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New Year Resolution

I'm trapped by rogue element within political spectrum and religious group, hence in a bondage situation worse than what David Woods described(see previous blog). Everyone knows where
he pinpointed--socialism, communism and terrorism forces here. They saw a city government building worthy of about $5 billion USD in China(see previous blog), suffering from red eye syndrome, so I'm ambushed during donation period.

Since our national policy is multi-culture instead of melting pot, i.e. hodgepodge-mishmash, the common ground is natural and international law. Moral standards differ in time and space. There existed lots of conflicts between religions(e.g. Christian and Muslin), even within same religion there existed conflicts among different divisions(e.g. Catholics, Protestant and Orthodox in Christianity, Sunni and Shiite in Islam).

I'm tired of political and anthropological intrigue, tired of religious war in which they tried to prove whose God is more powerful, especially anthropological intrigue is against natural law that is said to be under God's control.

Even Central Party Academy in China has moved on as time goes by, some brain-washed by Mao's period was not disillusioned, which caused lamentation.

My new year resolution is free from manipulation, God speed.