In the concept of "Failed States" chiefly presented by Dr.Noam Chomsky of MIT, the tyranny under no matter majority or minority is composed of lie and corruption leading to a status called"rust, rot, disappear", which is predicted in the John 10:10. Hitler was disguised as elected. Being interested in serfdom occultism, he looked like the successor of Chinese Emperor Chu(Zhu), Yuan-chang(zhang) mentioned in last blog and actually appeared to be "white skin and yellow heart", who destroyed Christian countries and Jewish people.
Claiming to be like Mao's son--praying him to be master of China, plus accomplice of red component--ugly internal dog fight--I'm victimised.
On the one hand, preferring one nation under one communist god, on the other hand, disguising as multi-culturalism, spreading communist culture and idolatry which is criticised by Prof.Li, Ming and post-doctoral work mentioned in my Nov.30, 2013 blog link and by Mr.Liu, Hugo. Zong-zheng as in his blog .
In this reality, reverse persecution toward my political and religious philosophy(convictions) plus squeezing my survival room are similar to the tesimony of Xu, Zhi-yi in my Mar.2, 2014 blog and of Mr.Wang, Yan in the Mar.29, 2014 blog link. A Mr.Xu, Xing-jian's essay on psychiatic labeling "created" by government can be read in this link: --all things are set up plus defamation toward the one who tries to defend his or her rights.
Claiming to be like Mao's son--praying him to be master of China, plus accomplice of red component--ugly internal dog fight--I'm victimised.
On the one hand, preferring one nation under one communist god, on the other hand, disguising as multi-culturalism, spreading communist culture and idolatry which is criticised by Prof.Li, Ming and post-doctoral work mentioned in my Nov.30, 2013 blog link and by Mr.Liu, Hugo. Zong-zheng as in his blog .
In this reality, reverse persecution toward my political and religious philosophy(convictions) plus squeezing my survival room are similar to the tesimony of Xu, Zhi-yi in my Mar.2, 2014 blog and of Mr.Wang, Yan in the Mar.29, 2014 blog link. A Mr.Xu, Xing-jian's essay on psychiatic labeling "created" by government can be read in this link: --all things are set up plus defamation toward the one who tries to defend his or her rights.