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Being "Represented"

The transmission of higher dimension says when the superior of some authority tried to investigate my case, they used my impostor to hoax their boss into believing that I got the compensation. This is not democracy, it's called" rape my will".

Of course without sex, economy will go down more, because sex is the incentive of human creative activity, hence it's the drive of evolution of civilization. I'm fighting for gene to survive, fighting for species to survive.

If some hypocrites try to obtain moral advantage, I suppose they'd better have no fornication, no adultery, no homosexuality, no divorce--that's the Bible higher standard, otherwise, first abide by natural law, international law and domestic law. Using Lucifer to represent Jesus is illegal although they are both called "Morning Star". Further Jesus is compromised. Some Chinese idioms can best describe the nature of the problem:"Mixing fish eyeball among the beads"," Catch the fish in the murky water" and "Deliberately regarding deer as horse".