I once suggested to revise the Northwestern University textbook's diagram regarding the regime classification in my May, 29, 2011 blog. Fortunately a book ((The Dictator's Learning Curve:Inside the Global Battle for Democracy)) written by William Dobson sheds light on the 4th wave of democratization to cope with sophisticated dictators who can amass more human power and state fortune. According to author the dictator's matrix is composed of axis of evil and axis of pretense, which is a more appropriate depiction to present true reflection of reality.
In my opinion the CCP(CPC)'s learning curve is from "50 cents" guys whose origins are narrated by Liu, Shu-lin at http://boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/2012/06/201206201220.shtml (vest-interest communist(esp.F-1 or J-1 visa holders sponsored by communist regime enjoyed political asylum due to Tian-an-men square massacre on June 4, 1989) who obtained permanent resident visa overseas).
I wonder if Mr.Xie, Xuan-jun belongs to monarch loyalist or a typical "50 cent" guy whose strange opinion puzzles me.( http://boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/2012/06/201206230524.shtml ).
His logic is there--expansion of voting rights can lead to welfare state and further give rise to state bankruptcy--two world wars accelerate this trend in that veterans demand more welfare to offset the sacrifice for the war. But finally he admires Roman empire's war machine and Chinese Qin Dynasty's one--let people live a Spartan life to conquer the world! Control freak's rhetoric plus schizophrenia!. Won't it be the same thing that the victory soldiers in the Roman empire would also demand more welfare since limited voting rights is allowed? On the other hand ,for Qin Dynasty there was no voting rights and no welfare system, then who destroyed Qin Dynasty quickly? Qin itself! Roman empire survived much longer than Qin empire because of less certitude. What is more, he suggests a true monarch is needed to redress the mistake of "June 4" incident. Decorating for the authoritarian and totalitarian regime is enough. Besides it's the rise of Keynesian economics since the WWII that leads to welfare system in some countries. Perhaps it's the choice of some people to ease out high tension rhythm.
Furthermore, who laid heavyburden on western welfare system? In Liu, Shu-lin's article you can find surprising fact that almost 100 households in a flat for elders in USA belong to "6.4 incident" butchers who can enjoy abundant welfare from US government.
It's the modernization of corruption in four aspects that is the most thorny issue to curb democratization and rule of law in China. Please check out the link at http://boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/2012/02/201202210237.shtml , no wonder John Hempton makes such title"The Chinese Kleptocracy is Like Nothing in Human History"(published in the online magazine"Business Insider", June 10, 2012). Another Lotto scheme is presented here: http://www.aboluowang.com/news/2012/0617/-154514.html . Even some monks practice corruption. Please see: http://www.renminbao.com/rmb/articles/2006/8/4/41223.html and http://www.renminbao.com/rmb/articles/2006/8/4/41224.html . Monk without professional ethics can be found at http://www.renminbao.com/rmb/articles/2012/6/19/56756.html .
According to Late president Chiang (Sr. and Jr.) the captured region by communist bandit turns into a zone with trodden moral ethics.
There comes the alarming information at http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/12/6/22/n3618680.html . So PLA has landed in Taiwan's financial field and become an anchor. Producing a movie called "Reconnaissance Across Taiwan Strait" with rendition varied from "Reconnaissance for Crossing Over Yangtze River" may be best bet(refer to my blog on Mar.17, 2012). This time China's disciplinary agency is supposed to play an role. Again, reality becomes san frontier in the 21st century.
We should be aware of "How the Banks Use Government To make Us Suffer" by Michael S. Rozeff from the Market Oracle.
In my opinion the CCP(CPC)'s learning curve is from "50 cents" guys whose origins are narrated by Liu, Shu-lin at http://boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/2012/06/201206201220.shtml (vest-interest communist(esp.F-1 or J-1 visa holders sponsored by communist regime enjoyed political asylum due to Tian-an-men square massacre on June 4, 1989) who obtained permanent resident visa overseas).
I wonder if Mr.Xie, Xuan-jun belongs to monarch loyalist or a typical "50 cent" guy whose strange opinion puzzles me.( http://boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/2012/06/201206230524.shtml ).
His logic is there--expansion of voting rights can lead to welfare state and further give rise to state bankruptcy--two world wars accelerate this trend in that veterans demand more welfare to offset the sacrifice for the war. But finally he admires Roman empire's war machine and Chinese Qin Dynasty's one--let people live a Spartan life to conquer the world! Control freak's rhetoric plus schizophrenia!. Won't it be the same thing that the victory soldiers in the Roman empire would also demand more welfare since limited voting rights is allowed? On the other hand ,for Qin Dynasty there was no voting rights and no welfare system, then who destroyed Qin Dynasty quickly? Qin itself! Roman empire survived much longer than Qin empire because of less certitude. What is more, he suggests a true monarch is needed to redress the mistake of "June 4" incident. Decorating for the authoritarian and totalitarian regime is enough. Besides it's the rise of Keynesian economics since the WWII that leads to welfare system in some countries. Perhaps it's the choice of some people to ease out high tension rhythm.
Furthermore, who laid heavyburden on western welfare system? In Liu, Shu-lin's article you can find surprising fact that almost 100 households in a flat for elders in USA belong to "6.4 incident" butchers who can enjoy abundant welfare from US government.
It's the modernization of corruption in four aspects that is the most thorny issue to curb democratization and rule of law in China. Please check out the link at http://boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/2012/02/201202210237.shtml , no wonder John Hempton makes such title"The Chinese Kleptocracy is Like Nothing in Human History"(published in the online magazine"Business Insider", June 10, 2012). Another Lotto scheme is presented here: http://www.aboluowang.com/news/2012/0617/-154514.html . Even some monks practice corruption. Please see: http://www.renminbao.com/rmb/articles/2006/8/4/41223.html and http://www.renminbao.com/rmb/articles/2006/8/4/41224.html . Monk without professional ethics can be found at http://www.renminbao.com/rmb/articles/2012/6/19/56756.html .
According to Late president Chiang (Sr. and Jr.) the captured region by communist bandit turns into a zone with trodden moral ethics.
There comes the alarming information at http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/12/6/22/n3618680.html . So PLA has landed in Taiwan's financial field and become an anchor. Producing a movie called "Reconnaissance Across Taiwan Strait" with rendition varied from "Reconnaissance for Crossing Over Yangtze River" may be best bet(refer to my blog on Mar.17, 2012). This time China's disciplinary agency is supposed to play an role. Again, reality becomes san frontier in the 21st century.
We should be aware of "How the Banks Use Government To make Us Suffer" by Michael S. Rozeff from the Market Oracle.