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The Myth of the Phalanx of Perversion--Concerning Postmodernism

P.P.S. 2 Added(9/21/2017)
P.P.S. 1 Added(9/20/2017)                                                            

The phalanx of perversion/distraction/misguidance mentioned in my last blog just refers to 龙门阵 in Chinese(or arrays of dragons gateway).     Some postmodernism/ist tries to emphasize their winning points that truth disappears, which has influenced people for about half a century and further evolved into disguising themselves as God power under the assistance of military psychotronic weapon and Wang, Lin-style Pharaoh magician power; hence the damage done in their reign is selectively denied--knocking the bottom out of ethics, but how do they face the tergiversation that the inequality incurred in the pre-modern/modern days should be probed as truth? or how to deal with some people trying to say ditto in order to evade responsibility?
The projection-down of the ancient serpent and red dragon double helix power mentioned in my previous blogs constitutes the denial of truth by some postmodernists being anti-Christ and anti-biblical. I wonder if they can pursue liability without truth,  on the other hand, can they cover the liability derived from them or incurred by divine retribution?


The arrangement of God, from the viewpoint of linguistics, can be rhythmically and rhetorically svelte in that imposing tribulation deliberately upon innocent Christians means divine retribution will ensue, i.e. the time of Maranatha means divine anathema will ensue--the beautifulness of God, philosophically speaking, means perfectness.

Even US national flag and emblem can't be displayed in the church sanctuary(c.f. my last month blog), otherwise, no truth means no right and wrong, no positive and negtive.    In order to be immune from liability the phalanx of "disabling you, condescending you and hijacking you" maintained by grand red dragon regime scrambles to survive--to protect those who enjoy the fruits of lie and tyranny and corruption in recent 20+ years while disguising themselves as being granted permission from God to persecute loyal Christians just as Satan deliberately persecuted Job and Pharaoh willfully enslaved Jews;  please refer to Prof. Sun, Li-ping of Tsinghua latest comments on so-called economic reform in China as 20+ years anti-democracy manifestation of corruption disregarding justice and righteousness to maintain the ruling class vested-interest prerogatives---downward spiral since the crackdown of Tian-an-men protest and the takeover of full-house top positions by Yangzhou master   ( ) and Prof. Wu, Guo-guang(Univ. of Victoria, Canada)'s most recent book ((Globalization against Democracy)) on new situation about deep collateral damage in the realm of international political economy, esp. in China and further refer to Dr. Samuel Huntington's visionary elucidation in 1991" In China, economics reinforced culture in holding back democracy" and "If China develops economically under the authoritarian rule in the coming decades and expands its influence and control in East Asia, democratic regimes will be significantly weakened"--reverse third wave against democracy(Journal of Democracy, Spring 1991) , in case of Taiwan, please refer to my recent months blog;         by the way, the last sentence of this month blog above should be construed as "them who incurred divine retribution". 

According to what is narrated in the book ((Racing Toward Judgement--The Sequel to the Vision)) by Rev. David Wilkerson, more illustrations such as "heading onto destruction and judgement in a greater speed" or "point of no return like situation in southern kingdom Judah after King Manasseh" have been expressed by Rev. Peter Gentry and David Reagan.   Even Edgar Casey received some kind of vision from another temporal-space dimension regarding cataclysmic catastrophe in west coast, somehow.      

P.P.S. 2:   The sabotage and destruction to the initial arrangement of God in the New Testament(the first coming of Jesus ended in the sacrifice on the cross and resurrection-- simplified as "death to death"--the former becomes a pun with verb meaning,  the latter is by Satan)  by the red dragon/ancient serpent have appeared as: loyal Christian like being mentioned in my August blog has faced hurdle and entrapment by compatriot--even survival got restricted overseas; domestically more and more churches have faced removal of cross and shut-down--the insidious and out of ulterior motivation is to vacate the room for the spreading of teachings of Confucius/72 gods/goddesses worldwide.
Heavenly father, that Jesus has overcome Satan on the cross urges me to make deep severance with any unholy spirit/sphere including artificial EM energy wave launched by the psychotronic weapon in the hand of wicked one and always trying to target/enshroud my neuro-bio tissue/CNS and further constituting evil ensnarement,  also urges me to apply the precious blood of Jesus cleansing sin to fill in between us, in Jesus name, Amen!