2019-2-18 RE: propagandanda for Scammer/Criminal
Some Toad master Gong-fu specialist responded in SecretChina.com to this lampoonist revue blog last week with the charade of life lesson to coax/hoax: spreading concept of no need to clarify the right and wrong as a smart guy, i.e. perversity/perversion reach such an extent that can cause the victim taken in by them to go headlong into Elysium because their house of Lucifer is masqueraded as Eden in which happiness index is highest--indeed no positives and negatives and no worry. More cunning response appears in BBC Chinese disguised as science research that is equivalent to Nazi/commi propaganda and control/manipulation-maniac that deletion of suffering memory equals happiness(Chinese clip from Chinaaffairs.org today, actually from Kaspersky Lab) --if imposing such scheme upon Jews with suffering memory due to Nazi, which forces me to remind them again that it's already deemed as murder(cf. Metro(current as StarMetro) news May 16-19, 2014 weekend, pp10), furthermore how to imagine history--no Nazi history? or totally irrelevant to the Jews? Click to amplify inserted images.
A German teacher who resigned from China points out exact same impression that education(or joint one) is a scheme/crime which only deletes humanity, logic and morality.
So, what's left? the Kleptocracy emphasized by Prof. Stein Ringen's blog "The Perfect Dictatorship" which is parallel to what I narrate in my blog......
Revision on 2/11/2019
It's reported that the corrupted official's converged energy out of anxiety and the fear of transparency has inhibited the application of AI (such as "Zero Trust" Program)surveillance on financial/economical crime, insisting on installing "Zero Trust" alike robot as possible as honesty/integrity can reach should be consistent with the constant advocacy of transparency mechanism from UN; nevertheless, in reality the copycat of "The Commission for Economical Mutual Facilitation" once dominated by CCCP has developed as "1B1R" Project which is full of corruption relevant to code of conduct(cf. www.epochtimes.com/gb/19/2/4/n11022771.htm )
The realistic significance regarding the research update for the greater Ming Dynasty(cf. my blog on 1/10/2019) lies in that there is similitude between the self-proclaimed "illuminating force" by the dynasty initiator who was in intricacy with the most infamous White Lotus Evil Cult/Gang and the communist ancestor Illuminati also self-proclaiming itself as "Illuminating force"--still the only Leviathan red dragon commi regime today is not in willingness to do structural reform esp. in the realm of polities(政体与国体)but continues to claim as the "Illuminating force of the world", moreover, choosing to copy the methodology from "The Commission for Economical Mutual Facilitation" once dominated by CCCP -- currently manifested in here and there through their huge financial buy-off power which controlled some puppets who engage in concerted squeezing behavior/coercion/containment/harassment, that's the origin of all murderous things toward me-- the globalization has caused chaos of code of conduct and their influencing sphere is enshrouding the world-- e.g. bank insider mole operating as in the movie 《Runner Runner》to funnel money in a concealed under-layer manner.
Another copycat behavior is to develop mind-control/manipulation weapon following British man invented psychotronic device coupled with computer-satellite, everyone knows who are interested most in being copycat and control-freak/manipulation-maniac in this world, plus dictators help each other, so far the ill-minded has elicited ill-effect on Cuba Canadian Embassy staff who have launched lawsuit against government(cf. Globe and Mail's report by Michelle Zillio & Doug Saunders on Feb. 6-7/2019), I once mentioned in my blog that the Allen Institute in Montreal involving V2K is nowadays subject to the superior suzerain Confucius Institute that presides over education system with the financial buy-off power; ironically they forget the Confucius teaching" What is not desired should not be imposed upon someone else"-- like framing the victim as "audio hallucination"-- inducement/entrapment/ensnarement/encasement successful=disable you/condescend you/hijack you.
More detrimental effect can be found in a Swedish website www.mindcontrol.se/?p=8022 , in which the mind control-freak leads to a point of Singularity or end of end-times; before new heaven/new earth comes true, perhaps Monroe Doctrine can be applied to avoid such dire consequence--reaching delicate balance/essential peace.
In the house of Lucifer/dragon's den, in case of facing scheme debunked and bankruptcy, last hurrah at their wit's end is launching preemptive denigration--some trickery inspired by their gods/goddesses story to clear-cut opponent's hair-- reaching psychological overwhelming effects -- nowadays the pervert with malicious intention riding/hiding in that gateway willfully produce fake news such as selective editing -configuring numbers esp. bank money number appeared in financial crime in order to engage in Feng-shui innuendo attack to reach "you are him and he is you" effect by being "50 cents" guy since their scandals have been exposed, the dragon intends to create atmosphere masqueraded as Eden in which there is no positives and negatives, good and evil among Homo Sapient, hence achievement in their gods/goddesses gateway . But let me remind them they need to go through hell/heaven before Jesus Christ /Great White Throne , the hell refers to 2nd death/perdition hell(cf. Matt 23:33, Luke 12:5).