God” Biblical faith in 1954. it’s said
there is no permanent victory in DC politics including the cold war, what Nixon wrote the 1999: Victory Without War gloatingly proves to be false teachings by a false prophet, but they resort to a “strain out a gnat, swallow a camel”(Matt. 23:24) strategy/tactics to highlight Khrushchev/Brezhnev’s domestic human rights debts but ignore much much more bloody domestic death toll in political turmoil(from which my sister died) caused by the “yellow peril Soviet agent” Maoist regime – resulting in the death of honesty and integrity- Pharisees spirit sits in accordance with anti-humanity spirit-- being fallen into category of 《厚黑学= Shysteracy as Humanity/Manliness》- further negative effects today manifest as the Gog/Magog phenomenon is totally subject to the Behemoth Belts and Roads project(cf.Prof 程晓农 red commi regime Leviathan threatening:
https://www.aboluowang.com/2019/0918/1344134.html , EIU podcast:
“Russia is becoming economically, politically and technologically dependent on China”—an old relationship shifts - The Intelligence )
-- the denouement from Nixon-Kissinger’s appeasement policy meticulously cultivated for such Soviet agent Maoist regime. Besides, a lot of Chinese democrats lament that even Wang, Dan the No. 1 former student leader committed graft during the fund-raising (cf. 1. several Chinese democrats’ comments: https://www.aboluowang.com/2019/0430/1282598.html
2. a Hong Kong dissident lawyer on his potential being candidate of corruption:
https://blog.boxun.com/hero/201909/xxj/64_1.shtml ) , I wonder if the Harvard Fairbanks tried to nurture a Ph.D in phishing and pharming to serve Nixon-alike’s needs to rake in corruption money out of lie & tyranny from China(That a news report about Wang,Dan’s career vista has been strategically planned in Beijing by claiming he has successfully finished fund-raising is withdrew in the web(e.g. chinaaffairs.org) could be dilemma after the Hongkonger’s conclusion in the above link) . Highly civilized society in which the international anti-counterfeit trade agreement can be ratified by the congress(such as Japan) means knight demeanor is encouraged as in the days of yore/Christendom respecting honesty and integrity.
Life journey is full of ups and downs, after personal plus political/economical encountering, some like ocean sands, are sorted out by tides and ebbs , if honesty and integrity are respected humanity can be in a state of being less primitive in the cosmic scope, if the state of being like in Jer. 5:1 persists, that means 洪洞县 which will be struck by a Wormwood star(Rev. 8:10-11)- actually medication from God-- a gigantic remorse pill for deceiver practicing lawlessness and murderer in the beginning to swallow as well as those who turned the fruit of righteousness into bitterness/justice into poison.
https://www.bannedbook.org/forum2/topic1717.html , which has been debunked by authentic Christian church as origin of evil(cf. Matt. 24:23-26).
The genocide committed by Maoist regime in China since 1949 surpassed the total casualty of WWI and WWII (80mil. at least, citing 苦胆:国自此日殇 - 中国禁闻网 .
, like King Manasseh shedding innocent blood from end-to end in Jerusalem- measured/weighed by God as non-exonerated )- being more evil than the Japanese military force during WWII(cf. Jan/2015 blog) and killing much much more people than the reign of Brezhnev and Khrushchev who confronted Maoist regime with firm courage and strength(included was to nuke Beijing) to defend USSR-- totally contrary to what Beijing’s rhetoric in recent decade that there was no manhood to safeguard CCCP.
Mao’s in-need/in-deed friend appeared to be the Fairbanks in Harvard who since 1950’s behaved very left-wing-oriented to espouse Mao and later Nixon-Kissinger under the influence sought to be friend
with Mao afar due to scandal-- further being loyal each other-- being like Punic faith toward the Eisenhower/Truman anti-commi policy and the “One nation under God” Biblical faith in 1954. it’s said
there is no permanent victory in DC politics including the cold war, what Nixon wrote the 1999: Victory Without War gloatingly proves to be false teachings by a false prophet, but they resort to a “strain out a gnat, swallow a camel”(Matt. 23:24) strategy/tactics to highlight Khrushchev/Brezhnev’s domestic human rights debts but ignore much much more bloody domestic death toll in political turmoil(from which my sister died) caused by the “yellow peril Soviet agent” Maoist regime – resulting in the death of honesty and integrity- Pharisees spirit sits in accordance with anti-humanity spirit-- being fallen into category of 《厚黑学= Shysteracy as Humanity/Manliness》- further negative effects today manifest as the Gog/Magog phenomenon is totally subject to the Behemoth Belts and Roads project(cf.Prof 程晓农 red commi regime Leviathan threatening:
https://www.aboluowang.com/2019/0918/1344134.html , EIU podcast:
“Russia is becoming economically, politically and technologically dependent on China”—an old relationship shifts - The Intelligence )
-- the denouement from Nixon-Kissinger’s appeasement policy meticulously cultivated for such Soviet agent Maoist regime. Besides, a lot of Chinese democrats lament that even Wang, Dan the No. 1 former student leader committed graft during the fund-raising (cf. 1. several Chinese democrats’ comments: https://www.aboluowang.com/2019/0430/1282598.html
2. a Hong Kong dissident lawyer on his potential being candidate of corruption:
https://blog.boxun.com/hero/201909/xxj/64_1.shtml ) , I wonder if the Harvard Fairbanks tried to nurture a Ph.D in phishing and pharming to serve Nixon-alike’s needs to rake in corruption money out of lie & tyranny from China(That a news report about Wang,Dan’s career vista has been strategically planned in Beijing by claiming he has successfully finished fund-raising is withdrew in the web(e.g. chinaaffairs.org) could be dilemma after the Hongkonger’s conclusion in the above link) . Highly civilized society in which the international anti-counterfeit trade agreement can be ratified by the congress(such as Japan) means knight demeanor is encouraged as in the days of yore/Christendom respecting honesty and integrity.
Life journey is full of ups and downs, after personal plus political/economical encountering, some like ocean sands, are sorted out by tides and ebbs , if honesty and integrity are respected humanity can be in a state of being less primitive in the cosmic scope, if the state of being like in Jer. 5:1 persists, that means 洪洞县 which will be struck by a Wormwood star(Rev. 8:10-11)- actually medication from God-- a gigantic remorse pill for deceiver practicing lawlessness and murderer in the beginning to swallow as well as those who turned the fruit of righteousness into bitterness/justice into poison.