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Why FCPA Is Needed

P.P.S.3 of last blog added plus P.P.S.1 of this blog.
The No.5 incident in the San Gabriel Valley(China Valley) of Los Angeles is a blackbox-blackhole in which Yangzhou master dominating China tried to dominate United States. It's fully recognized that my business career's success depends on if I pay tribute to Confucius store established 100 years ago when H.H.Kung-L.K.Kung began to land USA.  The rule of thumb in the 666 world is establishing good networking with Confucius system soliciting a bribe, unfortunately I've lost such ability; instead "big trouble in this world" to cite Rev. Woodrow Kroll(c.f. Feb.11 P.P.S.1 of my Feb.9, 2015 blog).

With FCPA, the "Crooked cop's loot hidden in BC" can't enjoy the fruit of corruption(c.f. Feb./7-13/2008 Asian Pacific Post face edition). What's more, corruptionist has disguised himself as populist in recent case exposure in Vancouver, hence most apprehensive of FCPA if enacted in China.
Xie, Ji-he(谢几何)painstakingly comments  on "The Anthropological meanings of great corruption of China": .   Politically, absolute power leads to absolute corruption; socially, severe implosion manifests; Culturally, depravity pops up; historically, according to Prof.Li, Ming, history things are processed, what is told in the textbook is not a reflection of truth, Prof.Li concludes: no honesty, no truth and no rule of law.

Wei, Hsiao-pao(c.f. June 3 blog) is a negative figure disguising himself as positive one and hiding in the government house.(c.f. Isaiah 14:12-15 vs. Revelation: 22:16, 4/29/2012 blog).
 The Montreal Gazatte reporting on 6/13/2015: "CRA tax auditor convicted of soliciting a bribe--seven more Seven more Canada Revenue Agency officials have yet to stand a trial".
Rapporteur Sans Frontiere spirit.

P.P.S 1:  From of Taiwan, I got "General Public Not Unnecessary Death Declaration(GPNUDD) 版本 1.0"--“通用公共 不枉 死声明” on May 13, 2015(snapshot can be found@:  Due to the deliberate labeling imposed by government psychiatrist, I need to emphasize some more points relevant to my situation: about never suicide statement and disappearance by human rights thug, please revisit my 5/21/2014 blog, about ID theft, please revisit 11/6/2014 & 10/2/2014 blog, what's more, never use sleeping pill, never use combustible gas at home, even not use standby function  of my cooker when out of home, never use electrical ranger since with alternative smart gadgets, always use electric tester to detect abnormality. 