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Mind Freedom Notes--Part Two

In the concept of "Failed States" chiefly presented by Dr.Noam Chomsky of MIT, the tyranny under no matter majority or minority is composed of lie and corruption leading to a status called"rust, rot, disappear", which is predicted in the John 10:10. Hitler was disguised as elected. Being interested in serfdom occultism, he looked like the successor of Chinese Emperor Chu(Zhu), Yuan-chang(zhang) mentioned in last blog and actually appeared to be "white skin and yellow heart", who destroyed Christian countries and Jewish people.

Claiming to be like Mao's son--praying him to be master of China,  plus accomplice of red component--ugly internal dog fight--I'm victimised.
On the one hand, preferring one nation under one communist god, on the other hand, disguising as multi-culturalism, spreading communist culture and idolatry which is criticised by Prof.Li, Ming and post-doctoral work mentioned in my Nov.30, 2013 blog link and by Mr.Liu, Hugo. Zong-zheng as in his blog .

In this reality, reverse persecution toward my political and religious philosophy(convictions) plus squeezing my survival room are similar to the tesimony of Xu, Zhi-yi in my Mar.2, 2014 blog and of Mr.Wang, Yan in the Mar.29, 2014 blog link. A Mr.Xu, Xing-jian's essay on psychiatic labeling "created" by government can be read in this link: --all things are set up plus defamation toward the one who tries to defend his or her rights.