It's been eight days after I made some donation(CAD$15) to request a book ((The Coming Economic Armageddon)) by Dr.David Jeremiah, still it's trapped in the maze where the sender should be located nearby (city of Maple Ridge). I'm really afraid of economical terrorists who have the ((Secret Weapon)) by Kevin Freeman. Please allow me to quote Dr.Vernon McGee's sermon:"You and I are engaged in a staggering struggle in which angels and demons are involved. We are participants in a battle for survival, light and darkness, right and wrong, justice and injustice, liberty and slavery".
It's evident that the red dragon and the beast are trying to control everything if you remember the concerted action that was blogged on November 19, 2011, which Pastor Gary Kah considers as control freak by anti-Christ system.
At this moment I'd like to reiterate the will I made twenty something years ago that I'd rather spread my ash into Atlantic Ocean if I'm killed by the red dragon and the beast.
It's evident that the red dragon and the beast are trying to control everything if you remember the concerted action that was blogged on November 19, 2011, which Pastor Gary Kah considers as control freak by anti-Christ system.
At this moment I'd like to reiterate the will I made twenty something years ago that I'd rather spread my ash into Atlantic Ocean if I'm killed by the red dragon and the beast.