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Showing posts from August, 2010

Being "Represented" 2

Confucius said:"A gentleman won't joint a party or gang(cabal)". To my knowledge the raised fund has been used in the election campaign and in the political intrigue. Confucius regarded it as "party desire" or "king(politician) desire" which falls into contempt by generations of Confucius' followers. The ideal of Confucius is "Kingship(leadership) through spiritual ascendancy(sanctification)". Confucius would not think the encroachment and embezzlement of my raised fund as "being represented" rather as "no mercy, no justice" considering my dehumanization status. I can assure that if the fund is in my hand I will make efforts to improve humanity development and promote humanitarianism aside from surviving in every aspect and set up a template of self-management to apply green energy and green technology preparing for energy security and a zero-carbon emission era. The fund won't be used in situation with conflict o

Further Analysis

Let's view the problem in another angle. The situation is something like this: some uncivilized guys without enough capital and also without legal procedure rushed into a Christie or Sotheby's auction room and seized custom's capital, further they used seized capital trying to gamble. I wonder if they have enough capital to gamble or they will bankrupt Treasury. Something like financial derivatives has magnifying effects(1:100). Originally it's a gentleman's bidding , gentleman's dispute, shouldn't have been forced into gambling. If the uncivilized guys try to gamble in a gentleman's demeanor, it's better off for them to be on reflects. Because I'm in this society I doubted. some Chinese idiom says: "Harsh governance is more fierce than tiger" but "Even a vicious tiger won't eat it's cub". The former was said by Confucius, the latter is not a truth.(see previous blog). Let's hope gentleman's game won't bec

Fixing Two Fronts

The peaceful transition in China requires the coordination of two aspects. The problem here is a good example of "transparency, rule of law and humanity as sovereignty" should have been set up as template( my previous blog said:democracy is compromised by defected rule of law and restricted free market, bad example). The Nobel Economics laureate Dr.Friedman commented on this situation: free market system is not protected and some government should rein in itself. That's the tradition of Chicago school--advocating free market, minute government redistribution through tax system and anti-monopoly. On the other hand, Prime Minister Wen, Jia-bao is trying to facilitate the compatibility of political system with economical system(as I said before capitalism is exuberant in China today). He warned the fruit of "reform and openness" may be ruined by incompatibility. History again is marching into the crossroad.

Potpourri 3

Some web images indicate even some monks in China drive Mercedes-Benz and BMW, some with a nun shopping in the market along with a child, some with his wife?(mistress?) in the store picking bra and drive a BMW. What does it mean? Progress as time goes by. So the "Pig Kings" defamation and "the-opposite-is-the-truth" scheme actually attempts to cover up grabbing my fortune and further cover up murder. The top elite intelligentsia( MIT professor) Dr.Noam Chomsky's criticism--"hungry wolf"--indicates "government of the people, by the people and for the people" has been undermined into lip service. According to the anti-war, anti-nuclear existence's Dr.Richard Sauder, the clash of civilization is the result of self-righteousness, he is also a famous UFO researcher and most recent work "Beyond the X-File" is breathtaking. I suppose the new world order should not be the repeat of "War and Peace" by Lev Tolstoy, he in-depth

Being "Represented"

The transmission of higher dimension says when the superior of some authority tried to investigate my case, they used my impostor to hoax their boss into believing that I got the compensation. This is not democracy, it's called" rape my will". Of course without sex, economy will go down more, because sex is the incentive of human creative activity, hence it's the drive of evolution of civilization. I'm fighting for gene to survive, fighting for species to survive. If some hypocrites try to obtain moral advantage, I suppose they'd better have no fornication, no adultery, no homosexuality, no divorce--that's the Bible higher standard, otherwise, first abide by natural law, international law and domestic law. Using Lucifer to represent Jesus is illegal although they are both called "Morning Star". Further Jesus is compromised. Some Chinese idioms can best describe the nature of the problem:"Mixing fish eyeball among the beads"," Cat

Moreover 3

Kickback of donation is necessary and should be done by myself instead of swindler. Kickback should go to disaster area in the country of origin of donation rather than the vest-interest with conflict of interest. According to Chinese idiom natural disaster is associated with human mistake, heavenly fury is related to human chagrin. If Ci-Xi's policy continues, looting of palace will happen again.

Potpourri 2

The nature of my case can be described by a book title"Humanitarianism and Alienation of Human Nature". Other people's humanitarianism aid had been engulfed by some distorted humanity under-development. Prof.Long, Yintai's book"Please Persuade Me With Civilization" is a hot spot. I'm looking for some ground element of Holy Roman Empire--the knight and gentleman demeanor. Ambushing and sabotaging my bank account is not a glorious thing. General Liu, Yazhou remarked the civilization vicissitude can be monitored in millennium unit. If Lu Xun and Bo Yang's works are of no realistic significance, then civilization advancement won't be a bump ride. By the way, I never ate the "bun"(green card) soaked with "6.4" blood, why some people ate my "bun" soaked with my blood? I'm not Einstein and can't create time machine. My life can't be restarted as usual. I understand my raised fund is much needed for the survive o


If you review the demonstration in Toronto during the G20 period, you can see various banners held by protesters, which reflects some reality. By the way, China's ex-deputy-chief of Economic Crime Inspection Bureau has been convicted of economic crime, which is a mirror to some personnel who ambushed my fund raising. Don't take advantage of the person who suffers from neural-endocrine-immune system injury by the toxic agent. Lu Xun's famous remark"Eating the bun soaked with human blood" is still echoing in our society, will those who ambushed my fund raising feel upset? If things mentioned in my blog happened in the third world, it may be understandable, here the selling point is"transparency, rule of law and human rights", "Let it be" means "self-destruction of Great Wall". Revolution seems like "revolve", a redundant action returning to original point(numerous regimes' vicissitude proves it); evolution of civilization