Extra Add-on May 22/2018
More Notes on May 21/2018
Additional Revision Made for Blog on 11-22-2017, 11-13-2017 and 3-8-2018.
Since the takeover of top position by Yangzhou master, toad master Gong-fu in China has been greatly enhanced by the King Pharaoh's favorite magician Wang-lin(王林) whose wizardry demonstrated the same trickery, those who paid the more tribute to Wang-lin got the more power and interest, an example of such should be the health minister of 1990's who paid a compliment to the snake-juggler by presenting hand-written eulogy and invited snake-juggler's condescendence( to diagnose his cirrhosis while holding No. 1 leader position of Institute of Clinical Medicine at Beijing's Union Medical College/Academy of Medical Sciences); the more charlatan-oriented, the more recommendation to be puffed into spiritual leadership (c.f. pictures insert). Evil Gong-fu from evil cult increasingly expands the evil power to the extent forming a system eager to occupy the vantage point of every corner of the world along with globalization since they've achieved great advancement through info hacker warfare and obtained huge profit/advantage through cookie pursuing during my surfing at the basement of Vancouver.
No wonder the conclusion from US government investigative research/analysis(also reported by VOA) months ago verifies the vivid sayings circulated in Chinese web(c.f. my blog 7/8-7/15/2017), i.e. health care/education systems are secretly embedded with schemes, which is now extending to US health/education systems where their money/thought management engineering infect a series of plots/scenes ; the awareness/insight that the commi becomes nominal can be welcome to transition and that the west is manipulated/bought off into falsehood dare not to be complimented can be revisited in my blog( almost 10 years ago) because of facing economic security threat esp. from impostor's encroachment/larceny plus life-threatening scheme/plot.
For more than a quarter century starting 1990 cultivated and nurtured by Wang, Lin who as spiritual leader directed political correctness, withdrawing the chassis "From Plato to Nato" being still popular with BBC in 1989 when USSR was there but later in 1998 David Gress's furthering began to be unwelcome because of the missing of a major threat and following Nixon-Kissinger's appeasement policy, the Anti-Christ takes the advantage of political correctness to intentionally discard Christianity which used to function as philosophical/theological foundation of US(in Canada David Gress' book is regarded most extremely politically incorrect) , disregarding the origin of the "1st barrel of gold" which usu. is gloatingly fatten by kleptocracy and shysteracy, lie and tyranny and ushering in them in the name of economic reform and transition charade in China ---disregarding the entire Bible focus " justice and righteousness"; if let divine remedy be remedial justice, the consequence can be viewed in the article" Hurricane Katrina-The Prophetic Significance" by Dr. David Reagan: http://christinprophecy.org/articles/hurricane-katrina , potential association in it may be: after Kublai Khan met divine Kamikaze, Mao, Ze-dong became a Khan, Nixon's connection with Mao and New Orleans mafia as power base seems conspicuous(c.f. Don Fulsom's 《Nixon's Darkest Secrets》& Ray Locker's《 Nixon's Gamble》); after a series of conspiracy and sabotage, the Yangzhou master regime also encountered divine intervention in 1998--flooding unsurpassed in 100 years--as in the days of Noah, so it will be(c.f. Book of Jude).
After reporting the Purolator package case, there is no response whatsoever, in nature, resulting from godlessly/lawlessly encroaching my raised-fund goes to resulting in impostor's encroachment/larceny, still self-righteously,self-composing, self-conducting and self-performing as was taught by evil cult. Just a reminder, I pointed out a situation of "Rust, rot, disappear" in 2013 during meeting with Mr. Xu, Wen-li at SFU Vancouver Harbour Ctr. . Unfortunately, unsaved human nature's bully, snobbery, hypocrisy and double-standard fall into primitive species and junior partner in the cosmic scope, but it's worth sorting out a case of pity happened in US Laogai (Harry Wu) Foundation(c.f. RFA Chinese version on Apr. 12, 2017) , after double-face collusion and getting USD17 Million from former Yahoo leader in 2007, then 《Phishing for Phools》 , further hush-hush to be black box, black hole--it's all about extending the selfish gene without being aware of the extinction of others; another similar case, in the name of raising fund for Gao, Zhi-sheng, situation follows the same pattern as was debunked in my《Some Reality》.