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Research on Zombee Spirit

Note: P.P.S.1 of 8/25/2016 blog was added.
Revised on 8/27/2016
Recently, there appeared lots of Zombee invasion which has caused honey bee to be disabled.  Ancient serpent spirit, like Zombee spirit injecting fly eggs, is expert at injecting snake eggs even venom through the Red Dragon gateway; those riding the gods and goddesses gateway always try to jump up here and there to disable you and further to condescend you. According to 1 Cor. 6:19 , 12:27 & James 4:7 my body is the temple of Holyghost only, I resist every unholy spirit from now on in the name of Jesus Christ .
The Zombee spirit operation( generation and simulation, main function is like taking advantage of whatever favorable situation to engage game playing and preying on those who don't believe in Jesus Christ and even those whose faith in Jesus Christ are not strong enough) centers lie in 72 gods and goddesses gateway across Taiwan Strait and west coast of US and Canada and Australia and New Zealand , sponsored by Toad Master Kung-fu Group Inc. , engaging secondary formula activity:  neuro-quantum dynamics charged with the bio-info-energy mass in the form of dark matter and dark energy--enshrouding and spreading toad-master(triad master) sphere here and there.  An example is my encountering in Baldwin Park of LA:  I was greeted good morning in the late afternoon by a person who told me to be indulging in Buddha--indicating synchronization with Taipei to get some help from a Buddhism country(for some time I hadn't understood and he was not persecuted from his belief ) .           The elementary formula activity is carried out by some regimes hostile to political dissident as in the case targeting previous Taiwan Vice-president candidate Mr. Lin (林瑞雄, also MIT professor once protested) and a father-and-son political dissident case in New Zealand(Mr. Jia 贾 甲 and 贾 阔)--  using EEG or whatever noise EM wave wrapped in the UHF or VHF(suppose adding up some stolen alien tech) to target object, here is the link of Mr. Jia:  narrating neuro-psycho electronic persecution happened to his father and himself.
 Heavenly Father,  the Zombee spirit of Confucianism full of split-personality( Prof. Li Ming characterized the Confucian's notion that "the kinship, the high-ranking, the elder"  should enjoy the most prestigious status but Confucian always tries to promote figures succeeding in grand unification such as the founding Emperors of Shui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty with obvious killing their father and/or elder brother activity) should be prohibited from jumping up here and enshrouding here.  In a Confucius-Pharisee's paradise, my blood should be counted on the head of CEO, CFO of toad-master group Inc. and on the head of COO of the EEG-UHF/VHF  operating center and the Zombee spirit runner previously not perceived.