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The Fairy Tale Of The Winter--Part Two

Sequel to Nov. 1, 2014 blog
Footnote: Nov. 2, 2016
P.P.S. 1 to last blog(Oct. 7/2016)" Puzzlement to--"
The legend has it that the pig king or the Marshall in charge of some canopy of some degree of air space can demonstrate power in the troublesome 9th heavenly place(denotation), (connotation can be 9-tier overlapping), according to multi-culturalism from Chinese tale combined with Buddhism.
Some pigs enjoying more equality always try to overwrite people's wellbeing and civil rights(c.f. last blog) according to the reality of Orwellian society.
The house of Lucifer always tries to feign as world savior to the extent of provision of resurrection.
The status of being deprived of liberty, equality and property and status of life being coerced and harmed =the status of loss of ability of constituting family, that means dehumanization can be disguised as in the Eden. (c.f. 9/28/2016 blog& updates on Oct. 2,  adds-on Oct. 7 and 10/10/2016).
As for me, hope is New Jerusalem being bride of Jesus.
The post-1978 era after Deng's reinstatement humanity development becomes feasibility first as such: using red-core constitution Marxism, Leninism and Maoism as vehicle to coerce people plus in the name of importing Taiwan experience, actually selectively importing negative one like the defunct security police headquarter reign under martial law and the infamous H.H.Kung (Confucius descendent)'s corruption, lie methodology(Prof. Li Ming conclusion on Confucianism: coveting other people's property, fortune and harming life)--reaching the effect of squeezing out maximum residual value much more than what Karl Marx described in his ((On Capital)).
P.P.S.1: By the way, The College of National Socialism(国家社会主义学院) in Beijing exists as nurturing cadres for National People's Political Consultant Assembly and for National People's Congress.    Can you tell me the abbreviation of National Socialism in German language?
Footnote: According to Chairman Mao and comrade Lenin, after breaking through numerous vulnerable points in imperialism society, the advanced formula  displays as: socialism+imperialism=social-imperialism .   Should we launch "down with any imperialism movement"?     What's more, the further verification of deprivation of civil rights(c.f. my     October/2016 blogs), Dr. Sun, Yat-sen's foundation principle, can be presented as refusing to ratify UN political and civil rights by National People's Congress,  the result of nepotism and cronyism of Ma-Kim(马-金; Taipei Times) regime can be responsible for the selective disappearance of this key-point.